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  1. Exactly the point that is made in my post:
  2. Using _black in the water material instead of textures/darkmod/sfx/black_matt fixes it in my WIP, so that will put the problem out of sight for me in the short term, but obviously doesn't address High Expectations. I could release an update for it, but it sounds like you're saying it's not a good long-term fix?
  3. I just tested the Windows version that was uploaded on the latest 1.12 rc, but I get confusing results. Like when I frob a candle with holder, short frob will take it and long frob will extinguish it. When frobing a body it's the other way around though, short frob will shoulder it and long frob will take it. Short frob on the latter also gives the impression that the body is shouldered very quickly! I suggest to swap this and fix both issues in one go.
  4. Oh, that's correct: My brain associated the word translating with transcribing, as I'm "translating" from audio to text Speaking of which I already got the drunk subtitles done... somehow, don't know how I managed so many voices in a couple of hours! Gonna post it here as well. Hopefully this means we might see subtitles for all AI barks in the next dev version? TheDrunkSubtitles(v0, based on Template v6).xlsx
  5. Hi, I need to know what the code is to use Spoiler Tags. I am using my tablet and I don't have the options to use anything, like spoiler tags, quote tags, text changes etc. Thanks
  6. So, New Zealand banned semi-autos. Not a long way from banning semi-auto handguns...

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. Anderson


      In short, we believe it will take time to have common sense gun rights like Switzerland and the Czech Republic as normal rights recognized in most free liberal democracies without too much zeal like in the US. But that will happen by the time spirits calm down in the US. Rome wasn't built in a day.

    3. chakkman


      As i mentioned, my definition of common sense is not to distribute tools to kill living beings to the civilian population. I can't see any common sense justifying the need to carry a gun. It's not the wild west here. And i'm also not living in a corrupt third world country.

    4. Anderson


      It is sad that the rationale of limiting guns to civilians also extends to pepper sprays and other non-lethal tools of self-defense. And by the time that happens like for example in the UK, nobody will be able to stop it. Moreover to stop the Westerminster attack.

  7. I coded this up tonight to try out the idea. I think you're right. It does feel better and more consistent. Candle/Lantern (in world, not picked up) Quick-press frob to pick up. Long-press frob to extinguish (or toggle on/off). Candle/Lantern (in hands, already picked up) Quick-press frob to drop. Long-press frob to extinguish (or toggle on/off). I'll do a bit more testing tomorrow, and if all goes well, I'll update the patch.
  8. Yeah, I agree. I edited that to my post above before you and FrostSalamander posted.
  9. Okay, I had no idea, I have googled it up now and you are right, to my own surprise. Done, I´ve put some paragraphs which were previously not in spoiler tags into spoilers.
  10. edit June 1, 2010: I've moved this list from the internal forums. It's not really up to date, but has a lot of good reference pics and is still a decent list for those looking for something to model. There's also a wiki page: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Model_Wishlist#General_Idea_Wishlist The old list was getting outdated, so I've revised it here. We actually have a pretty good complement of prop models now, so it's starting to come down to, 'what would be neat to have', rather than what do we desperately need. Post special requests here. Articles in red are priority items that are needed asap. Update: There are NO red articles! We actually have all *necessary* models for a generic toolkit. At this point, further assets are things that are needed for specific maps or just things that would help round out the available models. Green articles indicate that models of that type already exist, but more versions are desirable--modelers should check to see what already exists to avoid duplication Articles in black are items that don't exist but have no special priority. (List is currently WIP) Kitchen & Food Items pastries http://www.privatecl...APPLE%20PIE.jpg http://mccutcheon.files.wordpress.com/2007...puff-pastry.jpg leg of meat http://img.alibaba.c...98/Lamb_Leg.jpg roast bird http://gorgeoustown.typepad.com/lex_culina...s/dsc038231.jpg pitchers http://www.istockphoto.com/file_closeup/?i...p;refnum=459153 http://owgd3.onewebgroup.net/Merchant2/gra...tavern/2903.jpg bowls http://www.sasscompa...1/MOA-90006.jpg http://www.sasscompa...1/MOA-90008.jpg http://images.surlatable.com/surlatable/im...il/549568v1.jpg wooden spoon http://www.crafty-ow...en-spoons-3.htm herb bundles http://static-p.arttoday.com/thw/thw13/PO/..._0939_0004_l__p http://www.countryliving.com/cm/countryliv...ARMF0507-de.jpg cauldron http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/L...al/cauldron.gif http://www.outofthee...om/cauldron.jpg hanging hare http://z.about.com/d...rabbits_425.jpg
  11. This post has a series of progressive hints:
  12. Announcing the release of the second William Steele mission! Summary Home Again takes place in Bridgeport when Steele returns home from the north. He finds that something terrible has happened, and he must begin a quest to find the perpetrator and why he did it. Most of this mission is spent on the rooftops. The William Steele Missions Home Again is the second of several Steele missions. Altogether they'll tell a story of corruption, greed, and revenge. At some point, I'll start packaging them as a campaign, in addition to the single missions. If you haven't played WS1: In the North, I suggest you start with that, then come here. Download Home Again is available through the in-game downloader. Build Time 16 months. I18n Home Again is ready for translation. Thanks Thanks to the TDM team for creating a terrific platform for storytelling and stealth gaming. Thanks to my beta testers: AluminumHaste, Bikerdude, Mr. Tibbs, Xarg, lowenz, Lux, plotzzz, and Deadlove. Thanks to Goldwell for providing voice work for a key part of the story. And thanks to YOU, for playing! Known Issues This is a large mission. To ease the burden on older systems, consider shutting doors and windows behind you as you go. Some players have experienced savegame crashes when playing large missions with TDM 2.01. This problem is under investigation. Until it’s corrected, I suggest you make frequent saves. There are a few spots where long sight lines will cause framerate drops, possibly even pauses. My apologies to anyone who experiences these. If you experience low frame rates, please consult the Performance Tweaks page on the Wiki. Performance Tweaks For very low end PCs I recommend the following settings: V-sync is offAA is offAniso is 4x or lowerAdvanced settings are simple/defaultPost processing is disabledAnyone having performance issues with TDM missions can put the following cvars into their Darkmod.cfg file. This will improve the framerate and stutter/chop when in-game, but may increase loading times a little. image_usePrecompressedTextures "1" image_useNormalCompression "2" image_useAllFormats "1" image_useCompression "1" image_preload "1"Important This mission requires TDM 2.01 or later. I rely heavily on readables to tell Steele's story. Please try to read every readable you find. Most Importantly, Enjoy! Screenshots WS3: Cleighmoor Steele's story continues with Cleighmoor, which you can find here.
  13. Here's a quick hack based on your good work. I know you don't want to do without backgrounds but I couldn't help it. EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
  14. Thanks! I am also unable to reproduce this one. Please post your Darkmod.cfg
  15. We will look at some of this stuff, but SPOILER tags, please!!!
  16. The core TDM community is in a bit of a testy mood at the moment. A few weeks ago some vocal commentators felt that a major proposal went much too far in catering to the naive expectations of new players about how a certain feature should work, instead of respecting many long time players' desire for continuity of function. They don't have much patience for the argument you are putting forward right now. They think you should just learn to use the game system the way it was intended. In this case I agree with them. What you want is to be able to load your last save with a single key press, and the system in place now allows you to do exactly that. You just need to get used to the idea that this requires your last save to always be a quicksave. That's because you aren't supposed to use named saves to save or reload progress in TDM; that's what quicksaves are for. Named saves are just for bookmarking major milestones.
  17. I would like feedback on the default "tdm_frobhold_delay" of 300ms. Is that: too long? too short? just right? I personally like 200ms. I made the default 300ms, because I thought some players might click a bit slower than me, which might cause them to do the long-press frob action unintentionally. Which delay do you all prefer? @AluminumHaste What are your thoughts?
  18. I don't really see a reason this would be an issue in SLL. It be nice to see the feature in a dev build so more players (like me) can test it. Sort of like how we did testing with the frob highlight. I also don't see a reason why there would be a compatibility issue either. Leveraging this sort of short press/long press for different commands on the same input already exists for gamepads in the TDM controller config. As daft says in his post if the delay CVAR is set to 0, then there is no delay for the additional command and the original behavior for all the interactions is restored. But again it’d be nice to try it.
  19. Yeah. I would expect the same mouse click to drop the body then. This is how I imagined this to work: Short click to frob, long click to frob and use. And also long click to drop the body, if you're carrying one.
  20. That makes no sense at all to me. How does it work with candles? Short click picks them up, and long click douses them? Or also the other way around? Edit: Nevermind, I just read the OP again, and, it seems to work as intended. Doesn't really make sense to me that way, as I would have guessed it was the other way around, but, whatever. It would be less of a change if a short click still did what a short click did before, but, a long press would replace the two key necessity. At least that makes more sense to me. Don't know how you see it. Maybe there's something I'm missing.
  21. The subtitles of The Lady02 vocal set is now available for eventual incorporation into TDM: testSubtitlesLady02.pk4 Lady02 is another noblewoman, somewhat newer and so unmentioned on the wiki. She is a drawling speaker, often indecisive, and given to long musings. Favorite topics are how boring life is for the wealthy, and how to keep men of the household and the maids apart. Lady02 required heavier and more complex use of .srt files than most AI characters, due to: Her slow, rambling monologues Some of the underlying .ogg files were poorly trimmed at the end, so needed compensatory .srt timings. I appreciate the assistance of @datiswous in this effort. Statistics In file fm_root.subs there are 195 inlines, including: 25 with an explicit linebreak, intending 2 lines 170 without Only 1 of these needed an explicit duration extension, to the capped value 0.50 seconds, for 17-20 cps There are 116 SRTs, including: 78 with 1 message (to correct trim problem) 24 with 2 messages 7 with 3 messages 2 with 4 messages 3 with 5 messages 1 with 8 messages 1 with 9 messages Of the 187 total SRT messages, there are: 90 with an explicit linebreak, intending 2 lines 97 without In all, there are 311 voice clips with subtitles, showing 382 messages. Corresponding Excel File Lady02Subtitles.xlsx This is based on Version 6 of the Excel Template for TDM bark subtitles.
  22. This may make sense in that the performance impact of the volumetric effect can scale with how much of the effect is filling the screen. We shipped with a “performance mode” but had to setup the entities by hand to do it (so it’s not perfect). If you change the LOD detail settings to “Low” or “Lowest” this will disable certain lights, particles and such that can be very heavy to render. You can try these settings and see if you notice an improvement. If not sending us some pictures of heavy areas (with spoiler tags please) will be helpful with tuning these “performance modes” in subsequent patches. Thanks for playing!
  23. Public release v1.7.6 (with Dark Mod support) is out. Improvements since the final beta 14 are: Fixed a few remaining bugs with zip/pk4 support. Game Versions window now properly displays TDM version. Import window no longer has a vestigial off-screen TDM field (because TDM doesn't need or support importing). Web search option is now disabled if an unknown/unsupported FM is selected. If an FM with an unknown or unsupported game type is selected, the messages in the tab area now no longer refer to Thief 3 ("Mod management is not supported for Thief: Deadly Shadows"). The full changelog can be viewed at the release link. The de facto official AngelLoader thread is here: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149706 Bug reports, feature requests etc. are usually posted there. I'll continue following this thread though. Thanks everyone and enjoy!
  24. I admit that I was skeptical myself at first, but once I tried it in game, I changed my mind. So, I recommend applying the patch to a local build and give it a go in game. It's definitely better experienced than thought about. Regarding the candle puzzle in "Seeking Lady Leicester" (SLL), I agree that this proposed change will make that a bit more difficult, but I disagree on the reason why. The released version of SLL has a flint in the inventory to ignite them, so accidentally extinguishing candles shouldn't be much of a problem. Instead, I think the reason for player frustration would be that the unlit candles highlight, showing they can be frobbed, but when the player does frob, nothing would happen. They might not realize the candles can be picked up with a long-press frob. @Wellingtoncrab and I had a discussion about that exact puzzle during the design of this feature. So, what convinced me that it wasn't really a problem? I tried it in game. Players will learn how unlit candles look and behave when frobbed. Like @ChronA said above: "When most players click a candle 99.8% of the time they don't want to move it, they want to put it out." I decided it was better to optimize for what players expect most often and do most often rather than optimize for rare cases. Players already rage in frustration that they have trouble extinguishing candles or don't realize that they can. Another quote from a player on Discord: "I'd even say the "some players didn't know you could extinguish candles by using them" thing is "almost any new player and a lot of old ones too", since I once had an extended conversation about exactly how immersion breaking and weird it was to have to extinguish candles by dropping them, and literally not a single person brought up the fact that [extinguish candles by using them] was possible." During beta testing, the struggle that some beta testers had with the candle puzzle was not knowing about object manipulation. They didn't know about the "Parry/Manipulate" keybinding, or they forgot about object manipulation because they did the training mission roughly 5 years ago and had not needed to do it in a mission afterwards. So, "long-press frob to pick up" is in the same class of player interaction as object manipulation. In other words, the same problem already exists in TDM v2.11. I couldn't find the original screenshot from one of the SLL beta testers, but here's one similar, showing that the player didn't know about object manipulation: If this is truly in a released mission, I'd like to know about it. We can problem solve for that case if it does in fact exist. I don't think we should concern ourselves with something hypothetical, though. And, I disagree that we should make or keep controls cumbersome for the player in order to add challenge. I agree with @ChronA here. I don't think players are playing TDM for that type of challenge. The patch includes the following cvar: "tdm_frobhold_delay", default:"300" The frob hold delay (in ms) before drag or pick up. Set to 0 for TDM v2.11 (and prior) behavior. When "tdm_frobhold_delay" is set to 0, candles and bodies have the same behavior as TDM v2.11. As of a few moments ago, bodies didn't quite have the same behavior. But based on your feedback, I updated the patch (linked above) to make bodies behave that way. Thank you for your feedback.
  25. I just noticed Bikerdude was banned? When? What happened? He was one of the long standing members and content creator :o

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