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Beta Testers Wanted: Iris


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I've been too busy mapping so I could knock out two birds with one stone here, get back to general 2.10 testing and help you out with the FM beta test. Count me in, I'm below the "minimum spec" so if I can help any with general performance improvements I'll be glad to.

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My FMs: The King of Diamonds (2016) | Visit my Mapbook thread sometimes! | Read my tutorial on Image-Based Lighting Workflows for TDM!



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3 hours ago, jaxa said:

I'm willing, but I think I need to figure out how to update to the beta first.

pretty easy process

1. download tdm_installer ( not tdm_update  ) and extract the exe to your darkmod folder

2. start tdm_installer and choose "special version" then scroll down and find the latest beta build ( 2.10 b4 )

3. start the upgrade then restore your darkmod.cfg


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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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I'll be happy to test after 5 weeks of internet & PC Ciesta & then 1 week of Fiesta

Going home to Florida next week after getting my booster this last wednesday. Finally after 2.5 years :) Get'n out of this cold...brrr

Got a new Nvidia Graphics card with me too :) 

Got the 2.09 update...

Edited by Acolytesix
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Yeah ok. It was just easier with the updater before. So will this update on its own as well when I click that link?

I really should remove all the old 2.09 saves anyway. Mom will get so much more space back on her desktop ;) 

I'm all for the beta versions.  Never tried the game itself & a beta FM together though, What can go wrong?

But why not. I'll go remove all those files since July 2019 for now :)

What time zone are you in?

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Only the TDM game files were a whopping 20.6 Gb. Haven't even looked at T2 yet lol

& EDIT** the collected T2 FM files were at 10.8 Gb... wow, been busy... :) lots of space now deleted.

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On 1/15/2022 at 10:18 PM, Wellingtoncrab said:

Let me know if/when you make the plunge and I will send you a link!

Got the link for your Beta, now do you have the link(s) to install v2.10beta without the game installer? Never done it. Should I have a whole seperate drive for that?

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2 minutes ago, Acolytesix said:

Got the link for your Beta, now do you have the link(s) to install v2.10beta without the game installer? Never done it. Should I have a whole seperate drive for that?

The easiest way is probably to just make a new copy of your whole TDM installation, and run the installer from in there.

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                                                                                  A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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Yeah, now none of them work anymore...buhu... Did a clean install on both. Not worried, only got a few more days before I head home to Florida. Will deal with TDM then I guess.

Found this old 2016 HP Elitebook 6930p with the dreaded ati video card in it. T2 barely works in it & TDM is just a dark screen. Strange my HP's with nVidia from 2001 & 2004(wide scr) worked great with both. Was gonna bring it, but now I just see a weight issue. I'm gonna leave it behind I think. Was gonna build a TDM map on the plane, but I can't get that to work at all.

Sooo, I'm playing the latest 3 FMs for T2 TMA on mom's pc anyway.

Anyway, got rid of over 31 Gb of stuff my mom won't need on her pc the next 1.5 years at least till next time... ;)


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9 hours ago, Acolytesix said:

Luckily I copied everything Thief to a whole other HDD, so no foul on the 2.09 version. That still works on that drive.

You're beta can't be played on the 2.09 at all?

No, already the presence of the new security camera entities - which rely on code and script that only exists in 2.10 - would stop TDM from even starting with this FM selected.

@WellingtoncrabWould be good to add this line to the bottom of your darkmod.txt - it tells people they have a too old version if they try to play this FM pre-2.10:

Required TDM Version: 2.10
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51 minutes ago, jaxa said:

Looks like I'm good to go. I think I'm running 2.10 beta 4 and I turned my FPS counter on.

The Dark Mod 2.10/64, code revision 9798 (1435:9798)

Yes, all set :) Welcome to the 2.10 beta!

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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