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    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

  1. For those who experience low FPS, or FPS synced to vertical refresh even when set not to, try the following. Before launching TDM for the first time after logging in to your DM of choice, run nvidiasettings and select 'OpenGL Settings'. Move the slider for 'Image Settings' to any position (& back again if you want). Mine is normally set for 'High Quality', but if I move it to any other setting and back again, TDM then starts with full frame rate. I used to have to launch TDM multiple times, over and over, until I got full frame rate. Now it works properly every time as long as I make that adjustment before first launching. This has annoyed me for freaking years. It's the only game I've seen do so, though I haven't launched old doom3 in a long time.
  2. Sign out of TDM forums, close browser, re-open later, "Huh...I'm still signed in?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Its a cookie thats keeping you logged in.

    3. Sotha


      Another visitor! Stay a while; stay forever!

    4. Tarhiel


      We´re like a Shalebridge Cradle: what comes in must never leave :)

  3. Hi guys, through the "cheats" topic I got the idea, that it would be quite useful, if there were tags for missions (the post was about removing the killing restriction in some missions to suit the prefered play style). I don't know how easy or difficult this is, but with them, it would be quite convenient to pick missions with playstyles, environment, etc one does want to use. This could also be expanded to other mission properties. I remember a discussion about climbable drains, handles on doors, that cannot be picked and other things the map author chooses for himself. That way these things would be clearer and as I said before, it is easier to choose missions with playstyles that suit oneself. What do think?
  4. Would I get locked 60FPS on most maps? https://uk-store.acer.com/aspire-f-15-f5-573g
  5. Hi there, congratulations to the team for releasing version 2.08. Having watched this mod from the very beginning I am really amazed about the commitment this community still shows after all these years! I realized that there is now a 64 bit version of the game. Unfortunately when I try to run thedarkmod.x64 in my installation of Linux Mint 19.3 I get no sound. Any idea what might be the reason for this? The 32 bit version of the game works without a problem. When starting the game from a terminal I get some warning about "Couldn't load sound 'sound' using default". Here is the (slightly shortened) Terminal output:
  6. While waiting for TDM in steam. I created some shortcuts and banners to promote tdm in steam. People can see in steam that i play TDM.

    1. freyk


      Added steamshortcuts option in my TDM-installer for windows. (i create a topic to show this feature)

    2. freyk
  7. Is there a way to run some console command repeatedly? For instance, I want to reload sounds every second, so I write into console something like: repeat 1000 reloadSoundsContext: I'm revising the wiki page about EFX.
  8. I just installed tdm, and I clicked on the exe, when it loaded, the screen is all black, and what I assume is the main menu music is playing, with no video or graphics in the slightest. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  9. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  10. As per the title, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with using thedarkmod.com to store images used for forum threads, or if there's even a dedicated area for that purpose? In this case I'm thinking of having about 9 images in a FM release thread, which exceed the total limit of 1 mbyte several times over. This would hopefully have much more longevity than external image services like Imgur or ImageShack, which have a tendency of going link-dead i.e. if the account on those services goes inactive. Edit: found that I can simply copy the image url from screenshots in the official TDM mission list into a forum post. So that'd handily solve my particular usage case (release threads showing official promo shots), though there are probably other applications where having reliable on-site image storage would be good to have.
  11. Hello folks, Is it possible for you to mirror the game as a Google Drive or a torrent download? Downloading from the mirrors has always been hellishly slow, not to mention slower broadband speeds in Turkey.
  12. https://www.twitch.tv/aluminumhaste If you have suggestions for a map, let me know!
  13. Maybe you don't know but the last iterations of Windows 10 on multi-GPU systems automatically choose the "best" GPU for the rendering (in D3D11 and lastest OpenGL applications) enabling the possibility of an Optimus-like configuration on desktop systems too: the active AND single-showed desktop on the monitor connected to the iGPU (the "integrated" GPU on the processor chip) where the output of the "real working" (typically dedicated, on the classic PCI-Express card) GPU is eventually routed thanks to the framebuffer being copied through the main System Memory. The results (so you can see the actual overhead of the framebuffer copying/swapping process ) Pure Dedicated GPU (GeForce 1050 Ti): "Optimus-Like" configuration (Intel HD 630 + GeForce 1050 Ti) Not bad! Only a 9.5% of performance hit on a system with DDR4 2400 (so with better RAM modules and IMC you can reduce it to 5% I think) Of course you can always force the rendering GPU through the dedicated interface in "Display Settings -> Graphic Settings"
  14. Is it just me or does the TDM Forums favicon look whack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Yes I was annoyed by that, too!

    3. Epifire


      Glad I wasn't the only one noticing that.

    4. Bikerdude


      Will drop Taaaki a message.

  15. I discovered for myself some great html5 features of our webbrowsers, like viewing 3d generated environments with google maps and running old dosgames. (see other topics in offtopic forum) For the ones who doesnt know it, Its also possible to run Doom 3 in your browser: project page: http://www.continuation-labs.com/projects/d3wasm/ Sourcecode: https://github.com/gabrielcuvillier/d3wasm Demo: https://wasm.continuation-labs.com/d3demo/ (pro-tip: run the demo in google chrome/chromium) For a easy demonstration of our beloved game on cross platforms, how about running TDM in the webbrowser? (and stream the data files from a tdm mirror server)
  16. TDM mentioned in gamers thief doc: The rise and fall of Thief at 31:40 in video:
  17. Please post your movies here, preferably those about a thief/thieves. One that has Thief/TDM vibes, especially the first 30-40 minutes or so, is Don't breathe (2016). Can't think of others now, but interested in watching similar ones!
  18. I've been playing TDM for a few years, but after my laptop updated itself to Windows 10 I couldn't open the game. I tried uninstalling it and then couldn't reinstall it. I can download the updater but when I go to run it I get this message. When I try to make the folders not read-only I uncheck the box but when I reopen the folder it is back to read-only. I am using the administrator account (I'm pretty sure) and changed the permissions on the folder but it hasn't worked yet. I'm not very tech savvy so any help would be appreciated. I really miss playing TDM!
  19. Hello, I am using Liinux and TDM in Version 2.05. When I try to update TDM I get the following output: cd /usr/share/games/darkmod; ./tdm_update.linux bash: cd: /usr/share/games/darkmod: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden TDM Updater v0.66 (c) 2009-2017 by tels & greebo. Part of The Dark Mod (http://www.thedarkmod.com). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialising... Done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleaning up previous update session... Done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloading mirror information... Done downloading mirrors. Found 5 mirrors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloading CRC file... Downloading from Mirror darkmod-alt02.taaaki.za.net: crc_info.txt [=========================] 100.0% at 0 bytes/sec ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloading version info file... Downloading from Mirror darkmod-alt02.taaaki.za.net: tdm_version_info.txt [=========================] 100.0% at 0 bytes/sec Done downloading versions. Newest version is 2.07. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying to match local files to version definitions... [=========================] 100.0% File: Done comparing local files: no luck, PK4 files do not match. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparing local files to server definitions... [=========================] 100.0% File: Done comparing local files to server definitions. A new updater is available: 1 file needs to be downloaded (size: 670 kB). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloading TDM Update application... Downloading from Mirror fidcal.com: tdm_update_linux.zip [=========================] 100.0% at 375 kB/sec Done downloading updater - will restart the application. Relaunching tdm_update via shell script /home/stefan/the dark mod/tdm_update_updater.sh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your TDM installation is up to date. sh: 1: /home/stefan/the: not found So the version stays the same. What can I do to update to 2.07? I hope someone can help.
  20. edit: Problem solved, the culprit was Avast, once that was gone everything was working as intended. So this is very strange but heres what just happened. I was working on my map (specifically with cameras if that matters) and then I wanted to pull something from another map so I fired up a second DR then it wouldn't run giving me "error code: 2" about "gobject-vc110.dll" so I thought that was strange and tried again but no luck. I then uninstalled dark radiant and tried to reinstall but then when the installation got to "gobject-vc110.dll" it said it couldn't rename the file. So I restarted my computer and downloaded a fresh copy of DR straight from source fourge and now it gives me this error (this is the second new copy I downloaded) --------------------------- Error --------------------------- The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- I have tried running it in administrator mode but nothing works. I know computers don't usually just break for no reason but i'm really stumped as to what the problem could be
  21. This music would be *so* perfect for TDM. It just screams TDM-ish atmosphere.

    (starts at 16.02) Too bad we don't know who made it!
    1. kano


      Imagine sneaking around and listening to that!

  22. Since I upgraded to 2.07 I keep getting crashes. It can happen at any time, but frequently it occurs when I press escape to pause and go to the main menu. Also sometimes when I quick-save. The music starts getting choppy and then I get the windows spinny wheel and then the 'this program is not responding' dialogue box before it exits. The most recent example is today when playing 'A Good Neighbor'. I have the resolution scaled to about 1/2 (as my graphics card can't hack 4K with its 3 GB RAM). Shadows are set to 'Maps' and Multi-core enhancement is 'On' (although I'm pretty sure I get the same problem with this turned off). Also I noticed that sometimes when I'm idle (like waiting for an AI to move), everything will start chugging, then recover. It's not so bad that I can't play, but it's often enough that something is obviously wrong. I've been keeping my video drivers up to date and all that. Not sure what it is. Also I couldn't quite figure out how to generate a crash log - happy to provide that if someone can tell me how to do it. My system is: Windows 10 Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB Xeon X5675 3.07 GHz 24GB RAM 4K monitor
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