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  1. started playing the division2 with a friend, still trying to figure out best gear upgrade paths, there is quite a lot to consider... especially now since i just unlocked the hunters xD and they are all over my ass.
  2. The *DOOM3* shaders are ARB2 ('cause of old GeForce support) carmack plan + arb2 - OpenGL / OpenGL: Advanced Coding - Khronos Forums
  3. Keep in mind also that mission size, and complexity have increased dramatically since the beginning. For a lot of veteran mappers, it can take over a year to get a map made and released. The last dozen missions have for the most part been pretty massive, with new textures, sounds, scripts, models etc. We seem to be long past the point of people loading up the tools, and banging out a mission in a few weeks that's very barebones. We still do see some of those, but I noticed in the beta mapper forums and on Discord, that mappers seem to make these maps, but don't release them, and instead use the knowledge gained to make something even better. Could just be bias on my part scrolling through the forums and discord server though.
  4. Hey, Every time I've try to use the Full Editor when PM'ing someone, and every single time I get an error. Whoever is in charge of the forum, is it possible that this could be fixed? Thanks Neon
  5. I think it is a good idea! Our ingame mission downloader and mission view has long been subject of multiple improvement suggestions. Due to the sheer mass of missions that have been released in the last 15 years, things got really cluttered and especially newcomers will have a hard time finding what they want. However, improving the ingame guis is quite a task, so a web-based application might really suit this scenario well. Maybe we could even add a linke to it from our ingame menus, so user can access it quicker. Some more things to think about Would users be able to add custom tags and downvote / upvote certain tags, much like the system of Steam? This would also allow to add tags like "beautiful", or "difficult". Actually, the more users can contribute to this system, the better, because it will be automatically maintained then. The browser should also contain a flag for whether the FM belongs to a connected series of FMs or not and have the capability to go to the previous or next FM in that series. There should also be a flag for fully fledges campaigns. Some might like a flag whether or not an FM is "ghostable".
  6. Not sure what the license is but if the Nvidia Remix tool has textures with a creative commons license then someone could extract them and use the texture replace tool in Dark Radiant to update a mission with them. The textures are most likely using a modern PBR format with metalness and roughness, so without PBR support in TDM they would need to be converted to a diffuse \ specular design ( I believe there are tools that automate going from legacy to PBR but I am not sure whether any texture author tool can do the reverse? ) There is a long term plan to evaluate whether allowing mixed legacy and PBR content the way that the "RBDoom3BFG" Doom 3 port does might be viable in TDM. If it turns out to be viable, then TDM would be able to use these "remix" textures natively without conversion ( again, as long as they are open CC assets and can be exported ). As far as I can tell, Nvidia are locking down all remix aspects so that modders can only use it for Nvidia's intended purpose of upgrading old fixed-function games to RTX. They aren't interested in shader based games or DX9+ because the change to Ray Tracing won't be as dramatic. Anything using light-mapping with probes is going to get a negligible upgrade from changing the lighting model since lightmaps are already raytraced. They want really impressive before \ after pictures to sell the technology. Even TDM probably looks too good in the "before" state to be of interest to Nvidia. ( That said, I would gladly accept a ray tracing patch for TDM if Nvidia ever decided to create one for us... )
  7. well turned out i had enough parts to make an ok third pc also. ASUS P9X79LE board with an older lga 2011 xeon 4 core (no hyperthreading on this cpu). 4 gb samsung ddr3 ram (bit on the low side but it actually runs better than i imagined). asus strix 970 gtx OC gfx card. intel 256 gb ssd + 2 mechanical harddrives one 1tb and one 500gb. dvd burner for those who still need that. cpu cooler was an older scythe model forgot which but pretty big, fan replaced by a noctua fan (allmost completely silent). case is an older coolermaster in good condition from back when pc cases still had both dvd and floppy cartridges (easy mount system with snap locks color is black). im selling it cheap cause i dont really need another pc at this time and it is a good starting point for someone who wants to tinker with upgrading parts in it. It can take the same 1680v2 xeon my other pc uses which is the most powerfull cpu you can upgrade to with the X79 chipset anyway (it is also unlocked so can be overclocked quite a bit and the 1680v2 has hyperthreading). The board can take a max of 128gb ddr3 ram. despite its age it works really well with a 1080ti might even be ok for one of the lower 2000 rtx models like the 2060 but above that i suspect you will hit some bottlenecks. one downside to this board is that it is not really geared toward an nvme ssd build though you can use a pcie riser card you cannot boot from it as the factory bios has no boot block for nvme, there are bios modifications out there to enable that if you feel comfortable with a thirdparty doing it (some even have bifurcation mods to allow multiple bootable nvme cards). the built in realtek soundcard is quite ok and delivers 7.1 channel sourund sound. the board sadly only has 2 usb3 headers so if you use a lot of gear needing high usb speeds get a pcie usb 3.1 riser card or a hub. the board has quite a few usb2 headers and also E-SATA outlets, it is also one of the few boards that still supports both ps/2 keyboard and mice, most only support one or the other. EDIT: the cpu cooler was the grand kama 2 from scythe it is actually quite good for a budget cpu cooler, only downside is that the copper heatpipes are not plated so they tend to get a dull look after a while.
  8. Sign out of TDM forums, close browser, re-open later, "Huh...I'm still signed in?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Its a cookie thats keeping you logged in.

    3. Sotha


      Another visitor! Stay a while; stay forever!

    4. Tarhiel


      We´re like a Shalebridge Cradle: what comes in must never leave :)

  9. Congrats on that upgrade, but you are definitely CPU bound now. I'm going to be upgrading my 12700k to a 13700k/13900k in the near future. I think you have a new cpu in your future.
  10. TTLG? That's Through the Looking Glass Forums. A looking glass fan community. Has been around for a long, long time. https://www.ttlg.com/forums/
  11. Seems to confirm: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=5718 does it happen in the latest dev build: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20824-public-access-to-development-versions/
  12. This pack has been added to core assets. Unless you expect to release an FM in the next month, you can just upgrade to a beta build and set the required TDM version to 2.11 in your FM's darkmod.txt. I've already played what Wellingtoncrab calls the sequel to Iris... it's nice, it's got lots of this loot in it and manages to showcase them in a variety of lighting setups... no story, no AIs, and just 1 room, though.
  13. No. The Aeden's staff optional objective is the hardest of the game. To point out directions here, though, is getting into an area of heavy-duty spoilers ... so I'm constrained in my response just as I was constrained in my responses to the "endless keyhunt" complaints because to show the rather simple direction would be a huge spoiler. So I had to bite my tongue and take it. Aeden's staff is different, though - harder. I've never tried a no-KO ghost playthrough. Because I'm clumsy and have slow reflexes. I think it might be possible to do a stealth no-alerts playthrough. Are you allowed to KO? I think I've gotten the staff a few times in my playthroughs without alerting the builders in that room. The only switchable lights in the FM are table lamps. The cylindrical style wall lamps aren't extinguishable. The other fire and gas wall lamps are extinguished by water. In the Ox all waiters and commoners in the common room and outside are friendlies - except for the waitress in the upper lounge which is filled with enemies. You need water arrows. Moss arrows. Rope arrows. I've never used a gas arrow in a playthrough of the FM but one would make things easier, for sure. I'm going to replay the area and check through the locations that you mentioned - the loop etc. - then if it's OK with you I'll PM you with some info, tho' I'll ask you if you want the info first. So's not to spoil it for others who get that far in the game (few and far between!). I find it almost impossible not to click the "reveal spoiler" tags and read the info ... and, y'know, spoilers do spoil the real deal.
  14. I think the reason the dev forums exist is to provide a place where the implementation of features can be discussed without getting mixed up with other debates when someone believes what the devs are doing is wrong. We often post public discussion threads for features with subjective elements like the frob outline, because community feedback is very important. But there will always be vocal defenders with strong views for or against certain features, or how exactly it should be implemented in their opinion. At some point a decision has to be made and be carried through, which is what the dev forums are for. Almost all of the threads are very technical, basically explaining and discussing recent or potential code changes with other devs. Its hard to say. Its a hobby the devs do in their spare time, so people come and go when they're in the mood and when they have the time. The team page is mostly accurate except for some relatively newer additions like myself.
  15. @Dragofer, I moved it here since it is most likely the same issue. Did you upgrade your driver? Or beta211-01 works well even if you try it now?
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