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Newbie DarkRadiant Questions


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You'd have to go through the soundshader then and comment out the vocals you didn't want.

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Note that if you do that, you have to package that new soundshader in your .pk4's folder as a custom soundshader. I did this in PD if you want to take a look.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Hi again. I have a little problem on this tut: http://modetwo.net/d..._Chests%2C_etc.


at that point:


"Just drag out a brush to almost fill the interior, give it clip texture and atdm:target_set_frobable entity. This disables frob again if the player puts something into the box too."


I have tried that, but changing the brush chages every other worldspawn obj. too. Did i miss something important? :wacko:


Edit: Thats the same problem i had before with the brush 333, i am changing one brush and then the whole worldspawn is affected, something is wrong here

Edited by Sonosuke

Ich konnte mich nicht erinnern Teleportation gezaubert zu haben und doch stand ich da... alleine und nackt.

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I think the problem might be that you are selecting the brush then selecting the classname, worldspawn in this case, and changing it to the atdm:target_set_frobable entity? [ie, by typing it in] Instead, select the brush and select the classname worldspawn but now notice there is a new button appears at the bottom of entity inspector to 'choose entity class'. Click that button and select atdm:target_set_frobable from the list (darkmod > targets)

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tried like that but nothing happens...

Edited by Sonosuke

Ich konnte mich nicht erinnern Teleportation gezaubert zu haben und doch stand ich da... alleine und nackt.

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Mmm... thought that way used to work. Well alright the more normal way I suppose I should have said is select the brush then right click in ortho grid view for the menu and select 'create entity'. I'll add that to the wiki to make it clearer.


hahaha, its that easy. Thanks, its working now

Ich konnte mich nicht erinnern Teleportation gezaubert zu haben und doch stand ich da... alleine und nackt.

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So far I'm really enjoying learning Dark Radiant. I thought I had a problem with not being able to resize brushes, but I soon realized that the Translate button had been pressed down. I'd thought it was default and switched to it after rotating an entity. Amusing. Now that my map is becoming more complex (oooh, two rooms!) I'm noticing that the refresh rate on my grid view and the 3d view are both very poor. I'll make a change and nothing will seem to happen until I move the view by right clicking and dragging. This is getting extremely frustrating. Is there some way I can improve the refresh rate? I doubt it's caused by poor hardware, as my PC is less than two years old and runs TDM flawlessly with maxed graphics.


I'm running an Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16GHz (3178Mhz), Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit, DirectX 11, with a GeForce 9600 GT running driver version 191.07, which was updated tonight.


Another minor annoyance - I play games with a reversed Z axis, and haven't been able to find an option to invert the mouse on the 3d view. I'm sure there's a way, I've just not found it yet.


Thanks to all of you who made this project the success it is. I'm having a blast. I doubt I'll be finished with anything in timefor the next contest, but hopefully the entries will help inspire me.


- Baalak called Refreshed.

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For the first problem, I'm not sure this is what you're describing, but try: Edit | Preferences | Orthoview | [uncheck] Update Views on Camera Movement


This way the camera doesn't update with every single move you make, instead waiting till you give it focus. Speeds things up quite a bit.


For the second problem, try: Edit | Preferences | Camera | Invert Mouse Vertical Axis

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Also try turning off desktop composition (Aero) when running DR.

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My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.
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Look at menu > Preferences > Camera > Invert mouse. Don't know if it is what you want though.


In that same section, what render mode do you have set? If you have it set at lighting then reduce it to Textured.


2 rooms is nothing for a machine like yours and you ought to be able to edit those smoothly. When your map gets bigger though then use the various filters. In particular, in Top grid view, zoom in to the minimum area you want to work on and select menu > View > Region > Set from XY. Note the shortcut key for that.

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Thank you, all three of you. A combination of your advice has solved the problem I was having entirely. Now when I select something in my map, it appears selected immediately, instead of the way it was last night, where a black box would appear in the center of the screen and nothing else would happen until I moved the view, at which point the box would disappear and the object I had selected would finally become highlighted in red. The grid moves much more smoothly now when I drag it or zoom, and the camera is very fluid (if a little fast and imprecise). Best of all, the mouse is inverted now, so I'm not constantly looking at the wrong thing. Sincere and profound gratefulness all around, especially for the speed of the solutions. I'm excited to dig in.


- Baalak called Inverted.

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Thank you, all three of you. A combination of your advice has solved the problem I was having entirely. Now when I select something in my map, it appears selected immediately, instead of the way it was last night, where a black box would appear in the center of the screen and nothing else would happen until I moved the view, at which point the box would disappear and the object I had selected would finally become highlighted in red. The grid moves much more smoothly now when I drag it or zoom, and the camera is very fluid (if a little fast and imprecise). Best of all, the mouse is inverted now, so I'm not constantly looking at the wrong thing. Sincere and profound gratefulness all around, especially for the speed of the solutions. I'm excited to dig in.


- Baalak called Inverted.


You must be the only person in the world who uses inverted mouse control, I can't stand it, it's so unintuitive.

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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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I would like to know if standard Doom 3 textures are recommended for use. I am asking this because I used one from the Hell family, and it seems to be completely dark where it isn't lit - unlike other textures. I have a global ambient light in the mission, so that should not be a problem. It would be great if I could use it, as TDM seems to be lacking in dark brickwork at this moment.



Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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You must be the only person in the world who uses inverted mouse control, I can't stand it, it's so unintuitive.

It's the way I learned mouselook. I was taught by a friend when Half-Life came out, and he inverted the mouse because he used it that way. I think his father did, too. It's unintuitive to me that anyone would want it the uninverted way. Hmm, maybe it has something to do with the flight simulators I played before I got into FPS's.


I'm very glad that inverted mouse was included in Dark Radiant. I could get by without it, but it wouldn't be as easy.


- Baalak called Unintuitive.

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and it seems to be completely dark where it isn't lit


Same with the grandfather clock, dont know what makes that happen... or maybe i chose the wrong skin, tried 2 or 3

Edited by Sonosuke

Ich konnte mich nicht erinnern Teleportation gezaubert zu haben und doch stand ich da... alleine und nackt.

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