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No... Leading on certain features are better than they apparently are? Perhaps


I'd be shocked if this wasn't the case.



I can tell you right now that since this is not a court case in progress, no one's going to do all the legwork to appease you. The effort is not worthwhile for anyone,


Not sure what a court case has to do with anything. You made what I considered to be an extraordinary claim and I asked for an example. There's certainly no law that says you have to back up your claims if you don't want to.


if you really wanted to know, but you don't.


Please don't presume to tell me what I do and don't want to know.

Posted (edited)

I guarantee a lawyer would laugh you out of his office if you brought any of this up. There is no false advertising going on here, just shitty game design. All the stuff linked to about contextual movement was by an inept community manager, who isn't even with the company anymore. EM isn't selling a tonic promising long life. It's a video game.


It's like claiming you saw a trailer for a movie, and the trailer said "So funny you'll laugh!" or "So sad you'll cry!" and you don't do eitehr, and then try to sue them. It's all subjective. Just like "jump where you want to jump" is.

Edited by brethren

Here it is


Thief 101 Trailer / Launch Trailer




This thing plays like a parody of itself. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at 2:46 onwards



Use your blackjack for...




... silent ...




... stealthy...




... non-lethal takedowns ...




Here is the original trailer for Thief: The Dark Project


...So you were saying? Both trailers are trying to appeal to gaming audiences, which also includes lethal gamplay and crap. They are both similar! The only difference is that Thief 4 is much more modern and cinematic with all those flashy cutscenes.


Again, stop being so nit picky about the game, and wait till it comes out. Just try to be open-minded, yo! :( Just like with the Devil May Cry Reboot. It was actually pretty good than I expected. Heck! I'm still going to buy it when it comes out for $30 for the PS4, from Fry's. (Deus Ex: HR was on sale for $30 after 1 month of its initial release. I'll assume they'll do the same for Thief 4.)

Posted (edited)

He has a point about the marketing though. The original Thief trailers were pretty action packed and contradictory.

It's obvious they were trying to target action fans despite the heavy emphasis on stealth and avoiding combat. EM is using the same strategy as LGS. Edited by bjshepp

That is different though, back in the late 90s, they had no idea how to market a stealth game to folks used to Doom and Wolfenstein etc., they didn't think anyone would like Stealth games, so they marketed it as action game that also featured stealth.


That excuse doesn't work these days though. Everyone knows what stealth games are, so making a Thief game marketed as an action game is very sad.

  • Like 3

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


Posted (edited)

There are people that think the Assasins Creed sequels, TLOU and Dishonored qualify as stealth games despite them being action games with stealth elements. Very few modern gamers understand what a true stealth game is. EM is marketing to those people.

Edited by bjshepp
  • Like 1

Going to get the Master Thief Edition. Figure i've been a fan of the series pretty much my whole life and whilst there are certain things about the game I don't like there are a lot that I do so yeah. Plus the soundtrack and comics will be a nice thing!


I'd love to know why people keep bringing up Assassin's Creed, given it's virtually nothing like Thief.

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080


I'd love to know why people keep bringing up Assassin's Creed, given it's virtually nothing like Thief.


I think it's because one (or some) of the developers worked on Assassins Creed before they moved over to work on Thief and also the contextual movement seems like a first person version of the Assassins Creed contextual movement. You hold down a button and run and jump and move over roof tops/beams etc with fluidity.


someone was saying that about 40% of the team worked at ubisoft on the assassins' creed games, and as stealth in that consists of hiding in bushes, or running away from guards walking in the opposite direction, or moving from cover to cover eg bush, wall column, shrub, stack of boxes, tree, hide behind them or in them out of line of sight. stealth in that consists of two phase which are visible and invisible, as in invisible when in a bush. you get a flickering light effect over the players body when you are hidden or not hidden. the contextual movement is kind of broken on the pc versions, you can fall out of trees, and off the tops of roofs, it also had a 'it will try to climb anywhere its posible', usually when you don't want the player character to actually climb up something, it will and will repeat the bogus movement more than once, alerting guards.

Posted (edited)

They tried it once. People called in their votes during the commercial breaks, but of course, no rerun.



Gaming reduced to a level of choice and interaction as with a Kindle book.


Haha... ever heard of Dragon's Lair? This was in arcades back in the early '80s. It was MADLY popular and always had a group of people standing around it at local arcades. There is definitely a niche for it however its not for me at all. I never liked it. It was fun to watch though.


All animated cutscenes where you just pick the direction to move at the correct time.

Edited by Lux
Posted (edited)

There was some dude at our local arcade that beat it in one sitting, or standing. When mom used to go to the mall I would spend 4-6 hours in the arcade... thinking back, wow was that healthy?


OT: I recall when I was most excited at the arcade. One weekend some guy had gotten permisison from the arcade and brought in 2 fiberglass "hulls" with a seat in them and had a tower PC next to them with 3D virtual helmets. Just imagining back, I'm sure it was powered by a 286 or 386. You gave him a whole Dollar for 15 minutes, sat in the hull and put on the 3D helmet with goggles and played Mechwarrior in a very rough, very boxy, city scape vs. 1 other player and 2 bots, free-for-all. It was freaking intense! I was in Junior high school then and man it makes me crazy to get an Oculus Rift in my hands.


Its amazing how long its taken to go from that one off in the arcade to Oculus at home... like 20 years or something? Gah. And we think technology moves fast??

Edited by Lux
Posted (edited)

I was one of those guys who pissed off everyone who wanted to play Asteroids because I could play it forever on one quarter. Haha. Later on someone figured out how to stop that from happening, but it was fun while it lasted. Front Line was my game a few years after that. Those were the only two I got really good at. I hated Dragon's Lair.

Edited by Maijstral
Posted (edited)

The funny thing is, you could drop off something without having to have someone/something under you in AC... so they couldn't even copy that right. Why on earth they would look to AC for inspiration I cannot fathom. The games are almost mirror images of each other. 1pv vs 3pv, stealth with action possible vs action with light stealth elements, story based around stealing things vs stories based around killing lots of "evil" people, you ARE Garret vs you are Desmond RELIVING [Assassin] (prior to ac4).. if that's where they went looking for inspiration they have never had a clue what Thief was about beyond looking at oldthief, imagining it in Crysis/Dxhr and calling that "DNA".


Yeah, regardless of the clueless people barking up the wrong creed for ideas, there is really no legitimate reason to compare to the two, they are not even close to the same, and I guess it grates on me a little to see people referring to AC in derogatory manners around here simply because someone(s) with too much control over their project and too little idea what their project actually is, think AC is a place to look for ideas. I mean c'mon they have the IP that started the whole damn thing, why on earth are they looking around for ideas to "borrow" to make a sequel to a game that practically invented the genre?

Edited by Xarg
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Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080


Probably because they want it to sell like AC did? Who in the AAA gaming business doesn't want to make boat loads of money? Clearly their aim is not making great games anymore, at least in the AAA space.


They'd have been better off mining Call of Duty, it sells more and shares the same player perspective. TBH, AC is gonna start swirling the drain pretty soon, ever since Ubi announced years back that they could make as many AC games as they wanted, if they wanted to, and the much more recent announcement that they were no longer making games that would/could not be franchises due to "risk" (anyone still excited for Watch Dogs? I've been reconsidering), that AC is simply going to go nowhere. There will be annual installments of more of the same, and then a bit less of the same with some new, which becomes the new same, then more of the same. They're killing the franchise by being unwilling to let it just end before it outstays it's welcome, much in the way I perceived CoD:Ghost's (comparitively) dismal sales to mean CoD is starting to swirl the drain too. At some point stuffing a breathing tube down the patient's neck is going to do more damage and achieve the same results as just turning the damn machine off and letting it die with dignity, but since I don't snort coke off underage prostitute stomachs on a bed made of cash in a house made of gold what do I know

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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