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  1. The most critical stuff has already been deleted, as we don't want to foster a harmful environment in these forums. We want to be as welcoming to newcomers as possible.
  2. I had this same issue, but, fortunately, saw what was going on and manually created a "prefabs" folder, then dragged/dropped all the prefab-related folders from the '..\Dark Mod\' top-level folder to the newly created '..\Dark Mod\prefabs\' folder (like what SH said). Just adding a bit more detail in case anyone has troubles in the future. Springheel, the prefabs.zip file doesn't have a "prefabs" top-level folder in it, so it doesn't auto-create it. The models.zip file worked like a charm because it does have a top-level "models" folder in it. See screenshot showing both .ZIP files when they initially open in WinRAR. As you see, prefabs.zip doesn't have a "prefabs" folder; and contrast that with the models.zip. (That's my experience, anyways) Image in spoiler tags: Also, I saw you have a 'shapes' folder in your prefabs folder, SH, which isn't in the download. Did you mean to exclude that, or is it okay that we don't have it? Thanks! Just going through the video now and following along; sorry for the delay. Been a hectic week. Will post more if I have any questions as I continue to watch the vid. EDIT 1: After making the first brush (because Dark Mod likes it on a new map), do you Undo that action so it disappears, Delete it, or? (i.e., what is proper the way to remove it, since your map had a clean slate) EDIT 2: My prefabs have a blue generic texture on them that says, "Shader not found"; unlike yours which show actual wood textures and such. Something I can fix? (I'm not sure if this would cause the issue, but I did have to enter a custom path to see the prefabs, even though I'm pretty sure I have everything where you said they should be. The custom path I entered is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dark Mod\prefabs". Otherwise, if I use the "Browse mod resources" selection like you it doesn't show me the prefabs). See right-side of screenshot: Images in spoiler tags:
  3. To be very specific, the source of the memes (make sure to click Read more): https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/profile/47453-nort/content/&type=core_statuses_status&change_section=1
  4. I was in contact with a fella I think "agent smith" on skype and these forums. He had a very basic working multiplayer back in May 2014. I don't know what happened him or his code, I don't see him on skype anymore. I found it hard to work with the engine because I'm a newb so even just doing things like adding this option text button in the main menu https://gyazo.com/47813b5be21df0beef86de1db1614a36 was really hard for some reason. I don't even think it was clickable either heh. Also experimented with trying to add an invisibility potion but could not figure out where or how items were defined in the code but I had a good go at trying to help.
  5. A sad and heartwarming topic... ...but I have to just take a moment and appreciate, that these quotes are probably gonna turn into a running gag on these forums.
  6. I agree with all of what ShadeDrifter said: store tags on server (where the download links, i10n links and version are already stored), hide tags unless user wants to see them, allow searching for multiple tags ("has undead, but not spiders").
  7. Thinking a bit about categorizing missions, simple "tags" might not be as helpful. For instance, if you look for a small mission, do you search for "small", "simple", "fast to play", "short", "tiny" or any other of the myriad of words/combinations? I think adding a few fields to the FM database would be a good idea. Each of the should have about 5 levels - more means to fine-grained, less means it's to caorse and people might argue wether a mission is "small" or "medium". * size of the mission (tiny, small, medium, large, huge) * base difficulty of the mission (simple, easy, medium, hard, ultra) * something else? For everything else, like type of the mission, contains undead, spiders or has "noblackjack", tags might work actually better. The ingame downloader could then let you filter missions (show only "simple" and "small" missions, available in my language) and allow you to add tags ("show only with tag undead,but none with tag spiders").
  8. If the code supports tags, I'm sure someone will go through the missions and tags them. (We can even collect the tags on the wiki). It doesn't have to be perfect, but anything would be better than the mile-long list we have now, with almost no way to decide which to play (first). Even I have no idea what the newest FMs are actually about, and the title doesn't tell you much. Newcomers are absolutely lost.
  9. Thanks for the direction. I looked and then discovered how to search a specific topic in the forums, something I hadn't known prior to this.
  10. Start here: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87990 http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88056 http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88654 http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90309 http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96995
  11. Composer to composer forum @ finalemusic: http://acf.finalemusic.com/ This fairly new & isn't very busy at all. http://www.music-web.org/forum/index.php Better organized & a lot busier. So this would be a great place to introduce ourselves It has music theory, composition showcase, music encyclopedia, & more.
  12. One of the things I really need to understand about myself is that, at the moment I desire to ask the forums about something, I am really only an hour away from solving it for myself.
  13. cool i knew brown barn spiders are worth something.
  14. I don't know that specific game but it doesn't seem to obvious to me. It is also a possibility that the developer wanted the player to decide for one approach and then life with it. This is something I found tedious about the deus ex games, for example. There are alternative endings, but which one you get to see is decided within the last hour or two of the game. So you basically save there and once you get to see one ending you can reload that save and see the next ending and so on. This way on one hand you get to see all endings pretty easely, one the other hand this makes the whole decision absolutely pointless. It is a simple gotta catch 'em all approach with no deeper meaning. It is the modern way of gaming, with the completionist, steam achievement, explore everything, find every piece of loot approach to gaming which bores the hell out of me. An occupational therapy for an adhd generation of gamers. Developers seem to think that their customers play games because they don't know how else to spend their time. And from the post I have read here and in other forums, I tend to assume they are right.
  15. I'm beginning to understand why people who aren't into social clubbing "don't last long" on this project, and why it's so full of holes. When moderators are siding with bullies, by closing down threads that they derail, then I start to wonder if I should support the platform to begin with.

    I'm sure that the core development is solid, but when you're constantly tone policed and bullied, and moderators are playing into it too, then the project will just drive away talent, and replace it with socialites instead. ...and without talent, you only end up with a small skeleton crew trying to do everything themselves.

    ...so Dragofer and Airship Ballet, and all you other socialites, you win. From now on I'll just keep to myself. You'll never be able to do my work, but at least you'll be happy together, and that's what matters to you.



    Actually, I have to revise my statement:
    I actually messaged greebo - the top dog, I gather - about nbohr1more's outburst of insanity below, and since I haven't even heard back from him, I just have to assume that there's not a single core programmer here, who's not backing nbohr's threats. ...and that's bad.

    ...so if you're a newbie reading this, or an honest soul like ZergRush, then just slowly back out of these forums, run, and don't look back. This is nothing more than a cult posing as a game development project, using Thief and IDTech4 to sucker hopefuls in, to do work for them, while trying to cajole them into something going on behind the scenes, which apparently - according to nbohr - is something that should be hidden from the state. These people aren't programmers - they don't even understand things like how to fix the simplest bugs. All they have, is an engine, and an IP, and some sort of fascist social cult. There was some other project I saw being made in the Unreal Engine. Try joining that project. ...or start a project of your own. Anything but this asylum.

    Hopefully that was "divisive" enough for a final post, because at this point I really want people to leave this place. This project is, on a management level, just awful garbage, run by garbage people, apparently from the top down, and I'm just glad that they have a garbage place to stay, together, and hopefully forever.


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. STiFU


      The amount of insults towards the team members and this community contained in Nort's updated status is a pretty strong indicator that something is maybe not right in Nort's head, don't you think? Also, I said "like Nort here maybe has".

      Anyway, the core message was that we accept everyone as long as they behave. Let's not get lost in the details.

    3. datiswous


      In general I just find this not the right thing to do, if you don't know the diagnoses, don't say it. If you have a psychological disorder, doesn't mean you would act like Nort, or maybe you do, but it's not clear. People with actual psychological disorders might be offended.

      What I also hear often is people call someone "a bit autistic", while we know some characteristics of people with autistic syndrome, it's not like we can judge who is and who is not.


      "...so if you're a newbie reading this", please know that we will accept you and value your contributions, as long as you don't talk down on others and don't spread hatred towards other persons or communities.

      This is the proper message (I don't ask you to change yours, I just wanted to make my point).

    4. duzenko
  16. posted: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21477-water-effects-not-rendered-through-warp-glass/
  17. I have the key, but no plans to play it until I get a new computer. By the time that happens they should have fixed most of the bugs. If there are deeper issues, that's too bad. Backing a Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaign is always a risk.
  18. I would regard it as a revolution. You may or may not be aware of the two Dungeon Keeper games, the first having been made by Peter Molyneux himself during his time at Bullfrog, the second when he had left already. Still, after DK2 there was the hope that a third part would emerge someday, but all hopes were in vain, until a small group of very dedicated coders started creating their very own Dungeon Keeper game called War for the Overworld. They had their ups and downs, but they finally had their game ready to show a tech demo. Please note that you need the Unity browser plug-in: https://wftogame.com/demo Watch the Kickstarter video here: http://kck.st/YaLXcH What I am saying is: There was hardly a chance to get the development of this and other niche titles going without the help of crowdfunding, and this is what Kickstarter is for. Even if there will be a fatigue one day, this will only mean that developers will have to work twice as hard to attract potential backers. There are plenty examples for very successful Kickstarter campaigns, but also quite a few epic fails. Often, these fails resulted in the ineptitude of the developer to have a compelling video at start, to do good community work and to post updates regularly. The horrid failure that was the Nexus 2 campaign was one of them.
  19. Kim will continue trying to make his dream come alive if it will be alone that is to be seen, and if the kickstarter fails not all is lost even if they lose the kickstarter money they won the support of a bunch new people, that potentially can transit the available monetary support to the official site. Sorry for the wall of text, i hope you like to read. Ok the idea for IM is older then that but they only started full steam on IM only on 2008 with a team of 20 developers that was how the UE3 demo came about, they went bankrupt some time after that because of failed publishers talks, and so add to disband the team, file bankruptcy and stopped development, Kim revived the game some time later and the core team (5 guys) but lost the ability to publish the UE3 demo and use the UE3 engine, so they decided to turn to Unity after the coder pitched to the team, Unity also announced the free version on this time, UDK was still some months away, ZPS started working with Unity and needed some months to climate to it and find a good work flow, for that they decided to make the Vault demo, it toke some months but after it was made they add a better understand of this new engine, the holly days came and they made some small Christmas based IM levels with funny music and snow falling and some basic puzzles for the community to find especial presents, , remember this was all being made by only a artist a coder a concept artist and a musician, with this bare bones team progress was painfully slow, but they where able to release the Bullseye demo after some months, the demo was well received and brought a much need monetary support for the team (spearheads like my self), a new artist was also included in the team by this time, with this artist they were able to release some months later a much more ambitious demo the running Man demo but by this time people were supporting less and less the game and so money was dangerously low, Kim announced to the community that they add to stop development some time to find some alternating means of funding, after some time searching for funds they were unsuccessful and not able to gain some significant support, so they decided to sell some of the, rich uncle ZPS shares, to the existing community members in essence make them shareholders, with that money they announced a even more ambitious demo and that was the Multiplayer demo Deadlock, they also said to the community they would fully open the doors to the development and let paying supporters play the demos from a very very early alpha stage, this decision was a blessing but also a very bad blow to ZPS, when the first 0.1 alpha version of the multiplayer demo came, it was really badly received by some people of the community, some didn't realized what alpha 0.1 and very early really mean, the demo was a very simple but nice looking small outdoor level and you could navigate on it but you couldn't do anything less more complex then that, not even shoot or turn the flash light on etc etc, so some started saying ZPS ripped them of and that this demo add no quality at all and this made a very bad splash in the community, but on the other side some realized what the demo was and loved the idea of seeing the baby steeps of a game being made (like me), this add the benefit of making the number of support medals going up, alpha 0.2, alpha 0.3 come fast enough all with totally different levels to play with but this time ZPS decided to upgrade their site and servers and so the only coder on the team add to stop working on the demo, that add the problem that art was evolving on the Deadlock demo but gameplay was seriously going behind this also made some people on the community question their priorities, but the site and servers add to be prepared for the multiplayer demo and to a more appealing look to try to gain more peaple, so there was no way around it, this made them lose some supporters (they were on their right of course) alpha 0.4 came and some basic gameplay finally came to light but this was not enough to up the support for the game and so they run out of money, this was how the idea for the kickstarter came about from the community and also ZPS that was open to suggestions, and the rest you already know. Has i said to Diego the Multiplayer demo is a unfinished and very early alpha 0.4 version, the character control is still to be fully implemented.
  20. Just released my hotfix pack (that I have been working on for these past weeks).
    Download here:



    1. snatcher


      Thanks, Nort. I will check it out.



  21. Be honest, did you just post dogshit artifacted images so that somebody would say "yo those are dogshit artifacted images" and you could bust out this whole spiel about your 100% organic non-GMO 0% body fat computer, and how unlike the other girls you are? Because I can just press print screen and ctrl+v without leaving this page and hey presto a full-res screenshot that's small enough to fit in the forums. But hey now we have a whole thread about it, so that's cool.
  22. The br tags were added by me to the mission page. It works on the website but apparently it is rendering incorrectly in-game. I think we should fix that on the TDM side rather than living without basic line breaking on the website side and having all mission descriptions look like a wall-of-text...
  23. On the Download Missions page, when you go to your mission's full Description, there are a bunch of <\br> tags. Thought that might be a problem with how your description was written, as I checked a few different missions and didn't see the issue there? I tried to grab a screenshot, but somehow failed. (I think screenshots sometimes capture background TDM menus/pages instead of the active window.) And since I've already downloaded your mission, it's not on the Download Missions page for me anymore. Hopefully you can replicate
  24. Speaking of preordering: I remember buying the alpha version of Minecraft, thinking it would be a brutal and mature dwarf mining experience, which would separate the men from the children. I never upgraded it to its release version, and now I can't even play it anymore, because it ran on Javascript. Minecraft really made me hate children forever, along with child supporters like Cursed who ran the Minecraft forums. Children should stay away from my internet.
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