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Status Updates posted by Sotha

  1. Brushes: ~1300

    Patches: ~990

    Entities: ~960

    Ambients: Done, EFX: Done, Objectives: Done, Briefing, Done, Location System: Done.

    Going to final polishings before beta.

  2. WIP mission name confirmed: "The Last Offering"


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amadeus


      Can't wait for another Sotha mission!

    3. Goldwell


      A new Sotha mission?! We have been blessed by the Lord Builder himself!

    4. Dragofer


      Nice to hear about the return of an old classic. I hope "last offering" is meant in the sense of last of this year?

  3. Today I started writing readables for my WIP mission.

    I wrote my usual text and then crammed it into AI and boom, high quality stuff comes out.

    I used to say that clipper is the mappers best friend, but now it seems it is more like "AI is the mappers best friend."

    1. Sotha


      AI revision:

      Today, I began writing readable content for my work-in-progress mission.

      I drafted my usual text and then fed it into an AI tool, and voilà—high-quality material emerged!

      I used to say that Clipper is the mapper's best friend, but now it seems that AI has taken that title.

    2. datiswous


      There is a topic about this:

      and this:

      And I use ai to generate subtitles from voice files.


    3. datiswous



      oday, I began writing readable content for my work-in-progress mission.

      I drafted my usual text and then fed it into an AI tool, and voilà—high-quality material emerged!

      When testing your mission I was thinking that those readable could have some improvements.

  4. Just for general information... If any mapper would like to use any of my mapping stuff (modules, geometry, etc) please feel free to use them! Just be sure to mention in your mission credits you use stuff made by me. Thanks and be my guest!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. grayman


      Most excellent! Thx!

    3. demagogue
    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      Kiitos indeed. :-) And credit where credit is due, literally !

  5. Just completed Subnautica. Highly recommended I liked nearly everything about it. Well, the end-game resource gathering was perhaps a bit of a chore, but always diving deeper the first time, not knowing what awaits down there, was a big scare. Lovely piece of art.

    1. demagogue


      The sense of mystery, and each stage outdoing itself, was great. I also spent a great amount of time making the perfect base ... so much so I should get back to the actual game at some point.

  6. I wish we had more of small bite-size FMs. I realized I don't have time to play grand multihour missions anymore... But nice 0.5-1h (1h max!) missions would fit perfectly to my evening schedule.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Springheel


      It depends on how often you get to play. Too many days in between and I'll forget all the significant story clues and locations.


    3. Atomica


      I imagine a lot of us are older/oldish gamers with more responsibilities than we used to have, meaning less free time. I ranted about this in the quest thread, but still, I'm a big believer in quality rather than quantity. Can be great if we have both (and the time), but I'd rather smaller games that pack in a lot of good shit than have it spread out with a lot of filler. Portal comes to mind.

    4. demagogue


      One thing I like about contest FMs, especially ones with tight space restrictions, is that it focuses authors to package a lot of gameplay in a little space. There's a kind of special art to it that makes them unique and fun to play. It might be good for authors to give themselves those kind of restrictions for a normal FM even without the contest.

  7. Oh... This explains a lot what is happening in our world right now. It all makes sense now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning-Kruger_effect

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Anderson


      It's only aggravated by our unhealthy postmodernist swings in society. Lots of people need help.

    3. teh_saccade


      Sotha's comment re: cricism.


      This is something I try to do in all things - students will better respond to "deconstructive" critique if it is followed by "constructive" critique of their work.


      A compliment must always have some kind of back-hander, as people are unused to receiving positive criticism - in some cases, unable to receive it due to the disparity between themselves and the standard of their work.


      A kind word (preferably action)...

    4. teh_saccade


      ...can make all the difference.


      It starts with this.


      Other people judge and qualify me (eg, I am not an artist, unless I am doing it and people say that I am).


      I am not qualified to judge myself or others - only a person's work.


      Critiquing the work depersonalises the issue and thereby affects condifence in other ways, without affecting psyche.


      I agree - praise the work, not the person.

  8. Terrorist attack now in Stockholm? Will this never end? :( Fieldmedic, you ok?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Springheel


      The terrorism, and the general political response to it, is part of the reason those people are gaining power.

    3. Anderson


      There's a difference between Trump and Dughin inspired conspirologist/anti-globalist/pro-Russian opportunists.

    4. Sotha


      Lotsa discussion here, I'll start a thread

  9. Today is April Fools Day... Ever since the US presidential election campaign and with the advent of false news and alternative facts, the day does not mean much anymore. It is more like every normal day is april's fools day, and what we really need would be a special day when only 100% verified and truthful news is published.

    1. Anderson


      Where's the fun without the complications?

    2. Springheel


      Wouldn't it be nice if people spent time being skeptical of unusual claims made on days OTHER than April 1st?

    3. Sotha


      Let's build a wall against lies and have the media/politicians pay for it! ;D

  10. Could someone please add Bakery Job to the ingame mission downloader and wiki FM list? Thank you very much!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sotha


      I don't know how to do it, so Biker, if you could, I would be ever so grateful! Thanks!

    3. Bikerdude
    4. Sotha
  11. Good lord I never knew video exporting (stitching separate videos into one plus adding little effects) is soooo fricking slow.

    1. Sotha


      I mean, the work by me is fast, but the exporting of the final product by the software (OpenShot) takes forever.

    2. kano


      Investigate if the program in question supports GPU encoding. It will go at real-time speed, or faster.

  12. I am working on a 1-5 room map. Basic geometry is done and detailing pass is half way there. Elapsed time 125 minutes. I am recording every second of my build and will make youtube tutorial out of it. Just a little gift to those who want to see what it takes to put out a small/tiny mission.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. demagogue
    3. AluminumHaste


      Nice, can't wait to watch it.

    4. Goldwell


      Awesome work! Looking forward to seeing this, hopefully pick up a couple of new mapping techniques ;)

  13. Congrats on the release! Thanks to the team, once again, for their great efforts! Now, where do I get a babysitter so I can try this beast out without interruptions...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeTeEff


      Buy the kid some lego and teach him your modular building technique!

    3. Cambridge Spy

      Cambridge Spy

      Make sure your kids are safely locked up in the car, with the windows wound up.

    4. Anderson


      That last one is sisnister.

  14. The family member count increases by one. All hail the newest addition! With the new baby, things are super-hectic, so I'm out of the TDM scene for a while. Sorry about that! Cheers, and keep up the good work!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. STiFU


      Congrats, Mr. Sotha. Best wishes!

    3. SeriousToni


      Congrats and health! We wish you and your "addition" the very best! But don't forget about us waiting for you to come back! :)

    4. Melan
  15. Today I made something extra, just because it was possible. Not sure if it is gonna end up in my WIP. Let's see....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Obsttorte
    3. nbohr1more


      Smiley overload :) (I'm sure the mission will be fun, surprise or not.)

    4. Tarhiel


      After that mission is out, can you tell us "you know, this mission right here contains that little extra I have talked about?" Would be very nice of you :)


  16. Releasing Coercion tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. grayman
    3. Ladro


      Such a brillant and beautiful mission, as usual! Congratulation and thanks!

    4. Tarhiel


      And a good mission it was :)

  17. Damn! The brits leave EU? What next, the US chooses Trump for president? Looks like 2016 is the year when the western countries shoot themselves in the leg. Big time. Let's hope the public servants can mitigate the damage. Surely they have a plan B in their sleeves. Things usually work out in the end, somehow.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. stumpy


      the EU is a dictatorship. They create laws you can not object to, you have to except without question.

    3. Sotha


      The European Union was a dream given form. Its goal, to prevent another war by creating a place where humans could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call - home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Several countries situated on many billion tons of earth, all alone in the night.

    4. stumpy


      I looked it up the EU is based on the Russian model that created the USSR minus the communism. So the goal is for all member states to cease to become countries and just be member states. Which would mean one national football team, one Olympic team, one seat on the UN.

  18. Back to basics: I've been playing Hitman: Codename 47 again. They don't make 'em like they used to. I love the brutal difficulty and no saves. It really makes me do whatever it takes to get the job done with minimal risk.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cambridge Spy

      Cambridge Spy

      I can beat it in under 5 hours.

    3. Sotha


      Yes, it is very easy once you know the missions. AH, hitman 1 does not penalize at all killing every single enemy combatant, so you could make stuff really easy for yourself. Just discreetly clear the area you want to operate in and so forth.

    4. Baal


      I tried to play the second one a while ago, and I couldn't get into it. I wanted to play stealthy and it wasn't fun at all this way.

  19. ...and we are back! Thank Cog! Thanks for fixing, who ever did it!

    1. Bikerdude


      That would be Young Taaaki are Server supremo.

    2. demagogue


      Thanks Taaaki! It really made me notice how often I stop by at least.

    3. Ladro


      I was terrorized when I've seen TDM page down :-(

      I quickly jumped (returned) to see any news on TTLG, after some years, just to get some news on the Volta FM (IMHO a masterpiece!)

  20. Whee! Just completed that new Brutal Doom hell on earth wad. On "10 out of 12" difficulty level I just had to cheat my way through the boss fight. Difficult stuff, but fun game if you forgive the boss fight and the couple of the final hell missions.

  21. I was thinking of resuming my WIP at some point. It's been a while and I noticed I have several DR versions on my hard drive, and I have vague recollection that some functions worked on one and some on another version.. Can someone recommend what is the currently most stable version of DR? I need basic mapping functions and the readable editor. Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sotha


      I had some crashes with 2.0.3. Didn't lose work, fortunately. Maybe I'll give *pre3 a go. Thanks!

    3. Sotha


      Yup. feels pretty solid this *pre3. Well, except the Z-axis rotation bug, that was already reported. I've been clicking around and the basic flood plan is something like 60% done. This is more fun than I remembered! ;)

    4. Bikerdude


      You will also find that some task in 203pre3 are considerable faster and smoother than 181 - such as entity inspector, or scrolling around orthoview with full view enabled....

  22. If you like Doom1, get this and play! It is awesome! The levels are even better than in the original doom. http://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/downloads/brutal-doom-hell-on-earth-starter-pack

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Epifire


      Oh man brutal doom is the bomb. I hadn't loaded it as I hadn't been playing DooM in ages but it's beast.

    3. Tarhiel


      I agree, Brutal Doom is the best of what happened to Doom1/2 and one of the best mods out there.

    4. Xarg


      Will have to give this a try just for the new levels. Speaking of new levels, have you tried that e1m8 alternative that was released not long ago, with Brutal Doom?

  23. My condolences to our friends in France. Perseverance! :(

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Unfortunately that seems to be a particularly virulent problem

    3. chakkman


      Very wisely said Airship. I don't even want to think about how traumatized the People were who were Walking out of that theatre alive, when one by one of the others were being executed... there's just too much Publicity for muslim Terror, instead of thinking about the victims, their families and friends.

    4. chakkman


      Sorry for capitals, damn MS Edge auto correction...

  24. New missions pouring in! Keep 'em coming, people! =D

  25. My halloween contest mission is out! Enjoy!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nbohr1more


      I can't even fathom how you could expect more from a mission created on such short notice. Any entry that is better than this mission deserves a hypothetical 6 star rating.

    3. Sotha


      Wow! Thanks, nbohr! But let's not be hasty. Other mappers still have many days before the deadline, and the quality level of TDM missions is nowadays very high. I really hope to see the other entries to excel in quality, because playing an excellent mission or two is always fun.

    4. SteveL


      Wow, astonishing speed! Gutted I won't have time to play it until the comnpetition date anyway due to travel :(

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