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Status Updates posted by Obsttorte

  1. I've been thinking alot about indentations in the last time.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dragofer


      It's as if there were this near-imperceptible whisper carried by the wind, and suddenly indentation takes up my thoughts.

    3. datiswous


      Soon there will be an Indentation Guild in TDM. If you manage to sneak into their meeting place, you hear constant talk about the subject and see plenty of example code in their library.

      In one of the missions you are asked to sneak into a rival library and indent all their books for the greater good.

    4. Wellingtoncrab


      We should probably skip the guild and immediately splinter into factions.

      The “Tabans” - squalid and chaotic pests who worship the the “Tabster” and the righteous “Spacerites” - rigid puritans who follow the path and virtues of “The Master Indenter”.

  2. Muahaha!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Oh okay, nagut, dann habe ich nichts gesagt. :D Schön dass es dich (noch) hier gibt! :)

    3. Obsttorte


      Eher sporadisch. Mir fällt übrigens gerade auf das ich die Community Reputation "Deity" habe aber nur sechs Follower. Zählt das schon als Sekte? :D

    4. SeriousToni


      Dann zahle ich gern zu deiner Sekte wenn ich mal hier bin! :) Ich wünschte ich hätte mehr Zeit, umso mehr hoffe ich, dass du uns treu bleibst und mit weiteren tollen neuen Erfindungen bereichern wirst! Im Ernst, mit deiner Hilfe war sehr viel möglich, ich würde mich freuen wenn du weiter für die TDM Community da bist.

  3. Last Christmas, I've stolen your loot, and the very next day sold it right away, bought me some broadheads, and shot it at someone special :)

  4. Just noticed that last saturday was my fifth anniversary in the Forum. Wanna have cake :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Springheel


      A lot accomplished in that time! If there's cake, you deserve it.


    3. Bikerdude
    4. Obsttorte
    1. GameDevGoro


      one of my favorite reads :) buuut it also makes me a bit frightened at how robust these systems become, even though they are built far from robust. It's some kind of magic, for sure haha. Like you have ways of calculating things that are errorprone, but because they are, they don't show up in the game. they were simply avoided/worked around. Rock solid, but not really :D

    2. jaredmitchell
  5. I need a script request tracker. Sorta collecting points and once I have enough I get a new bicycle or a plushie at least. :D

    1. SeriousToni


      I would love to buy you a bicycle! :D


    2. Obsttorte


      A pink one, please. :)

  6. It seems I have a fan. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bikerdude


      I thought you might like that :-D

    3. Obsttorte


      Loving it. And I expected it to come from you :P

    4. Bikerdude
  7. Just stumbled over something. Disabling Vsync and entering "com_fixedTic 1" (without quotation marks) in the console removes the frame cap. The game will run faster if the framereate increases, so it's not suitable for playing, but a good start for performance teests while playing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Obsttorte


      It is especially nice on high end computers, where framedrops will hardly occour and are not that noticeable. Makes things more compareable even before the mission gets tested on a low end rig.

    3. AluminumHaste


      Also that makes no sense. The fixed tic is what limited the game to 60 fps.

      Setting that option to 1 turns it on.

      Also afaik,iD removed that option after the second patch in Doom 3's base code, so I don't think it works now.

      Gonna have to check it out though.

    4. AluminumHaste


      Okay I had it backwards. Setting it to 0 caps at 60 fps.

      Setting it to 1 uncaps up but Physics will also go haywire.


      The option we all want is -1, which uncapped FPS but kept physics running properly. That was removed in a patch.

  8. I hate pointers soooooooooo much :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AluminumHaste


      I would say they're more than beneficial, with large data sets it's necessary, you don't want to move a huge data set across the stack.

    3. Obsttorte


      I know that. But I don't like them anyways :P

    4. Bienie


      Hey! Pointers are really nice dogs! (yes I know nothing about data management :P)

  9. I need a faster pc, I need a faster pc, I need ... I need ..., I need a faster pc. (40 minutes remaining, please hang on ...)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melan


      Writing DVDs or waiting for Windows to install the remaining 65 out of 137 updates?

    3. Obsttorte


      Exporting a video :D

    4. Bikerdude
  10. Just finished SOMA. Awesome game me thinks, even though the ending is a bit predictable. But I had a pleasent time playing it.

    1. Baal


      Yes it is great. I am not through but close. I wish we had audio as good as theirs.

    2. Lux


      playing through now and enjoying it quite a bit.

    3. Tarhiel


      Seems like a really good game.

    1. SteveL


      Haha. Even in a forum full of nerds, that stands proud :)

    2. jaxa


      my life for Aiur

    3. SeriousToni


      They should put their talent in some TDM maps :D

  11. Once again a new mapper seems to have joined or circle. Praise the Builder for those who have seen the light shining from the Book of TDM.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dunedain19


      Which new 'mapper' is this?

    3. SeriousToni


      I think GGP85, right?

    4. AluminumHaste


      Any mapper is welcome, come in, take off your shoes and grab a beer :)

  12. How can I receive warning points? And how many do I have to collect before I get a free gift? :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Leaderboards are coming soon.

    3. grayman


      And so begins the descent into depravity.

    4. Lux


      Can we also have achievement levels added pls, kthxbai.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Springheel


      The water wheel and smith props look interesting though.


    3. Goldwell


      Also blendswap is another great place for models check out these http://www.blendswap.com/blends/search?keywords=medieval&s[blend_license]=&s[blender_version]=0

    4. Obsttorte


      They are free to be modified, so they could at least serve as either a base or as an inspiration.

  13. http://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=&field_art_type_tid[0]=10&field_art_licenses_tid[0]=2&field_art_licenses_tid[1]=3&field_art_licenses_tid[2]=6&field_art_licenses_tid[3]=5&field_art_licenses_tid[4]=10310&field_art_licenses_tid[5]=4&field_art_licenses_tid[6]=8&field_art_licenses_tid[7]=7&field_art_tags_tid_op=and&field_art_tags_tid=&name=hreikin&sort_by=created&sort_order=DESC&items_per_page=24&collection=&page=1&Collection=
  14. There is a big lack of spambots here during the last weeks. What happened, don't they like us anymore? :(

    1. Bikerdude


      Heh, Taaaki's config is working well then :-)

    2. Springheel


      I actually thought there have been more than usual. I've killed three in the last few days.

    3. Obsttorte


      The russian ones?! Yeah, I've noticed them. But besides that it seems pretty quiet.

  15. It's cold, it's wet and grey everywhere, no snow is lying around. What a terrible winter :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Springheel


      January was cold but dry here, which I actually prefer in the winter. Two big snowfalls in the last week have changed that though.


    3. demagogue


      We (Tokyo) got a day of snow that melted within a day, but otherwise surprisingly sunny.

    4. Tels


      Obst: You live in the wrong area :)

  16. Got my first payment this month and ordered a starting set for a model railway. Can't wait to start building it up for the first time and planning the layout. Now I only have to think about where to place it in my 35 square meters flat :D

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Buy out your neighbor's flat with your next payment, cut a hole in the walls and make full use of your new 70m² workspace!

    2. Obsttorte
    3. ERH+


      Perfect solution would be inverted diorama on ceiling -but all rails and/or train wheels would need to have an additional gouge.

  17. Today is washday. Happy and clean into the next week. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melan


      Housework is relaxing and invigorating. Except window-washing. Oh how I hate thee!

    3. Tels


      It's that time of the year again, eh?

    4. buck28


      Airship. ha ha ha LOL

  18. Did any of you mappers know about this? http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Texture_Tool

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lux


      I have been able to get it to do what I wanted but I can also agree with Springheel and AH.

      Looks like an excellent topic for your next "Let's Map", Obs! :D

    3. Obsttorte


      So, how does it come that I've missed it 8(

    4. Lux


      I didn't realize it had all that extra functionality but still... Let's Map!

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