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Submissions of any kind, prefabs, FMs, textures, models, and any other help


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Just so you know, larger items like this are typically dirtied-up for TDM. This one looks like it just came off a store shelf.


You are right. I have to admit that I didn't spend very much time "texturing" it. I'll probably give it another try tomorrow ;) ...


Two things were quite annoying when building that telescope:


#1: When you set a func_static to "noshadows 1", even surfaces with the shadow shader stop casting shadows. It appears to me that this forces you to always make the shadow caster model als a seperate func_static which makes handling the prefab a little uncomfortable and leads to annoyance #2 ...


#2: Suppose you have two func_statics (in my case the visible and the shadow casting part) that you want to rotate around a specific point in space (the mount of the telescope). It appears to me that even if the "origin" of each func_static is the same point in space, you can't rotate both of them at the same time around this point. Selecting both of them in rotation mode sets the combined "origin" to some other point in space, whose exact location is a complete mystery to me. I guess that's probably caused by me not knowing how to use DR properly ;) ...

Edited by Robert
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You are right. I have to admit that I didn't spend very much time "texturing" it. I'll probably give it another try tomorrow ;) ...


Two things were quite annoying when building that telescope:


#1: When you set a func_static to "noshadows 1", even surfaces with the shadow shader stop casting shadows. It appears to me that this forces you to always make the shadow caster model als a seperate func_static which makes handling the prefab a little uncomfortable and leads to annoyance #2 ...


#2: Suppose you have two func_statics (in my case the visible and the shadow casting part) that you want to rotate around a specific point in space (the mount of the telescope). It appears to me that even if the "origin" of each func_static is the same point in space, you can't rotate both of them at the same time around this point. Selecting both of them in rotation mode sets the combined "origin" to some other point in space, whose exact location is a complete mystery to me. I guess that's probably caused by me not knowing how to use DR properly ;) ...


You need to create either:


* a model (with two surfaces, one shadow casting, one not)

* OR one func_static, with two materials, one shadow casting (textures/common/shadow) and one just the normal material (textures/darkmod/whatever/telescope).


E.g. do not set the func_static to noshadows, instead create a material which does not cast shadows (by having the "noshadows" keyword in it).




Even in the case of one func_static, you want later to turn this into a model, as func_statics are not really suited to complex objects (all their faces that intersect split faces up furter at this point, so you might end up with several hundres tris more).

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I've been waiting on an upstream fix for some security stuff, however I think that I can just work around them for now. Everything should be working and I just need to link up all the registration pages to not log users out. Will do this on Wednes/Thursday.

I know your biz, but how goes this..?

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Even in the case of one func_static, you want later to turn this into a model, as func_statics are not really suited to complex objects (all their faces that intersect split faces up furter at this point, so you might end up with several hundres tris more).



I'll have a look at that ASE Export Script ...

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I'll have a look at that ASE Export Script ...


As far as shadows... You can look in the base materials, or even standard models to find some already existing shaders.


I've already converted alot of them for models I made that use stock materials and a shadow mesh.


so gold_001 (would have shadow)

gold_001_ns would be NoShadows.


It's a nice telescope, and it's great that you can convert brush work into models with DR. But if you really want to make models doing it in a 3d program will be better. You can optimize more, work with smoothing groups easier, and it's actually easier to create more complex models (like this one)


Also easy to add collision/shadow meshes and any LOD models.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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I'd like to submit a script with some additional door functionality for mappers that I've designed.


description: this script allows mappers to specify a soundshader that will play when a door starts to close. The only missing functionality at this point in time is the lack of an ability to stop the sound if the door-closing process is interrupted. Also, this script overrides the sound of pin14 while lockpicking, so make sure not to use it, or change your selected sound to play from a different spawnarg (must start with snd_.... and some don't work). detailed laymans instructions are commented at the beginning of the script. Sound will not play if door is closed from a half-open state(intentionally). enjoy :)


Edited by ungoliant
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

New songs for the interested!



"Within the Builder's Abbey", "Opportune Quarters", and "Stop That Thief!" Are the new ones added.

Been straying a bit from the original ambient path as of late, but I'll get back to it shortly :)


See you.


By the way, there's two sets now - Ogg. and MP3.


Hey DD!


I just have your soundtracks open in the background and like them! I think you did a fine job trying to capture some of the very subtle ambient tracks from the original Thief games.

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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I like those sort of fantasy buildings with the middle eastern arches and domes Jesps. Could make a China Mieville atmosphere.


By the way, you can delete the earlier zip folder Fidcal, the new one (3-5-11) has the earlier stuff in it.

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I like those sort of fantasy buildings with the middle eastern arches and domes Jesps. Could make a China Mieville atmosphere.


By the way, you can delete the earlier zip folder Fidcal, the new one (3-5-11) has the earlier stuff in it.


Ha! I was thinking that if I get time sometime I should transcribe / scan the first few pages of Perdido Street Station and put it on the forum - as it's a perfect clockwork punk / steampunk hellish City monologue / description! =-P

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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  • 5 months later...

I am pleased to submit my latest creation: customizable self-lit pulsing colored mushroom lights!!


usage: drop the pk4 into darkmod folder. entity path in DR is darkmod/lights/static/atdm:mushroom_pulse


features: accepts 5 different mushroom models. the skin is self-lit and pulses in time with the light. light radius and center is draggable in DR. pulse speed, amplitude, offset, and color are all customized via spawnargs. rotating does not break the light, so put them on walls and ceilings :)


further details and directions for use available in the entity description.






have funguys!!!! (yeah, i went there)


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