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  1. Things are so much simpler when you have access to the machine Luckily, I managed to boot the watcher automation script (although it was rather buggy to be honest: like treating all reads as modifications) to have instant feedback for all shader changes. Well... as instant as it can be when computer and keyboard are on the opposite points of the planet The results are far beyond what I expected: Interaction shader receives NaNs in params[attr_DrawId].colorModulate. The problem can be mitigated by checking its components with isnan and assigning some constant color if any is NaN. To be strict, I can't swear NaNs don't come from other sources too (forgot to check), but they surely come from this source at least. The problem does not happen on the old backend, although @AluminumHaste will do a bit more testing on it. I'd like to have one more quick session in order to rule out the unlikely possibility that we supply NaNs from C++ code. And if we don't, then the problem happens somewhere in the "new backend" + "AMD driver" combo. Also, I wonder if the problem happens on 2.09. Because 2.09 also has new backend enabled by default. If the problem does not happen there on the same machine, then it means we broke something in the new backend after 2.09. Given that I don't recall @cabalistic working on it, and others did not modify it either, I wonder how we managed to do that
  2. jaxa

    Free games

    Purah also worked on Dishonored: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136214 One of my neurons knew it started with a 'P'
  3. I had this a bit with Call of Cthulu Dark corners of the earth. There's that part where you are in a hotel and have to flee from room to room, but in the end you have to make a certain jump. That jump is really hard to do (at least with keyboard and mouse) and if you fail, you have to start over, including (if I remember correctly) the whole intro video before it. It's not really at the start, but a chapter later which might be worse.. I used a trainer to fly over that point.
  4. First of all, there is no "we, the gamers" as a defined, coherent group. It's a myth that was dispelled decades ago. "Gamers" are as smart and coherent as "book-readers" or simply, people, so not really. And, by pouring your panicked and hateful thoughts over the forums, i.e. wishing someone had their throats slit, you made this discussion not smart from the get-go. Last but not least, long rants about current politics are like talking about the weather. It's something we have almost no control over, and by definition, i.e. by living in the current times, we have the least information available. Talking about past history is interesting, because e.g. academics and researchers made certain facts come to light, and politicians or other groups that have tried their best to keep some facts secret are long dead. Ranting about current politics is more like old man yelling at clouds. Again, why don't you choose some news site or forums as an outlet, instead of a niche hobby-based forums?
  5. That's a nice comparison in that talk, and some points made are very interesting. Some of them are perfectly applicable to TDM editing, while others not (like the keyboard shortcuts example - I guess most editors provide customisable hotkeys). The func_instance is a nice concept that might be applicable to prefabs. If it weren't for the map file structure getting into the way this might have been worthwile investigating, but I assume this not easy to accomplish while maintaining compatibility with the .map format.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lost_soul


      I never got into BSD, though I've installed it once or twice. This is another reason to check it out.

    3. simplen00b


      @Sir Tafs: +1 (zillion)

    4. Serpentine


      The BSD's arn't for everyone, but within their goals, simple code and mailing lists lies a lot of goodness and simplicity. I love the underdogs. Anyhoo work will be Linux friendly too. Portability is a cornerstone for good code.

  6. It strongly depends on what the game is designed for. Most games designe for consoles are also designed for controler controls. Replacing them with mouse and keyboard can lead to a worse gaming experience. As an example I played "Ocarina of Time" via emulator with mouse and keyboard, but I had to quit at some point as I could not solve a couple of puzzles that required to point your shield in a certain direction, because the keyboard only knows "hit button", and has no gradual proceeding as the analog stick has. Another example would be Dark Souls, which is basically unplayable with mouse and keyboard (at least from what I have heard). For me, I prefer controler for 3rd person games and platformers, while I prefer mouse and keyboard for 1st person (be it shooter or RPG) and RTS.
  7. BREAKTHROUGH! :) I actually made progress! Thinking about keyboard bindings made me wonder if I was supposed to set the desktop settings instead of game settings so I went back to Steam. I was wrong, but while there I set Xbox support as well as PS5 support. That needed a pc reboot. Still no different, but then I went to preferences where you can set the light colour and other trivia on the controller. But there is a submit button. Now my key test worked! All totally non-obvious of course! Also found mouse sensitivity setting in the game itself and that fixed the camera turn (probably would also work on the steam sensitivity setting too now I know how to submit it.) Not been able to assign a key to the joystick click for some reason (well I assigned a key but it didn't work in-game even after submit. Anyway, if I figure it all out I'll post a more precise instruction here at some point. Also hopeful I can get this to work in Dark Mod now.
  8. Many thanks. I took a long look at that doc along with the software. I'm getting the impression it should basically work without any further config on games that work with the xbox controller (which Splinter Cell 1 doesn't.) To emulate the keyboard I'd need an extra thing called Faker something which I might look at in the future. Right now I'm sick of the whole thing. I went back yet again to Steam and can still make no sense of it. I click one button and a panel pops up saying your ps5 controller is now running the config from Smith (which is my user name on Steam.) However, it simply doesn't! The game just has the same basic move movements and not my test config at all. I've checked several guides on Utube but they show a different button that is not present now so presumably they are out of date and Steam has changed. I give up on Steam. I might check back in a few months or so but otherwise, I've had enough. Thanks again.
  9. I recall I speculated about this option when I started working on tdm_installer, i.e. using zipsync for FM downloads too. The common opinion was that's not necessary... now a lot of things happened, and turning the wheels would mean a lot more development. Also, it was common opinion that even though we provide older versions of TDM, we don't support them. I'll create 2.09 tag in SVN before committing the breaking changes (and will create tags before every major release), so the state of 2.09 will be saved. But I don't think players will be able to access it.
  10. in the console type: list then hit TAB on your keyboard to see all the various listings you can do. You should get: ]list listAnims listCollisionModels listLines listSpawnArgs listMonsters listActiveEntities listEntities listEvents listThreads listClasses listTypeInfo listModelDefs listSoundDecoders listSounds listModels listImages listRenderLightDefs listRenderEntityDefs listGuis listHuffmanFrequencies listAF listParticles listFX listEntityDefs listSoundShaders listSkins listMaterials listTables listDecls listLoadStackStrings listDictValues listDictKeys listBinds listCvars <-----Probably the one you're looking for (there's over 1000 cvars) listToolCmds listGameCmds listSoundCmds listRendererCmds listSystemCmds listCmds If you want to know what a CVAR does, you can type it in without a value and if there is a description in the (there should always be one), it will display it. For example, if I type r_newFrob in the console and hit Enter, I get: ]r_newfrob "r_newFrob" is:"1" default:"0" Controls how objects are frob-highlighted: 0 = use material stages by parm11 1 = use the frob shader 2 = use nothing (no highlight) Note: outline is controlled by r_frobOutline
  11. We got TDM VR, for a start. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20468-the-dark-mod-vr-210-alpha-is-now-available/
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. demagogue


      (We can leave the thread for journalism corruption, but just on this...) Then the issue in academia is money flowing to the more corruptable fields like science & engineering with the big corporate grants & revolving door with staff. The humanities might not get that, but OTOH they are getting pressured to "justify their existence" financially. I could probably agree it's rife in almost any human field though, as long as there are incentives there will be corruption.

    3. demagogue


      Or then we have the "uncorruptable" critical academics, but then they're basing their work on Derrida or Marx and are so detached from reality they throw their credibility out the window. It's good to be critically detached, not so good to be derailed from reality. My position in law sometimes is something like a critical realism, but it's practically an orphan position. (You want to protect victims *and* think science works??? Wha...?)

    4. Sotha


      Who is uncorruptable anyways? I cannot convince even myself that I would be uncorruptable in every situation. And I perceive myself to be situated in the more-reliable-than-50%-of-the-general-population side in the gaussian distribution curve of corruption. Problematic, yes?

  12. For the last 1-2 weeks the forums have been really slow and unresponsive for me, when I type a post half the time it just sits there etc.. is anyone else having the same issues..?
  13. I literally registered just to point out that people HAVE been raising this as a serious accessibility issue since as far back as 2008. It's been repeatedly brought up over and over and over again. And that is just here on the official forums. If you really mean what you've said I think you should find it genuinely concerning that one of the single most widely discussed accessibility issues in gaming has been repeatedly brought up for over a decade with your game and apparently this is the first you've heard of it... even though it's even been subject to multiple issues in your issue tracking system according to these threads and other google results.
  14. here use this link and never miss again its my startpage https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/discover
  15. Does anybody else have this problem? In the (European) evenings the forum is unbearable slow. The server is delivering about 8Kbyte/s, sometimes less and usually stops midwhere during loading the page. Sometimes you can't even get the index page, sometimes you can log in, but then only get half of the overview etc. In the mornings everything is snappy.
  16. What I think might have happened is your computer needed a reboot for the background security updates it does. A few things you can do. You can postpone the updates for a week. You can set the time when the computer is allowed to update (just set it out of the range of your usage hours). You can actually completely turn off any ability to update (metered connection), but that's not advised long-term, at least by me. As far as the keyboard goes, sounds like a driver superseded another driver during an update and perhaps it didn't complete installation or was faulty. Either the installed Lenovo apps did this or Windows update did this. Since you deleted the driver and it worked after, I'm thinking the Lenovo drivers took over and after deleting them the default MS drivers got installed from the repository folder. In Device Manager you can see which driver is being used by which manufacturer. Usually I tend to trust the MS drivers unless there is some functionality needed beyond its basic function (think all-in-one scanners/printers). As last resort you can just plug in a USB keyboard if it happens again. BTW, check event viewer in / control panel / administrative tools / to see what happened at the time of the shutdown. It could give a clue as to a conflicting issue.
  17. I've upgraded IPB to the latest stable version, and since this was a major upgrade (from 2.3.6) I also had to re-do the forum style. Most of the new stuff is in place, but I bet that the logo will be changed. One of the many new features in version 3 is rating of posts and also a "report spammer" ability which will make it easier to single out spam bots and ban then at sight. Hopefully this will stop some of the spam threads we've seen recently. Make sure to empty your browser cache if you're experiencing any problems. And please report any errors etc in this thread. Cheers, ~m2
  18. You can find a test map here. Note that I remember not being too happy with it. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/19825-negative-spectrum/&do=findComment&comment=432949
  19. UPDATE 29-Mar: Latest script version in this post: http://forums.thedar...post__p__341896 Demo video (original) in this post: http://forums.thedar...post__p__340566 Development discussion is in the thread on cutting patches with spreadsheets. I've done a demo video for this with use cases but I'm having to figure out how to get it onto YouTube (not done it before). With luck, I'll add it to this post this afternoon. To install the script: Save it to your DarkRadiant/scripts/commands folder, in the dark radiant install folder. Remove the .txt extension from the file name. Then click File > Reload scripts in DR, or just reopen DR. You can set up a keyboard shortcut using the normal menu. The tool is called "SplitPatch". To use it: Select one patch, enter vertex editing mode, and select 2-3 adjacent verts on the same line, including at least one pink vert (selecting 2 nearby pinks like I do in the video wherever possible will help the script run fastest). Then click Scripts > Split patch from the menu, or use your shortcut. Save the map beforehand and don't rely on Undo. You *can* undo -- press it twice -- but the verts you originally selected will be on grid but a bit out of place. Another side effect is it leaves your orthoview in top-down view no matter where you started. Please watch out for bugs. Most of this code was written yesterday! I've used it for a few hours without problems. There's sometimes a couple of seconds' delay using the tool. There's a lot going on under the hood. If people find that's a problem on bigger maps, I'll look for ways to optimise it. attachment=patchsplitter.py.txt (updated version linked above) EDIT: Updating the instructions to reflect what I currently think's optimal.
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