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Posted (edited)


what the hell is that ? if i remember correct we didn't started Total Crap Fm Contest

so instead of making a normal missions,that guy doing surrealistic trash.Good job.That what TDM needs.Pyramids and space ships.Great.


(surrealism like Constantine's house would be nice,but space is to much)

Edited by Shadowhide

Proceed with caution!

No they aren't. But if someone cares about it, one could open the .pk4 file which includes all things that are not actually provided by the stadard game. I guess you would have to do the same with the online repository .. instead it's online :laugh:


Yes, and instead of searching Freesound for sound samples, you could buy lots of random records and hope that a useful sample can be found on one of them. And instead of using Google, you could randomly click on links from other sites and hope you find something interesting. I'm not quite sure why you seem to think that is a preferable approach.


Because checking a pk4 file from a mission you recently played isn't comparable with buying random records for money or clicking random links. I'm not quiet sure why you seem to think that is a capable comparison. :P


Anyway. I don't say that it is a bad idea. I just believe with regard to the efford and the use it isn't worth it, as you can browse the files yourself. And like Baddcog said, it's no problem to ask the author.

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

Because checking a pk4 file from a mission you recently played isn't comparable with buying random records for money or clicking random links. I'm not quiet sure why you seem to think that is a capable comparison.


If the difference between (1) a single organised database of assets which allows you to search for and browse particular items you are looking for versus (2) repeatedly downloading multi-megabyte mission PK4s in the blind hope that one of them might contain something that is useful to you isn't obvious, then I doubt I can say anything which is going make it any clearer.


(I had hoped that the Google comparison might have helped illustrate the concept, but perhaps I tend to over-estimate people's capacity for abstraction.)


I'm surprised at the continual criticisms of TDM for it's visuals/graphics in this thread. Thief style gameplay has never been about that, and if that's your primary concern, you should be playing Gears of War. Nearly all TDM missions look just fine to me.


(I had hoped that the Google comparison might have helped illustrate the concept, but perhaps I tend to over-estimate people's capacity for abstraction.)


Same here too you kind person.

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager


I'm surprised at the continual criticisms of TDM for it's visuals/graphics in this thread. Thief style gameplay has never been about that, and if that's your primary concern, you should be playing Gears of War. Nearly all TDM missions look just fine to me.

it started as criticisms of some missions ugly design

Proceed with caution!


I'm surprised at the continual criticisms of TDM for it's visuals/graphics in this thread. Thief style gameplay has never been about that, and if that's your primary concern, you should be playing Gears of War. Nearly all TDM missions look just fine to me.


I think people are running out of reasons why they critice/bash/not play/think-it-is-not-thief-like-enough TDM.


First it was not released, then it was only alpha, then only beta. Then it had not all the features, then it had some things not tuned right. Then it had not enough missions. Then not enough good missions. Then the engine is "bad" and no way to fix it. Now that the engine is open and we try to make it a stand-alone AND a campaign is annonced, there must be still something why TDM is bad, or is not good enough, or whatever. Personally, I don't get it either. Instead of all that complaining, people could help.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax


It always seemed like largely a partisanship thing to me. When you're a fan, you look for the good and think about how to improve the bad. When you're not a fan, you look for the bad and think about how to knock down the good. But whether your a fan or not taps into completely other issues like your perception of its attitude or whatever, if you think it's trying to be arrogant or uncompromising, or exclusive or inclusive, which is as much sociology as technology.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.


And complaining about the quality level of certain missions, saying "this mission isn't representative of TDM" or saying a mission is "pathetic," - what is the supposed solution? Should we have the people in charge of the mod approve all missions ahead of time before release? How about creating a standard for all missions, and if you don't meet it, you're out of luck? Of course I'm being facetious, you would never do that, It would deter anyone from contributing and basically go against the entire purpose of the mod itself.


Constantly criticizing missions in an overly abusive manner can only be explained in one way - trolling. Please someone, make it stop.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Everything is in the eye of the beholder and the rest are merely opinions.


Personally I like just about any thing that doesn't crash.

Some of the modders are very young or a novice in modding and it's not so much the result as it is the effort. They will, if encouraged, make every mod a bit better than the last - which in turn will eventually make a lot more "better" mods around for the benefit of all fans.

Aside from making the maker feel rejected by the very community he/she loves it's just downright rude to use the word 'worst' to describe someone's effort, especially when they gave it to you for free. In today's "New Age Speak" that's tantamount to bullying.... so therefore with my high aloof principles, I cannot write down the 5 worst mods.


I say bring'em all on - the good, the bad and the ugly every one deserves it's place.




A very good example of how a mod gets a bad rating can be seen here:

TheDemonfrog666 doing a "Let's Play"of the Alchemist.




He gives up 'cause it's too hard - most of the Let's Play is nothing but blaming the mod as if it was the mod's fault when it's obviously the player who has no patience and never reads the readables.

I'm still in the middle of this mod and I like it because you really have to sneak to get around. I got the loot objective but I'm stuck with that combination thing.


The beginning of this mod set's the guards on high alert the moment you 'drop' in and you must move like an agile snail to sneak to a safe place. I thought it brilliant. - no time to think just hide.

Edited by Jinix

I must agree with what you say, but couldnt help it but to notice you seem to refer to "maps" as "mods". A lot of people say TDM is too hard. We have had a bunch of conversations now in the forum where it was actually discussed how easy it can be sometimes. So yes, it is all about a ) opinions and b ) how much time and effort you actually put into playing the game and understanding the gameplay.


What a plonker ( Demonfrog ) , perhaps he should stick to playing Lego Wars.


I don't know what a plonker is, but I've played a lot LEGO in my childhood and can't wait to have children so I've an excuse to bring up those stones again :smile:


But seriously, I would simply ignore it.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter


Plonker : wally, pillock, dunderhead, dimwit. Wasn't knocking Lego by the way. :P


Demonfrog does a lot of "Let's Plays" for TDM, and has plenty of nice things to say about the game. He's a teenager without a lot of patience, so the lack of reading and low tolerence for frustration comes with the territory.


And to add to what Springs said, DF for the most part has done a of good reviews. But on the subject of video reviews of our mod, I actually prefer his reviewing style to some others of which I wont go into.


I think instead of condemning a whole game as the worst - just the worst parts should be rated.


I've found the most annoying parts of the games I've played so far are the ways loot is placed in chests.

Instead of 'real life reach in and grab' the map designers have decided that you have to stand up move around, hop about crouching etc just to take something out of the chest.

Or they stick something on a table that would normally involve reaching forward and taking it ... but no, the designer thinks it would be much more fun if you have to leap on a table, then crouch to pick it up.


I assume the idea is to slow you down so that you can caught by the guards.


That's a huge fail as far as I see it and just now playing ( I great little romp through a guard infested mansion) Kings Chalice has a safe that I can open but no amount of hopping up and down and attempting to bring the loot into focus works. Thats just plain silly. When its only a few inches from your nose. Consequentally after 15 minutes of trying (even tried shooting the stuff out with arrows) I gave up, done the required objectives (on medium), ignored stealt, grabbed the necessary item and scarpered out side with everyone trying to kill me, to complete the mission.


Those big desks with all the drawers and cupboards are another example of stupid.

A great looking model with assinine accessability. What the big deal is to make the loot hard to focus on is beyond me? - it's does nothing for enjoyment of the game and results in pointless frustration for me.

I assume the idea is to slow you down so that you can caught by the guards.


What the big deal is to make the loot hard to focus on is beyond me? - it's does nothing for enjoyment of the game and results in pointless frustration for me.


Having made a map myself, the idea is more like the designer just puts loot in a chest and doesn't sufficiently playtest it to even realize the problem for players because they have another million more pressing tasks to attend to & forget about it, or there just isn't any easy way to place it better (a chest is a chest). It's a well known issue mappers should be aware of. The easiest solution is usually increasing the frob radius for any 'enclosed' or oddly-situated loot.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.


I've found the most annoying parts of the games I've played so far are the ways loot is placed in chests.

Instead of 'real life reach in and grab' the map designers have decided that you have to stand up move around, hop about crouching etc just to take something out of the chest.

Or they stick something on a table that would normally involve reaching forward and taking it ... but no, the designer thinks it would be much more fun if you have to leap on a table, then crouch to pick it up.


How often do you have to do that?


I've rarely had to jump on top of chests or tables specifically to grab the stuff in/on them. I usually just lean forward with the F key to reach over and I can usually pick up stuff out of the commonly used chests, desks, and off of the tables without having to do any crazy jumping or moving around.


The only times I've had to jump or crouch to reach into a containers or tables are if the container/table is oddly shaped or I'm trying to stay out of the light or check behind the container at the same time.


I usually have to lean to pick everything out of a chest, but it's not difficult in 99% of cases once you do that.


I assume the idea is to slow you down so that you can caught by the guards.


I highly doubt it's intentional. More likely it's on the list of hundreds of things mappers have to get just right, and it slips through the cracks.

Posted (edited)

if your complaining about how bad tdm looks with the doom 3 engine, maybe you should take a look at some of the new released games on youtube, some of them look really bad and they've been professionally made, eg resident evil 6, the gameplay is really bad, it seems to consist of a lot of plastic textures, dodgy physics, and dumb controls.

Edited by stumpy

TDM is a terrific addition to Thief and eidos should hire you all and pay you what you are worth for keeping the Thief games alive and giving them a pre-made fan base to sell their, up and eventually coming, T4 to.


I have no idea what's involved in making these games because I cannot get my install of DR to run.

The error message can't find the MSVCR100.dll appears. Try as I might with the latest dl of C++(64 and 86), latest DR, freshly install W7 and several reboots, I am unable to run DR.


Once I eventually get DR up and running and see how hard it is I'll either have a bash at it or give up.

Meanwhile I think a little beef now and then among all the bouquets should be permissable... and I really did think hard to frob/focus was intentional just to slow you down...

I admire ALL the mission makers, having now played about a dozen (TDM) of them and have had over a week of enjoyable playing with lots more ahead.



...F key? h'mmmm....

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