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I've noticed that the patches for making arched ceilings don't form genuine arcs, just mostly rounded corners. The same goes for patch cylinders. With brush cylinders (prisms) the vertices aren't always evenly spaced.


Patch arches can have their middle vertices moved down/inwards to get a better curve, but then capping doesn't work because it doesn't reach the corners. Am I missing something?

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You're talking about Carmack's implementation of Bezier curves, which in his words were a pain in the ass to get working. A "round" tube is round though, it's a square with rounded edges you are correct.


Here: arches.map.txt


Just remove the .txt from the end.


EDIT: arches2.map.txt


This second one has more detail, and grouped for easier positioning. That's how I normally cap arches that aren't square.

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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Thanks. I initially had trouble getting the different patches to line up, but then I found this, which seems to show me the way: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Patch_Troubleshooter


Initial results suggest this can at least get a seamless 3d frame, but it's a shame that real arcs seem to be out of the question.

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Alright, so the idea to use a prefab sign got me the solution.

Those sign readables do in fact ignore the xdata spawnarg and use a combination of a "gui" and "gui_parm1" spawnargs.

So as an example you can make the sign readable display text, if you give it the following spawnarg-value pairs.


"gui" "guis/readables/sign_text_decals/sign_text_carolingia.gui"

"gui_parm1" "put text here"


One downside of actually using the sign readable seems to be that the text is not centered on it. Are there any other spawnargs that can accomplish this?

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Alright, so the idea to use a prefab sign got me the solution.

Those sign readables do in fact ignore the xdata spawnarg and use a combination of a "gui" and "gui_parm1" spawnargs.

So as an example you can make the sign readable display text, if you give it the following spawnarg-value pairs.


"gui" "guis/readables/sign_text_decals/sign_text_carolingia.gui"

"gui_parm1" "put text here"


One downside of actually using the sign readable seems to be that the text is not centered on it. Are there any other spawnargs that can accomplish this?


Yeh the text doesn't centre, you have to use spaces and trial and error to get it right. I'd like to see a signage editor that

allowed us all the usual font control including colour etc. Glad you got it working.

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Yeh the text doesn't centre, you have to use spaces and trial and error to get it right. I'd like to see a signage editor that

allowed us all the usual font control including colour etc. Glad you got it working.


Well that is unfortunate, I was hoping an ideal solution existed already. Well, thanks for the clarification!

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This is because signs are decals placed onto... whatever (prefab sign?) and not dependant upon .xd.

Have you correctly aligned the decal through windowdef in the gui and ensured that it is tuned (mostly trial and error, ime)?


Also, is easier to use #str than text, if you'd like it translated:

The other option is to create .tga texture and use this for the sign, align using surface inspector same as any other (req. building mtr and all that stuff to get into DR).

Since you're really already creating a texture for the decal, to place upon the sign - may as well rip the background texture and place your text upon it (can even then make .dds for deboss/emboss, if including normals, bumps, etc...) and simply apply this to sign brush/mesh, scale and align with inspector.


// (Note, textures won't be translated as #str would be. It will forever be "bollocks street" rather than "gonadstrasse" or whatever)

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I have another question: In which pk4 are the inventory icons stored? I know the path: guis/assets/hud/inventory_icons/lockpick_snake_icon, but I can only find one "guis" folder (in the tdm_gui01.pk4) and this contains only a couple of gui-files. Each other pk4 I looked into did not contain any guis folder.


That's why I made this page for book mark and ctrl+f:




		Here is where any custom objects inventory icons may be placed (eg, special loot or items).

ps, 7-zip has a useful search archive function that allows internal archive search for keyword.


/* what I want to know is - why the difference between the .dds and .tga - the inventory icons don't appear to require anything other than an image (except models, such as compass, that rotate) and they are not related to in-game lighting... same with the fonts - why stored as .dds? Is it for purposes of compression? */

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Is it possible to have lights reflect in water? In the map I'm working on, I have a bit of water, and it reflects brushs/models fine

but doesn't reflect lights. Is there a way to do this? It'd add so much to the map.


I still need an answer on this please.


TL;DR - gl m8.








Custom, semi-transparent water-surface texture / animated diffuse with specular and bump is the usual way... But, other than being very expensive (lag) in how TDM achieves w/number of frames & due to shit tonne of code req. - it's arcane knowledge that is probably lost somewhere except in experimentation, outside of that post.


This is why I mentioned about using the toolset in DR with some creativity in another thread, Neon - there is much liberty in confinement. Can't bounce a ball unless there are walls, can't play squash without being in a box.


(it's like playing a very large .gif file with transparency, over the water. That needs all the stuff doing to get it into the game...)


Plus - player reflection (esp tool/weapon) and shadow-cast over surface is now vanished information, irretrievable:



The other option is a cube-map:



However, this won't react to player's lightsource (eg, lantern, or fire arrow over it).


Mirror with no-clip looks shite - plus, light doesn't bounce on mirrors in this game (eg, to underlight a bridge over some water, using reflection off water surface - I think, might be wrong - generally in TDM, it's light source illusion, so perhaps adding strategically placed light-sources might achieve effect you want).


I've tried to brighten corners and underlight things, reflect light down dark corridors, by judicial placement of mirrors (as with interior design), for a rotational puzzle to show the player the correct path to take (eg, they dial in the right code, mirror columns align and the light is the "guiding path" and it does nothing. Ended up having to simply use diffuse spotlights and "make it look like it's real".


But it may have been because was using dynamic light source from skybox light-source moving along spline (eg, moon progression to cast shadows differently as time progressed), not fixed as in eg, lantern.


Even though light and sound act the same way in space/time and are affected by gravity, pressure and stuff in the same way - the engine doesn't process them in the same way as reality.

It's possible to mess with "sound" to achieve the kind of reflection you are after (using mechanical trickery and manipulating visportals), but idk any way to do it with "light"...


In the end, I simply nicked Arcturus' window raindrop animation for a non-commercial music video - the beauty of CC licensing...




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That's why I made this page for book mark and ctrl+f:




		Here is where any custom objects inventory icons may be placed (eg, special loot or items).

ps, 7-zip has a useful search archive function that allows internal archive search for keyword.


/* what I want to know is - why the difference between the .dds and .tga - the inventory icons don't appear to require anything other than an image (except models, such as compass, that rotate) and they are not related to in-game lighting... same with the fonts - why stored as .dds? Is it for purposes of compression? */


Why do you need inventory icons? Usually you don't need to use them as they get added in when you

add the blue room or if it's a key, using the key entitys with models.


On a side note, how do I make cloudy water? I'm guessing we somehow add fog to the water but I don't know how.

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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Thanks. I initially had trouble getting the different patches to line up, but then I found this, which seems to show me the way: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Patch_Troubleshooter


Initial results suggest this can at least get a seamless 3d frame, but it's a shame that real arcs seem to be out of the question.


Can you post a screenshot explaining what you mean by "real arcs"?

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Do you mean murky or with some kind of haze..?

If murk:

If underwater fog:

If haze/mist:

or comination of them.


If I were to make a custom object that required a new icon, such as a special piece of loot,

eg, I'm robbing a rich guy, but find out his vault is empty, then find a note to say he always pays with slivers of gold - go back to his place and discover that there is a machine shop downstairs, with notes on quantities of gold that has been cut - very close frobbably golden carpet rods are on the stairs, I missed the first few times (or was lucky to discover earlier), it uses generic "loot" icon. I don't want that. I want a golden carpet rail, cos that's what it is - ignore the shite carpet alignment and super-sharp stairway:




or if I wanted to change the blackjack to be a massive purple dildo I found in the local adult-bookshop - it'd need a new icon than the standard blackjack.

I don't like keys for progression. Silent Hill was boring AF.

I like tools, skill and creativity for progression. It's more fun to open a door by finding a way around it (or finding a lever in a strange place), than it is playing "find the key" a million times.

eg, if player reads this, then learns of stash of thief tools, then knows that glow in tree is fire arrows (not req. but there's also loot, flashers and health/breath stuff), along with note is rope arrow and vine arrow. Rope arrow to get loot, stuff and fire arrows, maybe can retain rope arrow and use health potion for fall - uses vine arrow to climb over gate that appears to need a key - there is no key until after the gate, in case player wants to go back. Also there is alternate route using crates or rope arrow, or distracting guard to open gate and slip through before they return to passive, locking on way back in - if player has bought/found water arrows or is nimble and stealthy to slip by).

Makes opening a door a bit more interesting than simply frobbing a key that was under a plant-pot, while adding a bunch of mini-tasks to do that aren't simply searching for an item - it becomes a mission, not a frustrating hunt around areas we've been 10x already, forcing me to kill everyone so I can find it without getting caught...

I reckon, at least.

What's the point in having a noise-maker (which doesn't seem to work as well as it used to, esp through visportals or if there is a "newer" sound), if it's there at the end?
Can't sell it back to the shop...

Maybe it'd be nice to give the player a whistle - like Basso's bird call in T2m1, so they can lure a guard - instead of simply jumping up and down or chucking a pot in the guard's face.
"what was that... must've been rats I guess"... dude... I threw a fucking bedpan in your face... def. rats, yep.


I guess sometimes that some ppl don't start with the map-pack and so don't have everything prefabbed - top of my head - check out Spook's king of diamonds mission... In that mission, for the spell, there are plenty of custom icons for inventory items that are based on those objects found in-game.


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Can you post a screenshot explaining what you mean by "real arcs"?


I think he want's lara's boobs to look more realistic:




but in 2005, not 2017.



ie, to make new lara from 2005, id3 polygon-esque, into 2017, dx12 niceness lara.


idk about using nurbs/catmullrom in DR for anything other than describing motion, but maybe it is possible for vector drawing of curve (but if it was, it'd be used already..?)


Maybe is better to make model using many tris in external package and import.




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On a side note, how do I make cloudy water? I'm guessing we somehow add fog to the water but I don't know how.


If I were to make a custom object that required a new icon, such as a special piece of loot,

What teh_saccade said. I want(ed) to make a custom item and the quickest way of creating the new invetory icon was to use an existing one and apply a bit of photoshop, so the item in question is recognisable. It was a potion and the breath potion looked almost exactly the same. I just had to remove the "beak" of the potion and give the metal a greenish tint. I could also have placed it in DR, take a screenshot and convert this into an inventory icon, but with the existing one, I already had the alpha channel, the right size etc.

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I mean cloudy so you can't see the bottom, but can still see into the water. Green/blue cloudy water, bit like ocean water with

alot of algae in it

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Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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RTFI - top and middle links, mate.


first deals with coloured water and second the depth "cloud/fog" that you're after, that will appear "thicker" the deeper it goes - a very dark, underwater light.

For large bodies of water, or a long strip such as something like a canal, might be worth sticking a few in sequence with a slight overlap.

messing with the colours will require custom gui, maybe simple #undef #def, idk - can find the relevant gui in TDM's source files and copy and change colour from there to include in custom.




Coloured and Murky Water

This is a method for providing water that is coloured or murky underwater and a surface that matches.

You can use this with different water surfaces but I recommend you first try:

textures/water_source/water_colored. (this can be coloured but by default it is not so won't confuse the issue - the colour will be added by the overlay below.)

To your water entity give the property:


Now give the property the name of one of the overlay guis. The names are fairly descriptive so you can choose which type you want suitable for a river, a cave pool, or a sewer, etc.:


Now with the water entity still selected:

  • Choose Top view in Dark Radiant's orthoview
  • Create a simple patch from the patch menu.
  • Move this up flush with the surface of the water.
  • Give it the texture that matches the gui you chose above. For example, if you chose guis/underwater/underwater_bluegrey_thinmurk.gui from the above then give the overlay the texture: textures/water_source/bluegrey_plain_flat_thinmurk

Using the above method you should find the surface opacity and colour matches how it looks when the players goes underwater.

Underwater fog

Your water looks much more believable if it has an underwater fog. Create a light, select as texture "fog/basicfog", give it a very dark color and resize the light so it covers the entire underwater area. This will make your water darker the deeper it is, just like in real-life!



/* incidentally - the step where you apply the texture would be where you'd apply the [animated] texture with specular, normal, bump, etc... to give light reflection off the water [look v still if not animated, probably a bit too static to be anything like real water, but... maybe - steal something from somewhere and try it out] */


Happy 300th page of newbie questions and answers.

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Arc: Part of the circumference of a circle.


Here's an example with a background image for reference. Two curved patches. On the left is the easy one, with a cap that fits neatly into the gap to the brushes, but it doesn't have a proper arced shaped. On the right is a tweaked one, which more closely follows the shape of a circle, but when mirrored there's a slightly vaulted look, and the caps are harder to sort out.



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Is it possible to have lights reflect in water? In the map I'm working on, I have a bit of water, and it reflects brushs/models fine

but doesn't reflect lights. Is there a way to do this? It'd add so much to the map.


I still need an answer on this please.


Neon, take a look at Arcturu's water shader.





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My apologies if this has been answered before, but I'm just starting out and was wondering how one goes about keeping DarkRadiant up to date? Is it as simple as installing newer versions over the previous ones? Or must I do a clean install for every new version?

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Soul - I wouldnt worry too much about capping. It would be preferable, IMO, to do something like this:




You can thicken your patch surface and use a texture that works, so you can give your arch a body. You can then split your wall into a few brushes, and sink them into the patch structure accordingly, as AH suggested.

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My apologies if this has been answered before, but I'm just starting out and was wondering how one goes about keeping DarkRadiant up to date? Is it as simple as installing newer versions over the previous ones? Or must I do a clean install for every new version?


You just uninstall the current version and install the new one. User settings are kept in appdata directories, so you don't have to backup your shortcuts or anything.

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