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  1. Yeah, facepalm yourself, have fun. You just talked about how more geometry means more work, and so I talked about Daz3D farts, which is very common these days. Now you got me needing to explain your own statements to you and babystep the entire context over, and this isn't the first time, either. No time or energy to do it this time, so I'll just say this - if you can't answer the original question (which you barely bothered to even read) then simply just don't waste time with a reply. Please. For everyone else, here's a link:- https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20377-graphics-technology-sharepoint/&do=findComment&comment=452815
  2. If angels are tainted, then the devil is not so bad. EA and Konami weren't that bad all along. At the end of the day there are good people everywhere. But the big boss decides what's good for profit anyway. The bigger the profit and team - the more exploitation. Only indies and open source projects are truly free of this temptation. Even long time companies with good reputation such as Ice-Pick Lodge can have some faulty communication. Most glaring example can be their Kickstarter projects. Most famously Knock-Knock and Pathologic 2 had some downsides after, apparently, not crunching. All that resulting in endless delays. So, I don't know what's better. If we polarize, the other extremity is development hell. As a consequence, AFAIK Ice-Pick Lodge might have had some staff layoffs after Pathologic 2 - only 1/3'rd of the game was released with the promise of more. Game dev is always about compromise after all.
  3. @MirceaKitsune You schouldn't attach it to a joint. You schould only have spawnarg "def_attach5 : atdm:prop_playable_lute" for the lute prop overwrites/sets the "idle anim" and the position of the lute. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/9082-newbie-darkradiant-questions/&do=findComment&comment=452516
  4. jaxa

    2016+ CPU/GPU News

    On the other hand, RTX 3080 has a VRAM deficit with only 10 GB, which will hurt it in some games at 4K resolution (more going forward). AMD will put 16 GB of VRAM in its flagship RTX 3080 competitor (6900 XT or whatever it will be called) and one or two more models. It might also have a cut down card with 12 GB. Nvidia will respond by releasing a 20 GB version of RTX 3080, and a 16 GB version of RTX 3070. The price tags will be high. Nvidia made a mistake by using new, power-hungry, and expensive GDDR6X. It should have used cheaper GDDR6 and included more of it to begin with. 24 GB or 32 GB of VRAM is also useful for machine learning, not just modelers. Gamers? Not so much just yet. Nobody wants 8K resolution gaming @ 30 FPS (be careful when looking at benchmarks, because of DLSS).
  5. Clicking through multiple layers? Wow, that sounds horrible. I always just use Adblock as well. Just choose one of the black lists for your country and you're done. Some sites can detect adblock, so you'll have to whitelist them, which can be done it two clicks in adblock. I used to use NoScript, which blocked any sort of script executions on websites. That is probably the safest method to surf the web, other than a VM of course, but it is also the most annoying method. As long as you don't browse very dicy sites, I don't think you will need something as strict as NoScript. Nowadays, I only use BLUR to block any trackers (and that extension also comes with a nice e-mail masking feature). Another thing that frequently annoys me when surfing are those "allow cookies"-popups, but I found a pretty decent solution for that in two chrome extensions (I am sure you will find something similar for Firefox): I don't care about cookies: Simply have the extension automatically allow all cookies when visiting a website, to get rid of that popup. This is not so good from a privacy perspective, but the second extension should leverage this issue... Cookie-Autodelete: Delete all cookies of that website again as soon as you leave. Of course you can whitelist webpages, so that e.g. you don't have to log in each time you visit forums.thedarkmod.com.
  6. I also mentioned nurbs. Do a forum search for nurbs to see threads on them, but to start off you can read up on them here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20163-roadmap-for-tdm-in-2020/page/5/&tab=comments#comment-444657 Edit: Somewhere on YouTube there's a video showing a will-o'-wisp flying around using this system, so you can see the system in action and know where to find an example. I even think FenPhoenix was the one that uploaded it. I'd post it if I could, but I can't find it just now. But if you search enough on YouTube or just ask FenPhoenix maybe by PM here or on TTLG, you can find it that way.
  7. Guys we already had the same discussion https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/16601-some-questions-about-the-ais-patrol-paths/
  8. There are a couple of official DLCs (e.g. Scythe, Zombicide, and some others) that actually cost some money, but all other games are community made and have not further cost. Most boardgame designers seem to have no problem with people recreating their game on TTS. Some even use it as a platform to test their games. E.g. I have supported the boardgame Middara on Kickstarter and they released the first chapter of the game on TTS (for free) and used the feedback they got there to improve their game, while it was still in production. If you are interested in specific games, just take a look at the Steam Workshop page of TTS or ask here, then I can look if they are available for you.
  9. I can also recommend this. The controls are sometimes a bit clunky, but you can get used to it (if you are used to DR, it gets hard to switch between scrolling with MBM rather than LBM; but you can get used to it). I have played Gloomhaven with a couple of friends IRL, but due to distance we played a lot of games with Tabletop Simulator as well, which has the benifit of scripts that really make your life easier in some regards. Recently I have played Middara (which I backed on Kickstarter) in solo mode and there are still some games I would like to try. If anyone is interested in trying out new games, I would be glad to try it with anyone here. In general, I am more interested in co-op games, but I would also be open to some competitive games.
  10. I know there are some board-game fans here. I wanted to recommend a game that I've been playing for the last few months...Tabletop Simulator. It is essentially a sandbox platform that allows you to play almost any boardgame you want in a virtual space. It's been a godsend during quarantine. Over the last couple months I've played the Conan boardgame, Scythe, Dead of Winter, the Game of Thrones strategy game, tried the new Massive Darkness 2 that's currently on kickstarter, and played several games of X-Wing, all using Tabletop Simulator. Not only is it a great way to get to play boardgames with people who don't live with you, it's also a great way to try games that you don't actually own. There are hundreds of games available in virtual form, most of them for free. For anyone with basic modding know-how, it's also extremely easy to create and release your own boardgames. Anyway, if you're a boardgame fan it's definitely worth a look. It's about $20 on Steam and it regularly goes on sale.
  11. Forum thread: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20416-fan-mission-a-night-of-loot-one-mans-treasure-20200613/ Page on thedarkmod.com: https://www.thedarkmod.com/missiondetails/?id=147 There's also an entry on the wiki, in this table: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fan_Missions_for_The_Dark_Mod, added by nbohr1more.
  12. Looks very nice! I see the following benefits over what website currently offers: Some more information about mission type (I mean things like "jail", "platformer", etc). Maybe it should be called tags, but name does not matter. Provides information about types of monsters available --- useful for everyone, especially great for people with phobia. Adds link to forum thread. Adds search/filter panel on all of this. The information from p.1 and p.2 probably exists only on the wiki, but not in the database. There is organizational problem with official database: the number of people who can edit it (team members) is much less than the number of people who can edit wiki page. We can say "let's add this info to our official database!", but I'm afraid the end result would be that the information would become less rich and useful over time. Although by looking at wiki page edit history, it seems that it is mostly maintained by @nbohr1more (maybe because he prefers "small commits"). So maybe it is not that bad. Wiki page is also good because it is much easier to edit and administrate due to all the power of mediawiki. So I'm not sure about how to avoiding scraping. Perhaps it would be more natural to add search abilities to the wiki page, if it is even possible. Although it cannot provide a nice look with screenshots.
  13. Just FYI, I just found out that you can either provide hints for visual assist, or enable deep macro parsing (which will slow VA down a bit) to resolve this issue. Sources: https://forums.wholetomato.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8594 (BOOST.TEST) https://forum.wholetomato.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9052 (Google Test)
  14. Please open a thread in the Tech Support forum: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/58-tdm-tech-support/ and post your Darkmod.cfg
  15. Recently, about a month ago, @demagogue mentioned the following in another discussion: While we're at it, someone really needs to write an official history of the Empire and a lot of associated fanfic to give our world backstory. And someone ought to make an art book with screenshots across all our FMs and some story, as if it were like one of those travel photo books. Something people put on their coffee table for discussion and just to flip through for fun, or in your case actually make the things. I see the idea you're talking about as something along those lines. I even promised demagogue I might look into it in the future. All of this got me thinking... We know The Dark Mod does not have a strict canon, per se. There's Bridgeport and The Empire, a few other cities, there's notes on what technology, society and the fantastical elements of this setting are, what the various typical "factions" are and how they vary greatly, what the atmosphere and tone is like, and so on and so forth. However, the rest of the things are far more nebulous and are generally down to what an individual player or fan of TDM is willing to accept as potential canon. We had the references to cities (Braeden) or minor setting elements (the mandrasola drug, etc.) throghout multiple missions by unrelated authors, and those are just the simplest of examples. In short, what constitutes as TDM canon, beyond those fairly official basics, is quite maleable. With all of the above in mind, and taking demagogue's ideas into account, I think we could compile a rough, loose history of the overall setting. It doesn't need to be obsessively filled with details, but we could give people some vague idea of what happened in the last two thousand or so years before what we generally portray as the "present day" of the TDM setting. I think we already have plenty of interesting source material to work with, if our goal is to create a rough timeline/outline of The Empire's history, the Builder church's history, and hints at what the history of the world outside of The Empire has been like (also counting with possibly biased accounts, in-universe). Now, speaking about that source material, what do I actually consider as source material ? Technically, every mission or nearly every mission made for TDM could be potentially considered source material. However, I am a little bit more picky about this. I think the closest we have to an established, "hard canon" for the game's universe, is a lot of the above-mentioned source material, and that occurs primarily in two places: In the two or three official missions that come with the basic TDM install (Training Mission, A New Job, The Tears of St Lucia), and in the main Universe articles on the TDM wiki. These are going to be my primary source for compiling the history, chronologically and otherwise. In addition to the official-as-official-gets missions and official universe notes, I am also willing to include stuff from all fan missions, if it expands the history of the setting in interesting, but reasonable ways. If the premise of a mission clearly doesn't fit the rest of the setting directly or is quite jokey, then I won't consider it a reasonable enough source for a potential addition to "canon". Why would demagogue suggest we should compile such a more detailed background history ? Personally, while I don't mind the idea, I am also fine with keeping things as they currently are. At the same time, I have noticed the number of people who come to the forums, clamouring things like "Where's the sprawling story campaign ? Where's the sprawling background story of the setting ?". Less of the latter thankfully, more of the former, for understandable reasons. Still, it seems that a lot of newcomers to TDM, especially those with pre-conceived notions from their time playing Thief (or other fantasy games), seem to want more from the overall setting than just the missions and mission series we have. Honestly, I'm torn on this. I've always been an elliptical storytelling style guy. Less is more. A hint here, a hint there, a throw-away comment there... Some games try to overdo it with super-detailed lore and the results can be... questionable and grating. Part of why I'd prefer that, if we do compile more of a broadly accepted "canon" for TDM's setting, then it should still be accepted in that "broad" way. I.e. it is soft and maleable enough that it does not tie mission-maker's hands, with regards to missions and stories set in the past, present and potential future of the TDM setting. A lot of players think they know what they want if they want a detailed setting, but more often that not, it just ends up with things being overexplained and losing their "charm" and a reasonable degree of mystique. After all, even die-hard Thief fans should acknowledge one thing: Thief didn't try to explain everything. Far from it ! The entire trilogy was very fond of elliptical storytelling, with hinted-at stuff and loads of unexplained stuff and references. I think TDM should keep with that, even if we potentially expand the "hard canon" parts of TDM's canon. Not stuff like "in this or that year, William Steele was born", but certainly stuff like "from the 4th to 7th century of its existence, the Empire was ruled by this or that dynasty, in a unique tetrarchic set-up", and similar.
  16. I'm sorry in advance if this is a stupid question but if anyone has any ideas, they are very welcome! When I was working on a document in microsoft word, having some music from YouTube playing, the laptop suddenly turned off without any warning. It did not turn back on as fast as it does usually. Then, not without some hesitation it did turn on but the keyboard did not work. In device manager the keyboard driver driver "Standard PS/2 Keyboard" had an error something about time out. After some screwing around, disassembling the laptop, cleaning dust, disconnecting and connecting the connector tape and in the end praying for almighty google "me stupid, me no understand" - I found out that my keyboard and/or BIOS drivers must be wrong. Deleted the keyboard drivers and now it works. Just in case updated BIOS and processor drivers and everything else the "System Update" app from the Lenovo website offered. Question: Did the computer turn off suddenly because of some deprecated/conflicting BIOS update or is the problem with the keyboard drivers and I should update that as well to prevent future instant shutdowns? I'm just a little paranoid to lose work progress if something happens suddenly and I have a deadline this month. People on forums mention that for some, installing an "ELAN pointing device" touchpad driver helped as well. However the touchpad worked for me and it always had the "ELAN pointing device" drivers. Should the keyboard driver also be ELAN or is it okay as it is and I'm just overreacting? System specifications copy/paste from dxdiag in spoiler below: DxDiag_Lenovo_ideapad_330.txt
  17. It's not really a substitute by any means, but this may be relevant: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/16730-tutorial-technique-to-texture-rotated-brushes/
  18. Thanks for the replies! I'm thinking that in order to keep it simple, at first we wouldn't allow users to provide subjective opinions directly, mainly to avoid the issues mentioned above, such as spamming or demoralizing opinions, but I agree that at some point down the road, if this works well, this may evolve into what you are thinking. One thing that the system could do though is scrape forum threads for information about particular missions. For example, there are many threads asking people what are their top missions; the system could add some kind of tag to missions appearing in those lists (e.g., "Top Mission", or a star or medal icon), and maybe even provide more recognition to those that appear in the majority of top lists. Another thing that the system could do is pull data from the thread of each mission. For example, in the thread for In The North, there are lots of mentions of the mission being atmospheric and having great architecture. So that could lead to the tags "atmospheric" and "great architecture". Another thing: in the past, demagogue suggested sending stealth server scores to a server. If we end up having this kind of data for missions, this could be a great way of showing other pieces of objective information about missions, such as average stealth scores, average completion time, etc. which could be very valuable to indicate difficulty and length of a mission, as well as whether a mission is fully ghostable (or whether it has ever been ghosted, to be more precise). Good idea! What about a filter such as "Is mission part of a campaign?" This allows finding campaigns in which at least one of the missions meets the filter requirements (for example, one of the missions in the campaign has rain and it's a city mission). Good idea too. Please see my comment a few paragraphs above regarding how to automate this. Seems that at first though we'd rely on forum threads for this information. I agree with MBs, although maybe we need two independent filters? One for MBs (which seems like a more advanced filter for experienced players) and another one more "human" (e.g., small/medium/large/very large)? I'm saying this mainly because the size in MBs doesn't really say much to new players. Raising the stakes, but I like this idea! We could actually use the same application, just use different DB tables for the mapper tools. In some cases we could even interconnect some of the data, and maybe find out some interesting relationships between resources used by FMs and their reception by the public (a simple example: maybe we find out that FMs using a specific set of resources tend to be regarded as "atmospheric").
  19. I would be against subjective user tags like "ugly" for the reasons VanishedOne mentions. I think it should be restricted to objective criteria like "has it got spiders".
  20. I think it is a good idea! Our ingame mission downloader and mission view has long been subject of multiple improvement suggestions. Due to the sheer mass of missions that have been released in the last 15 years, things got really cluttered and especially newcomers will have a hard time finding what they want. However, improving the ingame guis is quite a task, so a web-based application might really suit this scenario well. Maybe we could even add a linke to it from our ingame menus, so user can access it quicker. Some more things to think about Would users be able to add custom tags and downvote / upvote certain tags, much like the system of Steam? This would also allow to add tags like "beautiful", or "difficult". Actually, the more users can contribute to this system, the better, because it will be automatically maintained then. The browser should also contain a flag for whether the FM belongs to a connected series of FMs or not and have the capability to go to the previous or next FM in that series. There should also be a flag for fully fledges campaigns. Some might like a flag whether or not an FM is "ghostable".
  21. For your information, each FM has its own thread here on the forums. So, if you've got feedback, praise or criticizm regarding any FM, that's usually the place to post such stuff.
  22. Sir, sir, Obsttorte told me to do it sir! In ITB's guis/mainmenu_objectives.gui: /* ============================================================================================= * * This file is part of The Dark Mod's Main Menu GUI * * Mission Authors: DO NOT EDIT, INCLUDE OR OVERRIDE THIS FILE IN YOUR MISSION PK4. 'I've modified a lot of such files containing that warning and hey, I'm still here.' -- Obsttorte, http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18729-how-about-redesign-tdms-mainmenu/page-3#entry405730 * * ============================================================================================= */ As for what it actually changes, it increases the dimensions of a text box so I can fit in a difficulty level called 'For your eyes only' (compare windowDef Difficulty2 to the others).
  23. I'm trying to create a .tga with transparency, that I can use as a decal. I erased part of the image in Photoshop (old Elements 8 ) to add transparency. I can save as a .png file, and all appeared to be good. But if I try to save as .tga (32 bit, uncompressed), the transparent section comes out white (on reload into PSE, or in TDM). I gather from the Photoshop forums that you have to do backflips and blood sacrifices to get .tga with alpha channel to be emitted. A trip of the .png file through GIMP and exported out resulted in a corrupted .tga I know there are online file converters, so maybe it will come to that. But I'd like to hear your recommendations.
  24. I did not know about this project until it was finished, or I would have been all over it. I remember being on forums when Thief 3 was being made and the two suggestions I made (and I probably was not the only one who did) was an escape the prison level, which happened in 3, and dogs, which was not well done in that pretend 4th game. Keeping them in cages was NOT the point. I was hoping to have to either make friends or subdue the guard dogs as part of new challenges. Someone should make a real 4th Thief, game and not omit Pagans and Keepers and Hammers. Erin should have been a character you got to know BEFORE something weird happened to her. Just my own thoughts. Thief 4 should change its name and the area and character names and just be a stealth game unaffiliated to the franchise. Darkmod waaaay better than that pretend 4th game. When I get a better computer that isn't old enough to go to middle school, I hope to create levels too.
  25. Tip o-the-day for these problems. Keep a text editor or desktop sticky notes widget open and paste the text there first (unformatted, if given the option when pasting), then re-copy to paste to forums.
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