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  1. Okay, like I said, there's a long way to go already, but experiments on this show that bots with real intelligence and self-awareness are no longer something for the distant future. For good reason, AI companies are including kill switches. The real risk of AI is the lack of human intelligence and its abuse for greedy, manipulative and warlike reasons, instead of being a useful tool for everyone. The experiment with ChaosGPT was a good warning.
  2. Okay, like I said, there's a long way to go already, but experiments on this show that bots with real intelligence and self-awareness are no longer something for the distant future. For good reason, AI companies are including kill switches. The real risk of AI is the lack of human intelligence and its abuse for greedy, manipulative and warlike reasons, instead of being a useful tool for everyone. The experiment with ChaosGPT was a good warning.
  3. I'm using the version from kcghost. I just tested and I can't see any difference inside the inventory. On the stats itself it doesn't show the different loot types (still seen in the inventory), but instead gives more info on stealth score. Edit: I see Dragofer made an updated version of his script. I have to check that out. Edit2: That version works: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=21272&key=02755164a3bed10498683771fe9a0453
  4. The Black Parade is coming! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146501 Woo-hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. demagogue


      I suppose making a campaign as an individual and building for Thief Gold go hand & hand. You need to be pretty obsessed to do either. XD

    3. Epifire


      I'm just very happy to see how much work still goes on with the original Thief games. Good mods = long life after release!

    4. lowenz
  5. I looked but didn't see this video posted in these forums. It's pretty cool.
  6. For a particular reason yes, it probably can be added, but "for some reason"?... What exactly is the typical problem? Syntax errors of .srt of .subs files not reported? The engine has debug command com_showSoundDecoders, which displays all currently playing sounds on screen. It should be easy to add a small tag here showing which sounds have subtitles and which not.
    1. SeriousToni


      What? The mysterious saviour is back to make our Thief lives happier again after such a long absence? I can't believe it's true! Wow thanks so much!

    2. demagogue


      He's like our own Game of Thones mystery crow that leads us to secret treasures.

    3. SeriousToni


      Or to an old tree with lots of zombies around.. xD

  7. The thing is, if some mission author decides that he wants a whole area without any dark places (for whatever reason), and you can all of a sudden easily climb up a ladder, and dump all bodies on the rooftop, then that's not the way the author intended it to be, just because an update suddenly implements carrying bodies up and down ladders. Just a (stupid) example, there are probably much better examples. In the end, as you say, I don't see a compelling reason why you'd want to be able to make such acrobatics anyway when carrying a body, when there's more than enough spaces on the same level in most missions which don't require you to mantle up and down anywhere. Anyway, maybe I shouldn't get involved that much, as I'm a mere player, and never really contributed anything useful to the mod anyway.
  8. Announcing the Release of 'Requiem' for The Dark Mod! Download Download the latest version of the Dark Mod here: http://www.thedarkmo...wnload-the-mod/ Download the mission here: Mediafire: http://www.mediafire...u89/requiem.pk4 Southquarter: http://www.southquar...ons/requiem.pk4 Fidcal.com: http://www.fidcal.co...ons/requiem.pk4 Create a folder in your Dark Mod install with the path "darkmod/fms/requiem" and place the downloaded .pk4 file inside. When you load up The Dark Mod, the mission will appear on the "New Mission" page. Requiem can also be found directly using the in-game loader. Gameplay Notes While this mission is playable in TDM 1.8, for an optimal experience please download and play in TDM 2.0 (or higher). Most inventory items in the game can be dropped, so no need to carry them around after they are no longer of any use. Note that If you use noclip or other console commands while playing, there is a good chance that you will break the intended flow of gameplay. Credits Mapping and Readables: Gelo R. Fleisher Voice Acting: Goldwell Additional scripting: Obsttorte Additional textures and assets: Flanders, Sotha, Grayman, Springheel, Bikerdude, Obsttorte Additional map optimizations: Bikerdude Testers: Bikerdude, Obsttorte, Gnartsch, AluminumHaste, Baal, nbohr1more, PPoe Custom Soundtrack: Leonardo Badinella - http://leonardobadinella.com/ Additional Music: Lee Rosevere - http://freemusicarch...c/Lee_Rosevere/ Marianne Lihannah - http://www.funeralsinger.net/ Vox Vulgaris - http://www.last.fm/music/Vox+Vulgaris/ A note from the author Hi all. While I've been involved in indie game development for a while now, I'm first and foremost a writer. My most recent project has been a novella that tries to capture the visual feel and tone of the Thief series (you can find the link below). As I was writing, I found myself playing a lot of Thief and Dark Mod fan missions, and got to thinking that maybe I wanted to make one myself, as a companion piece to the book. When I finished up writing, I had a bit of down time and decided to take the plunge. Having never done any serious mapping before, my plan was to make a small mission that I could bang out in a month or two and call it a day. Well, as sometimes happens, the project got a little bit bigger than I had planned. Ten months, and lots of elbow grease later, Requiem is finally ready for you to play. I'd like to thank everyone who helped pitch in to help make Requiem come alive, from those who took the time to answer my many questions on the forums to those who actively contributed to the FM. I especially want to thank Bikerdude who served as my mapping mentor, and Obsttorte whose clever scripts really turned what was in my head into the game that you are playing. Above all, I want to thank you for downloading and playing Requiem; I hope you enjoy it. Links of Interest Author's Blog: http://gfleisher.blogspot.com/ Companion Novella (Amazon): http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/B00BYEW02M Companion Novella (Smashwords): http://www.smashword...oks/view/298956
  9. In a private message on Monday (2022-01-16), I asked about some patches. Then, I was asked why I waited until the second half of beta testing. My reply was "(1) I recently shared some config with Thief players and some expressed interest in TDM. So, I decided to write a guide. (2) I've been beta testing a mission, so I've uncovered these recently. (3) I don't know the beta release schedule, so I don't know where we are in the process." In a private message on Tuesday (2022-01-24), I was asked when I would be done with my patches for 2.11. I gave a list, and there was no definitive communication from the dev team that they would not be considered for 2.11. Just that patches would need to stop soon, because the dev team was deciding when to end beta testing. It seemed that I was given the go ahead. I didn't want to hold up the beta's (unknown) schedule anymore, so I put in extra time and effort to get all of my patches in no later than the next day (Wednesday) to give the dev team time. In a private message on Wednesday (2022-01-25), I told a developer, "I've submitted all the patches that I've planned: 6241, 6231, 5892. I'm ready for feedback and fixing any issues with those patches. That'll be it from me for 2.11." I was given some feedback about (5892), and there was no mention that my patches would be excluded from 2.11. This week's work getting into the next beta was going to be my personal triumph and moment to be proud of, because my hard work was going to be done for 2.11. My patches were already submitted, after all. Now, it's ending in a bust. After my post yesterday, I found out that one of my patches that had already been accepted in SVN for both code and assets will be reverted and postponed until 2.12. No reason given. I had checked SVN to make sure it was applied correctly and made sure the core assets were correct. I've been playing with the latest SVN code and haven't encountered any issues with that patch. Now, I don't know the state of that code. (As an aside, I don't have read access to the assets SVN, so I had to request the changed files from a dev.) The patch is for (6242). That patch fixes a bug that can be read about on (thread). Does the dev team think those players are going to be happy that this patch was reverted and won't be available for an entire year? I fixed that for the players, not myself. For (5892), a feature requested by Bikerdude. This was a reason given for not allowing mantle while carrying a body: On Saturday (2022-01-21), the "tdm_mantle_while_shouldering" cvar was accepted and merged into SVN. Bikerdude replied: Now, if I'm understanding right, that cvar will be removed and not included in 2.11. Bikerdude is one of the most prominent mission authors, is he not? Now, Bikerdude's feature is being taken away. A less prominent contributor, myself, is getting his contributions reverted. It's a shame, because my fixes and suggestions mostly come from listening to the community and dev feedback. Submitting patches is a lot of effort, and I could keep those changes to myself instead. My work is for the players, not myself. Usually, I don't propose something or act on something unless I see other players having the same issue as I've experienced. I think TDM is mostly fine as is. It's not like I'm suggesting new arrows, how doors work, rewriting AI, or something like that. I'm at a tipping point of losing trust in this project, because this situation is fixable. Miscommunication happens. How it's handled matters. I did my best to communicate and hold true to no more patches after this week. Also, the dev team could have told me something like "any patches submitted after X date will not be considered until after the beta cycle." From my point of view, the dev team suddenly changed course from Tuesday's "deciding when to end beta testing" to Thursday's "still unknown but sooner than before, I guess?", and the proposed solution from the dev team is "Tough. Deal with it." or "Don't like it? Fork it." instead of "Let's do one additional beta release" to get everything worked out (whether or not patches get included). I think one more beta release to get these completed or decided on is fair, because that's what the agreement seemed to be, as vague as it was. I'm doing this for free as well, and it sure doesn't feel good to see my work handled in this manner.
  10. It wasn't a "sacrifice", it was a deliberate decision. People wanted the game to be as close as possible to the original, including pixelated graphics. If you ask me, the former version based on the Unity engine looked and felt better. But, hey... I guess I'm not the right person to judge that, as I never played the original, and always found that the art style of System Shock 2 is much better anyway. This also illustrates the issue with community funded games: Too many cooks spoil the broth. In game design, you need freedom, not thousands of people who want you to do this and this and that. Just take a look at the Steam forums and see how all those wimps complain again about everything. Hopeless.
  11. As someone new to contributing, this has been an incredibly frustrating and stressful experience. I've felt like I'm racing towards an unknown deadline. I've lost track of how many hours I've put into TDM testing and code writing this month. One of the biggest sources of stress is not knowing the beta release schedule. TDM 2.10 was released March 2nd, 2022. So, my thinking was that these could get in this month (January), and then February would be mostly frozen. These are small changes compared to other patches I've seen made, and I don't consider them at risk of breaking the game. The "mantle while shouldering" code change is simple, but the hardest part is agreeing on its behavior. That changed behavior will affect both players and mappers. At least some players want that change, so I don't understand the hold up and big controversy. The main reason I saw against it was that an existing mission might have a mantle trap, so this change would break their mission. But no example was given of even a single case of this. The other source of frustration is not knowing what the internal dev communication is. I've been doing my work mostly in the dark. Also, sometimes I get surprised by a message like "the group has decided X" without a reason. And, from my point of view, my changes have been mostly bug fixes uncovered during beta testing. It would be a shame for players to have to wait an entire year for these bug fixes. And, I'm writing a TDM getting started guide for Thief players, incorporating these recent changes, because I know veteran Thief players would likely enjoy these changes. Again, not knowing the release schedule, I'm also racing to finish that guide against an unknown deadline. I wanted that guide's release to be the same day as TDM 2.11's release.
  12. What I understood is that the idea of TDM was born from that it was unclear if T3 would get a level editor at the time. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20050218173856/http://evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268
  13. Another reason to go back to my family town. (That's where I left my TDM dedicated computer)

    1. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      You still don't chew :(

    2. SeriousToni
    3. pusianka


      I'm gonna chew the moment longer holiday come, Then I will chew myself to death! xD I mean I haven't played like 20 missions or sth!

  14. Sorry if this was already explained but this was something I also doubted for a time but then I realized the answer was there all the time, I just didn't noticed, is on the name of this args, they are called entity spawnargs by the engine for a reason and this reason is, they are updated at entity spawn time only. What made me so confused for a time was that script has functions to read and write into spawnarg's, so I thought, if I can write into them, then they should update immediately and when I read the spawnarg again the value is updated but like you found that is not what happens. So imo If you want to keep some special state volatile/updatable, during a entire gameplay section, use a global variable in your script instead. And if you need to save this state, to pass it on to a next level for example, then save the value on a entity spawnarg, you then read it at next entity spawn and it will work. just my two cents.
  15. I have returned to TheDarkMod after a few years (I played it a lot around 2015-16, even tried making a map, it did not go anywhere so I donated those few assets). The missions are great. In this one in particular, the navigation is awesome. The city is very good. I have noticed a trend though: the puzzles are more complicated; a lever may open something *somewhere*. Do you think that large TDM missions are suffering from "puzzle creep", that the veteran and in-community players do not notice? [/spoiler] So you have to go *all the way back* to use the crystal key on the teleporter thingy? And I don't know how to deal with the burning crystals either. I ended up killing nearly all enemies in the mages' place, with sword and holy water, because, yeah, I need to figure things out and I can't be bothered to stealth from one place to another anymore, lol. I will try checking the readables and environment with a bit more patience and see. [spoiler] The old format for spoiler tags does not work, not does changing the '/'. Wow, what a way to advertise "I am dumb" XD IMO the best way is to place gradual spoilers in the forum thread. I know it's a bit of a burden on the authors but answering 20 questions disjointly from different users is one as well.
  16. Personally I think Moonbo's Requiem FM is about as good as one could wish for in terms of a spiritual successor to the Thief trilogy. The story hits all the important notes, and the level design is uniformly top notch across all the expected axes of stealth gameplay. And there is even a sequel that trailblazes entirely new territory from its predecessor in gameplay, story, and tone. That's just icing on the cake. Indeed there several FMs for TDM that I believe equal or even surpass the quality of the original games' levels. The trouble is how do you discover them in that giant downloader list? Are there other great missions in there that I have yet to find? That is undoubtedly the greatest current weakness of this project. The ability to sort FMs in the game client (i.e. both the downloader and the mission launcher) by date, size, and author would be a great help. Search by keywords or tags and support for grouping missions into collections would also be very useful.
  17. This one is really essential: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138607 Should work fine with the GOG version.
  18. OK, I'll try to rearrange to that directory layout. I'll have to lookup how to do that without screwing up Tortoise. I'm not on that machine at the moment, so I can't check your BTW. I don't remember about "branches", but I do remember a local "tags" directory... don't know if it was populated.
  19. Following the discussion of the Released and Upcoming thread Fidcal and I came up with some ideas how we could save abandoned labours of love. We came up with the following for contributing and adopting unfinished work maintained in this thread: How to contribute? If for any reason you decide to quit working on a map, map parts, etc. please consider contributing your abandoned work to the community! Proof of concepts and appealing results from "just playing around" alike may be interesting for other people to pick up. To do so just send a private message to a team member (preferably a mission manager like nbohr1more) with all relevant information about your work so far (see format below) and a link where it can be downloaded. Please do not post any download links in this thread. Your work will be archived on one of the Team's TDM servers. FM's (WIP) Name: ... Former author(s): ... Current author(s): (If any) Status: (free for adoption / in work) Due Date: (the next date I expect a new WIP version and progress report) Type: (Mansion, City, Crypt, Wilderness, ...) Theme: (Gold Heist, Horror, Story Focused, Inventors, ...) Progress: (Geometry, Details, AI, Gameplay, ... in some rough percentage) Informations: (anything the authors like to share about the work so far) How to adopt? Send a PM to a team member (ideally a mission manager). If you have already released an FM for TDM then most likely adoption will be granted. If you have never released an FM it'll be less likely.. If you did release FM's for Thief or a mod for any other game please send details that help us to decide. If you're the original author you can always pick up your committed work again as long as it is still (or again) "free for adoption". What do we expect from authors who did adopt assets? All former authors must be given credit upon release. You may like to use the unfinished assets the way you like: use parts in your own map or continue finishing the abandoned map. We and the former authors have to trust anyone given responsibility of the assets of a possibly already superb unfinished map. We all know that it sometimes happens that people cannot continue a work for various reasons (if so, please PM the team member), lose interest or in the worst case just disappear! In this case, or if we try to contact you for a status update and do not hear from you in a reasonable amount of time, we will offer the map again for adoption to someone else who might want to finish the FM. We hope to see some great unfinished works being worked on again and completed. So, fellow authors ... contribute your unfinished work List of Abandoned Works _________________________________________ Please check the wiki for details of abandoned work free for adoption and adopted maps: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Abandoned_Works
  20. I'm wondering if anyone ever checks new posts in the Fan Missions Forums? I've posted 4 questions asking for help for 4 different missions that I can't finish because I"m stuck, and I don't get any help. I posted a question this morning so I don't expect an answer right away for that one. Its frustrating because I would like to finish them. I've read through the posts for each mission and I'm not getting anything from them. If there's someone who could help me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks I guess I'm spoiled from the TTLG forums.
  21. Is it just me or does the TDM Forums favicon look whack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Yes I was annoyed by that, too!

    3. Epifire


      Glad I wasn't the only one noticing that.

    4. Bikerdude


      Will drop Taaaki a message.

  22. I've been thinking about this for some time. I think the layers and filtering systems could be greatly improved, and, having used Hammer extensively in the past, I can't help but bring my ideas from it. Because, tbh, I think Hammer's way of doing this is the very best example of how we could improve layers and filters (for some odd reason, no other editor that I've used does a good job at this -- not even TrenchBroom). And the reason I'm putting layers and filters in the same sentence here, is because they're actually the same thing (or ought to be). I'll explain that below. On layers: One of the issues with layers is that the interface is a bit bulky. I've had to make extensive use of them since I started a complete overhaul of the mission map I'm currently building, because it's easier to work with layers than with regular grouping (because you need to ungroup to edit stuff, then probably isolate things, then re-group them). But I've been finding layers quite unwieldy as well. This is how my current layers list looks like: It doesn't fit my screen anymore. But you might notice another issue: I've resorted to using underscores and prefixes (or CAPS) to try to keep them organized, because there's no way to group layers by their relationship. But I think there's also something to be said of the rename/delete buttons, which could be on a drop down menu, to save screen space. As it is, I've had to keep reducing the size of my DR window to allow more and more space for the layers panel, as the names grew wider and the buttons became hidden. Another issue is the buttons that are at the bottom will go off into oblivion when you have so many layers. I think they might be better off in a toolbar at the top. Yet another issue, is you can't hide things that belong to more than one layer, if one of them is set to visible. The visible one will always override visibility to on. Say you have stairs on floor1 and floor2, and you want to nudge floor1 stuff but not the stairs. In that case it's easy to deselect just the stairs and nudge away, but you might easily imagine it becoming complicated when you have many more things to deselect that overlap between two or more layers. You'll forget some, and you may not notice your mistake soon enough. So it would help if you could select floor1, then hide floor2, and it would hide all the overlapping content with it, removing it all from the selection. As another facet of this issue, I have a layer there called new___thug_house, which was supposed to contain the entire house, but doesn't have anything in it anymore, because when it did, then I couldn't hide anything by hiding the other layers. And so at this point, the only way I have to select the entire house, is by clicking all the layers one by one (which is one reason I didn't create even more layers related to it). On filters: The main issue with filters is that you have to either keep browsing the menu, or remembering whatever hotkeys you reserved for it. E.g., I have ALT-P, ALT-SHIFT-P for patches or paths, and ALT-C, ALT-CTRL-C and ALT-SHIFT-C for clips, collisions and caulks, but I often forget which is which, so, for me, there's always a bit of recap trial and error involved in using some filter hotkeys. I suspect this is also a limiting factor on how many filters DR offers by default, or even how many users can feasibly create. Because the menu would grow even more unwieldy if DR would support even more filters, and you can only feasibly have (and remember) so many hotkeys with a consistent pattern. Now, Hammer did this this pretty well. And the way it did it shows layers and filters ought to be the same thing. It was all in one place. To be perhaps a bit pedantic, let's face it, the concept of "layers" doesn't apply anywhere in the context of a map (TrenchBroom is doing the same mistake). If we call a spade a spade, then "groups" is what layers actually are. Or more accurately, "visibility groups", which is what Hammer rightfully called them (VisGroups, for short). Here's what VisGroups look like in Hammer: They are compact and still fit my screen (on a map that reached the limits of Hammer (8192 brushes)). But even if they didn't, the tree structure makes it easy to collapse them. And it also makes it easy to organize things. In the way Hammer did it, you can also toggle off a parent visgroup and then toggle on a child visgroup to override visibility. Or, you can do that with unrelated overlapping visgroups as well. The last group you toggle on/off will override the objects it contains to visible or hidden. Now, you might notice there's an "Auto" tab at the top. This is where filters come in. As you're editing your map, Hammer automatically creates visgroups for all the things you have as filters in DR and more. There's no need for menu access or hotkeys, they're all right there at the tip of a single mouse-click, and are listed in the same place as other visgroups (Monster clips would be listed under "Tool Brushes -> Clips", but this was a deathmatch map, so there aren't any). And if you need to disable all filters you can just toggle the parent node off. DR actually has one advantage in this: it already allows the user to create custom filters. So with a system like this one, it could support more (and more specific) filters by default, as well as allow users to expand it.
  23. Finally got it, thanks! I think when I played it two years ago I must have given up halfway. Must say this was very fun overall: Mapping and a few other things could have used improvements, but the story and dynamic was very nice. I take it the cutscenes are pre-recorded video? Didn't realize you can play those mid-FM, interesting in case I ever need to! For some reason though the video lagged a lot... wonder if we should open an investigation in another thread for any such bug.
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