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  1. I'm going dark

    Feel free to reassign all my tickets and delete unfinished work (multi-light shaders, x-ray view, etc) in trunk

    Special thanks to @nbohr1more and @stgatilov for putting up with my countless bugs and making great company

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackFarmer


      You've been of great help during testing of my first two releases.

      Thank you for your help and stay healthy!


    3. stgatilov


      Sad to hear.
      I hope you are OK, and it's just real life that needs attention.

      Thank you for working on the game!
      Despite my complaints, you have improved TDM a lot. Without you, rendering would have been near Doom 3 level still.


    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      Duzhenko, whatever it is, I hope everything will go well for you. Thank you for all the hard work so far for the community. Come back anytime you'd want. As far as I'm concerned, the door will be always open and the light always on for you. Best wishes, P.

  2. What sort of deities do the Pagans and Beastfolk outside of the Builder cities worship?
  3. Since my first map might take a while to be finished (a few years at least), I developed TDMDB in the meantime, a database application that allows to more easily view and filter all available missions, simplifying the process of finding missions that are suited to one's taste. You can just go ahead and check it out here: tdmdb.com/missions. It's on a very limited shared server, so don't expect blazing speeds, although loading times appear to be reasonable enough. You can use the application to, for example, find all city missions that are also part of a series, and have them sorted by size. Or all independent missions that have undead and spiders. Or missions by a specific author that have EFX Reverb support. And so on. Or you can just scroll down through all missions, reading about them and looking at their pictures. All of the information was retrieved from the wiki and thedarkmod.com by a couple of scripts, and stored in a database. The application may be installed as an official TDM resource, which was my original idea and motivation (more on this thread). For this purpose, you may find the full source code and installation instructions on this GitHub repo. The data retrieval process might change if this becomes an official resource, but that can actually be a good thing, since scraping the wiki and thedarkmod.com is not ideal long-term. In any case, for the time being, the application can be fully used on tdmdb.com. Hopefully it helps many find the missions of their dreams! (it did help me find some amazing series). By the way, if this is breaking any rules, just let me know. Also, please feel free to tell me if you find any bugs, missing data, or if you have any suggestions on how to make the application better
  4. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kano


      Yes it was in a discussion where someone was saying how unhappy they are with the way game companies grant themselves permission to do whatever they like to your PC and personal info today. I pointed out that giving up games completely is an unnecessarily overkill solution when there are free games like TDM to play.

    3. Epifire


      Honestly the mod/Indie genre is still really booming right now. And they aint got no reason to do shady invasive privacy bs.

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      What Epifire said. :-)

  5. Not to be a nag, but I was thinking about the columns problem. If you go to the view source tab in the wiki article: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fan_Missions_for_The_Dark_Mod&action=edit The raw table data is accessible directly: |- !align=left|{{TDM-FM|written|Written in Stone}} |Bikerdude, Amadeus, Dragofer |{{Forumlink|https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21265-written-in-stone-beta-210-only-20220128/}} |2022-01-28 |338 |Yes |Yes |CCC 22, Elixir |City Missions |Undead, Horror Themes |- Each pipe character represents one of the columns.
  6. TDM Modpack v3.8 released in the opening post Introducing... the SHOCK MINE MOD v1.0 We must thank @wesp5 for this one! Flashmines are a rare item nowadays. Shortly after production begun blueprints of a more practical equivalent made it into the streets and Flashbombs took the market by a storm. To make matters worse, Flashmines had a critical flaw and the inferior chemical components degraded over time and Flashmines were quickly known to have caused misfortunes. The Flashmines that remain in the black market are now old, unpredictible, and dirty cheap. "I am not interested, chap. Too dangerous! A single spark and I am out of business!", could be heard from a merchant in a tabern. Later that evening a few Flashmines had a new, mysterious owner. A couple of nights after the first altered Flashmine was put to the test with shocking results. The original "Electric Mine" can be found in wesp5's Unofficial Patch. Stims are, in my experience, unreliable and for this new take on the infamous mine I ended up scripting everything. New sounds, different effects... but more importantly, KO's are now credited to the player. A Shockmine is a powerful, silent weapon that can put most of your opponents down but be careful, Shockmines can be deadly. Whenever you stumble across a Flashmine just grab it! Our protagonist knows well what to do with it. Big thanks @wesp5 ! HUNTER BOW MOD v1.1 Something that buggered me from day one is the mandatory reload when you miss a shot with the Rope Arrow. The Hunter Bow Mod has been upgraded so that when you miss the shot you have the opportunity to retrieve the arrow. Sometimes arrows will land in inaccessible places but hey, you at least have a chance now. CLASSIC BLACKJACK MOD v1.3 A little update to conclude the "It Just Works" exercise. The blackjack is now as reliable as it can get... KO guaranteed: no indicator and no quick-save required. FLASH GRENADE MOD v1.1 Flashbombs no longer clip through the world and the script has been greatly improved. There is no way Flashbombs can fail now: if AI are within range and sight, AI will be blinded. I consider this the definitive version. --------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to @Dragofer & Company, The Dark Mod 2.12 will allow different mods to coexist so expect a reorganization of the mods included in the pack sometime early next year. Until then, have fun with the TDM Modpack! The download can be found in the opening post. Full changelog: ============================== v3.8 - New release ------------------------------ • STANDALONE SHOCK MINE MOD v1.0: Initial release. • FLASH GRENADE MOD v1.1: Resolved clipping issues, better AI blind detection. • HUNTER BOW MOD v1.1: Retrieve rope arrows when missing shots. • CLASSIC BLACKJACK MOD v1.3: Improved collision detection. • PLAYER SKILLS MOD - DISTRACTION v1.4: Revised mod, new method. • Modpack: Minor general corrections. Cheers!
  7. Ulysses 2: Protecting the Flock By Sotha The mission starts some time after the events of Ulysses: Genesis, and continues the story of Ulysses. It is a medium sized mission with a focus on stealthy assassinations and hostage liberation. BUILD TIME: 12/2014 - 05/2015 CREDITS The TDM Community is thanked for steady supply of excellent mapping advice. Thanks goes also to everyone contributing to TDM! Voice Actors: Goldwell (as Goubert and Ulysses), Goldwell's Girlfriend (as Alis) Betatesters: Airship Ballet, Ryan101. Special Thanks to: Springheel and Melan (for proofreading). Story: Read & listen it in game. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwR0ORZU5sraRGduUWlVRmtsX3c/view?usp=sharing Other: Spoilers: When discussing, please use spoiler tags, like this: [spoiler] Hidden text. [/spoiler] Mirrors: Could someone put this on TDM ingame downloader? Thanks!
  8. I'm pretty sure this is a Dark Radiant rite of passage
  9. So I just remembered Duke Nukem 3D had two incredibly offsetting levels, Tier Drops and more specifically Lunatic Fringe, that used non-euclidean space to mess with the player and now I'm wondering if that's actually something feasible to do in the Dark Mod? Nothing like 720 degree circles and multi-room spaces to scream "Lovecraftian", I would think.
  10. @datiswous, made that correction fm_test.subs --> fm_conversations.subs @stgatilov, about srt naming and file location, would you be OK with the following edit? New/changed stuff in italics: srt command is followed by paths to a sound sample and its .srt file, typically with matching filenames. An .srt file is usually placed either with its sound file or in a "subtitles" folder. The .srt file format is described e.g. [1]. The file must be in engine-native encoding (internationalization is not supported yet anyway) and have no BOM mark. It contains a sequence of text messages to show during the sound sample, each with start and end timestamps within the sample's timeline. It is recommended to use common software to create .srt files for sound samples, instead of writing them manually. This way is more flexible but more complicated, and it is only necessary for long sounds, for instance sound sample of a briefing video. It's a simple enough standard that it can be shown as an short example, demonstrating that subtitle segments can have time gaps between them. And the example can show correct TDM usage, without requiring a trip off-site and picking through features that TDM doesn't support. Specifically, the example shows how to define two lines by direct entry, rather than using unsupported message location tags (X1, Y1, etc.). And skips other unavailable SRT font markups like italics, mentioned in the wikipedia description. The example would also show the TDM-specific path treatment. The example could be inserted before the sentence "It is recommended to use common software...."
  11. Hey guys, I have this page on Facebook that I've been feeding with 360 screenshot from games I love, or games that look good. I really want to show off and promote as many awesome indie video games by shooting scenes in their 3D worlds Can anyone here recommend me some great maps that I can cover for my page? I usually shoot some 10-20 360s and then publish them sporadically mixed in with other games. Here's the page so you can see how it works out in practice thank you!
  12. TDM 2.08 Released! We are proud to announce the release of The Dark Mod 2.08! Long in development, many fixes related to Multi-Core, Uncapped FPS, and the 64-bit migration are now available. TDM 2.08 goes further with the process to modernize coding standards in TDM, replacing legacy OpenGL functions and ARB Assembly shaders with modern techniques. Mappers will be pleased to see many new quality assets as well as enhancements to rain, fog, skylight, AIs and visportal diagnostics. For the eye-candy crowd, new Bloom, 64-bit color mode, and SSAO options have been added! For Linux users, the project can now be compiled via CMake. A full changelog can be viewed here, but some highlights include: Better Visuals: Cabalistic has finally added the much requested SSAO feature to TDM. Using a method called Scalable Ambient Obscurance, now areas with flat ambient lighting come alive with new detail! He’s also implemented a new Bloom method, and brightness and gamma will no longer interfere with desktop brightness. Better AI: Grayman has refined the AI yet again, for instance ensuring that sitting and lying aren't thwarted by obstacles. Better Gameplay: The player’s ability to move and interact with the environment has been improved thanks to fixes to mantling as well as climbing ropes and ladders. Ragdolls are easier to handle and shouldering them is accompanied by an animation. Better Mapping: The mapper’s toolkit has seen several enhancements. A new X-ray surface and new spectrum spawnargs modify how objects are perceived. Rain is much less taxing and uses static collision detection to limit its fall. New visportal diagnostics make it easier than ever to track down notorious internal leaks. Better Performance: The dev team has as always been hard at work making improvements to performance and laying the groundwork for even more improvements in the future. Multi-Core’s stability has been enhanced and is no longer listed as an “Experimental” setting. New Assets: Many quality textures and models were added by both Team members and community contributors. Especially of note is the inclusion of Kingsal’s manbeasts and Springheel’s new zombies, and expect to catch glimpses of the werebeast. If you are a mission author, please take a look here. New Sounds: The player’s movement is now accompanied by new sounds when mantling, swimming and sliding down ropes and ladders. To update, simply run the tdm_update.exe file in your darkmod folder. Please be aware that old saved games will not be compatible with 2.08, so finish any missions you might be in the middle of first!
  13. Terrific! The beta test thread is up: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22238-beta-testing-the-spider-and-the-finch/
  14. DarkRadiant 3.6.0 is ready for download. What's new: Feature: Selection Focus (Ctrl-F) Feature: Add Radiant.findEntityByName script method Feature: Media Browser shows a thumbnail preview when selecting folders Feature: Map is remembering layer visibilities between loads Fixed: ModelDefs are shown in T-pose Fixed: Patch vertices are the wrong colour Fixed: Shader Clipboard source gets cleared on 'copy shader' operation Fixed: Nodes of hidden layers are still visible after loading the map Fixed: Can't close properties window Fixed: Merge Action rendering is broken Fixed: After using ToggleMainControl_Camera, the center panel is grey after restart Fixed: When using ToggleMainControl_Camera, arrow keys cannot be used to move the viewer Fixed: Property Panel not remembering undocked/closed tabs Fixed: Texture Tool not updating during manipulation Fixed: Orthoview ignores filters for surfaces in models Fixed: Blue dot when selecting one face removed Tweak: Conversation Editor: double-click opens selected conversation Tweak: Preference option to disable drag select in camera view Tweak: ESC key should clear the resource tree view filter text Tweak: New layers function: tooltip popup getting in the way Feature: Selection Focus (see video) Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.6.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks to all the awesome people who keep using DarkRadiant to create Fan Missions - they are the main reason for me to keep going. Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  15. No, I have not, but was expecting that Dark Radiant also has further developed. I first wanted to update the game, before turning to DR. But thank you for the remonder.
  16. Title has been updated now. Thanks everyone for having a little bit of fun! Now back to the Dark Radiant mines!
  17. What is The Complete Vengeance for a Thief Campaign? The Complete Vengeance for a Thief Campaign is a three part campaign with a brand new installment at the beginning called The Angel's Tear. The other two installments are the previously released A Pawn in the Game and The Art of revenge with new areas, additional story plus bug fixes and performance tweaks. What are the new areas in A Pawn in the Game and The Art of Revenge? Pics The Angel's Tear: New areas for A Pawn in the Game and The Art of Revenge: Download links: http://www.mediafire.com/download/c2p0myxp32hb8sb/The+Complete+Vengeance+for+a+Thief+Campaign.zip Installation instructions: Unzip the zip file and extract the three pk4s to The Dark Mod's FM folder. Load up TDM and play them in order. Thank you to the following: Bikerdude for help with visportals in the original A Pawn in the Game, visuals in The Angel's Tear plus all the mapping advice and tech support he has kindly provided me with over the years. Beta-testers for The Completer Vengeance for a Thief Campaign: AluminumHaste, Oldjim and Cookie. Beta-testers for the original A Pawn in the Game: Grayman, Bikerdude, Nbohr1more, Ppoe and Xarg Beta-testers for the original The Art of Revenge: Gnartsch, Obttorte, Lux and Jaxa. Everyone who helps me out in the Edtors Guild of this forum. Special shout out to Sotha, Grayman, Obsttorte and Bikerdude. Apologies if I've forgotten to mention anyone. The TDM team for providing me with countless hours of mapping and gameplay fun. Everyone who contributes anything to TDM to help make it the awesome mod that it is.
  18. The gear objective in part 2 did not complete in The Dark Mod 2.11. It worked in a 2.12 dev build, but I did not test other parts of the mission.
  19. =========== installation instruction TDM 2.05 on mac os using 2.05 binary. In short: On this moment it is not easy to use the updater to get to another version. So people have to do this manually. Download the necessary files, like 2.05 mac os binary, standalone 2.0 and update packages. Extract the 2.05 mac binary, fill this container up with TDM-data to version 2.05. And give the app permission to run, so you can start the application when you want to. Step1 - Download files Download the following files and place them in your Downloads folder the-dark-mod-205-native-osx-binaries the-dark-mod-20-standalone-full-installer The Dark Mod 2.0-2.01 Update Package (Windows) The Dark Mod 2.01-2.02 Update Package (Windows) The Dark Mod 2.02-2.03 Update Package (Windows) The Dark Mod 2.03-2.04 Update Package (Windows) The Dark Mod 2.04-2.05 Update Package (Windows) Step 2 - Prepare The binary You can prepare the binary follwing one of the methods: unpack files automatically and copy files to binary, using some command linesunpack files manually and copy files to binary, using some command linesunpack files manually to the binary, using the finder Method 1: unpack files automatically and copy files to binary, using some command lines If the safari browser saves the files in that folder and unpacks it the files automatically Then select and copy the following command lines lines mkdir ~/tdminstall unzip ~/Downloads/OSX_TDM_205/The\ Dark\ Mod.app.zip -d ~/tdminstall/ cp -Rv ~/Downloads/THE\ DARK\ MOD\ Version\ 2.0\ -\ Standalone\ Release/ ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp -Rv ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2/ ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp -Rv ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2-2/ ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp -Rv ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2-3/ ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp -Rv ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2-4/ ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp -Rv ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2-5/ ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp -v ~/Downloads/OSX_TDM_205/tdm_game03.pk4 ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ chmod uga+x ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/The\ Dark\ Mod echo done Open terminal and paste the lines. (edit > paste) Wait some minutes, get a coffee. Method 2: unpack files manually and copy files to binary, using some command lines if you use an other browser, you need to unpack the files. Select and copy the following command lines lines mkdir ~/tdminstall unzip ~/Downloads/OSX_TDM_205/The\ Dark\ Mod.app.zip -d ~/tdminstall/ unzip ~/Downloads/THEDARKMODVersion2.0-StandaloneRelease.zip ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ unzip ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2.01_to_2.02.zip ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ unzip ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2.02_to_2.03.zip ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ unzip ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2.03_to_2.04.zip ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ unzip ~/Downloads/tdm_update_2.04_to_2.05.zip ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp ~/Downloads/OSX_TDM_205/tdm_game03.pk4 ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ chmod uga+x ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/The\ Dark\ Mod echo done Open terminal and paste the lines. (edit > paste) Wait some minutes, get a coffee. Method 3: unpack files manually to the binary, using the finder Prepare the binary manually. finder -> go -> homecreate a folder and give it the name "darkmodinstall"Go to the downloads folder -> OSX_TDM_205 and unpack The\ Dark\ Mod.app.zipmove The Dark Mod.app to tdminstall folder.Right click on darkmod.app > show package contents > contents > macosopen new finder window, go to the downloads folder, move content of the following folders in your downloads folder to "MacOs" folder in darkmod.app: "THE DARK MOD Version 2.0 - Standalone Release", "tdm_update_2","tdm_update_2-2",,"tdm_update_2-3",,"tdm_update_2-4",,"tdm_update_2-5",,"tdm_update_2-6" And "tdm_game03.pk4" from the OSX_TDM_205.open a terminal, enter the following line and hit the enter-key: chmod uga+x ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/The\ Dark\ ModEnter your password and wait a while.---- Step 3: Running TDM using the binary If its ready, you can try a first-run of TDM. This by opening a terminal and enter the following lines. cd ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app/Contents/MacOS/ ./The\ Dark\ Mod If it uses correctly, the darkmod icon pops up in your dock, disapears and you see some starting lines in the terminal. (but its 2.06???) If it runs correctly, you can also run tdm by clicking on the app. If it doesnt run, run the following terminal command. spctl --add ~/tdminstall/The\ Dark\ Mod.app Please enter your userpassword when spctl asks for it. and then wait again. ========== a great test would be, if 2.06 works with this binary.
  20. I was so enchanted by this FM, I had to sign up to the forums the same day I finished it to come thank the authors Genuinely, truly incredible work! I was so overwhelmed in places that I resorted to just shouting joy at my monitor two, three, maybe four entirely separate times while playing. Exploring, puzzling, finding something new, trying to use it, and finding it does a whole new, separate, wonderful thing! There aren't enough words inside me to describe the feeling. It was breathtaking. I don't have any specific feedback that hasn't come through this thread before Thanks so much for making this, for all the inspiration and ingenuity and effort it took. If I never play another level this good, in any other game, in my life, I'd be fine with that.
  21. Fails to build that is. There were only a few updates too, I think three files? <table bgcolor="#dfdfe5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font face="arial" size="+2">Output Window </font></td></tr></tbody></table><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=""><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#ededf5" width="0"> </td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="0"> </td><td width="*"><pre>Compiling... StringLogDevice.cpp LogWriter.cpp LogStreamBuf.cpp LogStream.cpp LogFile.cpp COutRedirector.cpp LayerSystem.cpp LayerCommandTarget.cpp NullModelNode.cpp ModelCache.cpp XYWnd.cpp GlobalXYWnd.cpp SplitPaneLayout.cpp ScreenUpdateBlocker.cpp RegularLayout.cpp MainFrameLayoutManager.cpp MainFrame.cpp FloatingLayout.cpp EmbeddedLayout.cpp FilterEditor.cpp ..\..\radiant\ui\filterdialog\FilterEditor.cpp(320) : warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch ..\..\radiant\ui\filterdialog\FilterEditor.cpp(449) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch Compiling... FilterDialog.cpp LayerControlDialog.cpp LayerControl.cpp LayerContextMenu.cpp SurfaceInspector.cpp Splash.cpp TextureBrowser.cpp TransformDialog.cpp PrefPage.cpp PrefDialog.cpp PatchThickenDialog.cpp PatchInspector.cpp PatchCreateDialog.cpp BulgePatchDialog.cpp ParticlesChooser.cpp OverlayDialog.cpp Overlay.cpp OrthoContextMenu.cpp MRUMenuItem.cpp MRU.cpp Compiling... ModelSelector.cpp FiltersMenu.cpp MediaBrowser.cpp ShaderInfoTab.cpp ModelInfoTab.cpp MapInfoDialog.cpp EntityInfoTab.cpp LightInspector.cpp FindShader.cpp EntityClassTreePopulator.cpp EntityClassChooser.cpp Vector3PropertyEditor.cpp TexturePropertyEditor.cpp SoundPropertyEditor.cpp SkinPropertyEditor.cpp SkinChooser.cpp PropertyEditorFactory.cpp ModelPropertyEditor.cpp LightTextureChooser.cpp FloatPropertyEditor.cpp Compiling... EntityPropertyEditor.cpp EntityInspector.cpp ..\..\radiant\ui\einspector\EntityInspector.cpp(995) : warning C4805: '==' : unsafe mix of type 'gboolean' and type 'bool' in operation ComboBoxPropertyEditor.cpp ColourPropertyEditor.cpp ClassnamePropertyEditor.cpp BooleanPropertyEditor.cpp AnglePropertyEditor.cpp AddPropertyDialog.cpp TexturePreviewCombo.cpp SoundShaderPreview.cpp SoundChooser.cpp ShaderSelector.cpp ShaderChooser.cpp RenderableAABB.cpp ModelPreview.cpp MapPreview.cpp CommandEntry.cpp ShortcutChooser.cpp CommandList.cpp AboutDialog.cpp Compiling... PatchVertexItem.cpp PatchItem.cpp FaceItem.cpp BrushItem.cpp TexToolItem.cpp TexTool.cpp D:\DarkRadiant\libs\selectionlib.h(153) : error C2504: 'Selector' : base class undefined D:\DarkRadiant\libs\selectionlib.h(168) : error C3861: 'SelectionIntersection_closer': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\selectionlib.h(169) : error C2582: 'operator =' function is unavailable in 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\patch\PatchControlInstance.h(36) : error C2079: 'best' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\patch\PatchControlInstance.h(37) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'SelectionTest' d:\darkradiant\libs\scenelib.h(48) : see declaration of 'SelectionTest' d:\darkradiant\radiant\patch\PatchControlInstance.h(37) : error C2228: left of '.TestPoint' must have class/struct/union d:\darkradiant\radiant\patch\PatchControlInstance.h(40) : error C2228: left of '.valid' must have class/struct/union type is 'int' d:\darkradiant\radiant\patch\PatchControlInstance.h(41) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(90) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(90) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(90) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(91) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '{' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(161) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(161) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(161) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(162) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '{' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(92) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'SelectionTest' d:\darkradiant\libs\scenelib.h(48) : see declaration of 'SelectionTest' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(92) : error C2228: left of '.getNear' must have class/struct/union D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(92) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'SelectionTest' d:\darkradiant\libs\scenelib.h(48) : see declaration of 'SelectionTest' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(92) : error C2228: left of '.getFar' must have class/struct/union D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(94) : error C2065: 'rotation' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(97) : error C2065: 'rotation' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(109) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(110) : error C3861: 'selectedPlaneCallback': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(118) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(119) : error C3861: 'selectedPlaneCallback': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(127) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(128) : error C3861: 'selectedPlaneCallback': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(136) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(137) : error C3861: 'selectedPlaneCallback': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(145) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(146) : error C3861: 'selectedPlaneCallback': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(154) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(155) : error C3861: 'selectedPlaneCallback': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(164) : error C2065: 'rotation' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(166) : error C2065: 'selectedPlanes' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(166) : error C2228: left of '.contains' must have class/struct/union type is ''unknown-type'' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(168) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(170) : error C2065: 'selectedPlanes' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(170) : error C2228: left of '.contains' must have class/struct/union type is ''unknown-type'' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(172) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(174) : error C2065: 'selectedPlanes' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(174) : error C2228: left of '.contains' must have class/struct/union type is ''unknown-type'' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(176) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(178) : error C2065: 'selectedPlanes' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(178) : error C2228: left of '.contains' must have class/struct/union type is ''unknown-type'' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(180) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(182) : error C2065: 'selectedPlanes' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(182) : error C2228: left of '.contains' must have class/struct/union type is ''unknown-type'' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(184) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(186) : error C2065: 'selectedPlanes' : undeclared identifier D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(186) : error C2228: left of '.contains' must have class/struct/union type is ''unknown-type'' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\dragplanes.h(188) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\patch/PatchNode.h(24) : error C2504: 'SelectionTestable' : base class undefined D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\patch/PatchNode.h(25) : error C2504: 'ComponentSelectionTestable' : base class undefined D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\patch/PatchNode.h(28) : error C2504: 'PlaneSelectable' : base class undefined D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\patch/PatchNode.h(102) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\patch/PatchNode.h(102) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\patch/PatchNode.h(103) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\patch/PatchNode.h(103) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\SelectableComponents.h(54) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'SelectionTest' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\scenelib.h(48) : see declaration of 'SelectionTest' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\SelectableComponents.h(54) : error C2228: left of '.TestPoint' must have class/struct/union d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\SelectableComponents.h(86) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'SelectionTest' D:\DarkRadiant\libs\scenelib.h(48) : see declaration of 'SelectionTest' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\SelectableComponents.h(86) : error C2228: left of '.TestPoint' must have class/struct/union d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\FaceInstance.h(120) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\FaceInstance.h(120) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\FaceInstance.h(121) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\FaceInstance.h(121) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\EdgeInstance.h(52) : error C2079: 'best' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\EdgeInstance.h(53) : error C2664: 'SelectableEdge::testSelect' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'int' to 'SelectionIntersection &' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\EdgeInstance.h(54) : error C2228: left of '.valid' must have class/struct/union type is 'int' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\EdgeInstance.h(55) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\VertexInstance.h(57) : error C2079: 'best' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\VertexInstance.h(58) : error C2664: 'SelectableVertex::testSelect' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'int' to 'SelectionIntersection &' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\VertexInstance.h(59) : error C2228: left of '.valid' must have class/struct/union type is 'int' d:\darkradiant\radiant\brush\VertexInstance.h(60) : error C3861: 'Selector_add': identifier not found D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/BrushNode.h(54) : error C2504: 'SelectionTestable' : base class undefined D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/BrushNode.h(55) : error C2504: 'ComponentSelectionTestable' : base class undefined D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/BrushNode.h(58) : error C2504: 'PlaneSelectable' : base class undefined D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/BrushNode.h(147) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/BrushNode.h(147) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/BrushNode.h(148) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/BrushNode.h(148) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '&' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(22) : error C2504: 'Selector' : base class undefined d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(24) : error C2079: 'SelectionPool::_intersection' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(34) : error C2514: 'SelectionIntersection' : class has no constructors D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/Winding.h(49) : see declaration of 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(42) : error C2664: 'SelectionPool::addSelectable' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'const SelectionIntersection &' Reason: cannot convert from 'int' to 'const SelectionIntersection' Source or target has incomplete type d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(43) : error C2514: 'SelectionIntersection' : class has no constructors D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/Winding.h(49) : see declaration of 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(54) : error C3861: 'assign_if_closer': identifier not found d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(61) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'SelectionIntersection' D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/Winding.h(49) : see declaration of 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(61) : error C2228: left of '.valid' must have class/struct/union D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\utility(69) : error C2079: 'std::pair<_Ty1,_Ty2>::first' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' with [ _Ty1=const SelectionIntersection, _Ty2=Selectable * ] d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(62) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::pair<_Ty1,_Ty2>' being compiled with [ _Ty1=const SelectionIntersection, _Ty2=Selectable * ] d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(83) : error C2504: 'Selector' : base class undefined d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(85) : error C2079: 'BooleanSelector::_intersection' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(94) : error C2514: 'SelectionIntersection' : class has no constructors D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/Winding.h(49) : see declaration of 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(99) : error C2228: left of '.valid' must have class/struct/union type is 'int' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(103) : error C2514: 'SelectionIntersection' : class has no constructors D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/Winding.h(49) : see declaration of 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(109) : error C3861: 'assign_if_closer': identifier not found d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(120) : error C2504: 'Selector' : base class undefined d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(121) : error C2079: 'BestSelector::_intersection' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(123) : error C2079: 'BestSelector::_bestIntersection' uses undefined class 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(127) : error C2514: 'SelectionIntersection' : class has no constructors D:\DarkRadiant\radiant\brush/Winding.h(49) : see declaration of 'SelectionIntersection' d:\darkradiant\radiant\selection\Selectors.h(128) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation Win32Registry.cpp PreferenceSystem.cpp GameManager.cpp GameFileLoader.cpp Game.cpp Texturable.cpp ShaderClipboard.cpp Transformation.cpp Shader.cpp Primitives.cpp ModelFinder.cpp GroupCycle.cpp Group.cpp General.cpp Compiling... Curves.cpp TransformationVisitors.cpp SelectObserver.cpp SelectionTest.cpp SelectedNodeList.cpp RadiantWindowObserver.cpp RadiantSelectionSystem.cpp Planes.cpp Manipulators.cpp ManipulateObserver.cpp Manipulatables.cpp Intersection.cpp BestPoint.cpp ARBDepthFillProgram.cpp ARBBumpProgram.cpp OpenGLShaderPass.cpp OpenGLShader.cpp GLProgramFactory.cpp OpenGLRenderSystem.cpp ..\..\radiant\render\OpenGLRenderSystem.cpp(243) : warning C4800: 'const GLboolean' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) OpenGLModule.cpp Compiling... PatchNode.cpp PatchModule.cpp PatchBezier.cpp Patch.cpp NamespaceFactory.cpp Namespace.cpp ModuleRegistry.cpp ModuleLoader.cpp DynamicLibraryLoader.cpp DynamicLibrary.cpp ApplicationContextImpl.cpp Traverse.cpp StartupMapLoader.cpp RootNode.cpp RegionManager.cpp PointFile.cpp MapResourceManager.cpp MapResource.cpp MapPositionManager.cpp MapPosition.cpp Compiling... MapFileManager.cpp MapFileChooserPreview.cpp Map.cpp FindMapElements.cpp AutoSaver.cpp ClipPoint.cpp Clipper.cpp GlobalCamera.cpp FloatingCamWnd.cpp CamWnd.cpp CameraSettings.cpp Camera.cpp BrushExportOBJ.cpp BrushByPlaneClipper.cpp CollisionModel.cpp Winding.cpp TextureProjection.cpp TexDef.cpp FixedWinding.cpp FaceTexDef.cpp Compiling... FaceShader.cpp FacePlane.cpp FaceInstance.cpp Face.cpp BrushTokenImporter.cpp BrushTokenExporter.cpp BrushPrimitTexDef.cpp BrushNode.cpp BrushModule.cpp Brush.cpp view.cpp timer.cpp select.cpp referencecache.cpp RadiantModule.cpp patchmanip.cpp mainframe_old.cpp main.cpp gtkmisc.cpp gtkdlgs.cpp Compiling... entity.cpp brushmanip.cpp </pre></td></tr></tbody></table><table bgcolor="#dfdfe5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><font face="arial" size="+2">Results </font></td></tr></tbody></table><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=""><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#ededf5" width="0"> </td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="0"> </td><td width="*"><pre>Build log was saved at "file://D:\DarkRadiant\build\DarkRadiant\Win32\Release\BuildLog.htm" DarkRadiant - 103 error(s), 4 warning(s) </pre></td></tr></tbody></table>
  22. _________________________________________________________________________________________ A Campaign for The Dark Mod We are pleased to announce that we are working on The Crucible of Omens, a full-length campaign for The Dark Mod, the moody Doom 3-based stealth game by Broken Glass Studios. Playing as the thief and adventurer John Welland Hadley, you will embark on a quest to find a powerful artifact inherited from a shadowy past. You journey will take you throughout The Dark Mod universe, discovering new and exotic locations and meeting new and interesting factions and characters. The Crucible of Omens spans multiple large missions and is being worked on by many well-known TDM mappers and team members. Features include: A wealth of different environments from the smoke-darkened city of Bridgeport to the icy northlands, from opulent mansions to the cobwebbed depths of forgotten catacombs. Gameplay centred on stealth, the pursuit of in-game clues and open-ended exploration, utilising the technical possibilities of The Dark Mod to create a complex, interactive game world. New opponents and characters. What drives the pirates of Wrecker's Reach? Who are the mysterious Urielites? And what lurks in the mind of Lord Blackstone? AI conversations and player character comments. A unique story experienced through in-game actions, animated briefings and dynamic objectives. No official release date has been set; updates will continue as the campaign development progresses. Be sure to keep an eye out for future updates. How can I help with the project? We are currently looking for skilled individuals to help contribute to the project in the following areas: artist and animator (cutscenes and in-game animations) modeller (campaign-specific models) mapper (scripting, bugfixes, testing) voice actors (various) music composers Main mappers: Angua, Bikerdude, Dram, Fidcal, Greebo, Jdude, Melan _________________________________________________________________________________________
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