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Newbie DarkRadiant Questions


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Just switched computers, and DR is going unbearably slow. This is strange, because the computer I switched from (single core Athlon, 2 gigs ram, 7600gs) is significantly slower than what it's on now (Core 2 Duo @ 1.88ghz, 4gb DDR2 @ 1066, 8800GTX). Setting core affinity to a single core helps a LOT, but it still is too slow to even consider mapping with.

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Just switched computers, and DR is going unbearably slow. but it still is too slow to even consider mapping with.

in DR prefs section, then orthoview sub section - make sure have "update views on camera movement" un-ticked (as in turned off), this will speed up DR considerably.

Edited by Bikerdude
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Just switched computers, and DR is going unbearably slow. This is strange, because the computer I switched from (single core Athlon, 2 gigs ram, 7600gs) is significantly slower than what it's on now (Core 2 Duo @ 1.88ghz, 4gb DDR2 @ 1066, 8800GTX). Setting core affinity to a single core helps a LOT, but it still is too slow to even consider mapping with.


In the Nvidia control panel, go to

Manage 3D Settings



Once there click on the "Program Settings" tab.



Click on the "Add" button and navigate to "Darkradiant.exe".

After that, you want to set "Threaded Optimization" to "Off".

Give that a try and see if that helps, as that helps for me a great deal, or at least it used to. You may have to reboot your computer.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Yes it does, materials are applied to an entire submesh however - but check something like the trees out for an example.

I detached the polygons based on their material ID. Changed MATERIAL_REF's but one won't load properly...


EDIT: Works now. There was a problem with one of my TGA's for some reason.


Test model:



*COMMENT "AsciiExport Version 2.00 - Thu Apr 15 11:42:18 2010"
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*NODE_NAME "Object01"
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			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 1	-0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
		*MESH_FACENORMAL 4	-0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 3	-0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 2	-0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 7	-0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
		*MESH_FACENORMAL 5	0.0000	-0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 7	0.0000	-0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 6	0.0000	-0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 3	0.0000	-0.0000	1.0000
		*MESH_FACENORMAL 6	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 2	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 0	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 4	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
		*MESH_FACENORMAL 7	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 4	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 7	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
			*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL 2	0.0000	0.0000	1.0000

Edited by Stardog
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It was the *MATERIAL_REF keyword, in the first version you put up they were both set to 0, so they were both using the same material. As you can see now one is 1 and the other 0.

So most likely the TGA's were fine (they do need to be 24bit, not 16/32)

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Hi, just a quick question re:objectives editor, I've set up 5 objectives 1 steal an object, 2-4 are loot values for each difficulty levels and 5 is a "get back to where you started from" objective. the crazy thing is that when I complete the loot objective before the object one the completed loot one unchecks, making it impossible to complete objective 5 which relies on the other 2 being complete. the really funny thing is that when I steal the object first and then do the loot objective there is no cancellation and the mission works fine.

As far as I remember I did the loot via the "group identifier" drop down option and the object is a "name of single entity" one.

I already tried making the loot objectives irreversible but then I get a complaint about my objective logic.

My overall logic is 1 AND 5 AND 4 (overall) 1 AND 5 AND 3 (Hard) 1 AND 5 AND 2 (Easy)


any ideas?




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Ah, no matter, I had a look at the A-Z tut and saw that the objective type for loot was "overall", I had assumed it needed an identifier and dunce-ishly opted for "group identifier" basically because it made the sentence above the drop-down in the objectives editor read "Aquire xxx loot" rather than "Aquire xxx entities" which I thought made more sense... should have just followed the tutorial... oh well!

just out of interest, what is the difference between these two types??

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Yes, it is confusing. 'group' is for a particular type in this context. So it might be find 5 flashbombs. Relating to loot you can use it to specify a particular type of loot: gold, goods, jewels. You need the keywords: loot_ (if you type that in then a drop-down shows the others.)


I don't have a clear understanding myself because the terms are not intuitive. 'overall' generally really means 'any' (any kind of loot or any kind of AI.)


It really needs more work to experiment and verify what each feature in the objectives does and catalogue them with examples. I have started a private thread to do this but too many other things to do at the moment. :)


There is another wiki article but it is not easy to follow...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a question that's not strictly about editing, but people here may know about. I have been working on additional textures for TDM this weekend, and am currently working on stained glass. The problem is, it doesn't seem to come out as I would like to. Here is how a few of them look in game:





I generated the normal maps with SSBump, with one layer at Height scale 1 and Gaussian 1 and an added, modest specular map. I typically use three layers with more differentiated heights, but stained glass should generally be on the flat side with only the lead frame sticking out (this is how most of the stained glass textures were made in the mod). What should I do to make them more like proper stained glass? More specular? Slightly different heights? :wacko:


Anyway, here is a different one which looks very good; unfortunately, its settings (three layers, fairly prominent contours) don't quite work out on the others:



Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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The problem is the profile of the lead vs the glass. The gaussian filter is rounding off what should be a sharp edge.


If you create the height map in an image editing application you'll have more control over the result. For example, say you have isolated the glass and lead into white and black areas...




When you apply a gaussian filter it blends the whole thing together and you lose the sharp edges...




But if you take that blurred dot and apply a bit of a curves adjustment...




... you can cutoff values that extend beyond the intended bounds while approximately retaining the original shape. Then all that needs done is to feed the image into a height map to normal map converter like NVidia's normal map plugin.

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The problem is, I have little skill in image editing apps (and this basically means GIMP and, oh yeah, MSPaint). Is there a quick way to reduce complex images like that into good-looking B&W?


[edit]Increasing the specular helped a bit, however:


Edited by Melan

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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      Turns out my 15th anniversary mission idea has already been done once or twice before! I've been beaten to the punch once again, but I suppose that's to be expected when there's over 170 FMs out there, eh? I'm not complaining though, I love learning new tricks and taking inspiration from past FMs. Best of luck on your own fan missions!
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