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  1. was just a fun little project i got going after amassing an awfull lot of hardware over the years. so i thought to myself why not build something rather OP in a case that is from around the core2 / pentium days hehe. at the start i just went with what i had avaliable which was either an old asus x79 deluxe with a 3930k / 1680 v2 xeon cpu or an asrock z97 extreme6, well the old asus board wented to much heat when stressed so i tried out my asrock board and that went surprisingly well with the 4790k devils canyon, then my chums PC went boom and i gave him the asrock board plus cpu so he could atleast game a bit and surprisingly it turned out that even for an old model it still had plenty of power for his RX 5700 XT gfx card and was rock stable in every game he had. so i was one board short and got a nice deal on an asus strix gaming x99 with an 8 core xeon and 32 gb of ram, the xeon ran surprisingly well depite being a more workstation oriented CPU gaming was fine on it. so i started to look around for some secondhand xeons and got hold of a 16 core model with hyperthreading so 32 threads all in all. it had a rather low clock speed of 2.4 ghz but im yet to see it choke on workloads and the turbo goes to 3.2 ghz on it when needed and does not get all that hot. only gfx cards i had laying around was an R9 290X or a 970 GTX both are pretty equal speedwise the R9 uses a lot more power though so the 970 would have been optimal sadly the 970 (asus strix) has a rather large cooling pipe sticking out at the top which makes mounting the side fan a problem (no space left) so i had to go with the R9. at some point ill probably try to get a 2080 ti for my main PC and the other one can get my current 1080 ti which is comparatively small compared to either of the old cards.
  2. I've been making progress but a proper solution remains complicated. I tried every blend mode possible and nothing does what I want. Help would be appreciated on what I should do with the material. The issue is I don't want to needlessly duplicate the original diffuse texture only to create a copy with the mask extruded, so that the colored area where the shirt comes on top is blackened out. I also can't simply apply the mask on top of the original texture as then the two colors blend together... for instance red becomes purple because it's added on top of the guard's normally blue shirt. For this reason I first need to subtract the mask from the diffuse map before adding it back as its colored self. I can't however find a satisfactory way of doing this, and so far had to result to a hack that partly works: //use the color texture to set shirt color to the _color spawnarg //the intensity must first be subtracted from the original texture then added back colored { blend diffusemap map makeIntensity(models/md5/chars/guards/cityguard_armor_color) rgb -1 } { blend diffusemap map makeIntensity(models/md5/chars/guards/cityguard_armor_color) colored } By using "rgb -1" I can invert the mask texture and apply this inversion to darken the area. Apart from seeming like a dodgy solution however, this can result in a negative color if the _color spawnarg is set to something less than 1: When that happens the guard's shirt starts experiencing dark spots as if there's a black hole on him. Other blend modes won't work because they destroy lighting information. "blend gl_dst_color, gl_one" for instance will map the texture accordingly, but does so at full brightness and results in a glowing vest. This is why giving the mask an alpha channel doesn't help either, you can only use "blend diffusemap" but that mixes based on brightness. What do you suggest? For now, with colors set to full intensity, my hacky material produces a beautiful result that looks gorgeous!
  3. By way of introduction, Penny Dreadful is a fan mission series dealing with the exploits and misfortunes of Gerald Foxley, lowlife and common opportunist. To stick with the theme of lurid and disreputable pulp literature, these missions were planned to be nasty, brutish and short, which sort of worked in PD1, was not entirely working in PD2, and went out the window with PD3, which ended up much bigger than I ever expected. The series also allows me to experiment with gameplay ideas which do not completely fit TDM standards: Foxley is slightly worse at stealth than the TDM baseline, and can't pick locks: you will need to find different ways of getting into places. In the first episode, The Grail of Regrets, what started out as a routine case of extortion ended with Gerald in the possession of the eponymous Grail. In the second, All the Way Up, these newfound fortunes proved to be shorter than anticipated, as Messer Montrose, a corrupt nobleman, and his ally, the local Bailiff conspired to rob Foxley of the prize to further their own ends. The Grail is now in the hands of Archibald Flint, a powerful crime boss ruling from a mansion on Fiddler's Hill, an infamous den of thieves. However, to get close to him, Foxley has to remove a few obstacles in the way... Erasing the Trail "Kill a man and take his life; wound him, and restore his pride." -- alleyway proverb. "In a city where every window is an eye and every doorway a whispering mouth, it is hard to keep a secret. When I learned of crime lord Archibald Flint's involvement in robbing me of the Grail of Regrets, I knew I'd have to strike quick, and strike first. But I failed. By the time I got near his place on Fiddler's Hill, every gate to his hilltop mansion was locked, every alley patrolled by thieves eager to kill. Two days later, I watched my tenement go up in smoke and flames. The hunt was on, and it wouldn't be over until they'd have their quarry dead or captured. Flint's main enforcer is a man named Grunt, known to communicate in written orders after his throat was cut in some altercation... a real bloodhound. I will have to deal with him one way or another to get the heat off of my back, and allow me to reach Flint himself... Flint is also looking for my dead body, and I'm planning to have it delivered right to his doorstep. Another underworld figure, Almsmaster Quandt, lives a few streets from Grunt's mansion, and he is said to be my spitting image, an uncanny resemblance. Wonder if Flint will recognise the difference... well, time to find out. Sometimes the only way to deal with a hornet's nest is to kick it over. This night, I am back in the middle of it. I have already run into a pair of sentinels, but I slipped into a small garden and jammed the lock behind me with a bit of wire. Hope they don't raise the whole neighbourhood, or this will be over real quick. Time to get moving." Download links: Mega (200 MB)mission downloader!***Performance warning***: as usual, this mission pushes the limits a bit (although less than PD2). The hardware requirements exceed the TDM baseline, and the loading time is fairly long. Optimalisation should be credited to Bikerdude, while the remaining problems are all mine. High-resolution player map (for printing, etc.): Notes: Erasing the Trail is intended to be an open-ended city exploration mission, where you can approach your objectives from multiple angles, and discover multiple solutions to complete them; some more straightforward, some more obscure.Gerald Foxley is a rank amateur who can't pick locks. You will have to find alternate means to break into places.There is no poll to rate the mission because I do not believe in them. Your comments are welcome in writing, however!You can find my concept art in the PK4 file. These images obviously contain heavy spoilers.This mission series predates, and is thus unrelated to the Penny Dreadful TV series. Special thanks: to our testers, Aluminumhaste, Kingsal, Nbohr1more, Oldjim, Skacky and Premier; gigagooga for several new ambient sounds, and sound conversions (Fabrice Hautecloque from Ishar III, tension loops from Golgo 13: the TV series);Yandros, Bikerdude and Goldchocobo for voice acting;epifire! for custom models;The Canon Texture project for texture work.
  4. This just started today with my update of SVN to 15737/8388 followed by a rebuild. Some textures (not limited to the door texture shown) are painted black in-game. (Working fine prior to the latest update.) For textures on frobable items, normal highlighting appears when the item is frobbed. For textures on non-frobable items, the texture remains black regardless of distance from the object. Backing away to turn off highlighting paints the texture normally. Anyone else seeing this?
  5. I am pleased to announce the release of our new fan mission, The Hare in the Snare: Part 1 Mission type: City Missions + Inn/Tavern Description: People are being abducted off the streets and a Watch Captain requires the services of a thief to help him find out why. Download link (v1.0.2-release): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HYvM_u56wDB16uIlb7qgS_q3P24V69MO/view?usp=sharing Credits: Mapping and original characters: @Frost_Salamander Story, readables, custom models, voices and cinematics: @Kerry000 Menu title track produced and mixed by @JackFarmer with selected gigagooga sound samples Beta testers: @Cambridge Spy @Zerg Rush @Amadeus @Acolytesix @Lzocast @wesp5 @nbohr1more @Kerry000 @ate0ate @Wellingtoncrab @prjames Additional thanks: @Dragofer, @nbohr1moreand @peter_spyfor technical help @Springheel for the modules and tutorials @kingsalfor allowing @Kerry000to abuse his manbeast everyone else on Discord and the TDM forums who offered assistance Requirements and notes: This mission requires TDM 2.09. Earlier versions will probably work but you might see one or two missing models. You may experience some FPS drops in some areas with lower-end hardware. Mid-range and above should be fine. If you have issues, I highly recommend you use shadow maps instead of stencil (settings -> advanced -> shadows implementation). It makes a big difference. For 'Hard' and 'Expert' the light gem sensitivity has been increased by '1' (meaning easier for AI to detect you). Screenshots:
  6. Solid 1, if no collision surface is available, will use the model geometry itself for collisions (search for combat model in the code also), so yes is not the best approach, doing a custom collision model is always preferable for performance, but doing it on DR is something I personally don't do and IMO is at most, best for simple box like collision models. Like I said the best is to create the collision surfaces in a 3D Tool like blender, you can use the shadow model for it, just change the material from "shadow" to "collision" or even the lower poly LOD model, can't be easier. Btw isn't AFEntity for ragdool physics? I thought that was only for skinned MD5 models not static ASE or LWO models.
  7. In this case for a shadow and physics mesh imo is very easy, just make two extra copies of the lowest LOD, slap the shadow material in one and the collision material on the other and make sure both occupy the same space and are on the same item mesh/layer has the main model. In blender (or any other 3D Tool) you don't need to import any TDM material or texture, you just make a basic material for the shadow and collision mesh and make sure to give each the name of the shadow and collision material respectively (not the .mtr file name the full material name, inside the file), is that easy! bear_statue_example.7z ps- here is a fast example of what I said, sorry for not making it plug&play to TDM. I add too mess with the model because I use Modo and it doesn't open ase files, I add to convert to obj using another tool and also rotate it in Modo to be able to work with it, so now is not a, one to one, to the original model and so shouldn't be used with the LOD's that were provided, this because I assume they will not match, but I didn't tested, plus the material name for the main mesh is not the correct, only for the shadow and collision mesh's are correct (follows doom 3 convention). This should be seen just as a model for anyone to know how a shadow and a collision model should be setup. (for those that don't know) I also used the second LOD counting from the last because the lowest LOD seems to not follow the main model silhouette perfectly, it could very well work at the distance but not for a shadow and collision mesh.
  8. There is no need to "export" a model as a "model". You can export a model as a different model format if desired but there is no logic to it. The model is already in optimized form and ready to be re-textured with collision textures.
  9. I'd like to better understand what you want. The design of dragging bodies is to hold frob (key down) to drag and release frob (key up) to let go. That way it's impossible to walk away while unintentionally dragging a body. Plus, it's quick to grab and move several body limbs in rapid succession. This is thought to provide a better experience, especially for new players. Towards the beginning of this thread, I created a "tdm_frobhold_drag_body_behavior" cvar. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22198-feature-proposal-frob-to-use-world-item/&do=findComment&comment=487580 "tdm_frobhold_drag_body_behavior", default:"1" Which drag body behavior? 1 --- on frob key up, drop body (limb). 0 --- on second frob, drop body (limb), TDM v2.11 (and prior) behavior. That cvar was removed shortly afterwards, because it was said that it wasn't needed. With that cvar set to 0, a second frob would be required to let go of the body. Is that the behavior that you want? If so, I can add that cvar back. Also, I saw elsewhere that you want the ability to revert back to the old way. If you mean that all of the controls match TDM 2.11, that can be done with "tdm_frobhold_delay 0" and there will be a menu setting to disable it as well.
  10. Wasn't it also to do with map file size? if you use a single model and reference it 100 times it will be a smaller/simpler map file than if you duplicate a func_static 100 times. I least I think I read that somewhere...
  11. After a long time and a lot of delays, I'm extremely happy and relieved to announce the release date for my first map; Lords & Legacy, on Friday the 30th of August, 2013! Lords & Legacy v.2.1 Resume: Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/Lj8UJ#0 Notes: Build time: 2013/03/30 - 2013/08/30 To install, simply put the .pk4 file in your fm folder and install from the in-game mission menu. It is a large mission with optional objectives, so make sure to save often. The ropes in the beginning have a 'slick' surface, to simulate being 'slack lines'. They are difficult, but once you get a hang of the slide they can be fun. A couple of the large areas can be a bit rough on performance, and can be improved by adjusting the LOD slider in video options. A few of visportals open only when you get close. This is to keep the frames smooth inside the respective building, due to early inexperienced design. If you find any bugs which affect the gameplay experience, then you're very welcome to post them here, but please use the spoiler tags. Big thanks to 'Obsttorte', 'Springheel', 'Greyman', 'Bikerdude', 'Sotha' and rest of 'The Dark Mod Team'for all the help, guides and tricks. Also thanks to the other TDM users who provided fantastic support and feedback during the build. Thank you for beta-testing: 'Bikerdude', 'TylerVocal', 'Simplen00b', 'nbohr1more', 'Briareos H.' Special thanks to: 'Danus', 'Dsx' & 'Stanleh' for testing, help and support. v.2.0.1 changelog: Bugs: -The "Master Thief" challenge was impossible to do for a while, due to incorrect values. Fixed. -Getting seen by "The Killer" now also fails the "Ghost" challenge. -The 3 cardplaying guards no longer float mid air, as their chairs are now nailed to the floor. -Fixed the sound of the furnace continuing after the flames were extinguished. -Fixed weird glittering on the power cables around the map. -Fixed some moonlight popping in and out. -Fixed openable windows in Commons, clipping into the frame. -Fixed a book dropping through a desk. -Fixed visportals closing too close in Lancel's Tower, slight hit on performance though. -Added more monsterclip to Service Tower and Robert's Tower's entrance. -Improved a few vis_portals with func_portals. -Replaced curbs in Slums and Commons with some more detailed versions and changed textures. And a lot more little unecessary tweaks. Gameplay: -Added new challenge: (Jack White) - Do not knock-out anyone. -Reduced the amount of starting gear, depending on difficulty. -Added cubemaps to most windows on the map. -Redid most func_statics in Commmons Quarter to reduce tris and increase performance. Draw count is still somewhat high. -Removed all transparent windows as they didn't have actual gameplay value, just a performance drain in exchange for glitchy visuals. -Lancel's safe can no longer be picked. Find the key! -Added a couple minor cosmetic details in the sewers. -Moved a coinpurse from a wealthy commoner's sleeping butt to his nightside table. Also adjusted his furniture so thieves can better move around. -Changed sounds for several doors across the map. Once again, a big thanks to 'Bikerdude' for taking the time help out and locate room for improvement! v.2.0 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed various textures and surfaces and a few minor tweaks. -Tweaked some sounds to be in line with TDM 2.0 changes. -Fixed 2 certain AIs being too sensitive rather than drunk. (Thanks to AluminumHaste!) -Tweaked LOD on some objects, to prevent windows "popping" in and out. Gameplay: -Added more monsterclip to the towers, so the AI can now run up and down stairs. Only the stairs in the small tower has issues still. -Added more monsterclip in the city so the guards can follow you up all stairs. -Added a few minor details. -Windows in the city now dims sound, resulting in less aggro from guards and more convincing soundscape. -Reduced 'draw calls' in all the large areas, increasing performance. The map is still heavy at certain areas. Another big thanks to 'Bikerdude' and 'Greyman', for taking time out of their own schedules to help optimize the map's draw count and other significant adjustements! v.1.0.3 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed 4 black chairs in one of the towers -Fixed a floating painting -Fixed several clipping objects v.1.0.2 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed zfighting in the library's bookshelves -Fixed a black window in one of the towers -Fixed several typos in readables Gameplay: v.1.0.1 changelog: Bugs: -Fixed an issue with the main objectives not being in "sync". -Fixed console spam from a script Gameplay: -Adjusted required loot for each difficulty from "3000, 4000 and 5000" to "2500, 3500 and 4500".
  12. Just noticed some surfaces have specular light color set (params[var_DrawId].specularColor.rgb), but don't have a specular texture. In default TDM shaders: ambient does a specular texture pull regardless vec3 matSpecular = textureSpecular( var_TexSpecular ).rgb; .. but, common checks if specular light color is pitch-black first.. if it's not, then it does the specular texture pull if (dot(params[var_DrawId].specularColor, params[var_DrawId].specularColor) > 0.0) specular = textureSpecular(var_TexSpecular).rgb; While messing with specular, I noticed this one dark-reddish-brown door/gate (left-side of image) never had specular, excepte for the metal fittings. Didn't matter what I did, in my shader I couldn't get specular to apply to it. So, I piped specular light color through to see if it was flagged as a specular texture surface. Yup.. it has specular light color param set... With the specular light color set, the specular texture should pull. So, I pipe specular textures through to see what they impact... Only the metal fittings have specular textures. So... specular = specular texture * specular light color * specular dot (brightness) But, if the specular light color isn't set, or the specular texture doesn't exist, specular is 0. So, this dark red-brown door/gate is never getting specular unless there's some double-checking going on to fallback to an alternate method (like applying a generic amount of spec, or, what I've been doing, grayscaling the diffuse texture as a faux spec map). Not sure if surfaces having specular color light set, but not having a specular texture, is by design or a bug. I was going to work some error-checking into my shaders to test if specular texture is pitch-black. But, that's a "meh" prospect, since specular texture maps could literally have pitch-black areas to create shine-free surface details. Not sure how to approach this. (edit) I stared at the default TDM ambient / common shaders more. Ambient doesn't use specular light color at all. It just pulls specular texture, then muls it by specdot & specpow in a way to adjust specular lighting. So, specular light color never comes into that equation. Common does use specular light color, and uses it to decide if a surface has a specular map. Since the dark-brown door/gate is covered by specular light color, it does a specular texture pull, but it doesn't have a specular texture (or it's defaulted to pitch black). So, it ends up with no specular. In my ambient shaders, I added in specular light color, and was using it (like in common) to check if a spec map pull needed to be done. Figured it was good to skip an unnecessary texture call. I think in my shaders, I'll just check if both specular light color & specular texture are pitch-black (empty), and fallback to faux spec maps.
  13. well this turned into quite the project, the case had no problems with the 4790K heat wise so i bought an offhand asus rog gaming x99 board with a xeon 8 core 16 threads with HT and 64 gb ram and yanked that into it. the xeon is a haswell as well but a high end model with more cores and pcie lanes (40 to be exact) so i can now use my nvme without sacrificing half my lanes to the gpu so yay!, this also allowed me to use a slot for my thunderbolt card so im ready for some NAS action :) (or a whole slew of monitors 24 to be exact). cpu stays at a livid 35 degrees when idle and does not go much higher when i really start kicking in the doors, the gfx card does get a little hot but its an older model and rated for far higher than the 60 degree temps im seing so im not to worried. it runs quite well actually :), the lightshow on this board is kinda wasted though as the cabby has no glass panels but i dont really care about the flashiness anyway . Had some people go wtf when they saw how fast it was because they assumed it to be an old PC hehe.
  14. Heyo! So the render is coming out pretty snazzy so far. My only big criticisms would come down to just maybe adding some extra edge bevels (even if they end up being baked into the normal map), just to make the case/door edges a little more interesting. Now honestly this could be achieved via some crafty texture work, or just hard modeling the details. I did a safe set some time earlier for TDM and I think I went the material route to highlight the edges. Albeit, a bit more edge distressing than I might do now, this is essentially how I handled it for those... So while I've tried to refine my detail masks a bit since these two were made, I'd still suggest a tad more on the grunge side. Main reason is that the assets that already exist for TDM are far from clean. While this does come down to the case usage (posh manor vs dock foreman office) is trying to match the current look of the game. I initially had a harder time making assets too clean and just had to develop my own style based on trial and error... or too many complaints Also, golden inlay can really pop if you highlight it more on the specular channel vs the color itself. Or at least so I found. Lastly, just make sure you mind the hinge alignment. I export the individual pieces from the same scene for this reason. As you've gotta remember, the mapper must reassemble the parts in Dark Radiant. So they'll have to line up on the grid somehow, else you might have gaps or little inconsistencies. Same goes for knobs and levers. My suggestion is to try and orient those pieces on your own gridsnap (in whatever app you model with) so that they just turn out this way by design. Nothing feels worse than importing a switch, just to see it clips oddly into the adjacent bezel. So basically, plotting the position of those things ahead of time saves the trouble. All in all I think your safe looks pretty awesome. I tend to make my stuff pretty loud but part of that is my own personal style too. Some of the things I like to go off on, are bits about how this mechanism would look with primitive casting & machining techniques. CNC machining is a pretty modern thing, so in the Dark Mod you can imagine a lot of metal details should appear to be cast iron or rolled steel plating. Otherwise man, I'd say you're pretty close already. Maybe just some extra detail to tie the door details together a bit more and just some general (natural) wear patterns.
  15. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kano


      Yes it was in a discussion where someone was saying how unhappy they are with the way game companies grant themselves permission to do whatever they like to your PC and personal info today. I pointed out that giving up games completely is an unnecessarily overkill solution when there are free games like TDM to play.

    3. Epifire


      Honestly the mod/Indie genre is still really booming right now. And they aint got no reason to do shady invasive privacy bs.

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      What Epifire said. :-)

  16. So, there was a typo in the model path of that piece of furniture, an additional backslash, but what was really weird is that even with that typo present - "//" - the model still worked perfectly fine for a majority of us. The working theory (which could be wrong, I don't know enough about the engine) is that when loading the FM from an uncompressed format (which we were doing), the engine ignores the "//" typo and the model works correctly. When playing off the compressed version however, the model path fails and you get the black cube. That's the theory anyway. But the important thing is that it's fixed now
  17. There is no SS3, how can they do a remake? And thank god they got rid of unity, that engine is total trash garbage on anything over 60 fps. Just spend 5 minutes on steam forums for Unity project games, and there's just thousands of people complaining about poor performance, stuttering etc.
  18. A few missions had Icy surfaces, that had poor friction. As for Guard/Watch issued "Paintball" markers - while technologically possible, I doubt they would bother - they don't typically use "non-lethal" options. E.g. Why mark a Brigand when you can spear 'em with a Crossbow bolt?
  19. After doing more testing and practically using DR under Wayland, I uncovered more bizarre functionality to this issue. Even when using the parameter GDK_BACKEND=x11 to run Radiant through X11, the same input issue will still occur in some cases. First of all the model chooser will always have it: If you choose to add a new model or edit the model of a selected entity, right-clicking in the 3D view of the Choose Model window to look at the mesh from different angles causes the mouse to wildly throw the camera around only allowing for small movements. Then I noticed the 2D view in the main window will sometimes start doing it too, though unlike the model browser it doesn't always have the problem and something triggers it (on X11 backend, full Wayland always does). Finally I was able to see what it is: After pressing X to select the clipper tool and cutting a brush, click-dragging the 2D view always produces the same exaggerated movement. Switching away from he clipper doesn't fix it once the issue has been triggered, right now I need to constantly restart DarkRadiant after using the clipper to cut a brush or I can't control the 2D view any more.
  20. Not to be a nag, but I was thinking about the columns problem. If you go to the view source tab in the wiki article: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fan_Missions_for_The_Dark_Mod&action=edit The raw table data is accessible directly: |- !align=left|{{TDM-FM|written|Written in Stone}} |Bikerdude, Amadeus, Dragofer |{{Forumlink|https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21265-written-in-stone-beta-210-only-20220128/}} |2022-01-28 |338 |Yes |Yes |CCC 22, Elixir |City Missions |Undead, Horror Themes |- Each pipe character represents one of the columns.
  21. Ulysses 2: Protecting the Flock By Sotha The mission starts some time after the events of Ulysses: Genesis, and continues the story of Ulysses. It is a medium sized mission with a focus on stealthy assassinations and hostage liberation. BUILD TIME: 12/2014 - 05/2015 CREDITS The TDM Community is thanked for steady supply of excellent mapping advice. Thanks goes also to everyone contributing to TDM! Voice Actors: Goldwell (as Goubert and Ulysses), Goldwell's Girlfriend (as Alis) Betatesters: Airship Ballet, Ryan101. Special Thanks to: Springheel and Melan (for proofreading). Story: Read & listen it in game. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwR0ORZU5sraRGduUWlVRmtsX3c/view?usp=sharing Other: Spoilers: When discussing, please use spoiler tags, like this: [spoiler] Hidden text. [/spoiler] Mirrors: Could someone put this on TDM ingame downloader? Thanks!
  22. List of major console variables and commands: PLAYER tdm_holdfrob_* --- set of variables that affect the reworked frob controls. tdm_autosearch_bodies --- automatically take items attached to unconscious bodies on frob. pm_headbob_mod, pm_lean_* --- allows to reduce some player movements. HELPER tdm_show_viewpos, screenshot_viewpos --- embedding viewpos into screenshot for better bug reports. tdm_open_doors, tdm_close_doors --- cheats to make mission testing faster. TROUBLESHOOTING r_useLightPortalFlow, r_useLightPortalFlowCulling --- improved light-entity interaction culling. Most major effect on shadows. This cvar is responsible for causing light leaks with stencil shadows, please report all of them! (thread) r_useNewRenderPasses --- selects from several renderer backend code paths. This is similar to the old r_useNewBackend cvar which has been deleted. r_shadowMapSinglePass --- faster code path for filling shadow maps. r_useEntityScissors, r_animationBounds --- improved bounds estimates for rendered entities. r_postprocess_dither --- new dithering in tonemap postprocessing for less color banding. r_shadowMapAlphaTested --- experimental mode for alpha-tested surfaces with shadow maps, where transparent areas of texture don't cast shadows. s_realTimeDecoding --- selects code path for decoding sound samples. tdm_subtitles_* --- many cvars for subtitle improvements (location cue, duration extension, debug text).
  23. GAMEPLAY * Frob controls have been reworked completely. Previously players were annoyed by having to do three presses to extinguish a light. Also, some player didn't even know that bodies could be shouldered and were limited with dragging bodies. Now simply clicking the frob button performs the action player needs most of the time, and pressing-and-holding the same button performs alternative actions like dragging bodies and extinguishing candles (thread). * Several aspects of mantling has been improved: overhead mantling has become faster, mantling over low obstacles is allowed while carrying an item or a body. Also it is possible to switch weapon while being on rope/ladder or mantling. Pressing crouch button on rope/ladder now starts slide-down immediately. * Some aspects of gameplay can be further simplified. Auto-search bodies is for players who don't want to waste time searching for keys and purses on guard bodies. Lockpicking "Auto" difficulty now indeed trivializes lockpicking (thread). * Leaning animation has been improved with lower head tilt (thread). * Player footstep sounds have been rebalanced. Metal and water sounds were especially painful previously. * Further improvements of subtitles: revised location and font to avoid overlapping with other GUI elements, added directional cue, better slot allocation. Each subtitle is now displayed for at least one second even if the sound is very short. * More settings to reduce camera bobbing/rolling/shaking, which is good for players who feel motion sickness from default camera animations. * Now several script addons can coexist and work independently (thread). ENGINE * Optimized generation of light-entity interactions in rendering frontend. Also greatly optimized shadow processing, especially for moving lights. Unfortunately, many existing missions are not compatible with these changes, so you might see light leaking through walls (mainly with stencil shadows). Please report all such cases, we'll apply workaround on case by case basis (thread). * The "old" and "new" rendering backends are finally merged into one. It is as nice to program as the new backend, and as old-fashioned and reliable as the old backend. Single-pass shadow maps enabled by default and now respect noselfshadow. * Materials with polygonoffset now interact with lights. So static decals can have bumpmap and specular lighting. Note however: dynamic decals still don't interact with lights. * Revised parallelSky lights and marked shadowing parallel lights as deprecated (thread). * PNG image format now behaves equally to other supported formats. In particular, it is not required to explicitly specify its extension, and it can be referenced directly in GUI code. * Added functions min/max to material expressions, which can be useful for clamping. * Fixed minor culling bugs on animated entities and enabled entity scissors by default. * Reduced color banding for fog with some dithering at tonemapping stage. * Finally our C++ code can compress and decompress all texture formats we use, meaning that we no longer depend on occasionally buggy/slow vendor implementations. BUGS * Now both OGG and WAV sounds work the same way and stop playing while in main menu. * Fixed "gui::startSelect" as a feature that allows to choose player starting location in GUI briefing. * Fixed warnings in newspaper_bridgeport0X core readable GUI. ASSETS * Added automatic turrets, to be combined with security cameras (Thread). * Added more covered furniture models (6289). * Added wall models from Seeking Lady Leicester (6293). * New and fixed versions of atdm:lamp_electric_square_3_lit_unattached (6315). * Fixed UV map on Stove models (6312). * Fixed some issues with moor AI (6345).
  24. @datiswous, made that correction fm_test.subs --> fm_conversations.subs @stgatilov, about srt naming and file location, would you be OK with the following edit? New/changed stuff in italics: srt command is followed by paths to a sound sample and its .srt file, typically with matching filenames. An .srt file is usually placed either with its sound file or in a "subtitles" folder. The .srt file format is described e.g. [1]. The file must be in engine-native encoding (internationalization is not supported yet anyway) and have no BOM mark. It contains a sequence of text messages to show during the sound sample, each with start and end timestamps within the sample's timeline. It is recommended to use common software to create .srt files for sound samples, instead of writing them manually. This way is more flexible but more complicated, and it is only necessary for long sounds, for instance sound sample of a briefing video. It's a simple enough standard that it can be shown as an short example, demonstrating that subtitle segments can have time gaps between them. And the example can show correct TDM usage, without requiring a trip off-site and picking through features that TDM doesn't support. Specifically, the example shows how to define two lines by direct entry, rather than using unsupported message location tags (X1, Y1, etc.). And skips other unavailable SRT font markups like italics, mentioned in the wikipedia description. The example would also show the TDM-specific path treatment. The example could be inserted before the sentence "It is recommended to use common software...."
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