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Looks great, but PLEASE don't use no_shadows on that torch in image


Makes the entire scene look flat and wrong. And it shouldn't be necessary these days. One of the biggest reasons for choosing Doom 3 engine was the use of real time shadows. Not using them seems antithetical.

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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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8 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Looks great, but PLEASE don't use no_shadows on that torch in image


Makes the entire scene look flat and wrong. And it shouldn't be necessary these days. One of the biggest reasons for choosing Doom 3 engine was the use of real time shadows. Not using them seems antithetical.

I'm not, that's a standard torch with no extra spawnargs. For a moment I thought there was something wrong with the setup in my map, just noticed what's happening: There are still issues with lighting not being recorded properly in screenshots, even when using shadow maps instead of stencil shadows where it was previously known to occur.



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25 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Also, that building module is missing a back face, might want to fill it in with a patch or brush.


Usually I want that so performance isn't wasted rendering hidden faces, but it can cause issues like that unfortunately. I think my issue is a module piece poking out when it shouldn't, will see which it is and how to position it properly.

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If you make progress on this, consider also if it was possible to separate the cake from the plate. Then the new plate texture could be used as a skin on the new plate and existing plates, e.g.:
- add the texture dds to tdm_models02\dds\models\darkmod\props
- add the new skin to tdm_models_decls01\skins\tdm_kitchen.skin, analogous to "china_plate"
- add a material to tdm_models_decls01\materials\tdm_models_kitchen.mtr, analogous to "plate2"

Also, this separation would allow the cake to be eaten (without eating the plate), by invoking the eat_it function in tdm_base01\script\tdm_equip_actions.script

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The Citizen style having sections routinely collapsible might be a win. A concern is whether that would make navigating to a full-text search result harder... this is already a problem with our everything-collapsed-by-default "entity database" page.

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1 hour ago, Geep said:

this is already a problem with our everything-collapsed-by-default "entity database" page

I have been thinking of changing this page so nothing is collapsed. But find it difficult to just do it since Petike made that page.

As a workaround, I found you can load the source view of that page and then search for it to see where it is located.

3 hours ago, AluminumHaste said:

Hate it

What do you like instead? Anyway, it can be used as a basis and then stuff can be changed. Like fonts etc.


Edit: Here are some more darkmode skins: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Skins_with_dark_mode

Maybe some can be installed to test out. Wiki editors can change the skin in Preferences > Appearence when logged in.

Edited by datiswous
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On 1/12/2023 at 10:01 AM, datiswous said:

I have been thinking of changing this page so nothing is collapsed. But find it difficult to just do it since Petike made that page.

As a workaround, I found you can load the source view of that page and then search for it to see where it is located.

Yeah, a few years ago I briefly looked into whether an Expand All button could be added to the page. I recall I concluded that it would require special wiki privileges to do so. At least if I wanted that button to be available to everyone, not just me. So I didn't pursue it.

Good that you pointed out that workaround.

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To @stgatilov's careful description of the Subtitles capabilities and mechanics from a year ago, I've added 2 introductory sections:

  • What the gamer sees
  • Rollout so far

These offer my perception - as someone not closely involved with this subtitle effort - of the broader use cases and current status. Readers with a different view can resculpt my verbiage.


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So these potential use cases are not now supported:

  • English audio with non-English subtitles


Actually, one would only need to supply a correctly configured fm_root.subs (or other subs file) and (optionally) translated srt file(s) to have non English subs.

It would be better if there's some standardized way that if you change language in settings menu, automatically the correct subtitles are selected.

Edited by datiswous
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5 hours ago, datiswous said:

Actually, one would only need to supply a correctly configured fm_root.subs (or other subs file) and (optionally) translated srt file(s) to have non English subs.

It would be better if there's some standardized way that if you change language in settings menu, automatically the correct subtitles are selected.

I agree that the current system would allow any of the TDM-supported languages (English or otherwise) in the subtitle strings. But this would still be a relatively fixed choice of subtitle language (e.g., German instead of English). As you say, a design is needed of how to support making the choice of translation language reflect the settings language. Otherwise, we might end up with "language subtitle packs" for each FM that have to be manually installed/manipulated.

I'll  revisit that wording tomorrow.

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