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  1. I definitely haven't noticed any difference on 144 Hz here... You should add your hardware details here though. Operating system, and computer specs. Also, the used The Dark Mod version, and fan mission you noticed the issues.
  2. Hello! I am going through the (painful) process of detaching some custom stuff I've made over the years from the base mod so I am not replacing so many tdm_ core files in my FMs. I'll be posting updates in here as I know a few people have used custom volta stuff in their missions. @Goldwell @Amadeus @Wellingtoncrab If you are using CUSTOM VOLTA arrows please replace this file: tdm_weapon_arrow.script - Ive updated this script with core mod changes - The only thing that's being replaced is: ARROW_ZOOMDELAY 3 // Shortened time from 6 to 3 seconds If you want to use the default 6 second zoom delay, just delete this file and remove it from your custom_scripts.script. If anyone knows a way I can change ARROW_ZOOMDELAY without overriding the entire file, please let me know asap. Thanks everyone
  3. I'd like a place to start collecting links to off-site reviews and mission walkthroughs. People can also post full reviews of missions here.
  4. Story: "Sir Barrington, as he likes to be known, enjoys a prestigious reputation of having lavish yet intimate dinner parties. I've heard the tales about what goes on in the noble's dining room, but I believed none of them 'till now. Orbach, a local shop-keep who makes special deliveries to the people of 'high stature' heard Sir Henry Hughbellow raving about Sir Barrington's special 'Elixir', It cures your ails and gives you vigor... By the Hammer, it extends your very life! he exclaimed. Orbach begged Sir Henry for a small sample, and after one sip he was sure that the potion was nothing more than mineral water and spirit. He asked Sir Henry if other folks were as fond of the elixir as he was, and he found out that folks are paying handsomely for these small vials on a weekly basis. Some lords pay for exclusive treatments and bathe in the tonic. Lord Barrington even brings in an occult expert every month, where supposedly the power of the elixir is renewed by the full moon. Never one to pass up the opportunity for a good scam, Orbach has decided to take a cut of this 'elixir' business. He has made an elixir of his own, but needs to convince Sir Henry that it's really the same as the 'magical' tonic that Lord Barrington has been selling. And that's where I come in. Its rumered that Sir Barrington's prized possession is a painting of the revolutionary inventor 'Guillermo de Sohase' the day after he won the Battle of Billinsdune. If I can steal this painting, Orbach can use it to 'prove' that he also got the elixir from Sir Barrington. Once Sir Henry tells all his friends that Orbach's stolen elixir is healing his heart, soothing his pains, and igniting his libido, they'll be lining up at his shop. Its time to go." Build Time: Version 1.0 was speed build of sorts, to build upon Springheels video's with the new modules. Took roughly 20hrs to build but this ended up happening over the space of a few months.http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18808-bikerdudes-speedish-build-using-the-new-modules/?hl=%2Bspeed+%2BbuildThanks: Co-auther: Obstortte for all his custom entities, scripting and showing me a thing or two about perfing.Resource: Springheel - new modulesReadables: nbhor1moreTesters: Bienie, Judith, Abusimplea, Cambridge Spy, Gerberox, MayheM, Amadeus, Goldwell, nbhor1more.Download: - mega Info: Repeat after me, "Read and explore, Read and explore"Known issues: This mission has been heavily tweaked and worked on to provide a playable experience for even low end machines.For very low end PC's please make use of the in-game LOD slider, as not only are details reduced, but the ambient_world fog is removed at the lowest setting.The medium difficulty is partially broken, the mission wont end when the player gets to the exit location. As this is the only issue with that difficulty level, I will fix this when I next update it to include the intro.
  5. I dom't use it, i found it here with the filter set to OpenSource. the TOS and PP isn't excluding for an OpenSource app, if they use ads mean that they also need to pay an server for this online service. OpenSource is not synonymous with free either, perhaps after the beta phase it is no longer free, so perhaps you can take advantage of the fact that it is still free to create a series of textures that can be used or search another one in Futuretools. AI generated textures and assets, by definition, don't have any copyright, so you can use them as you want. https://www.futuretools.io/?pricing-model=free|open-source&tags-n5zn=gaming
  6. Hi all I know we had this topic a few years back but I don't want to necro the thread and I have a specific demand: I am searching for FMs in which the guards have lots of randomized patrol paths. With randomized I mean that they have several branches which they randomly pick each time they come by. I do not mean a randomization that only happens once during mission start (replay ability). Background : I understand the idea that the player should be able to memorize patrol paths in a certain way and be able to sneak past them. However this bores me often a lot and takes away the excitement. I want to be surprised and don't want to feel safe in rooms where I learned that no guard will come by. I would be happy if you guys could tell me your mission names in which such randomized paths are used heavily. I especially like mansion maps but that's not a must. Thank you for every hint!
  7. In TDM 2.12, some player footstep sound shaders were changed. That's something you might want to check as well. The following diff snippet is an adjustment to metal volumes I made to one of your missions on my local machine, so it matches TDM 2.12. There are probably others, which are best left up to you. I used a diff tool to find what to update. diff --git a/original/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd b/adjusted/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd index eecef04..5ae1843 100644 --- a/original/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd +++ b/adjusted/sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd @@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ tdm_footstep_metal_run minDistance 1 maxDistance 30 - volume -17 + volume -20 editor_displayFolder sfx/movement/footsteps/player @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ tdm_footstep_metal_crouch_creep minDistance 1 maxDistance 30 - volume -15 + volume -14 editor_displayFolder sfx/movement/footsteps/player @@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ tdm_footstep_metal_jump_land minDistance 1 maxDistance 30 - volume -9 + volume -13 editor_displayFolder sfx/movement/footsteps/player
  8. I should be able to beta test some missions. Built a new 5700G + GTX 970 system.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jaxa


      Nope. But it seems to work fine, and it should be a little over 3x the performance of the 5700G's Vega 8.

      Rembrandt is expected to double graphics performance over Cezanne. It's possible that the Phoenix iGPU after that could reach desktop GTX 970 performance.

    3. duzenko


      I have a 2011 6850 and it's still faster than 2021 vega 6

      OTOH the IGP is sharing 20W thermals with the CPU, so I'm saving a coffee on every electricity bill LOL

    4. jaxa


      Just going by the charts on TechPowerUp, Vega 8 (Cezanne) should be slightly faster than that 6850. Then in a few months, RDNA2 12 CU (Rembrandt) should double Vega 8 perf, although I think it might be more like a 115% improvement. That APU would be the first one using DDR5 memory which contributes to the improvement. From then on, it's speculation. I would hope to see RDNA3 and an increase to 16 CUs in Phoenix given it would be on TSMC 5nm, and then it beats me what Strix Point would have, other than RDNA4.

      The end result is that in less than 5 years, laptop/desktop APUs are usable at 1440p or even 4K. Intel is not standing still either, and could be tripling/quadrupling the size of their iGPUs (e.g. 320 execution units instead of 80-96).

  9. @nbohr1more@Dragofer Update to the post quoted above: only missions with turrets are concerned, all others work fine.
  10. Mission Name: A Night Of Loot: One Man's Treasure Author: OGDA Build time: 1 month Version: 1.00 Released: 13.06.2020 Type: Shop/House Size: Small Completion time: 30 to 45 minutes Difficulty settings: Higher difficulties require you to find more loot. Story: The thief discovers a tiny antique shop in the city. Download: FM: https://das-kartell.org/files/tdm/anol.pk4 Installation / Storage location should be: [dark mod folder]\fms\anol\anol.pk4 Promotional Screenshots: https://das-kartell.org/files/tdm/anol1.jpg https://das-kartell.org/files/tdm/anol2.jpg https://das-kartell.org/files/tdm/anol3.jpg Trivia: This is my first FM. I've been toying with dark radiant for some time before, but wanted to get something out, so I kept it small. CREDITS go to: Sotha for his Bakery Job Tutorials and Inspiration Acolytesix, Bienie, Cambridge Spy, joebarnin, manzanita-crow and nbohr1more for beta testing and help with improvements Link to the original beta test thread: Warning, heavy spoilers!
  11. As a retiree, I naturally have a lot of time and this is why I like, among others, to see some videos on YouTube. among them a channel of a standup comedian and some music videos. But it is not little my surprise when I read one of the videos, which is blocked by age restrictions and to see it, I have to prove my age using my ID or credit card. I understand that some content is not suitable for minors, but these on YouTube are very scarce and apparently they apply here a filter at Flanders level, as is the custom in the US. Although it is correct that European regulations require age restrictions for certain content, it is not acceptable to have to publish sensitive data on the Internet, which contradicts all common sense of having to do so for the reason of watching a video on YT, at a company that has already been hacked in the past, leaking hundreds of thousands of sensitive user data., In any case, I'm not even going to pass on my bank details or my personal details to Google, even for the price that I can't see some videos on YT. I am not the only one who is offended by Google's new attempt to obtain personal data from users, protests are accumulating on the network by many users and with articles that rightly question these practices. https://insiderpaper.com/youtube-age-verification-credit-card-id/ https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/jm37a1/youtube_will_start_to_demand_id_credit_cards/ https://tekdeeps.com/you-will-not-watch-youtube-videos-if-you-do-not-show-your-id-card-or-credit-card-neews/ https://www.quora.com/Are-you-finding-it-intrusive-for-YouTube-to-now-ask-you-to-verify-your-age-by-credit-card-or-ID https://linustechtips.com/topic/1349521-youtube-now-requires-eu-eea-uk-swiss-viewers-to-physically-verify-age-before-they-can-watch-age-restricted-videos/ etc. Meanwhile childrens using the ID card of their parents and some authors of YTvideos are virtually death, nobody see their vids.
  12. On the positive side, a fan mission for Thief Gold is probably so underground that no one will ever notice.
  13. To cater to both audiences. I mentioned LibreGameWiki as one example. nbohr1more mentioned other uses. Explicitly allowing reuse and spread will help TDM reach a wider audience and would hopefully attract more volunteers. More volunteers which can help improve both TDM versions. There are several benefits for a project of being in the Debian repo. One is that TDM Debian-users can report defects on any package directly to Debian (no need to register on separate forums). Debian may then fix the issue themselves (in their "TDM-libre" package) and will offer the patch upstream to TDM, who can then choose to accept or reject the patch. I envision "TDM-libre" to have the same capability of downloading any mission as regular TDM. The only difference is that "TDM-libre" would come packaged with the regular engine (which is GPL+BSD) and an included mission that has libre media/gamedata. When I play TDM by myself, I want the unlimited-play and can accept commercial restrictions. But if I were to promote it somewhere, or charge for a stream when playing online, or make a video, I would want a version without commercial restrictions (and can temporarily accept limited-play) to make sure I don't violate anyone's copyright. Perhaps. That's what I'm trying to find out.
  14. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but what is the conclusion here? I'm particularly asking about textures.com, because in my latest FM (WIP) I've used tons of textures from there. When I first looked at it, I had concluded that it was OK to use them, but now I'm second guessing that because of this (also mentioned above): Please note that it is not allowed to release our images under Open Source licenses (even when the materials are modified). If you are working on an game that is released under an Open Source license, you need to release content that has been created using our materials under a closed source license. However, this here make me think it might be OK? From https://www.textures.com/support/faq-license#3d-model CAN I USE THE MATERIALS ON A 3D MODEL OR SCENE OR VIDEO GAME LEVEL WHICH I WILL OFFER OR SELL ON A DIGITAL MARKETPLACE? Regular textures may be bundled with 3D models, scenes or video game levels under the following conditions: you have customized the materials for the 3D model, scene or game level, all materials are actually used on the 3D model, in the scene or game level you are selling the model and materials in one package. In other words: do not use bundling as a loophole to sell a texture or material pack. Please add the following text in the documentation accompanying the model: "One or more textures bundled with this project have been created with images from Textures.com. These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit www.textures.com for more information." IMPORTANT: the exception to this is any content in the Special Content categories: 3D Scans, 3D Scans Atlas, 3D Objects, 3D Foliage, Substance, PBR Materials, Decals, HDR Spheres, HDR Skies, Graphic Designs and 3D Ornaments. The materials in these categories may NOT be bundled with 3D models or scenes. This even applies when you modify the materials: modification does not mean you are allowed to bundle these types of materials. Again I'm specifically talking about using these are part of a fan mission, not the core game. To satisfy the conditions above, I will: customisation: all textures have been converted to different formats (.dds and .tga) or resized I won't include any textures in the .pk4 that aren't included in the mission the FM will be bundled into a single .pk4 package (and I'm obviously not selling it). I'm only using the 'regular textures', not PBR or 3D materials. I will include the text 'One ore more textures...' in the FM readme.
  15. I suggest you use the term "I", to make clear that it is something YOU want, and that you speak for yourself. But, as wesp5 mentioned, I don't really know what this is about, at all. And, I'm also wondering about all the newly registered people lately, who just arrived at this forum, and already want to revolutionize this mod. This is a thing I noticed 2 or 3 years ago, and which hasn't been present in the 15 years I play this mod and frequent these forums now. Really seems like a common thing these days, to not knock on the door, but kick it in, and stomp right in.
  16. I just finished another of skacky's missions, Midsummer Night Heist. Quite nice, and moderately sized mansion mission. And, quite a step up in terms of visuals compared to the Thief Gold missions I played before that. I played the Chalice of Souls before that, but, the snow theme and city design somehow didn't pick me up...
  17. Somehow, I didn't get the "Objective complete" sound overlay and text display when I completed an objective with both the Between These Dark Walls and Endless Rain missions. Is that normal, and maybe a side effect of these missions having been developed for older versions of New Dark? I definitely got those in The Black Parade, so, it can't be a general thing.
  18. Story: Build Time: Thanks: Download: Available in the in-game downloader, or at any of these below locations: Gallery: Hints, Tips, Walkthroughs, Spoilers(!): Disclaimers, Player Information. Thank you for playing, and a Merry Christmas to all! What did you think of the mission? I look forward to your honest feedback!
  19. The gamepad implementation allows for a great degree of flexibility to personalize settings, aside from a few minor issues that I mentioned here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22337-gamepad-bindings/ I would say that playing TDM with a gamepad works very well, especially considering that it was implemented as experimental and hasn't been changed since then. If I could, I'd go back to 2021-you and congratulate you on buying that gamepad. I notice that your DarkmodPadbinds.cfg looks very different from mine...
  20. Thanks. I figured out that Thiefs Guild seems to be THE site for browsing these missions. I already found Endless Rain there, when I checked skacky's missions. Looks like it's part of a series of maps, so, I'll probaby start with the prequel, "Between These Dark Walls".
  21. Is this really a problem? Maybe we can figure that out before reverting the "J", which previously was so badly spaced it looked like it had a space character after it. It would be helpful to identify which missions have such pseudographics. I suspect it's a small number. And those using Stone font smaller still. In that regard, I did some preliminary experiments, limited to a cohort of 46 FMs on my machine with expanded FM .pk4s, that I can do full-text searches across files on, with TextPad. (@stgatilov, I imagine you are in a position to similarly and more conclusively search the entire english FM collection.) I searched with characters (or short strings) that would be likely to be found in pseudographics. For untranslated FMs, I searched in filenames of form *.xd . For translated FMs (those that had string "#str_" in their *.xd; there were 8 such FMs in my cohort) I searched in file english.lang Results Many search strings were useless due to too many false hits: "_" Widely used as part of internal xd name. Used on separate line as heading underscore. "/" Widely used as part of internal xd name. "\" (except "\\") Widely used \n or \" escape character "--" (assuming single dash is everywhere) Several in a row to bracket a heading, or as part of a letter's signature. Used on separate line, as heading underscore or as border between paragraphs These search strings were moderately useful, showing up in just a few FMs (tho none were pseudographics on examination): "=" Used on separate line as heading underscore (in penny3's erasing.xd) "+" Used as bullet points, or (several in a row) to bracket a heading (in penny3's erasing.xd; in bcd's english.lang) These search strings were most promising: "|" Only 1 hit, but it's a table-form pseudographic! (northdale1's snowedinn.xd) "\\" (i.e., escaped \) No hits found in my cohort Inspection of snowedinn.xd showed this: Note that it uses book_calig_mac_humaine.gui; so this pseudographic was not in Stone font
  22. Basically correct, but most of the TDM missions are not on an open field, but in narrow town environments. As has been said before, the bowman could have moved or hid himself. I see that a lesser problem than them not reacting to melee attacks which must come from nearby!
  23. I'm not sure if that's true. I think it's his own choice (at least that's what he said to me on discord). Although you're a teammember yourself, so maybe you know best what the status is. But when he's so involved with TDM it's a little strange. He's active on the wiki, he's active on the bugtracker, he has active contact with teammembers and mappers on discord, working on different missions.
  24. I mean names you can display on screen for the general audience when holding an object. Refer to the screenshots I posted. ------------------------------------------------ I would say we should employ the language/translation system (#str_). I expect most entityDef names (plus model names) are quite descriptive already: atdm:moveable_bowl_large_pewter (bowl01_large.lwo) atdm:moveable_mug_wood_old (mug_wooden01.lwo) atdm:moveable_ball_spiked (spiked_ball.lwo) atdm:moveable_coffeetable (coffeetable1.lwo) atdm:moveable_rock_small01 (smallrock1.lwo) ... When in doubt just fire up DR and see the object in question. Thinking of skins we should avoid including names of materials or colors, in example instead of a "Red Apple", stick to "Apple". Instead of "Pine Chair", let's name it a "Chair". Many times it will be difficult to settle on a name therefore simpler/shorter will be better: up to mappers to spice things up. Now if you ask me, how do we approach existing missions? No idea, haven't thought of it. And bound items such as candles and candle-holders? I don't know, Candle? One case at a time, I guess.
  25. Thanks! 1) Doing LONG_PRESS PAD_A (what I, for lack of knowledge, call "jump-mantle" or "_jumpmantle") differs from doing PRESS PAD_A ("_jump"). "_jumpmantle" differs from "_mantle", so they must be mapped to different button-calls. "_jumpmantle" differs from "_jump", so they must also be mapped to different button-calls. This appears to be the case, but it is not evident (or changeable) in DarkmodPadbinds.cfg. "_jumpmantle" seems to be hard coded to always connect to the same button as "_jump" but with a long press. It is as if bindPadButton PRESS PAD_A "_jump" is not actually just binding PRESS PAD_A to "_jump", but rather interpreted as "link PAD_A (regardless of button press time) to behave exactly like keyboard SPACE for short and long presses". I would have expected the default DarkmodPadbinds.cfg to explicitly read: bindPadButton PRESS PAD_A "_jump" bindPadButton LONG_PRESS PAD_A "_jumpmantle" bindPadButton PRESS PAD_B "_crouch" bindPadButton LONG_PRESS PAD_B "_mantle" ... but neither LONG_PRESS PAD_A or "_jumpmantle" is listed in the file. If there are actions "_jump" and "_mantle", I suppose there must also be an action "_jumpmantle" since it is possible for the player to do all those movements: * "_mantle" does the movements "crouch on the high surface, then stand up" * "_jumpmantle" idoes the movements "jump slightly forward, then land standing on the high surface" * "_jump" idoes the movements "jump up, then land exactly where you started" If the actions "_jump" and "_moveup" are not synonymous, then perhaps the action "_moveup" is what i call "_jumpmantle"? 2) Thanks for the link! It was useful in more than one way. I'll link to that page from https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Bindings_and_User_Settings#Gamepad_Default_Bindings if I can get an account on the wiki, which proved more difficult than i thought (https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22327-how-can-i-create-an-account-on-the-tdm-wiki/). However, it does not answer my question how to find out the name ("<button>") used for a button on my gamepad. Basically, I would need to press the button on my gamepad and some program could tell me "That button is called 'PAD_A'". In my case, I have a gamepad "Logitech F310" (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Logitech_F310_Gamepad.jpg) which has a "Logitech button" (see image) that I want to use. I was hoping to find out the "button name" for that button and then edit DarkmodPadbinds.cfg to map it to a function. 3) ... but if that button has an "unusual name" that TDM does not recognize, then it may perhaps not work. E.g. if that button is called "PAD_LOGITECH" and TDM cannot recognize that name, then I cannot map anything to it via DarkmodPadbinds.cfg. Using QJoyPad I can map any keyboard key to it instead, as a workaround, but I cannot map MODIFIER to it (since MODIFIER cannot be set to a keyboard key). If current implementation is still called "experimental", then I must say it works very well; @cabalistic: kudos for that! I may not have continued playing TDM had it not worked with a gamepad.
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