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Looking for TDM2.0 beta-testers!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,


Looking forward to the release of TDM 2.0. I`ll beta test pre-release packages if you would like another to participate.

I`m really waiting for 2.0 to test my first mission out on as it seems a fence model bug was fixed and I don`t wan`t to replace all those fences for 1.08 if it`s fixed in 2.0.

Springheel pointed out it could be the spiked fence models and that it`s been fixed in 2.0. I`m assuming he`s tested it on 2.0 and it ran fine for him.

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.

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I'm assuming I'm too late for beta testing and It may be a little early yet, but I would love to try out building the standalone version for linux packaging purposes. It would be awesome to have a real packaging based install instead of what you have to do now.




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I really like the look of the Bandit, but no. Mine's a VStrom 650. I like the 1000 but the seat height is about 1" higher and I'm pushing it as it is and the 650 does everything I need it to do. A little buzzy at highway speeds but plenty of torque for me with the 90 deg V-Twin and very smooth!


Can't beat what you get for the price with that bike (poor man's BMW), plus the owner of the shop is my old college buddy so I always get a good deal.



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I run 2.0 under linux. Haven't updated it for a while, though.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Ok, we have our beta-test package ready to go for 2.0.


There have been a LOT of changes since 1.08 that affect the way TDM plays. Numerous changes have been made to the way AI behave, what they notice, and how easily they can see and hear you. For this reason, it's really important for us to get feedback from people playing actual missions. Do these changes make the game too difficult? Do they break any existing maps? Are there strange consequences we didn't anticipate?


I'm looking for volunteers to playtest. You would need to commit to playing at least two or three missions all the way through within the next two weeks, and filling out a detailed report. We need a mix of people, including some people who are updating from 1.08, some people who are installing from scratch, and a few linux users as well. SVN is not needed; you'll be using the regular TDM updater.


I'm going to favour people whose name I recognize; I had several people sign up to test last time and then disappeared right after without ever posting anything.


Please post here if you're interested, and let me know your OS.

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My 2.0 observations are noted in the threads for the missions I've beta tested recently. The only bug I found was a crash when clicking on "texture anisotropy", excluding classic bugs like the mission success sound not playing correctly (I think that's still the case, I'll check again later).

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Yeah I am interested and can commit time to it.


Let me know what mission you would like me to start on and I can get started now. I need 2.0 of course.


OS: Win7 64bit Home Pro.


I can also test my first mission SolarEscape.

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.

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Same here. I am currently beta-testing Kvorning's mission so this one could make it to the list as I would be able to play it concurrently using 1.08 and 2.0.

I also have enough time to go through two or three other missions.


EDIT: Forgot about the OS. Windows 8 64.

Edited by Briareos H
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Between work, working on my FM, and life, I don't know what time I can free up for this. I can put my FM on hold for a couple weeks though as I'd like to get the feel for 2.0 and have the changes in mind going forward with my FM.


So put me down if you would like. If you have enough other testers feel free to leave me out.


Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

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I'm getting v1.08 when I run the update, not 2.0. This is the log from the updater if anyone can see what's going wrong:



Step thread finished: 0

Step thread started: 1

Step thread finished: 1

Step thread started: 2

Skipping mirrors update (--keep-mirrors is set).

Could not fully parse the INI file.

Found 10 mirrors.

Step thread finished: 2

Step thread started: 3

Downloading CRC information...

Picking mirror ShadowDarkKeep

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__crc_info.txt

Initiating Download from http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/crc_info.txt

Download successful: http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/crc_info.txt

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__crc_info.txt to D:\darkmod\crc_info.txt

Successfully parsed the whole INI file.

Step thread finished: 3

Step thread started: 4

Downloading version information...

Picking mirror tunnels-of-danger.com

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_version_info.txt

Initiating Download from http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_version_info.txt

Download successful: http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_version_info.txt

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_version_info.txt to D:\darkmod\tdm_version_info.txt

Successfully parsed the whole INI file.

Found version 1.02 file: AUTHORS.txt with checksum 569d2865

Found version 1.02 file: config.spec with checksum 0

Found version 1.02 file: darkmod.ini with checksum 94135aac

Found version 1.02 file: description.txt with checksum dc2a6c28

Found version 1.02 file: dmargs.txt with checksum 2ca0ddbd

Found version 1.02 file: DoomConfig.cfg with checksum 29f0f4f2

Found version 1.02 file: fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4 with checksum abe8ef0c

Found version 1.02 file: LICENSE.txt with checksum 28424ad0

Found version 1.02 file: tdmlauncher.exe with checksum c0e715f

Found version 1.02 file: tdmlauncher.linux with checksum 6f82b102

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 with checksum 1e1e1c5d

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4 with checksum 5b59f2f3

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 with checksum 2ce06c06

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 with checksum 714dbf33

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 with checksum 9795d229

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 with checksum 4a3933c5

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 with checksum 1a355159

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 with checksum 53346d5f

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 with checksum c98c95c8

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 with checksum 6cfc712f

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 with checksum a4cafcb3

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_base01.pk4 with checksum 742253fb

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_defs01.pk4 with checksum 9839195

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_env01.pk4 with checksum 4eedf659

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_fonts01.pk4 with checksum be06ce0a

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_game01.pk4 with checksum 7ce9d0a2

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_game02.pk4 with checksum c7024663

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_gui01.pk4 with checksum fe9561cf

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 with checksum fd9fac61

Found version 1.02 file: TDM_icon.ico with checksum d585a57f

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_models01.pk4 with checksum 49067375

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_models02.pk4 with checksum 3746e9fb

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_models03.pk4 with checksum 8d9c8f0e

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4 with checksum 1c1d47da

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_player01.pk4 with checksum ed15d191

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4 with checksum 38d80d76

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 with checksum 6dd4f033

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 with checksum 200c895c

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 with checksum 11e9f04c

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 with checksum 15e76a89

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 with checksum 6a4a3a55

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 with checksum b27ade94

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 with checksum 8a09de13

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 with checksum 73d833da

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 with checksum 18a02aa7

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 with checksum 61a0bd98

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 with checksum d5c880f0

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 with checksum cffc3e2b

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 with checksum ed741108

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4 with checksum ec7964be

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 with checksum 3c96e3bf

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 with checksum 4c35b673

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4 with checksum a9e9c53b

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 with checksum 3e3fdccf

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 with checksum 951c333e

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 with checksum fa84312d

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with checksum b83b4b65

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_nature02.pk4 with checksum 894d22f6

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 with checksum f4aad01c

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 with checksum d56b30f0

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 with checksum 57ff98bd

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 with checksum 9d041333

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 with checksum 9d4eebac

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 with checksum d9c1af42

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 with checksum f1e519dd

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 with checksum c6413dba

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 with checksum f044968d

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4 with checksum 9bd4ce95

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 with checksum fb548434

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_textures_wood02.pk4 with checksum e6d6c693

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_update.exe with checksum 7ca4ce95

Found version 1.02 file: tdm_update.linux with checksum 43c5819

Found version 1.03 file: AUTHORS.txt with checksum ec708cda

Found version 1.03 file: config.spec with checksum 0

Found version 1.03 file: darkmod.ini with checksum 4d04366a

Found version 1.03 file: description.txt with checksum dc2a6c28

Found version 1.03 file: dmargs.txt with checksum 2ca0ddbd

Found version 1.03 file: DoomConfig.cfg with checksum f3f983cb

Found version 1.03 file: fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4 with checksum abe8ef0c

Found version 1.03 file: LICENSE.txt with checksum 28424ad0

Found version 1.03 file: tdmlauncher.exe with checksum c0e715f

Found version 1.03 file: tdmlauncher.linux with checksum 6f82b102

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 with checksum 392f2857

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4 with checksum 5e28e64f

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 with checksum 28f7ae63

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 with checksum 121d8135

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 with checksum 474d824c

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 with checksum 659d3fdd

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 with checksum 1d58ab83

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 with checksum b7ceff83

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 with checksum 843bfb90

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 with checksum 6e289db8

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 with checksum d971b59f

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 with checksum 3bd114dd

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_base01.pk4 with checksum 91d3d3d3

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_defs01.pk4 with checksum fbfb07f

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_env01.pk4 with checksum 93ce679d

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_fonts01.pk4 with checksum be06ce0a

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_game01.pk4 with checksum b73d5b85

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_game02.pk4 with checksum 13caff50

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_gui01.pk4 with checksum 5a9106ac

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 with checksum fd9fac61

Found version 1.03 file: TDM_icon.ico with checksum d585a57f

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_models01.pk4 with checksum c754648

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_models02.pk4 with checksum abd2c901

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4 with checksum 7e8fcabf

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_player01.pk4 with checksum ed15d191

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4 with checksum c45696d4

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 with checksum 609b8d81

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 with checksum 85d7eeaa

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 with checksum 30dc1088

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 with checksum c7364fe1

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 with checksum fbfc6f9

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 with checksum c4a461f4

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 with checksum 8a09de13

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 with checksum 2705a2ef

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 with checksum ce16b44e

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 with checksum 5ec58e02

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 with checksum 5bf1af35

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 with checksum cffc3e2b

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 with checksum 7654640d

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 with checksum b80c6bd4

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4 with checksum 6c9a7fa3

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 with checksum d63deaa8

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 with checksum 65ec09a7

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4 with checksum 3b882c2d

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 with checksum 8981da3b

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 with checksum 93e91e0f

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 with checksum ebcd2b7d

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with checksum c6442b03

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 with checksum f4aad01c

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 with checksum a77d86d

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 with checksum b84c002b

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 with checksum 8fde9a65

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 with checksum aaae83b0

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 with checksum c14fabe2

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 with checksum 3f1316ce

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 with checksum f75a1bd4

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 with checksum f52ad596

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4 with checksum a3d0ed00

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 with checksum 53bee81a

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_update.exe with checksum 37b13e93

Found version 1.03 file: tdm_update.linux with checksum cd0b0402

Found version 1.04 file: AUTHORS.txt with checksum 7578d9f6

Found version 1.04 file: config.spec with checksum 0

Found version 1.04 file: darkmod.ini with checksum 95930919

Found version 1.04 file: description.txt with checksum 6d6f02a1

Found version 1.04 file: dmargs.txt with checksum 2ca0ddbd

Found version 1.04 file: DoomConfig.cfg with checksum 9e289228

Found version 1.04 file: fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4 with checksum abe8ef0c

Found version 1.04 file: LICENSE.txt with checksum 28424ad0

Found version 1.04 file: tdmlauncher.exe with checksum c0e715f

Found version 1.04 file: tdmlauncher.linux with checksum 6f82b102

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 with checksum 93e6f07f

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4 with checksum 4fbf271b

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 with checksum ba60cd33

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 with checksum 9a9ca338

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 with checksum eccd9f3a

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 with checksum f8b55672

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 with checksum 6c78e9ef

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 with checksum 59d4d168

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 with checksum 3bd716e1

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 with checksum c5c2fc30

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 with checksum fb0b63fc

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 with checksum 4d62bc2c

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 with checksum f5e50da3

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_base01.pk4 with checksum 98179d1a

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_defs01.pk4 with checksum b8d31ef5

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_env01.pk4 with checksum ffbde3e0

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_fonts01.pk4 with checksum be06ce0a

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_game01.pk4 with checksum f989bf02

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_game02.pk4 with checksum 800613a1

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_gui01.pk4 with checksum 48f421f6

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 with checksum 4abff2b4

Found version 1.04 file: TDM_icon.ico with checksum d585a57f

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_models01.pk4 with checksum 4b4a76f2

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_models02.pk4 with checksum 735d8e5e

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4 with checksum 22c3f645

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_player01.pk4 with checksum 55c59fca

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4 with checksum 9d1e87d1

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 with checksum 609b8d81

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 with checksum 85d7eeaa

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 with checksum 30dc1088

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 with checksum c7364fe1

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 with checksum 5604b073

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 with checksum c4a461f4

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 with checksum 8a09de13

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 with checksum 4661f5b1

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 with checksum ce16b44e

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 with checksum a43772ed

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 with checksum 5bf1af35

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 with checksum b471f3a9

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 with checksum 26c7661

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 with checksum 900cf221

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4 with checksum 1b6d1adb

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 with checksum 960b1c86

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 with checksum cd739b31

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4 with checksum cc863092

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 with checksum 8981da3b

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 with checksum 93e91e0f

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 with checksum e7cc5575

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with checksum 834a75e3

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 with checksum f4aad01c

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 with checksum aca60abb

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 with checksum b22ab412

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 with checksum cfaeced8

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 with checksum 4a0a662b

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 with checksum f9c7862f

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 with checksum ee5d179d

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 with checksum 434787ff

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 with checksum 7fb72516

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4 with checksum 996f1bb8

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 with checksum eadc2b49

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_update.exe with checksum 720272dd

Found version 1.04 file: tdm_update.linux with checksum 7778afa2

Found version 1.05 file: AUTHORS.txt with checksum 7578d9f6

Found version 1.05 file: config.spec with checksum 0

Found version 1.05 file: darkmod.ini with checksum 95930919

Found version 1.05 file: description.txt with checksum 6d6f02a1

Found version 1.05 file: dmargs.txt with checksum 2ca0ddbd

Found version 1.05 file: DoomConfig.cfg with checksum 9e289228

Found version 1.05 file: fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4 with checksum abe8ef0c

Found version 1.05 file: LICENSE.txt with checksum 28424ad0

Found version 1.05 file: tdmlauncher.exe with checksum e681d460

Found version 1.05 file: tdmlauncher.linux with checksum 24bf6b2b

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 with checksum 5ada1fb3

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4 with checksum 54a03bbe

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 with checksum cdc3544f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 with checksum 6babd963

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 with checksum fd1a3bcb

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 with checksum 5c4fcf2f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 with checksum 8d303112

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 with checksum 64a3506

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 with checksum 54507971

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 with checksum 338bc18c

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 with checksum 5e8e70a5

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 with checksum 4a415d6f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 with checksum 78387ace

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_base01.pk4 with checksum c1ff1a4f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_defs01.pk4 with checksum 267fe74b

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_env01.pk4 with checksum ffbde3e0

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_fonts01.pk4 with checksum be06ce0a

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_game01.pk4 with checksum 10c54a5f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_game02.pk4 with checksum f16bf187

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_gui01.pk4 with checksum 73d508a4

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 with checksum 4abff2b4

Found version 1.05 file: TDM_icon.ico with checksum d585a57f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_models01.pk4 with checksum b3b7d0e4

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_models02.pk4 with checksum c034772d

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4 with checksum e86e915f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_player01.pk4 with checksum 55c59fca

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4 with checksum 4e3093e5

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 with checksum fe91f6bf

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 with checksum 85d7eeaa

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 with checksum 30dc1088

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 with checksum 5c8bebe2

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 with checksum b0933120

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 with checksum c4a461f4

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 with checksum 8a09de13

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 with checksum 4661f5b1

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 with checksum ce16b44e

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 with checksum a43772ed

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 with checksum 5bf1af35

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 with checksum b471f3a9

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 with checksum 26c7661

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 with checksum 65052c6

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4 with checksum 323a3c2c

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 with checksum 960b1c86

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 with checksum cd739b31

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4 with checksum cc863092

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 with checksum 8981da3b

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 with checksum 93e91e0f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 with checksum 1d4cf9fc

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with checksum ffc4ffff

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 with checksum f4aad01c

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 with checksum aca60abb

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 with checksum f64e7306

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 with checksum cfaeced8

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 with checksum 4a0a662b

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 with checksum f9c7862f

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 with checksum 4be0ac4

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 with checksum 434787ff

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 with checksum 7fb72516

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4 with checksum 996f1bb8

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 with checksum 9343ca71

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_update.exe with checksum 720272dd

Found version 1.05 file: tdm_update.linux with checksum 7778afa2

Found version 1.06 file: AUTHORS.txt with checksum 7578d9f6

Found version 1.06 file: config.spec with checksum 0

Found version 1.06 file: darkmod.ico with checksum 255b25e5

Found version 1.06 file: darkmod.ini with checksum 5e81be26

Found version 1.06 file: description.txt with checksum 6d6f02a1

Found version 1.06 file: dmargs.txt with checksum 2ca0ddbd

Found version 1.06 file: DoomConfig.cfg with checksum 84fcc69b

Found version 1.06 file: fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4 with checksum abe8ef0c

Found version 1.06 file: LICENSE.txt with checksum 28424ad0

Found version 1.06 file: tdmlauncher.exe with checksum be0e2c0

Found version 1.06 file: tdmlauncher.linux with checksum 2e29f5b7

Found version 1.06 file: tdmlauncher.macosx with checksum fbd11381

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 with checksum f02700d5

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4 with checksum cecb950b

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 with checksum 842299e0

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 with checksum d16a2caa

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 with checksum b24775bb

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 with checksum 42dff253

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 with checksum 8d303112

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 with checksum 648c8e1

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 with checksum 54507971

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 with checksum e20ce98c

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 with checksum a4ce1a35

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 with checksum 4b697459

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 with checksum 78387ace

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_base01.pk4 with checksum 386dfacb

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_defs01.pk4 with checksum b5daa7c6

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_env01.pk4 with checksum ffbde3e0

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_fonts01.pk4 with checksum be06ce0a

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_game01.pk4 with checksum 2dc0d1cb

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_game02.pk4 with checksum 9f3a1d6e

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_game03.pk4 with checksum 7cf92f8

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_gui01.pk4 with checksum fa8ded46

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 with checksum 4abff2b4

Found version 1.06 file: TDM_icon.ico with checksum d585a57f

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_models01.pk4 with checksum 95365a73

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_models02.pk4 with checksum 2f1d97b9

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4 with checksum 36b91b3c

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_player01.pk4 with checksum ca4b019a

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4 with checksum 4e3093e5

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 with checksum fe91f6bf

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 with checksum 85d7eeaa

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 with checksum 30dc1088

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 with checksum 5c8bebe2

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 with checksum c81058a1

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 with checksum 906c9505

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 with checksum 8a09de13

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 with checksum 4661f5b1

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 with checksum ce16b44e

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 with checksum 5b30438f

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 with checksum 5bf1af35

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 with checksum 34a81ad6

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 with checksum 26c7661

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 with checksum 9356767

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4 with checksum 54f69771

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 with checksum 960b1c86

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 with checksum e006487e

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4 with checksum cc863092

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 with checksum 8981da3b

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 with checksum 93e91e0f

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 with checksum 1d4cf9fc

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with checksum f570e897

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 with checksum f4aad01c

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 with checksum aca60abb

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 with checksum f64e7306

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 with checksum 46f2af51

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 with checksum 4a0a662b

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 with checksum f9c7862f

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 with checksum 4be0ac4

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 with checksum 434787ff

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 with checksum 17d2309c

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4 with checksum 996f1bb8

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 with checksum fde741c0

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_update.exe with checksum 29e315f1

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_update.linux with checksum bd100666

Found version 1.06 file: tdm_update.macosx with checksum 869514a2

Found version 1.07 file: AUTHORS.txt with checksum 67a6ffa8

Found version 1.07 file: config.spec with checksum 0

Found version 1.07 file: darkmod.ico with checksum df20ac89

Found version 1.07 file: darkmod.ini with checksum 77b0af4e

Found version 1.07 file: description.txt with checksum 6d6f02a1

Found version 1.07 file: dmargs.txt with checksum 2ca0ddbd

Found version 1.07 file: DoomConfig.cfg with checksum f1bcc372

Found version 1.07 file: fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4 with checksum abe8ef0c

Found version 1.07 file: LICENSE.txt with checksum 28424ad0

Found version 1.07 file: tdmlauncher.exe with checksum 7dbdce09

Found version 1.07 file: tdmlauncher.linux with checksum f1191af7

Found version 1.07 file: tdmlauncher.macosx with checksum fbd11381

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 with checksum a7693d8e

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4 with checksum 7a41bc06

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 with checksum 28ee8237

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 with checksum 407a43da

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 with checksum 5fb24d1b

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 with checksum e005621c

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 with checksum 7e50b39c

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 with checksum a4dc0de2

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 with checksum 235208fa

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 with checksum 9ba2aa2a

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 with checksum 8cacc7f3

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 with checksum a3e59a68

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 with checksum 78387ace

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_base01.pk4 with checksum de4e940c

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_defs01.pk4 with checksum ba3cd5f6

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_env01.pk4 with checksum ffbde3e0

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_fonts01.pk4 with checksum 3e4c5a7a

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_game01.pk4 with checksum aee174d2

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_game02.pk4 with checksum aeb3fb79

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_game03.pk4 with checksum 2c24a49a

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_gui01.pk4 with checksum e1a2205c

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 with checksum 4abff2b4

Found version 1.07 file: TDM_icon.ico with checksum d585a57f

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_models01.pk4 with checksum 84fd317c

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_models02.pk4 with checksum 1cdd0d73

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4 with checksum cbfa94b7

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_player01.pk4 with checksum ca4b019a

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4 with checksum 3e23c047

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 with checksum fe91f6bf

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 with checksum 85d7eeaa

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 with checksum 30dc1088

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 with checksum 1ac994a6

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 with checksum 1da20a93

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 with checksum faf2ee8c

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 with checksum 8a09de13

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 with checksum 233f3d83

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 with checksum ce16b44e

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 with checksum 7cb64590

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 with checksum 5bf1af35

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 with checksum 34a81ad6

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 with checksum 26c7661

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 with checksum 50160e2e

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4 with checksum a83d9dec

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 with checksum c0cb0609

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 with checksum c290cdd8

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4 with checksum 259ff40b

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 with checksum c4890c52

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 with checksum b02208f8

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 with checksum 65c85eb1

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with checksum 49385b6e

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 with checksum 591e0013

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 with checksum 1028fb33

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 with checksum 10424029

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 with checksum 46f2af51

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 with checksum 8afa21f8

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 with checksum ffc0200b

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 with checksum cb4d2ff9

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 with checksum 434787ff

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 with checksum 93055612

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4 with checksum 4129ff30

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 with checksum becd82d7

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_update.exe with checksum 75f419c8

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_update.linux with checksum 35534dee

Found version 1.07 file: tdm_update.macosx with checksum dea67414

Found version 1.08 file: AUTHORS.txt with checksum d790b8a8

Found version 1.08 file: config.spec with checksum 0

Found version 1.08 file: darkmod.ico with checksum df20ac89

Found version 1.08 file: darkmod.ini with checksum 4d89e73c

Found version 1.08 file: description.txt with checksum 6d6f02a1

Found version 1.08 file: fms/saintlucia/saintlucia.pk4 with checksum 61e4c85b

Found version 1.08 file: fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4 with checksum 2d3e82be

Found version 1.08 file: LICENSE.txt with checksum 28424ad0

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 with checksum 949b5517

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4 with checksum 407c65ef

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 with checksum dc99e73e

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 with checksum 46d433c1

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 with checksum 64c81dc6

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 with checksum 8d909f2e

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 with checksum 55f336c2

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 with checksum f6afda29

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 with checksum 9022f9c1

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 with checksum 6635f73f

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 with checksum d07ba779

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 with checksum 3c4be22

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 with checksum 6b9af04b

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_base01.pk4 with checksum acc6a71a

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_defs01.pk4 with checksum c39dea6e

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_env01.pk4 with checksum ffbde3e0

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_fonts01.pk4 with checksum e4eeb710

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_game01.pk4 with checksum d1d41481

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_game02.pk4 with checksum ec74649b

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_gui01.pk4 with checksum 3e51f37c

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 with checksum 9e24ad4

Found version 1.08 file: TDM_icon.ico with checksum d585a57f

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_models01.pk4 with checksum e66f6f94

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_models02.pk4 with checksum 527ee219

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4 with checksum 17ab501a

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_player01.pk4 with checksum ca4b019a

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4 with checksum 7abe4da9

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 with checksum 9f4edd64

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 with checksum 85d7eeaa

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 with checksum 30dc1088

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 with checksum 3de33bf4

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 with checksum db95d1c2

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 with checksum 5bcd1394

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 with checksum 9b387711

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 with checksum 73f3b0f7

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 with checksum f2786ac4

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 with checksum 9e97b670

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 with checksum 5e7f341d

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 with checksum 98431bbe

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 with checksum 6f1be9ea

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 with checksum 371c9abd

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4 with checksum 6ac8c2a2

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 with checksum c0cb0609

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 with checksum 5d94e35a

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4 with checksum df497700

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 with checksum c4890c52

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 with checksum 780f3929

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 with checksum 65c85eb1

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with checksum 48ad2d6f

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 with checksum 591e0013

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 with checksum 1028fb33

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 with checksum 10424029

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 with checksum b5dc38e4

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 with checksum c721658

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 with checksum ffc0200b

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 with checksum f42fdb21

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 with checksum 434787ff

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 with checksum 93055612

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4 with checksum 1dd007f6

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 with checksum becd82d7

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_update.exe with checksum 8b4bc035

Found version 1.08 file: tdm_update.linux with checksum 1bc3abd

Found version 1.08 file: TheDarkMod.exe with checksum 6abbd03e

Found version 1.08 file: thedarkmod.x86 with checksum 9b323892

Found update package tdm_update_1.02_to_1.03.zip, checksum f2168b5c, from version 1.02 to version 1.03

Found update package tdm_update_1.03_to_1.04.zip, checksum 311e68ac, from version 1.03 to version 1.04

Found update package tdm_update_1.04_to_1.05.zip, checksum c1323e4a, from version 1.04 to version 1.05

Found update package tdm_update_1.05_to_1.06.zip, checksum 2d0c96a4, from version 1.05 to version 1.06

Found update package tdm_update_1.06_to_1.07.zip, checksum c96fb654, from version 1.06 to version 1.07

Found update package tdm_update_1.07_to_1.08.zip, checksum dfe23a7, from version 1.07 to version 1.08

Step thread finished: 4

Step thread started: 6

Trying to determine installed TDM version...

Trying to match against version: 1.02

File D:\darkmod\AUTHORS.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\DoomConfig.cfg is missing.

File D:\darkmod\LICENSE.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TDM_icon.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\config.spec is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ini is missing.

File D:\darkmod\description.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\dmargs.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood02.pk4 is missing.

Ignoring updater executable: D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.linux is missing.

Trying to match against version: 1.03

File D:\darkmod\AUTHORS.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\DoomConfig.cfg is missing.

File D:\darkmod\LICENSE.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TDM_icon.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\config.spec is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ini is missing.

File D:\darkmod\description.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\dmargs.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 is missing.

Ignoring updater executable: D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.linux is missing.

Trying to match against version: 1.04

File D:\darkmod\AUTHORS.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\DoomConfig.cfg is missing.

File D:\darkmod\LICENSE.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TDM_icon.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\config.spec is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ini is missing.

File D:\darkmod\description.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\dmargs.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 is missing.

Ignoring updater executable: D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.linux is missing.

Trying to match against version: 1.05

File D:\darkmod\AUTHORS.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\DoomConfig.cfg is missing.

File D:\darkmod\LICENSE.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TDM_icon.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\config.spec is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ini is missing.

File D:\darkmod\description.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\dmargs.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 is missing.

Ignoring updater executable: D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.linux is missing.

Trying to match against version: 1.06

File D:\darkmod\AUTHORS.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\DoomConfig.cfg is missing.

File D:\darkmod\LICENSE.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TDM_icon.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\config.spec is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ini is missing.

File D:\darkmod\description.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\dmargs.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 is missing.

Ignoring updater executable: D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.macosx is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.macosx is missing.

Trying to match against version: 1.07

File D:\darkmod\AUTHORS.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\DoomConfig.cfg is missing.

File D:\darkmod\LICENSE.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TDM_icon.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\config.spec is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ini is missing.

File D:\darkmod\description.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\dmargs.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 is missing.

Ignoring updater executable: D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.macosx is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.exe is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdmlauncher.macosx is missing.

Trying to match against version: 1.08

File D:\darkmod\AUTHORS.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\LICENSE.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TDM_icon.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\TheDarkMod.exe is missing.

File D:\darkmod\config.spec is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ico is missing.

File D:\darkmod\darkmod.ini is missing.

File D:\darkmod\description.txt is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\saintlucia\saintlucia.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4 is missing.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 is missing.

Ignoring updater executable: D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe.

File D:\darkmod\tdm_update.linux is missing.

File D:\darkmod\thedarkmod.x86 is missing.

The local files are matching 0 different versions.

Could not determine local version.

Step thread finished: 6

Step thread started: 5

Checking target folder: D:\darkmod

Checking for archive file: fms\saintlucia\saintlucia.pk4... Checking for file fms\saintlucia\saintlucia.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4... Checking for file fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_animals01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_animals01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_base01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_base01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_base01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_base01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_defs01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_defs01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_env01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_env01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_fonts01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_fonts01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_game01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_game01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_game02.pk4... Checking for file tdm_game02.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_gui01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_gui01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_gui_credits01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_gui_credits01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_models01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_models01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_models02.pk4... Checking for file tdm_models02.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_models_decls01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_models_decls01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_player01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_player01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_prefabs01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_prefabs01.pk4: MISSING

Checking archive members of: tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Checking for member file: AUTHORS.txt

Checking for file AUTHORS.txt: MISSING

Checking for member file: LICENSE.txt

Checking for file LICENSE.txt: MISSING

Checking for member file: TDM_icon.ico

Checking for file TDM_icon.ico: MISSING

Checking for member file: TheDarkMod.exe

Checking for file TheDarkMod.exe: MISSING

Checking for member file: config.spec

Checking for file config.spec: MISSING

Checking for member file: darkmod.ico

Checking for file darkmod.ico: MISSING

Checking for member file: darkmod.ini

Checking for file darkmod.ini: MISSING

Checking for member file: description.txt

Checking for file description.txt: MISSING

Checking for member file: thedarkmod.x86

Checking for file thedarkmod.x86: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_base01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_base01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_decals01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_decals01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_door01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_door01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_glass01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_glass01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_metal01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_metal01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_nature01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_nature01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_roof01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_roof01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_window01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_window01.pk4: MISSING

Checking for archive file: tdm_textures_wood01.pk4... Checking for file tdm_textures_wood01.pk4: MISSING

Checking archive members of: tdm_update_linux.zip

Checking for member file: tdm_update.linux

Checking for file tdm_update.linux: MISSING

Checking archive members of: tdm_update_win.zip

Checking for member file: tdm_update.exe

Checking for file tdm_update.exe: CRC calculated for file D:\darkmod\tdm_update.exe = 8b4bc035


Looking for executable tdm_update.exe in download queue.

Didn't find executable name tdm_update.exe in download queue.

Step thread finished: 5

Looking for executable tdm_update.exe in download queue.

Didn't find executable name tdm_update.exe in download queue.

No luck, differential updates don't seem to be applicable.

Looking for executable tdm_update.exe in download queue.

Didn't find executable name tdm_update.exe in download queue.

No luck, differential updates don't seem to be applicable.

Step thread started: 10

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror KeepOfMetalAndGold

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror SouthQuarter

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror KeepOfMetalAndGold

Picking mirror roggen.jmnet.us

Picking mirror tunnels-of-danger.com

Picking mirror bloodgate.com

Picking mirror roggen.jmnet.us

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror tunnels-of-danger.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror molez.net

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror ShadowDarkKeep

Picking mirror roggen.jmnet.us

Picking mirror molez.net

Picking mirror molez.net

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror KeepOfMetalAndGold

Picking mirror tunnels-of-danger.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror SouthQuarter

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror swift-mazes.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror SouthQuarter

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror molez.net

Picking mirror molez.net

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror KeepOfMetalAndGold

Picking mirror KeepOfMetalAndGold

Picking mirror KeepOfMetalAndGold

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror tunnels-of-danger.com

Picking mirror tunnels-of-danger.com

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror KeepOfMetalAndGold

Picking mirror roggen.jmnet.us

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror ShadowDarkKeep

Picking mirror ShadowDarkKeep

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror roggen.jmnet.us

Picking mirror swift-mazes.com

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror tunnels-of-danger.com

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Picking mirror robertrueger.de

Picking mirror SouthQuarter

Picking mirror fidcal.com

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/fms/saintlucia/__saintlucia.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/fms/saintlucia/saintlucia.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/fms/saintlucia/saintlucia.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 19885195

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 61e4c85b

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\fms\saintlucia\__saintlucia.pk4 = 61e4c85b

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\fms\saintlucia\__saintlucia.pk4 to D:\darkmod\fms\saintlucia\saintlucia.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/fms/training_mission/__training_mission.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/fms/training_mission/training_mission.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 20043933

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 2d3e82be

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\__training_mission.pk4 = 2d3e82be

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\__training_mission.pk4 to D:\darkmod\fms\training_mission\training_mission.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_animals01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_ai_animals01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_ai_animals01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 13880456

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 949b5517

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 = 949b5517

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_animals01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_base01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_ai_base01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_ai_base01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 27098

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 407c65ef

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_base01.pk4 = 407c65ef

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_base01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_base01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 29067235

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting dc99e73e

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 = dc99e73e

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 5176662

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 46d433c1

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 = 46d433c1

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 47902979

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 64c81dc6

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 = 64c81dc6

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4

Download successful: http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 5180772

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 8d909f2e

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 = 8d909f2e

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4

Download successful: http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 5486374

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 55f336c2

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 = 55f336c2

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4

Download successful: http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 9962304

Downloaded file has the wrong size, expected 9962304 but found 246

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 9962304

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting f6afda29

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 = f6afda29

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4

Download successful: http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 3269134

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 9022f9c1

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 = 9022f9c1

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Download failed: Transferred a partial file

Connection Error.

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Download successful: http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 26826664

Downloaded file has the wrong size, expected 26826664 but found 249

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 26826664

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 6635f73f

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 = 6635f73f

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4

Download successful: http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 6144702

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting d07ba779

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 = d07ba779

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 8981472

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 3c4be22

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 = 3c4be22

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.molez.net/mirror/tdm/tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Download failed: Couldn't connect to server

Connection Error.

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Download successful: http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 1866840

Downloaded file has the wrong size, expected 1866840 but found 240

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 1866840

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 6b9af04b

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 = 6b9af04b

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_base01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_base01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_base01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 745566

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting acc6a71a

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_base01.pk4 = acc6a71a

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_base01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_base01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_defs01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/tdm_defs01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/tdm_defs01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 272597

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting c39dea6e

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_defs01.pk4 = c39dea6e

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_defs01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_defs01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_env01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_env01.pk4

Download successful: http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_env01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 40470258

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting ffbde3e0

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_env01.pk4 = ffbde3e0

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_env01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_env01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_fonts01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.molez.net/mirror/tdm/tdm_fonts01.pk4

Download failed: Couldn't connect to server

Connection Error.

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_fonts01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_fonts01.pk4

Download successful: http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_fonts01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 6760646

Downloaded file has the wrong size, expected 6760646 but found 233

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_fonts01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_fonts01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_fonts01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 6760646

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting e4eeb710

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_fonts01.pk4 = e4eeb710

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_fonts01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_fonts01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_game01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.molez.net/mirror/tdm/tdm_game01.pk4

Download failed: Couldn't connect to server

Connection Error.

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_game01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_game01.pk4

Download successful: http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_game01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 2955205

Downloaded file has the wrong size, expected 2955205 but found 232

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_game01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_game01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_game01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 2955205

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting d1d41481

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_game01.pk4 = d1d41481

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_game01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_game01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_game02.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_game02.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_game02.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 3306855

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting ec74649b

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_game02.pk4 = ec74649b

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_game02.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_game02.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_gui01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_gui01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_gui01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 23938477

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 3e51f37c

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_gui01.pk4 = 3e51f37c

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_gui01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_gui01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_gui_credits01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_gui_credits01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_gui_credits01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 47381172

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 9e24ad4

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 = 9e24ad4

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_gui_credits01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_models01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_models01.pk4

Download successful: http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_models01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 42305027

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting e66f6f94

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_models01.pk4 = e66f6f94

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_models01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_models01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_models02.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_models02.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_models02.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 288655202

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 527ee219

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_models02.pk4 = 527ee219

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_models02.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_models02.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_models_decls01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_models_decls01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_models_decls01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 124410

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 17ab501a

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_models_decls01.pk4 = 17ab501a

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_models_decls01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_models_decls01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_player01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_player01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_player01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 5689119

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting ca4b019a

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_player01.pk4 = ca4b019a

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_player01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_player01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_prefabs01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_prefabs01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_prefabs01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 2112442

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 7abe4da9

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_prefabs01.pk4 = 7abe4da9

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_prefabs01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_prefabs01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Initiating Download from http://swift-mazes.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Download successful: http://swift-mazes.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 6572014

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 2418f6bf

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_shared_stuff.zip = 2418f6bf

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_shared_stuff.zip to D:\darkmod\tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 36333718

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 9f4edd64

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 = 9f4edd64

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 168080004

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 85d7eeaa

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 = 85d7eeaa

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4

Download successful: http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 32317944

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 30dc1088

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 = 30dc1088

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 8276

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 3de33bf4

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 = 3de33bf4

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 13199262

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting db95d1c2

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 = db95d1c2

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.molez.net/mirror/tdm/tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4

Download successful: http://www.molez.net/mirror/tdm/tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 9888813

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 5bcd1394

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 = 5bcd1394

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.molez.net/mirror/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.molez.net/mirror/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 3731452

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 9b387711

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 = 9b387711

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Download failed: Transferred a partial file

Connection Error.

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Initiating Download from http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Download successful: http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/pk4/tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 102632660

Downloaded file has the wrong size, expected 102632660 but found 240

Removed file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 102632660

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 73f3b0f7

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 = 73f3b0f7

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 33599737

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting f2786ac4

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 = f2786ac4

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 83598061

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 9e97b670

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 = 9e97b670

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 6282628

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 5e7f341d

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 = 5e7f341d

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 33639263

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 98431bbe

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 = 98431bbe

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4

Initiating Download from http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4

Download successful: http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 65575274

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 6f1be9ea

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 = 6f1be9ea

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4

Download successful: http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 47620

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 371c9abd

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 = 371c9abd

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_base01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_base01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_base01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 7179448

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 6ac8c2a2

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_base01.pk4 = 6ac8c2a2

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_base01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_base01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.keepofmetalandgold.com/files/tdm/tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 12938314

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting c0cb0609

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 = c0cb0609

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_decals01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_textures_decals01.pk4

Download successful: http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_textures_decals01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 36259651

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 5d94e35a

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 = 5d94e35a

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_decals01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_door01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_door01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_door01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 34759394

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting df497700

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_door01.pk4 = df497700

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_door01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_door01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 10613534

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting c4890c52

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 = c4890c52

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_glass01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/tdm_textures_glass01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/tdm/tdm_textures_glass01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 9061588

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 780f3929

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 = 780f3929

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_glass01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_metal01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_metal01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_metal01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 100091919

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 65c85eb1

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 = 65c85eb1

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_metal01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_nature01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_nature01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_nature01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 88582193

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 48ad2d6f

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 = 48ad2d6f

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_nature01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 2750286

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 591e0013

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 = 591e0013

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 29464795

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 1028fb33

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 = 1028fb33

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_roof01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_textures_roof01.pk4

Download successful: http://roggen.jmnet.us/darkmod/tdm_textures_roof01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 35490286

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 10424029

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 = 10424029

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_roof01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://swift-mazes.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4

Download successful: http://swift-mazes.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 2369724

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting b5dc38e4

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 = b5dc38e4

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 192929075

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting c721658

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 = c721658

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 98925246

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting ffc0200b

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 = ffc0200b

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 73308565

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting f42fdb21

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 = f42fdb21

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4

Download successful: http://tunnels-of-danger.com/mirrors/tdm/release/tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 60326145

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 434787ff

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 = 434787ff

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 108450860

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 93055612

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 = 93055612

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_window01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_window01.pk4

Download successful: http://thedarkmod.robertrueger.de/tdm_textures_window01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 33917543

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 1dd007f6

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_window01.pk4 = 1dd007f6

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_window01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_window01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_textures_wood01.pk4

Initiating Download from http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_textures_wood01.pk4

Download successful: http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/tdm_textures_wood01.pk4

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 82925802

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting becd82d7

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 = becd82d7

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 to D:\darkmod\tdm_textures_wood01.pk4

Downloading to temporary file D:/darkmod/__tdm_update_linux.zip

Initiating Download from http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_update_linux.zip

Download successful: http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/tdm_update_linux.zip

Checking filesize of downloaded file, expecting 685673

Checking download for 'is-a-zipfile'.

Checking CRC of downloaded file, expecting 1bc3abd

CRC calculated for zip file D:\darkmod\__tdm_update_linux.zip = 1bc3abd

Downloaded file passed the integrity checks.

Moved D:\darkmod\__tdm_update_linux.zip to D:\darkmod\tdm_update_linux.zip

Extracting files from D:\darkmod\tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Will extract file: AUTHORS.txt

Will extract file: LICENSE.txt

Will extract file: TDM_icon.ico

Will extract file: TheDarkMod.exe

Will extract file: darkmod.ico

Will extract file: darkmod.ini

Will extract file: description.txt

Will extract file: config.spec

Will extract file: thedarkmod.x86

Found 9 files to extract.

Removed file D:\darkmod\TheDarkMod.exe

All files successfully extracted from D:\darkmod\tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Removed file D:\darkmod\tdm_shared_stuff.zip

Extracting files from D:\darkmod\tdm_update_linux.zip

Will extract file: tdm_update.linux

Found 1 files to extract.

All files successfully extracted from D:\darkmod\tdm_update_linux.zip

Removed file D:\darkmod\tdm_update_linux.zip

Step thread finished: 10

Step thread started: 11

Step thread finished: 11

Step thread started: 12

Step thread finished: 12



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I'm getting v1.08 when I run the update, not 2.0. This is the log from the updater if anyone can see what's going wrong:


Did you place the special tdm_mirrors.txt in your darkmod folder, overwriting the one there?


I can see that you checked "keep mirrors", but the log shows that tdm_update is looking for 10 mirrors, which makes me suspect that you're using the old tdm_mirrors.txt.

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I could test some missions, too if needed. Due to limited download capacities I would use the update method.


I have windows 7 64bit and linux mint 64bit

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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I could test some missions, too if needed. Due to limited download capacities I would use the update method.


I'm hoping all team members will be able to. The instructions are posted here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/14978-testing-200/page__view__findpost__p__316503

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Ok, we have our beta-test package ready to go for 2.0.


There have been a LOT of changes since 1.08 that affect the way TDM plays. Numerous changes have been made to the way AI behave, what they notice, and how easily they can see and hear you. For this reason, it's really important for us to get feedback from people playing actual missions. Do these changes make the game too difficult? Do they break any existing maps? Are there strange consequences we didn't anticipate?


I'm looking for volunteers to playtest. You would need to commit to playing at least two or three missions all the way through within the next two weeks, and filling out a detailed report. We need a mix of people, including some people who are updating from 1.08, some people who are installing from scratch, and a few linux users as well. SVN is not needed; you'll be using the regular TDM updater.


I'm going to favour people whose name I recognize; I had several people sign up to test last time and then disappeared right after without ever posting anything.


Please post here if you're interested, and let me know your OS.

I'd be willing to test TDM 2.0. I'd be installing from scratch (don't own Doom 3).


System Specifications:


OS: Windows 7 SP1 Professional x64

Memory: 16GB RAM

Sound Card: Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Professional Audio PCI Express

Graphics Card: GeForce GXT 560 (driver version 326.41 beta)

Maximum resolution: 1920x1080 (can achieve 2560x1440 via downsampling)

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I've got some video freezes (audio keeps going on, no crash) in last builds......some memory leakage?

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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