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Looking for TDM2.0 beta-testers!


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Are you interested in getting a sneak peak at the upcoming TDM 2.0 release?


As you know, the development team has been busy preparing TDM to go standalone. We have replaced more than a hundred D3 assets, although there are still more to go. However, we're now at the stage where we could use some help from the community.


There are currently 19 missions that are no longer giving warnings of missing assets. These missions need to be beta-tested, however, to make sure that they look and play the way they did under 1.08. It is possible that some assets have been replaced in ways that present unexpected problems, or simply don't show up properly. There's no way to know that without testing the maps.


For that reason, we're asking for volunteers to beta-test TDM maps using the developer build of TDM2.0. Volunteers would need to do the following:


1. Use a SVN client to download the developer build of TDM2.0 (the release is stable but NOT ready for full release yet...it cannot be downloaded with the TDM updater). Instructions will be provided.


2. Sign up for some of the missions on this list.


3. Run them using standalone TDM2.0, and report any missing assets, strange particles, sounds, etc, in a thread in our Beta-testing forums. This may also require running the mission in TDM 1.8 in order to compare ( we are only interested in fixing standalone problems right now, not other bugs that might have been present before).


4. Report on any gameplay issues related to 2.0 changes (higher AI hearing, AI hearing collapsing bodies, AI reacting to arrows, AI greeting each other, etc). It's possible these changes might have consequences we haven't noticed yet.


If you're interested, please let me know below. We would like this beta-testing to take place over the next month. Please do not sign up now if you won't have much time over the next four weeks.


Oh, and just because it sounds great to say it...you don't need Doom 3 to test TDM2.0!! :)


(We will also need the original authors of the missions on that list to let us know if they plan on testing and/or updating their missions)

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Shall I post this to Moddb ?


I'd rather start with regular forum visitors. If we need more we can cast a wider net.

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Have you announced this over at TTLG ThiefGen? I think it's a good idea for them to feel like part of the community that has a stake in this.


Edit: Sorry I didn't see your post right above mine... That makes sense. (Although I still think it's a good idea.)

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I'm busy with my WIP and would like to complete it before doing anything else. (Obsessive Single Item Focus syndrome) ;)


So I would be incredibly grateful if could community people could test my previous missions. It is easy: play the mission through and grab a screenie and write a report what problems you saw.


I just cannot bring myself to test them. I probably am the only one who can update them so I can probably do that if I'm not totally burned out.


It all depends on the amount of breakage standalone will bring.... but community, please help testing! It is not about what TDM can do for you, but about what you can do for TDM. TDM needs you more than ever! Boldly step forward!


-The mapper's best friend.

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I played my level on the SVN trunk very quickly & I am happy to report it ran basically flawlessly start to finish. The only issues were the expected 4 missing Doom3 textures I used, 2 missing Doom3 particle effects I used, and 1 missing particle effect on a TDM lit candle (the non-extinguisable one I believe).


I thought I'd report it here to help build morale, since it's exciting to report.

But I wrote up a little report in the beta test forum if people want to discuss:


What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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When I'm finished checking my maps, I'll go and test the Old Habits rebuild I'm currently working on under 2.0, so it is released standalone ready. Depending on how long this will take me, I may be able to test another mission. (The rebuild should basically be ready at the end of the week).

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Im in if you need me.. Betatested a few missions before.. Drop me PM with instructions.

He was sneeking silently in the night, moonlight was his enemy.

(Im not a native speaker, sorry for all miscleanous caused by my english..)

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I played my level on the SVN trunk very quickly & I am happy to report it ran basically flawlessly start to finish. ...


Excellent. Great start.


I'm setting up beta-testing pages for each mission.


I copied your report to the PD mission page.


From here on, please report findings on that page, so it all stays together.

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I thought I had posted a thread in the beta-test forum. Anyway when I click on that link I get "[#103137] You do not have permission to view this topic."

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I thought I had posted a thread in the beta-test forum. Anyway when I click on that link I get "[#103137] You do not have permission to view this topic."




Can you make sure all authors have access to the beta test forum? We can add the beta testers as they sign up. Thanx.

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Ok, everyone that has expressed interest so far should now be able to see the beta-testing forum. If not, PM me. I'll post further instructions in that thread later.

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You can put the standalone version anywhere you like, as long as it's not a subfolder of D3. I have both a standalone and a 1.08 version on my machine for testing.

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I'm usually just lurking the forums, but I would love to beta-test 2.0. Was always hoping TDM would go stand-alone. However, I don't have much experience with SVN and the like, but have used it marginally. Looking forward to the future of TDM!

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