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Nooo.. But we need more decorations for the most important room in every tdm mission: the kitchen!


I swear that in every map plan I see there's a kitchen, I try to break in on that side of the house first 😊

Edited by SeriousToni

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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On 11/21/2022 at 6:27 PM, Wellingtoncrab said:

Different denominations of Imperial currency on a single material. Some ways to go finishing the pack, but when it’s done it will be made available for all mappers to use and the assets will be CC0:


Very nice, gives me the Dishonored 1 vibes, although with higher res textures :)

Did you design these, using 3d elements baked into textures, or did some good old photo-bashing?

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6 hours ago, peter_spy said:

Very nice, gives me the Dishonored 1 vibes, although with higher res textures :)

Did you design these, using 3d elements baked into textures, or did some good old photo-bashing?

Thanks! Dishonored is definitely a influence for these.

So far everything is being done in substance designer using a base material I made. All of the height information is generated directly in the material (no high poly baking/no photo conversion) and comes from combining alpha elements sourced from the public domain (https://publicdomainvectors.org/, https://www.rawpixel.com/category/53/public-domain, etc), generators within substance designer, or alpha textures I just made myself which substance designer can bevel and extrude.


Edited by Wellingtoncrab
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-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =

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Excellent work as always. Don't know if this is possible or not but the painting itself looks a bit glossy. Is there a way to add a paint texture effect to it so it looks more like it was actually painted? My photo editor can add texture effects like fabric and stone but sadly it doesn't have a painting option.


Edit: I took a better look at the image and I now see that it does have paint strokes. I'm guess the gloss effect is from the game?

Edited by Jetrell
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Yeah, the painting itself is fairly reflective. I've been experimenting with things on normalmap, but adding patterns there turned out to be quite distracting.


19 minutes ago, Jetrell said:

Edit: I took a better look at the image and I now see that it does have paint strokes. I'm guess the gloss effect is from the game?

No no, you're right, there is a fair bit of specularity thrown in  there. There are some things on specular, like dust bits, and a subtle stuff on normalmap to make the painting look as if there are paint layers. I tried some brush strokes as well, but it seemed a bit much ;)


Edited by peter_spy
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It sure does! :D  But strangely, I found that stuff like that is everywhere in video games and it works for me as well. It's gross oversimplification, to the point of looking utterly silly, but somehow it gets the job done. I guess this one just screams "you've already stolen this!" at you, and you can see it from quite afar.

Edited by peter_spy
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👍🏻 if toned down slightly, that could be a mural of some sort, nice!

By the way, while I was experimenting with current paintings-as-loot entity system, I noticed a couple of things. It seems like it always needs a second model for an empty frame entityDef. You can't use the base model with "stolen" skin. Examples from Loot entityDef seem to confirm that. The second model can even use different skin, but you can't use the same model for base painting and empty frame, by just switching skins. It's a bit of resource waste, two models instead of one, but ideally both solutions could be supported, IMO.

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8 hours ago, datiswous said:

Is that a near-water area?

Not meant to be. Used the mountain sunset skybox as it felt fitting for its environment... also as I hoped to use the cubemap light for extra detail, unfortunately in latest dev those seem to work differently and their default defs are broken.

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6 minutes ago, datiswous said:

The architecture looks like it is prepared for flood. That's what I meant.

Oooh! It's just meant to be an old style small town. I had to make the architecture slightly weird to get visportals lining up in a good way between buildings, each must stretch all the way to the ceiling which can make things bizarre on different height platforms. Plus this is the first time I worked with the exterior / interior modules which I learned in the process.

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