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  1. heh i was thinking the same though it might just have been a glitch when writing the names are pretty similar. But for correctness it is called the dark engine and the newer version that allows us to run these beauties on win10/11 is called newdark. newdark is kinda interresting as it just suddenly popped up on a french forum some time ago by an anonymous developer with the alias le corbeau who allegedly got his hands on the original source code and started updating it for modern OS. this was the original thread i believe -> https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140085 bikerdude was on that forum to when the patch hit i noticed hehe.
  2. Thanks for the comments @ChronA ! Icons... difficult stuff. I first thought of an arrow theme but upon testing it in a mission I found it confusing for some reason. We end up with icons with arrows on both the right and the left and I am not sure where I am supposed to look at. Besides, this particular arrow icon brings a kind of magical feel. I then opted for something less descriptive such as the mortar and while the icon doesn't look as good as the arrows it feels more grounded. I don't know
  3. I was thinking about trying to make everything a func_* to keep track of things but I don't know the limits on that. The numbering convention of things doesn't matter because they're only comments, and duplicate entity names are reassigned on load, which is fantastic, but that may break things like targetnames and other scripting. Not sure if Radiant takes care of all implications and if not, it would be difficult to track. So this would only be good for content, not for wholesale functionality.
  4. Interesting, although I'm not sure what to make of that. One of my favorite games (The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena) was published by Atari, and, they don't even seem to care to keep the activation servers running much. Or remove/change the copy protection, which doesn't work at all on Windows 11. I really hope that Nightdive delivers at the end of May... I'm not one of the shit storm crowd (it's absolutely horrible on the Steam forums...), but, 7 years of development is a long time, and delaying the release obviously has become a bit of a habit, to say the least.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lost_soul


      I've been considering reinstalling TDS for a wile now... I've still got my original CDs. Have these guys fixed the bug where you get stuck floating? Last time I played TDS, that happened and I was unable to get out of it, so I ragequit.

    3. chakkman


      You can surpass that bug by drawing your bow, performing a shot, and draw your blackjack when the bow is tensioned, to abort the bow shot. I'm hoping it's fixed in the Gold patch too though. Alongside the thing where you move sideways, when peeking left or right.

    4. nbohr1more


      @Biker Hmm.


      Build TDM mission in DR.


      Export as portions as ASE


      Edit in Blender and export in TDS compatible format


      Import into T3ED




      Release TDS mission...


      (or just stick with TDM)

  5. I have been thinking of changing this page so nothing is collapsed. But find it difficult to just do it since Petike made that page. As a workaround, I found you can load the source view of that page and then search for it to see where it is located. What do you like instead? Anyway, it can be used as a basis and then stuff can be changed. Like fonts etc. Edit: Here are some more darkmode skins: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Skins_with_dark_mode Maybe some can be installed to test out. Wiki editors can change the skin in Preferences > Appearence when logged in.
  6. When I tried your .exe, I got this: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21477-water-effects-not-rendered-through-warp-glass/&do=findComment&comment=475732 You also suggested trying the 'latest development build'. I asked if that can be obtained using tdm_installer, and you said 'yes'. That's what I reported here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21477-water-effects-not-rendered-through-warp-glass/&do=findComment&comment=475856 So - I am probably doing something wrong but not sure what
  7. @kingsalNo nothing disappears at close range. It is just when you are standing in the middle of the dense grass patches the fact that they are cards becomes very apparent and the illusion of density is lost. As I mentioned this is quite difficult to get to hold up under that kind of scrutiny, but one thing from the original demo is that denser ground cover that is shorter in height would pop in very very near the player so when you are looking at a lower angle down into the grass it kind of fills in these gaps a bit. Don't know if that can even apply here - the original demo is a massive sea of grass so that near camera pop in was completely hidden where as these need to be a bit more flexible.
    1. Obsttorte


      This looks cool, somehow oldschool in a nice way.

    2. demagogue


      I hope the gameplay is unique to justify him reinventing the wheel instead of, e.g., just forking off of us. The art design looks good.

  8. Peeing is an animation that you can find in the md5 animation viewer. It is called "urinate". Adding particles to animations can be done via frame commands, if they are not already included (like it is the case for urinate). You can even call scripts and do other stuff at a certain frame of an animation with these commands. For different weapons on AI, you can check out this Wiki page, although it is not complete. Apparently, it is sufficient to simply def_attach the weapon you want and the rest is automated like when you attach a torch. Additional animations are rather difficult. Some only require specific channels of the AI, so it works that you first play that (e.g. sit) and then use an animation that only uses the upper body. However, praying would be rather difficult in this regard, because the animation you would most likely need is kneel_down, but the AI stands up during animation itself, so I assume that you cannot couple it to another animation. And dancing is very difficult to animate, if you don't want it to look compeletely silly. I have only dabbled in very basic animations and have seen that even something like that is difficult to get to look realistic. Dancing has quite complex movements and as a consequence is way harder to get right in animations.
  9. I'm working on a bunch of maps and have a new one more than halfway done. Finishing a map to completion is a difficult task, it's why I always wished DarkRadiant could automate more things though it's doing the best it can.
  10. Thanks. That could explain the AI seeing me right behind them in such an exaggerated way. I think what I'm seeing may warrant its own bug report but I'd like to understand it better first. The effect I noticed around those stairs intrigues me the most: AI often walk past you, either searching or even just walking on normal patrol routes, then after a few seconds they suddenly turn back and attack the player out of nowhere. Even if the player is in complete darkness at the time (lightgem at minimal level), not making any noise, and the AI shouldn't have touched the player either. But it will only happen if the player was nearby as the AI moved past. In another FM I played recently (not on that stream) I had another similar oddity: An alerted guard was running after me but had lost track of me. They sped right past me down the corridor as I hid behind a pillar in a dark spot, then after several seconds of being away, came running back down the corridor and attacked me knowing exactly where I was. It felt like the guard must have touched me when they first ran past, but it took a very long time for the signal to register thus the guard returned from far down the hall once it finally did; Might have been something else too but that was my impression... those scenarios are a bit difficult to test consistently since it depends on a lot of momentary conditions that sort of emerge on their own.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Obsttorte


      Part two is recorded. Now I only need to add the subs and rip it down. Should be on youtube tomorrow.

    3. Lux


      can't wait.

    4. demagogue


      I didn't know that first trick setting up the base, so thanks for that.

  11. Made 2.09b the default version. I hope at least a few people have installed and played it I'll finish the release process tomorrow (tags, source, pdb, etc.)
  12. @Dragofer, I'm wondering what template tags to give to this page, besides the usual "Editing". I'm tempted to add "Physics", but are force fields really considered part of the physics engine?
  13. This FM was an incredible and unexpected delight. So much detail put into the little things and character interactions, it always had something unexpected and often times hilarious at every corner. Not all that difficult at least in terms of figuring out what to do, if you get really stuck you can figure it out by thinking back on everything you've read and discovered... stealth wise it feels nearly impossible not to get caught in the primary objective's building on maximum AI settings, but I'm sure there's someone out there who could complete it with no alerts. Found more than half of the secrets and completed the other side quests with ease. Congrats and thank you for this gem, definitely among the top FM's. Obviously one of the most surprising aspects, as is hopefully no big spoiler to say, is seeing the first ever TDM FM with a female player. Whoever voiced her did some of the best voice acting too, the progress lines when you reach certain areas were a delight to listen to, I'd really say she did a better job than some AAA voice actors! Wouldn't mind seeing the definitions for the base sounds making it in vanilla as an option for all mappers, being stuck with a male player by default can be a bit of a limitation... then again it would be just as nice if the player wasn't always a thief and you could as easily play as a guard or builder or heck even a reverent! With the more silly aspects included I'll say this felt a bit like a steampunk No One Lives Forever On the one and only negative note I can think of, there was just one thing I had a disappointment with...
  14. Above 3 items are released now, on the "Barks" thread: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21740-english-subtitles-for-ai-barks/&do=findComment&comment=483331
  15. Instead of that, you could, in that time period, start learning your own missions and in doing so become more active on the forums, learning from others. It's also great to understand how things work in the engine, when you play. It might spoil some immersion though.. Or learn to build games with other engines, like Godot for example.
  16. And any time you move at all - your light meter shows you to be minimally visible? (The next visibility level up from if you were to stand still.) Motion should attract more attention, or no? Of course people expect games to be more fun than realistic, but bugs me a bit personally. - Would that match with how detection system works in TDM? And if so: - Do you think it would add anything to the game as a custom setting? Make stealth more immersive? Make it too difficult? Ruin existing FM experiences?
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