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  1. Some time ago I also got excessive linebreaks on the forums, although in my case whole lines were never broken into pieces, just the newlines that I put became way longer. I could remove them after-the-fact by editing my post twice. In the end I noticed that I accidentally disabled javascript via browser extension. I enabled it back, and now everything works perfectly.
  2. The objective is to get mappers to use newer features. The Asset bonus is capped to 2 perfect votes averaged into the visual score. I was considering only awarding bonus points for code features ( game-play, visuals ) but the Asset bonus allows mappers to decide (risk) only to use one code feature or none at all and still have a little buffer against others who use them. Hopefully the vote participation will be high so that the bonus bias won't be too exaggerated anyway. ( I may need to add a scaling factor if 18 additional votes is half or more of the overall vote participation. ) I ask you to consider joining the fray as you always add stellar submissions to contests! Otherwise, please consider joining "in spirit" and adding story connections and 2.07+ features to your WIP and targeting the 2.10 release window. There is no obligation to declare your participation before submitting your entry. Yes, for 2.10 features players will need to install a 2.10 Dev Build or Beta version: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20824-public-access-to-development-versions/ they can either use this as the primary TDM install or install it separately. As for 2.09 "features"? You're right, I guess I should say "feature" as the only player exposed feature is the new physics based particle setup: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Particle_collisions_and_cutoff
  3. Status updates are back so it is also a good time to return to contests!



  4. I have this applied: /* remove rocket rank badge on user image */ .cAuthorPane_badge { display: none; } See also my topic about my edits to the forums dark theme:
  5. OK, I repeated the previous test, as soon as TDM was running I opened the console and entered "com_error_crash 2" assuming that was more sensitive than 3, closed the console & downloaded files until I got a crash to desktop, still no core file anywhere to be found, I even tried searching from the root My system is obviously stopping it being created, so I'll have a dig around, there may be something on the Zorin forums that'll help I've just cleaned out all but the "training mission", "newjob" & "stlucia" missions & edited missions.tdminfo to remove all but these, is there an easier way of cleaning these up ? I know I don't need to but I'm downloading just to test at the moment and it gets a little cluttered
  6. Did they answer to team@thedarkmod.com ? Activision owns Bloodlines AFAIK. The only problems I ever saw was when there was a group of modders who wanted to port Bloodlines from Source to Unity. In response, a cease and desist letter arrived from CCP Games: https://forums.planetvampire.com/project-vaulderie-general-discussion/cease-and-desist/?PHPSESSID=usbfbsfbo7ctsjhq55dm9pfrpu But, I think that since 2013 when TDM went standalone, there should be some statutes of limitations. Is that valid for Canada in this field? May these provisions apply? https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/02l24 In any case, if anyone has any problem with any part of TDM's content, it will possibly have to be modified or removed to comply with the GOG and/or Steam version.
  7. That might be the best way to get the exact features we want, once we've agreed on them. This looks to be the documentation for making own plugins for these forums: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers Maybe it's something you or someone else can work with?
  8. Like Peter, I would personally prefer for Ignore functions in forums to work more like social media — when you ignore someone they're gone. Every piece of content they post is invisible, without any placeholders or "Are you sure you don't want to click this link and maybe be annoyed?" prompts. But for whatever reason, forums tend not to go that far.
  9. That isn't how this works. You don't get to explore all avenues of possible acrimony and outrage and then if you finally violate rules by reaching the limits of this behavior you retract and regroup for another round of bad but not prohibited behavior. You are on notice now. While I don't personally need any forum moderators to tone down or restrict personal insults hurled at "me", the TDM community is generally in agreement that we do not want our forums to be a playground for those who seek to insult other members. If you need that type of interaction, go to a scoundrel forum like quake3world where it is encouraged (and results in quake death matches between members). Otherwise if you wish to traffic in political controversies, be prepared to offer logically defended statements and adhere to forum rules. For example, you already have many threads about your personal concerns about Islam. Rather than opening a new thread about Afghanistan to air these same thoughts, add the Afghanistan issue to an existing thread rather than "spamming the forums" with the same content. All this said, I doubt very much that you are actually interested in engaging with these topics in a meaningful way. I am inclined to believe that you are trying to find hot topics that can polarize members of the forum and try make TDM less comfortable for those who are centrists. There are several political troll factories who engage with this behavior in the wider interwebs. ( If this applies to you. ) Tell your employer; whether they be Russian propagandists, Chinese propagandists, Saudi propagandists, Cambridge Analytica, Share Blue, Media Matters for America, Republicans, Democrats, CIA, or any other national intelligence agency that the majority of the clear thinking members of this forum do not care about your partisan rhetoric and will not divide into a "forum civil war" over your intentional acrimony.
  10. Now I'll admit: I could word things I bring up in a less hasty or panicked matter. I'll admit, I get anxious when I read about the various terrible things reality serves up like a heaping platter of "nope" almost daily. I'm a bit coarse in my language. But one of the things that attracted me to this forum is that not only does it focus on The Dark Mod, which is inspired by the original Thief Trilogy, which I adored growing up but could never get because I was too young at the time, and also because Springheel is rather pro-free-speech, something many forums don't allow or severely limit nowadays in fear of being "CANCELLED". I'll admit I used to be far left, and pro-cancelling whatever offended me. But over the years my literally autistic self matured (mostly) and learned that screeching at people to shut up because you don't like their opinion on how to stop legitimately bad things in the world when ssometimes, freedom does, indeed, need to be defended with force. And, as such, I gradually became more center left. I still consider myself a liberal in the classic sense, a strong supporter of secularism, and a violent opposed of authoritarianism and theocracy and the normalization of ties with theocracies and authoritarian states. I'm very thankful that Springheel allows for his platform to allow us to discuss and theorize about the news of the world, withoutbeing moderated by ban-happy mods. So, when you come here and start acting shifty and saying basically either I go and the forums start shutting up about what you don't like, or else you, as a Fan Mission creator (something I wish I could do but for multiple reasons can't) will leave the forums, especially when you could just ignore any threads I start, makes me dislike you as being a childish, weaselly suckup who takes advantage of The Dark Mod's low amount of developers to try and unspokenly blackmail the forums into censoring itself when you could just not participate in my threads.
  11. I believe you can still see topics started by a user you have on your ignore list, which is different to other forums I participate in where the whole topic is invisible. The first post will be invisible, but you can see all the replies.
  12. Seems like the forums been updated since my last visit. Why does everybody have a rocket on their profile picture? Could the ranks either be disabled or filled with proper icons instead of just one rocket? If you need someone to create those icons (maybe Thief related) just give me a call, I may can help.
  13. Yeah? When I played, say, Dishonored and Prey, I sure appreciated having all the HUD customization options in the menus, as opposed to having to hunt down console commands in forums or wiki articles.
  14. There is something in English/American manner of speaking that looks like tons of sugarcoating and beating around the bush, at least when you come from some other country. In other cultures, e.g. Polish or German, people are much more blunt. When they see shit, they call it shit, not "unfortunate bowel byproduct" There is such a thing as being too polite, and it's regarded as contrived or superficial. It can also be an easy way to disarm any criticism or discussion, regardless of their substance. I've seen it bumped to absurd levels on TTLG, where I saw responses like "you're not our friend, you can't criticize us", or "since you don't like it like we do, maybe Thief isn't a game for you". Fortunately TDM forums are nowhere near that level.
  15. It's fortunate that MirceaKitsune seems to take this easy, but it can't be excluded that others in his situation would respond - and have responded - by withdrawing from the forums. This is an important reason why our historically hands off moderation policy is being discussed again.
  16. It's funny that so many cultures associate speaking calmly as automatically being superior in a discussion. You can speak in calm tone and be completely clueless, while you can shout in anger and still have a point. That said, I don't think it's about messing on purpose, it's just his MO. You've already seen it in multiple bugtracker entries too. He barges in, usually without checking wiki or forums on certain functionality, makes up his own ad-hoc interpretation of it, automatically assumes it is canon, and then it takes several people to explain him the "historical context", or that he mistakes bugs for features, etc. Then either he lets it go, or, if he is stubborn, he'll reply with walls of misinterpretation until the other party has no more energy for it.
  17. DarkRadiant 2.13.0 is ready for download. A lot of fixes and improvements made it into this release. Several point files can be selected for display now. DarkRadiant is now capable of comparing maps, both in differential A vs. B comparisons as well as three-way merge scenarios (when both maps share the same ancestor). Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/2.13.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.12.0 Feature: Ability to choose from several different pointfiles Feature: Aspect ratio preserving Fit Texture option Feature: ModelSelector: add ability to rescan folders without having to reload all models Feature: Add "Show Material Definition" to ShaderSelector tree views Feature: Paste material-header to surface from clipboard with hotkey. Feature: A way to display editor_usage in the Entity Inspector window Feature: Selection by coords Feature: Three-Way and Differential Map Merge Feature: Map Comparison/Diffing Feature: Git Version Control Integration Plugin Improvement: Show axis when 'R'otating entities Improvement: Improve workflow for adjusting light brightnesses Improvement: Map Loading Performance Improvements Improvement: Refresh entity inspector when reloading defs Improvement: Increase maximum zoom level of 2D views Improvement: "Choose entity..." button for all def_ spawnargs Improvement: CTRL + MMB in orthoview: place camera at height of most recent selection Improvement: Added Documentation for Layer Script Interface Improvement: "Shift textures randomly" shifts all selected faces by the same amount Fixed: Problems with particle preview obstructing the view Fixed: Cannot view or copy from built-in Filters Fixed: Auto-save is slow when animation or particle viewer is playing Fixed: Non uniform light volume scaling not working Fixed: BC5 normal maps cannot be loaded Fixed: Copying a particle in the Particle Editor creates an ___editor list entry which can lead to crashes Fixed: Create Entity window no longer remembers the previous item Fixed: Model exporter: no model is exported if folder path doesn't exist yet Fixed: Non power of 2 textures show up black in Fixed: 'Change game/project' fails to save if a decent-sized .map was loaded Fixed: Reload Defs is messing up the entityDefs Fixed: Crash when using Reloading Defs after placing an Entity Fixed: Entity & Speaker windows don't remember their size Fixed: Restore non-uniform scaling for texture browser. Fixed: Some ASE models do not load Fixed: Prefabs importing miles away Fixed: Path entites rotate 15 degrees, each time when dragged. Fixed: Crash when activating GameConnection Feature "update entities on every change" Fixed: Model previewer not displaying ASE or LWO models Fixed: Crash when selecting an MD5 model in "Create Model..." menu Fixed: Crash when activating the Material Editor in Doom3 game config The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  18. There is no point in investing time in a feature which is doubtful to begin with, just because one person on the forums refuses to acknowledge that LOD refers to models, as it stands for Level Of Detail, and not Lights Off, Dumbass.
  19. Obsttorte made a script some time ago, which emulates the older Thief version of highlighting the room the player is currently in and marking the ones already visited. I cannot really search the forums right now, as I am only on my phone, but it should not be too difficult to find. If I remenber correctly this script uses the location system to achieve the effect and has to be set up by the map author. Personally, I agree with people that a mini-map doed not fit TDM. In general, the decision should definitely lie with the map author, so a map generated from the map geometry would be too much and could give too much information. Displaying the ingame map in the corner would be fine, but is also not really necessary in my opinion.
  20. I've been playing with the thought of finally providing a much needed sequel for this mission and realised that this mission, being my first and released 7 years ago, can be rough around the edges. So I've now brought this mission into a more sequel-worthy state with these changes: enhancements to visuals to make the mission look better all around new readables to build out the storytelling, both on the ship and the landing area some voiced lines have been contributed by Narrator and Goldwell to help set the mood collision has been overhauled throughout the ship, so that it's much less likely to get stuck more space in the captain's area for AIs and stealth, as well as a generally cleaner pathing implementation the main cutscene has been shortened and better lit, while all other fades to black have been cut a new loading screen by the painter Ivan Aivazovsky, to replace the slightly bland TDM-made arctic scene the option to set LOD Detail in the graphics settings if maximum performance is needed when outdoors myriad other tweaks, such as smooth fading out for triggered ambient sounds and some gimmicks around clocks and compasses aboard the ship Quite a bit has been touched, so it'd be appreciated if one or two people could give this a try on the betatesting forums and post back if there's something that seemed odd, before I upload the new version to the official mirrors. The mission's length is still the same, since these changes already took longer than expected. My plan is to focus fully on my two WIP missions from here onwards, then ideally return to One Step Too Far with a small sequel (as suggested by Amadeus it could be called Two Steps Too Far).
  21. Not really alternative, more like "historically established" and widely known If you take a look at various descriptions and definitions from other engines, all LOD systems are about the same thing: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/17283-hide_distance-broken-again/page/4/&tab=comments#comment-463315 and TDM follows that. You can argue that it's a bit broken here and there, or it has some quirks (like with absolute distances from the model instead of relative ones, like everywhere else), but otherwise it's there And in your example, you could simply hide stuff these lanterns light, because, as proven in the last screenshot in this post, the cost of your lights will be minimal: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/17283-hide_distance-broken-again/page/4/&tab=comments#comment-463272 That's the thing, and I'm really curious to see this looking good and giving meaningful performance boost at the same time. Since other engines have been around for so many years, and none of them is doing that, I think it's pretty safe to assume that other developers already tried it and it wasn't worth it / looked awful. As I said, it would be great to see a meaningful example, but so far we've got a lot of talking and examples that had nothing to do with the subject matter, despite explaining the thing several times over. Let's hope Kingsal comes up with something nice
  22. @kin NHAT v4 is in the beta testing forums right now, so it should be fairly soon. Could maybe do with another tester there, though.
  23. @peter_spySorry for interference, but I think that's the kind of language that can get you in trouble in this forums The silent committee is watching you I personally don't mind a little internet drama, but better me try to warn you than one day you just wake up and find out you're banned. Not that it would be end of the world, but still. Let's be cool.
  24. See subforums: darkradiant feedback and development https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/51-darkradiant-feedback-and-development/ and TDM editors guild. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/54-tdm-editors-guild/
  25. Need some help here. For language support, I just installed Windows 64-bit Strawberry Perl and downloaded TDM's I18N.pl file. I haven't been able to run it, tho. When I try this command: perl I18N.pl --english away0.pk4 I keep getting the complaint: Can't open perl script "I18N.pl": Permission denied Giving the full path to i18N.pl doesn't help. I've tried running this command in the Win console with admin privileges, and in the Perl-provided console, but still the same. Tried moving the folder from the d drive to c at the top level, still the same. Inspected the I18N.pl properties, and under the Security tab, see that all accounts can read and execute the file. I tried altering the first line within the .pl file to reflect the actual path to the perl interpreter; made no difference. The paths to the interpreter and to i18N.pl have no spaces, as recommended by Strawberry Perl. In the registry, the environment/PATH appears to be OK. Most of the perl forums advice is about linux versions. Anyone else had and solved this?
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