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Hey you DarkMod lot!

I finally got the TDM working :) I've played the training mission and I'm really REALLY impressed!

I can't believe it took me so long to get here, but I will be playing every FM I can find, starting with yours Biker!

Also whichever one has the ship in it?

And I will probably regret saying this.... but I will be checking out Dark Radiant too :)

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Wow! - You are really welcome Saturnine! :) And I really hope you get into Dark Radiant. If so, start with http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=A_-_Z_Guide_Index


The ship is in the second level of the NOHAT campaign (No Honor Among Thieves.) Enjoy! But hone your skills in the trainer first if you haven't done so already.


With great power comes great responsibility Saturnine. We expect great things from you. (no pressure of course. ;))

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Don't forget to spread the Word so we get other new enthusiasts to enjoy the fresh, excellent and modernized Thief experience!


And I really hope you get into Dark Radiant. If so, start with http://modetwo.net/d...-_Z_Guide_Index


And don't try to struggle alone with possible mapping problems, we have a nice and helpful editor community here.:ph34r: Help is only a question away.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Great to see you dropping by - really enjoyed your missions for Thief. :) Take a look at DarkRadiant if you are interested in editing; it is a really user-friendly app with continuously improving features and an expanding resource base.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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And I will probably regret saying this.... but I will be checking out Dark Radiant too :)

To me, this is the best news since the release of TDM! :) Again, no pressure of course! ;)


heeey welcome Saturnine! errr... who are you? :laugh:


I think I heard of you somewhere but can't remember now. forgive my ignorance :blush:

Author of this (not just) graphical masterpiece for t2... Shame on you! :)

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O holy crap, Saturnine...

Welcome to the Dark side. :ph34r::laugh:


The 7th Crystal was an early FM for me that inspired me quite a bit.

Fortunately DarkRadiant is a pleasure to build with (IMO), very stable, even just for tooling around for fun.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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hey Sat,


good to see you dropping by. you should deffinately mess around with DR. we'll probably have another 2 month contest coming up sooner than later. a great way to cut your teeth on the editor and support TDM :)


but even if you just enjoy playing tdm it's good to have you drop by.


(i'm schwaa over there ;) )

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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What took you so long, have fun with my 1st and 2nd mission's wait till you see the next batch I have lined up..




@ TDM at large - as some of you may be aware young Saturnine got so good at making thief missions that he got a job working for a software company...!! I am both excited and honored that we have such talent joining our little community.


So that's Komag and Saturnine, who else of that caliper do we have that has joined the dark-side..?



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Well, I don't know if I'm that caliber, but my grappling hook was in '7th' wink.gif


Melan's here. Uncandonego is getting TDM fired up (though finishing dromed stuff yet). pretty good grouping of old school taffers so far. I think Yandros seems borederline but that's just forum post speculation on my part.


Digi's messing around with Unreal alot, wish he'd try tdm instead.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Woohoo, welcome Saturnine! The 7th Crystal was one of those watershed moments in FM history, and Rose Cottage was just, well I'll run out of expletives if I had to describe how good it was! laugh.gif


Really looking forward to seeing what you can do in Dark Radiant (if you do take the plunge that is).

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Re: Rose Cottage, I should have mentioned. My Darkmod FM (Patently Dangerous) came out on the same day, Halloween last year. Actually 4 FMs came out on that day -- it was a special day -- but RC was the highlight, of course. I didn't mind being overshadowed, but actually I thought it was very cool to be a part of a day like that.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Thanks for the welcome guys, I appreciate it :)

I'm loving the training mission, I'm awesome at archery and suck horribly at rope swinging!

I'm looking forward to taking a look at DarkRadiant, I'm currently working on an updated version of Rose Cottage with all the bugs fixed :)

But right after that I'll definitely check it out and work through the tutorial.


Thanks again everyone.



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Welcome :) We hope you enjoy your stay as long as possible :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Saturnine, as long as you'Re here, let me ask you a question. At a local DVD store, I recently saw this movie:


That image must clearly have been your source of inspiration and I really wanted to compare the house in the movie with your recreation of it in Rose Cottage. Apparently that movie was a total joke (3.6 on imdb OMG) and the house didn't even appear in it. So to get to my question, is there some story behind the choice of that scene? Is it based on a movie of some sort or was it just a random image you've found on the web and used for inspiration?

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Holy crap, that's EXACTLY the house in "Rose Cottage", detail for detail!


Here it is again:




Here's another site with it



"From EuroDisneyLand - Paris"



...and here it is - it's the "Phantom Manor"




and now I have to say that Saturnine's recreation of it is impressive work!

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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Heh? What´s the title for that movie?

"For sale by owner" like the image says... ;) But really, it's total crap. Probably a low budget production. 5 or 6 actors and all the movie inside a non specified house that you don't even get to see from the outside. Total waste of time!!


Thanks for the info, Komag. I wonder if someone has to pay license in order to have that house displayed on a cover. Saturnine really did great work here!! I was very surprised myself when I saw that cover at the DVD-store, as was my girlfriend, because I showed the beauty Rose Cottage to her before... :)

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