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  1. Thanks. The issue is that once an entity is spawned in the map it gets an unique name, like "atdm:whatever" becomes "atdm_whatever_1"... seems you can't work around that in a mere def, but at least there's a script function for it so that's great. For now I went with a prefab where buttons will be independent, that's clearly going to a better option in the end; If things go smoothly I may finish keypad doors for my campaign, could share that separately on the forum in the meantime as I'm sure others would like to play with it One more question in the meantime: With the current entity setup, is it difficult to define a custom lockpick and make it consumable? I see I should easily be able to create my own "atdm:playertool_lockpick_base" derivative, giving it an unique letter for "lockpick_type" which should then work in any door's "lock_picktype"... I'm also seeing a "type" spawnarg with its own letter and wonder what that's used for as well. But what about making it consumable? So that like health potions, you can pick up multiple instances of the item, then each time you unlock a door via picking or successfully apply the lockpick to the door one item is subtracted. For what seems relevant I'm seeing "inv_cont_use" / "inv_item_count" / "inv_stackable" spawnargs, are those everything I need or would the lockpick script need changes?
  2. No Blackjack? No Problem; 'The Crate' works almost as well - so long as the taffer can hide in a shadow... Yeah; I'd like to see more HARDCORE difficult missions forcing experts to use equipment (sparingly) than having a heap of 30 water-arrows at the end. (as you can't just sell unused equipment off to count towards a loot goal...)
  3. No not really, but you can hide everything except the room and then it's easier to move to the room. But not a good solution. Interesting. Could be used with info_locations. Although HMart's solution is probably better. Well, if you have DR active with a map file with one room-layer active, then in TDM teleport to another room and in DR activate that room-layer and sync camera, it will probably not be so harmful on system resources, depending on the size and complexity of that specific room. I think this stuff can already be done with scripts directly in DR (make a menu, jump camera to specific positions, activate/deactivate layers, etc.), but I find DR-scripting too difficult to understand (no Python knowledge).
  4. Apologies if this has been asked before, but I can't find it being discussed. Is there a way to open the large rectangular waste containers in the commons area? I've done all the main objectives and revisited a lot of the map. (I'm playing on difficult).
  5. The problem with a "theme" system (I think) is that it's forcing the assets into categories they may not fit well into or that don't make sense; or I mean it's forcing the mapper to think in terms of discrete "categories" at all, when that may not be most effective. Whereas a tagging system doesn't impose any "system"... Tags are completely open-ended, and could be at any level of scale or heirarchy -- you could have: bathroom-furniture, made-of-wood, Victorian, X-author's set, good for triggers, items for a bookshelf, architectural, magic, etc, etc... as tags, but not all of those categories make sense as discrete themes with other co-themes at the same level. I guess this is a longwinded say tagging more intuitively lets you target what you want without imposing a structure you have to wedge it into ... just a totally open field of tags from any walk of life. Edit: This is not to say tags should be arbitrarily specific. There should be tags of general categories too of course; even these will be the backbone of the system. But the whole point is tagging allows multiple layers, so you can use the general category tags to start your search, then ween it down with increasingly specific tag sets, whatever is best for the asset set. Some asset sets, or especially combinations, will categorize differently than others, and tagging is ok with that. Edit2: The image I have in my mind anyway is like a photo-collection tagged collection. There's an opening page with a tag cloud with the most common basic tags (general category) the largest in size and minor ones smaller, which you click on and then you get a browser with that set of textures. Then on the left hand bar will be all the tag-combinations within that set (other tags textures in the set are carrying; then in parentheses maybe the number of AND-textures it'd filter down to / OR-new textures they'd bring in), the major tags again larger or highlighted somehow, which if you click one of those new tags, it'd filter the browser to show the AND set. And maybe there's also an option so you could have an OR set and get both (or even select a new OR set from the full tag cloud), which adds new textures into the browser window, and also new sets of tags in the left-bar (the new tags carried by one or more textures in the new set). Also there's a place you could back out of a tag to cut that subset out. So you could open up & winnow down the set as you desire. It ends up a kind of way to browse through the whole collection by navigating through tag AND/OR combinations. Also there's a search bar where you could type in a tag at any time also.
  6. I never realised Bill Gates was a member of these forums. Welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy The Dark Mod. Perhaps your Foundation could help pay for the server hosting or fund the development of some new features?
  7. I will update this list as we go, re-arranging info based on severity - Ongoing privacy concerns The trade-offs between privacy and features is not a simple black-and-white decision, even Windows 8 has an “Advertising ID” that follows you around. Ars Technica revealed that, even with all of the Win10 security settings on Off, Win10 still sends some data to the Micro$oft Mothership. The simple fact is that Microsoft hasn’t told us what data it’s collecting. With the release of Windows 10, Micro$oft have stepped up there 'illegal' data capture of private user data - http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17379-microoft-data-slurp-now-not-just-limited-to-win10/?hl=windows M$ is now via the latest update, monitoring how long your Win10 session's are and how long you use various apps - http://betanews.com/2016/01/04/why-is-microsoft-monitoring-how-long-you-use-windows-10. At release ALL Win10 (home-to-enterprise) users could not disable telemetry, but as of the latest update now enterprise user's only now have that option - http://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-telemetry-time-for-level-playing-field/ But it seems some enterprising user has created a tool for home/pro users - http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-telemetry-and-data-collection-in-windows-10/. But the article points out that tere is some telemetry being sent back to M$ in Win7/8 - http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17379-microoft-data-slurp-now-not-just-limited-to-win10/?hl=windows Another renamed service that needs to be disabled - http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2015/11/24/windows-10-automatic-spying-begins-again/ Another example of fresh install, on a PC that wasn't used for 8hrs - http://betanews.com/2016/02/06/windows-10-phones-home-a-lot-even-with-all-reporting-and-telemetry-disabled/ More and more tools are coming out for Win 10 to try and block all or most of the telemetry traffic, here one I have come across - DisableWinTracking Advertising it wasn't in at launch but there are reports of 'recommended' apps appearing in the start menu, WTF! -http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/windows-10-start-menu-advert/ Stability and Compatibility I tested the retail version, its IMHO its still not stable enough to considered a daily OS. I tested on release and wasn't impressed. I found if I enabled (fairly modest) whitelist outbound blocking on my internet router, Win10's internet responsiveness would fall through the floor. All browsers would takes ages to resolve sites and the OS itself would actually become lumpy/laggy. Broken Video drivers, its so widespread that even a few on here have been affected - http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17665-windows-10-why-you-shouldnt-upgrade/?p=384905 The Graphical user interface M$ white-washing of the interface in Win8 and office 2013 and have refused to learn from user feedback. Forced updates Not being able to control what gets installed on "MY PC", is a massive NO! NO! Patching remains Windows 10’s Achilles’ heel, all Windows 10 Home machines, and Windows 10 Pro machines that aren’t hiding behind an update server (such as WSUS or WUB) will get all patches applied according to Microsoft’s time scale. All three of the first Cumulative Update patches have had problems with reboot cycles. KB3081424 on Aug. 5, KB3081436 on Aug. 12, and KB3081438 on Aug. 14 all crashed a bunch of Windows 10 systems. The installer stops mid-installation, flashes an error message, rolls back, and reboots. Then you guessed it -- the forced installer kicks in and crashes Windows again. Rinse, lather, repeat. Getting out of the mess involves editing the registry. We haven’t yet seen how Micro$oft will recover from a really bad update, the experience to date with the three Cumulative Updates does not instil confidence. We don’t know if Microsoft will start documenting its patches again. We don’t know if much effort will be directed at fixing and improving the Microsoft-supplied Universal apps. Windows 10 installer takes a look at your system and based on the hardware and software it finds, assigns your request to a bucket of similar upgrade requests. The guys running the upgrade system, prioritize your request based on their assessment of how likely your system is to bomb out on an upgrade. Key apps, such as Mail and Edge, STILL aren’t ready yet Some of Windows 10’s key apps simply half baked. Mail has a nasty habit of putting notifications in the upper-left corner and leaving them hanging forever. There’s no combined Inbox, so if you have multiple accounts you have to jump from Inbox to Inbox. And it crashes hard -- for a lot of people. Edge, the new browser, similarly has all sorts of rough "edges". There are no extensions yet, thus no AdBlocker. Changing the search engine is tortuous, moving tabs onto the desktop and back again doesn’t work and you can’t pin tabs. In short use what ever mail/browser you wrere using on previous OS. Not much in the way of Universal apps Don't believe the marketing bollox about all of those wonderful Universal apps in Windows 10, whether it’s on a desktop, notebook, phone, Raspberry Pi, it ain't happening. The Windows Store is still by and large a wasteland, with crap apps galore. Win10’s Tablet Mode broken First, there’s the menu on the left that tucks away the entries on the left side of the Start menu. It collapses fine, but when it’s collapsed it rarely shows any more tiles than when it’s not collapsed. What’s the point, eh? Universal app windows have that pesky taskbar permanently tacked on the bottom, while the window bar at the top auto-hides. Edge, when running full screen, doesn’t support any of the old Metro IE swipe commands. You can’t swipe through running apps. The apps themselves? The irony is M$ Office on the iPad is better than M$ Office on Windows 10. OneDrive regression This concern applies only if you use OneDrive in Windows 8.1, and if you put a lot of stuff in OneDrive. For those of you using OneDrive in Windows 7 (and Windows 8), there’s no change in behavior with Win10. But if you’re accustomed to seeing all of your OneDrive files in Windows 8.1’s File Explorer, you’ll be in for a bit of a shock. Windows 10 makes you choose which OneDrive folders you want to be able to see in File Explorer. Once you’ve made that choice, the other folders aren’t accessible in File Explorer. The only way to see what files you have in OneDrive is by venturing to the OneDrive website. Missing Media Center and DVD player For those people that run Windows Media Center, its gone in Windows 10 PC. Instead Micro$oft wants you to use/buy an Xbox. Ain’t broke, don’t fix it The old adage comes from experience and it’s as applicable now as it ever was. If you’re using Windows 7/8/8.1, and it’s properly patched up and working for you, and you’ve stopped using Internet Explorer, you really have to consider whether it’s worth the effort to upgrade to Windows 10. Carefully consider whether the warning signs listed here. Still to many questions For example, when you upgrade a “genuine” Win7, Win8 or Win8.1 machine to Win10 and run the upgrade in place, Micro$oft records a hardware ID that says, “this machine has valid license” At that point, you can install either Win7 or Win10 on that machine, and your license will be validated. Its believed that the only version of Win10 that you can disable ALL telemetry and fully control Windows update in, is the enterprise version. Smells like Teen Spirit desperation Microsoft Marketing chief Chris Capossela explained that users who choose Windows 7 do so “at your own risk, at your own peril.” It is particularly myopic to rubbish one of your own products that way. Put simply Capossela is a complete cock, Windows 7 is no less secure than Windows 10 (it will be supported until 2020 and Windows 8.1 2023) and is no less compatible with new hardware and software. Also at the moment Win7 has a bigger market share, so easier work for developers. Micro$oft has bad been caught forcing the upgrade on some users, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/10/15/pushy_windows_10/ and http://www.fudzilla.com/news/39479-microsoft-raises-the-upgrade-pressure As this is a very bad and its only getting worse, another link to the forced upgrade/update issue - http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17665-windows-10-why-you-shouldnt-upgrade/?p=385115 Nagware being rolled out the business machine - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/01/14/get_windows_10_business_pcs/ Now blocking support for the latest CPU in windows 7/8 - http://www.techpowerup.com/219316/no-enterprise-support-for-older-windows-versions-on-the-latest-processors-microsoft.html More marketing desperation Malware - KB3035583 http://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-updates-infamous-get-windows-10-patch-kb3035583-502117.shtml Compatibility issues If you have any old games that use really old forms of DRM or SafeDISC your fresh out of luck - http://www.geek.com/games/windows-10-doesnt-run-games-with-securom-and-safedisc-drm-1631383/ Various apps and games (even The Darkmod) has had issue's running on Windows 10, see - http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17310-windows-10-support-thread/?hl=win10 and http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17551-gamma-broken-in-windows-10/?hl=win10&do=findComment&comment=381800 Upgrade NagwareMicrosoft is still coming up with way to try and force users to upgrade from 7/8/8.1 - if you like me want to block 7 prevent this crap checkout GWX control panel or Never10 16. M$ deliberatly blocking the installation of some applications http://news.softpedia.com/news/Microsoft-Blocks-Classic-Shell-in-Windows-10-Build-9879-465429.shtml 17. Windows 10 installing UNWANTED Windows Store apps without user consent https://www.ghacks.net/2018/07/02/windows-10-installing-unwanted-store-apps/
  8. So, just thinking about priority further, we have the 3 obvious levels: 1) story 2) speech 3) effect Suppose, if all 3 slots are filled, a higher-priority subtitle could "bump" (take over the slot) of a lower-priority one. I'm thinking this would not be too difficult technically. From a reader's viewpoint, the main difficulty is that the bumped subtitle would appear on-screen for a shortened amount of time. How do you minimize the grief? You have to choose which subtitle to bump. If they're different priorities (1 is speech, 1 is effect), this is easy. Otherwise, you might choose the subtitle of the sound clip that is closest to completion anyway. This implies knowing the total duration and the starttime of playing clips. Maybe you need to put in a 1/10 second no-subtitle moment when the bump occurs, a visual cue.
  9. Ok, it seems to me editing 2 defs that are listed in a def file directly above each other not too difficult.
  10. Now I'll admit: I could word things I bring up in a less hasty or panicked matter. I'll admit, I get anxious when I read about the various terrible things reality serves up like a heaping platter of "nope" almost daily. I'm a bit coarse in my language. But one of the things that attracted me to this forum is that not only does it focus on The Dark Mod, which is inspired by the original Thief Trilogy, which I adored growing up but could never get because I was too young at the time, and also because Springheel is rather pro-free-speech, something many forums don't allow or severely limit nowadays in fear of being "CANCELLED". I'll admit I used to be far left, and pro-cancelling whatever offended me. But over the years my literally autistic self matured (mostly) and learned that screeching at people to shut up because you don't like their opinion on how to stop legitimately bad things in the world when ssometimes, freedom does, indeed, need to be defended with force. And, as such, I gradually became more center left. I still consider myself a liberal in the classic sense, a strong supporter of secularism, and a violent opposed of authoritarianism and theocracy and the normalization of ties with theocracies and authoritarian states. I'm very thankful that Springheel allows for his platform to allow us to discuss and theorize about the news of the world, withoutbeing moderated by ban-happy mods. So, when you come here and start acting shifty and saying basically either I go and the forums start shutting up about what you don't like, or else you, as a Fan Mission creator (something I wish I could do but for multiple reasons can't) will leave the forums, especially when you could just ignore any threads I start, makes me dislike you as being a childish, weaselly suckup who takes advantage of The Dark Mod's low amount of developers to try and unspokenly blackmail the forums into censoring itself when you could just not participate in my threads.
    1. nbohr1more


      I've got a little drool thing going on now... Sperry is one of those authors.

    2. Bikerdude


      Exactly..!! He is the one who inspired the Like's of Melan and Skacky!

  11. DarkRadiant 3.0.0 is ready for download. It took a while, but DarkRadiant 3.0.0 is finally available. Most of the time has been spent on improving DarkRadiant's renderer, which now features shadow mapping support of up to 6 lights. It's still not matching the engine's output (especially in terms of performance), but it should be faster and much more helpful than it was before. The effort that has been put into the renderer rewrite plus the bigger changes in the previous few releases make the jump to the next major version feel more than justified. Besides of that, a lot of non-renderer issues have been resolved in this release too, next to some fine usability improvements. For more things that have changed or fixed, see the list below. Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.0.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! And I'll gladly repeat myself, by thanking all the awesome people who keep using DarkRadiant to create Fan Missions - they are the main reason for me to keep going. Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.14.0 Feature: Realtime shadow mode Feature: Allow way to hide some entities in Create Entity list Feature: MD5 Animation Viewer: show current frame & total frames Feature: MD5 Animation Viewer: jump to frame Feature: DarkRadiant warns about missing .darkradiant file on load Feature: Ability to center 3D camera on selected entity Feature: Cut functionality to complement copy and paste Feature: Save user settings by application version Fixed: Free Rotation not working anymore, can only rotate along 3 axes Fixed: DR crash with combination of mouse buttons pressed Fixed: Git Sync Exception: too many redirects or authentication replays Fixed: Missing brushes when opening alphalabs1 from vanilla Doom 3 PK4s Fixed: Selected Skin not showing in ModelSelector Fixed: Reload Defs takes longer every time Fixed: ForceShadows materials are not casting shadows Fixed: Objective GUI doesn't display properly in some places Fixed: Crash on loading certain maps Fixed: Vertex colours do not show on models in lighting mode Fixed: Entity inspector shows inherited spawnargs of previous selection Fixed: DR overwrite order for defs is different from TDM's Fixed: X/Y and Camera View bindings don't save properly Fixed: Material Preview rendering Fixed: "Replace Selection with exported Model" sets classname to "func_static". Fixed: Map -> Edit Package Info (darkmod.txt)... crashes DarkRadiant Fixed: Rotating a func_static result to random stretch textures Fixed: DR crashes when syncing with remote Git repository Fixed: Switching visibility of Github repo from public to private causes crash Fixed: Dockable window layout doesn't save new floating XY views Fixed: "Choose skin..." button on custom model spawnargs shows skins for main model spawnarg Fixed: Entity inspector considers inherited colors black Fixed: ReloadDefs moves def_attached light crystals to entity origin Fixed: Option to filter skins out of search results in the Choose Model dialogue Fixed: .lin files can't be opened if different case than .map name Fixed: Model chooser radio box selection issue Fixed: Changing multiple lights between omni/projected resets colours to black Improvement: Allow absolute paths for snapshots Improvement: Light diamonds and Speaker radii are transparent Improvement: Unify Declaration Parsers Improvement: Add "Create Particle" to right-click orthoview drop-down menu Improvement: Revisit Interaction Shader to get closer to the TDM looks Improvement: Entity inspector should recognise spawnargs beginning with "sprS_" as def spawnargs Improvement: UI for worldspawn-to-entity conversion Improvement: classname field should always be read-only, to force use of the "Choose entity class" button Coding: Update solution and build dependencies to Visual Studio 2022 The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  12. DarkRadiant 3.1.0 is ready for download. What's new: The Texture Tool got its Free Scale operator now, allowing you to fit the texture with the mouse instead of having to type in the percentages. A lot of work went into the Declaration handling (EntityDef, Skins, Materials, Particles, etc.), which is now much more robust and more conformant to how the game is doing things (at least until TDM 2.10). The Material Editor got a plethora of issues resolved Improved the Model Export dialog and options For more things that have changed or fixed, see the list below. Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.1.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! And I'll gladly repeat myself, by thanking all the awesome people who keep using DarkRadiant to create Fan Missions - they are the main reason for me to keep going. Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 3.0.0 Feature: DR doesn't consider wildcards in skins Feature: Reload Images eature: Texture Tool free scale Feature: Add "Show Definition" to all ResourceTreeView instances Fixed: "Reload Defs" doesn't remove entities that have been commented out Fixed: 'Reload Sounds' doesn't load new FM sound shader definitions Fixed: Reload Defs is not sufficient for reloading modelDefs Fixed: Models are reset to origin after reloadDecls Fixed: Skin Chooser doesn't preselect non-matching skins Fixed: Moving speakers deletes distance spawnargs if they're the same as in shader Fixed: Unable to select func_emitter with particle attached Fixed: Particle Editor Preview lacks vertex colours in lighting mode Fixed: Particle effects still visible when hidden via layers or filter Fixed: Entities referring to modelDefs should use the "idle" pose where possible Fixed: DR does not parse materials in def files Fixed: Modifier Hint Popup can crash when hitting Ctrl/Alt/Shift keys during shutdown Fixed: Insignificant digits displayed in Surface Inspector shift/scale/rotate values Improvement: Skin Chooser: show in which .skin file the skin is defined Improvement: Declaration Block Parsing overhauled Improvement: Python Interface for IDeclarationManagerImprovement: leave player start entity selected after placemen Improvement: Let Map Info show materials used by models Improvement: Renaming Declarations causes problems when saving it later Improvement: Light Texture Preview should display editor images if present Improvement: Remove comments about particle generator in .prt files Material Editor: New Material is locked if the default unnamed name is already in use Material Editor: allow to delete materials Material Editor: image browser's "cancel" button rewrites the material source text Material Editor: does not save manual edits to source text Material Editor: should show .mtr the material is defined in Material Editor: after "Reload Images", image previews are only updated when selecting a different material Material Editor: suboptimal preview for cubeMap materials Material Editor: preview object doesn't have smooth shading Material Editor: preview doesn't take "scale" into account in Textured Mode Material Editor: blend add stages are rendered separately in preview in lighting mode Material Editor: test frob highlight button not working Material Editor: doesn't remember settings from previous session Material Editor: image thumbnails use "scale" keyword from previously selected material Material Editor: frob highlight stage not updated correctly when changing diffusemap Material Editor: using Escape to close ignores unsaved changes Material Editor: Global Settings should be preselected Material Editor: some declaration text is lost while editing#6047: Material Editor: clicking "cancel" when selecting a light classname clears the classname field Material Editor: new materials always sorted last Material Editor: filter for image browser Material Editor: can't unlock editing on materials in "Other Materials" folder Material Editor: tries to save materials in DarkRadiant folder if no FM is installed Material Editor: allow to change preview backgroun Material Editor: preview renders shadows for noshadows materials 'Export selected as Collision Model' doesn't auto-create path folder and throws error Model exporter: manually enter export origin Model exporter: export origin choice should use a radio button Model exporter: only 1 entity's model is reloaded Model exporter: "Use entity origin as export origin" still uses map origin Model exporter: rename "Center Objects around Origin" The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  13. Does the bright area appear to move over the texture as you move the camera around, or does it remain in the same place? The defining feature of specular lighting is how it varies based on the positions of the viewer, surface and light source. If the bright area appears to move, then this is specular lighting; if it is fixed in place, it is diffuse lighting. Specular lighting is not defined by brightness. It is possible to have a very bright diffuse texture which will max out to full white under a light source (as in your image), just as it is possible to have a very dull specular texture which is difficult to see even in darkness. From a rendering perspective, there is no real distinction between "intensity" and "color" other than the fact that "intensity" affects RGB channels equally, without changing the apparent hue. There would be no increase in render quality by having a separate intensity value that was tracked and calculated independently of color. However, recent DarkRadiant versions add a slider into the Light Inspector which allows mappers to vary the brightness of one or more lights without having to use the color chooser or risk changing the hue. This is purely a user convenience feature, and does not unlock any new rendering possibilities (the intensity changes are just baked into the RGB color applied to the light entity).
  14. Google mobile is on the forums online user lists (in addition to google)... never seen that before

    1. nbohr1more


      He's a pretty cool guy. You ask him to find stuff and he'll usually turn up the goods. A little nosy though...

  15. I'm happy when I find those as well. Let's just say that it's gotten increasingly more difficult over the years. I was really happy about Penumbra, Amnesia The Dark Descent and SOMA, for example, because, I wasn't at all convinced that I would like them. Turned out I liked them, a lot. Especially Amnesia Dark Descent was a really nice experience (and a very nicely rounded game in general, where you notice that a lot of thought was put into the game, and that it just "makes sense"). I think those are still niche games though. But, I guess so am I now. Niche.
  16. Personally I think this is the worst idea ever. The Reason forums has LOADS of info and knowledge, built up through years and years. I'm really sad to see it go away, and I can't understand why they've made this decision. https://www.propellerheads.se/forum/showthread.php?p=1579099#poststop
  17. The spoiler tags aren't for you, it's for the rest of us reading this thread so WE don't get spoiled. Thanks for spoiling the frobbable book on a shelf for the rest of us. EDIT: I'll be unsubscribing to this thread to avoid further spoilers. Maybe I'll check back after I've finished the mission Amadeus
  18. You can try my alternative footstep sounds package which addressed the things you described together with a lot of other footstep sounds both for player and AI if you want to. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/17631-new-footstep-sounds/
  19. Mods can this moved again? @Acolytesix- can you make sure you post in the beta thread instead of this one please (this one is public, the beta thread is only for logged-in forum members): https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21822-beta-testing-high-expectations/
  20. Welcome to the New Mappers Workshop! This is a communal workshop for new mappers who have never made a TDM mission before. Each week or two I will make a tutorial video and help to guide everyone through the process of creating a small, complete mission. I'm hoping the participants will feel free to ask questions, no matter how small--we're all here to learn from and encourage each other. Since I expect this thread to get fairly busy, I'm going to be heavy-handed about removing off-topic content. ====================================================================================================================================================================== Lessons often include links or other written instructions; direct links to the lessons are collected below: Lesson 1: Planning http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=407999 Lesson 2: Visportals http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=408253 Lesson 3: Your First Room http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=408484 Lesson 4: Decorating Your Rooms http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=408785 Lesson 5: Connecting Your Rooms http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=409215 Lesson 6: Outdoor "Rooms" http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=409322 Lesson 7: Creating Doors http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=409547 Lesson 8: Functional Props (ie, entities) http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=409731 Lesson 9: Immersive Details (sound/particles) http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=410258 Lesson 10: Advanced Brushwork (ladders/water) http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=410667 Lesson 11: AI http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/?p=411192
  21. sure - I would only ask that you follow the thread to make sure you don't report stuff that has already been mentioned: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21822-beta-testing-high-expectations/
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