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4:52, The lesson for today, boys and girls is: It pays to look where you're going!


(and at the beginning of the video, why the hell did the biker do that?) Its like he wanted to drive through the building, but he didn't type noclip first. :)


@11:15, this would be a great intro for a game or something... the way he comes flying right at you in slow motion.

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(and at the beginning of the video, why the hell did the biker do that?) Its like he wanted to drive through the building, but he didn't type noclip first. :)



I've been riding bikes on the road for 38 years and even longer off road, the rider may have given the bike some/too much throttle to mount the kerb or maybe thought the bike would slow down more than it did when it hit the kerb, or the rider may have accidently opened the throttle when the bike hit the kerb, whatever, the rider was a pratt for trying to ride on the pavement.


I've never had an accident involving anyone else on the road and I put that down to the bike control skills I learnt off road and having a survival plan which is simply never to trust anyone else on the road, including bikers, and always keep your distance from other vehicles, distance equals time to react to whatever may happen ahead, I also refuse to be tailgated and will pull over as soon as possible if someone is doing it, everyone is respnsible for their own riding/driving and their personal safety, you cannot depend on other road users so you have to take respnsibily for yourself and ride defensively, it's kept me alive and many accidents could be avoided.

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4:52, The lesson for today, boys and girls is: It pays to look where you're going! (and at the beginning of the video, why the hell did the biker do that?) Its like he wanted to drive through the building, but he didn't type noclip first. :)

Yes and no, for a start the clips are mostly Russian where the standard of driving/riding is extremely poor. And what probably happened is as he/she hit the curb the bike bounced up involuntarily forcing them to pull back on the throttle.

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I know it's just because both us and whoever made this game are getting their textures from cgtextures.com, but it's hilarious to me how much this looks like it could have been made in TDM:


But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

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As a general rule, I like NVidia products. Today though, I needed to work around an artificial limitation where they block you from assigning a graphics card to a VM. In honor of that, I share this.



Hey, it could be worse. I would be really pissed if I got one of those over-priced Intel chips where virtualization stuff is artificially hobbled to make you pay for an EVEN MORE expensive model.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone share these ones before?




The night scenes look amazing, you have to question the mindset of people that do such things but I guess it becomes the norm for them and they feel comfortable doing it, I don't believe they have a deathwish but there are relatively speaking, safer ways to get your fix, at least base jumpers have a chute.


I don't like heights but wingsuit flying looks absolutely amazing.


Some people say motorcycles are way too dangerous and they would never ride one, especially on the road but I've been riding nearly forty years and to me it seems sublimely safe compared to what those climbers do and watching a bike race like the TT riding at 180mph down narrow country lanes always looks far more dangerous than it feels when you are doing it, all about your comfort zone.

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I run some old NIMH batteries where the outer-wrapping is damaged along the top and bottom due to age and insersion/removal from things. I wonder if I should stop using them, though they still do work?



This guy tries to unwrap one (not smart) and it goes out in flames. From what I understand with these, the - and + terminals are both actually at the top end of the cell. Well, actually, the whole outer section of the battery apart from the top is the - terminal. I never see warnings about damaged paper on these though.


I just ordered one of these. http://www.ccrane.com/!L6g3bEMs8E1yGVRpCwgEQQ!/Closeouts/CC-Quick-Charger-2-NiMH-Battery-Charger-and-Tester


The old charger was a piece-of-crap dumb charger that runs for fourteen hours regardless of what charge the battery is at when you insert it. This means it would overcharge the cells. The new one charges them individually at a faster pace, according to how much they actually need and then it stops.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Not nearly as violent as a Lithium Ion battery, but I still wouldn't want this to happen in my pocket. Note to self, never carry batteries in a pocket.


Today 9V cells are actually a rectangular housing containing 6 x 1.5 volt round cells - so not only does it waste a lot of space, it often basically amounts to a stack Li-On cell, anyway :) Capitalism gets you the cheapest product that passes as the one you'd actually wanted instead...

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Some people say motorcycles are way too dangerous and they would never ride one, especially on the road but I've been riding nearly forty years and to me it seems sublimely safe compared to what those climbers do and watching a bike race like the TT riding at 180mph down narrow country lanes always looks far more dangerous than it feels when you are doing it, all about your comfort zone.


I'm in awe of the speed, and the danger. I feel drawn to it, but would never do it.

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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Its amazing how fast this machine got utterly demolished. Also, when I was little, I was afraid that a CRT would burst in my face when watching TV (if there was a surge or something), because they're pressurized.


CRTs were supposedly subject to punishing tests in order to ensure they would not break easily. Not much can stand up to an axe, though.


EDIT: Wow! This is what I am talking about.

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That is actually dangerous to life, even when unplugged from power, because CRTs are a huge capacitor able to maintain a huge amount of voltage in the range of 20 kV over long periods of time. If he had used a full-metal axe, he'd be dead now.

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