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The Worst TDM Missions


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Knock it off, Shadowhide. Your kind of trolling got old months ago, and you're nothing but annoying these days, and you're doing it on purpose. If your only source of pleasure is stirring up shit in internet forums, then please do it somewhere else. It's not ok to see each and every thread turn into a Shadowhide-Trolled-Here landmark just for kicks. Got me?

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Knock it off, Shadowhide. Your kind of trolling got old months ago, and you're nothing but annoying these days, and you're doing it on purpose. If your only source of pleasure is stirring up shit in internet forums, then please do it somewhere else. It's not ok to see each and every thread turn into a Shadowhide-Trolled-Here landmark just for kicks. Got me?


My hero.

The only limits your imagination has are the ones you set.

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I can't remember playing "Too Late", but what was it, that made you dislike "Thieves" and "Knighton Manor" so much? Maybe Thieves was kind of short. But Knighton Manor was quiet challenging.


There were some missions that I enjoyed not that much, yes. But I think it's okay to express this in the specific fan mission thread (voting stars or post there) instead of just giving names of missions and say they're not good. You can do that (you already did :D ) but you might want to say why you dislike them so much. ;)

Edited by SeriousToni

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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This is obviously a useless thread.


SH, I started blocking your comments months ago when it became clear you had nothing constructive to offer on any forum topic. I hate seeing people here wasting their time responding to your nonsense. (Including me, this one time.)



Doesn't the forum admin have the ability to delete threads like this?

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Knock it off, Shadowhide. Your kind of trolling got old months ago, and you're nothing but annoying these days, and you're doing it on purpose. If your only source of pleasure is stirring up shit in internet forums, then please do it somewhere else. It's not ok to see each and every thread turn into a Shadowhide-Trolled-Here landmark just for kicks. Got me?

i'd agree with you if i were actual troll

i had reason to create such thread

Around year ago i was recommending TDM to IRL friend of mine.He is not the big fan of Thief series,but he agreed to get Doom3 and play TDM.

On the next day he said me something like that : "what the hell i were playing ?"

I was confused and asked him what he disliked,than he said : "it even looks worse than T2 fms,small and boring".He were playing Knighton Manor.Than i personally took screenshots from a good missions and beg him to give TDM another try saying how beautiful is it

here the screenshots i showed him :







He said that maybe he will play TDM again,but months passed and it didn't happen.He was frustrated because of BAD TDM FAN MISSION.

You guys may like it,but you don't know how pathetic is it if you compare it to T2

Thats why I created this thread


You may call me a troll or ignore my posts or rise up my warn status or whatever,but here is my point.Its not trolling

Proceed with caution!

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The missions feel a bit tiny in comparison with many other Thief2 FMs, yeah.


1) But it consumes much more time to build a working and detailed FM here with all the eyecandy and stuff (I see this by myself as I'm working in the beginners contest). Thief2 Missions were faster to build since the engine restricts the level of detail.


2) There are many many many tiny little crappy Thief 2 FMs out there too and no one warns you before you download them, too! :D


3) The list we're working on in the "pick your 5 favourites" is giving players a little guide line. So in this case, your friend would most likely download one of these "voted" missions and then his experience would have maybe be better :)


I'm not saying that you're trolling right now, you've got point, yes. But I believe degenerating some FMs is not necessary because of 1) 2) and 3) (see above)

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"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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(I see this by myself as I'm working in the beginners contest).




Btw I collected all the renfest music. Theres some hammer dulcimer, acoustic guitar remakes of medieval songs and some bag pipe. and preference? its all i can get right now as renfest is closed untill august.

The only limits your imagination has are the ones you set.

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i'd agree with you if i were actual troll

i had reason to create such thread

Around year ago i was recommending TDM to IRL friend of mine.He is not the big fan of Thief series,but he agreed to get Doom3 and play TDM.

On the next day he said me something like that : "what the hell i were playing ?"

I was confused and asked him what he disliked,than he said : "it even looks worse than T2 fms,small and boring".He were playing Knighton Manor.Than i personally took screenshots from a good missions and beg him to give TDM another try saying how beautiful is it

here the screenshots i showed him :







He said that maybe he will play TDM again,but months passed and it didn't happen.He was frustrated because of BAD TDM FAN MISSION.

You guys may like it,but you don't know how pathetic is it if you compare it to T2

Thats why I created this thread


You may call me a troll or ignore my posts or rise up my warn status or whatever,but here is my point.Its not trolling


I think you have a valid point.


Hands down to the TDM team, but i do think that it still feels very lacking.

I dont think the Fms are to blame, but the fact that its made out of D3.


Its really hard for me to feel immersed into the missions, when i play i don't feel like, i am a thief stealing from a rich nobles mansion.

I feel like a dude sitting at my computer, pressing buttons.


Perhaps the fact, that i have been mapping more than i have been playing fms, ruin gameplay for me a bit.




I will not contribute to this thread, i really don't want anyone to feel self concious.

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I dont think the Fms are to blame, but the fact that its made out of D3.


That might be the most useless comment of this year in a field that already has some stiff competition.

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Best community has best resilient troll too? Theoretical question!

Maybe a future ModDB award for 2012? :D

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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i'd agree with you if i were actual troll

i had reason to create such thread

Around year ago i was recommending TDM to IRL friend of mine.He is not the big fan of Thief series,but he agreed to get Doom3 and play TDM.

On the next day he said me something like that : "what the hell i were playing ?"

I was confused and asked him what he disliked,than he said : "it even looks worse than T2 fms,small and boring".He were playing Knighton Manor.Than i personally took screenshots from a good missions and beg him to give TDM another try saying how beautiful is it

here the screenshots i showed him :







He said that maybe he will play TDM again,but months passed and it didn't happen.He was frustrated because of BAD TDM FAN MISSION.

You guys may like it,but you don't know how pathetic is it if you compare it to T2

Thats why I created this thread


You may call me a troll or ignore my posts or rise up my warn status or whatever,but here is my point.Its not trolling


Well, I can see two problems here, mostly related to you more than the mod.


First off, he's not a fan of the series so he's going to be a hard sell.


Second off, you had him go through all the trouble to install the mod to play a game type he's probably not even a fan of, yet didn't say 'play this one first'? That's like telling someone who loves thief to instal TDM and play Doom3 first (even though you know they most likely won't like Doom3)


So instead of saying, sorry man maybe you should have tried such and such mission, it's a really good one you instead come here and make a 'worst FM's thread' because a friend who isn't even a fan of thief games didn't like one fan mission? Maybe he doesn't like the genre. Maybe he's just a graphics whore and even a good (but ugly) mission wouldn't be fun. It's not Crysis dude, it's a slow action contemplative game. People who really like Crysis probably will never like TDM and vice versa. Sure Crysis is beautiful but I have no interest in it myself, I'd rather play T1 with it's aweful graphics.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Best community has best resilient troll too? Theoretical question! Maybe a future ModDB award for 2012? :D




@SH, take on-board what Greebo stated a few posts above. If you cant control yourself then only poist when you have DR editing or a game play related question's


And following on from BC's post above, I think you should point your friend at the Top missions thread insteadbtw you still really need to work on your english, sometimes what your trying to say just comes out wrong.

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