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Just gorgeous! Well done! Very impressive for ones first map. Excellent skybox truly gives the scene its soul.

You might want to tune the ambient_light color to match the beautiful blue of the night sky. So that the skybox color matches with the real world geometry shadow color.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Awesome sky box you have there, would love to see what that skybox looks like on My 'Caducaus of St Alban' mission.

I hope to make a couple more skyboxes, issue was solved so why not

What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

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Yep. Most of the early maps can now be played with very few missing assets. I think Chalice of Kings is down to three, two of which aren't noticable anyway.

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The trim looks great.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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SeriousToni: it tiles without a problem, and looks like this in the darkness:




Skacky: It's coming along slowly, and don't expect anything huge... but it's going to be neat if I say so myself. :)

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Yes but don't you have to align it by hand at each wall because automaticly aligning left would make the texture start with 1/6 of the first columns ending?

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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Okay, I can do that. Why not?

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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The HDTV of its day! :laugh: You can really see some rich snob blowing all his money on this set.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I don't know that I want to give this up as a prefab, at least not right away.

Once you've got your mission ready you could just ship it with the FM pk4. This way you aer the first one to use it as you've been the one who made it, and afterwards everybody else who wants to can use it, too.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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