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  1. Are there any missions that everyone agrees are simply unmissable, and if so, what would they be?
  2. I've just updated my TDM installation to 2.10 with a new darkmod.cfg on my laptop (Intel UHD 630) and found the ingame graphics to be broken: lights seem to be shown as red, yellow or green. Looking at the console log for Caduceus of St. Alban (render.txt), I noticed that it complains about the volumetric shader, GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test and GL_ARB_compatibility. Any ideas? I quite like the very speedy loading times of 2.10.
  3. Yo TDM crew. As I delve into map creation, I have waded into scripting. I have been using notepad++ as a text editor with .script extension as C++ to bet basic coloring. Are there other editors, IDEs, or even better Notepad++ settings or addons that might be useful? Much appreciated. Clint
  4. Fiddling around with a new tdm-in-webbrowser project:  boxedwine 32bit and emscripten.

    1. freyk


      Maybe i can remove the WINE-stuff from it en insert TDM 32 for linux
      Because the boxedwine container contains a very small linux distro with WINE.

    2. datiswous
    3. freyk


      Because thats the only thing that the boxedwine-web package supports. And dont have the knowledge to create something like that. For more info see boxedwine site.

  5. I installed vk redist x64 ( 2017-2022), but it didn't help. Procedure entry point not found.... Please help urgently... I would really like to play this game. TDM 2.10 has no problems with the launch on windows 7
  6. Thought I'd share what I've been working on lately. While my mapping days are behind me, TDM still is still an inspiration for many of the fantasy illustrations I do in my free time. Here's a few that should look somewhat familiar:
  7. Greets. I just setup VS 2022 Community/VC++/MFC on a fresh box, and did a Checkout with TortoiseSVC from the public repository of build 16481-9881 (matching a fresh 9881 dev install of TDM environment, as required). When I do the build, I get a link error: Can't find file libavcodec.lib I'm not finding that file in the working repository, although I do see the libavcodec folder and avcodec.lib If I select DarkModTools/Properties, I'm able to go to the Link/Input field and see where libavcodec.lib is listed, but I can't edit it to change it to avcodec.lib (says it's inherited) I'm kinda rusty, haven't used VS since 2015, so this may be a trivial thing. Help?
  8. Do we want fur in TDM? Like https://duzenko.github.io/webgl/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AluminumHaste


      I get 240fps which is monitor cap. Looks nice.

    3. duzenko


      My integrated graphics can barely do 60

    4. AluminumHaste


      Well, integrated graphics...

  9. Did I mention how absolutely grateful I am that TDM didn't get (and can never be) assimilated by a huge company like Microsoft, as is what happened to Minecraft?

    1. thebigh


      Yes, I too like that The Dark Mod is not crappy, overpriced bug-ridden gruel.

    2. datiswous


      Somewhat unrealated, but I told some woman about trying modding in TDM and then she sad that sounded what her doughter was doing in Minecraft. Ugh, this is when you remember not to talk to people about this outside the intrest-range.

    3. OrbWeaver


      That's the major advantage of FOSS of course: all the money in the world cannot take over the project (since it can just be forked for continued community development). Although for some reason FOSS games seem to be extremely rare apart from arcade stuff like Frozen Bubble.

  10. Greetings. First I would like to say a huge thanks for the continued support of this game and for TDM 2.10, it loads much MUCh faster now. However on Debian Linux I have an issue where the mouse occasionally just warps. It happens both in the game and in the menus, though obviously when it happens in the game it is quite disorienting. Anyone else experience this? I never saw it in 2.09... EDIT: Seems to have gone away when I switched window managers.
  11. can I from TDM 2.10 beta with update to finale switch
  12. I used to play TDM years ago on this same old laptop and it worked fine. Decided to reinstall it today and any mission I launch I get appcrash before it even starts (just after the loading bar fully loads it crashes). I was wondering if new updates made the game unplayable on old stuff like the HD 4000? cheers
  13. Hello there. I have read from the TDM Moddb page detailing that you are the author of the "Faster loading times".

    For that, I want to give you my utmost respect and my thanks. Loading times are something I absolutely hate, I can't even bear to wait 10 seconds for a game to load, but I just have to deal with it.
    Thankfully, you have made it absolutely bearable now!

    Again, thank you very much for such a great feature, I dare say that 2.10 is absolutely worth it just for the fast loading times than the rest, but I don't want to belittle the others, the volumetric light and lighting improvements are also fantastic!

    Since I know curiosity will kill me, I might as well ask you something...
    Is it possible to give this enhancement to other games? If not, at least Doom 3 itself?

    1. stgatilov


      Maybe I did the majority of tweaks if you start counting them, but in reality some of the hardest improvements were done by @cabalistic. In fact, he started the whole motion of loading times optimization by his own initiative, and I merely joined it.

      And these changes were heavily discussed with the whole team, of course. So if you want to thank for these changes, you need to thank the whole team 😁

  14. Someone just reported in the TBM thread, that TBM would be included with the basic Mod installation. I cannot verify this, however I found some other confusing things. When I remove all installed missions from my fms folder and try to download missions again from the downloader, two things happen: 1. The downloader only shows a very short missions list - including some 25 missions. 2. For these available missions, wrong missions descriptions and wrong pictures are shown (I checked Volta series, AGN and HH series and all of them include wrong pictures and descriptions through the "More" button). Can somebody please check as well, or is it a problem on my end?
  15. So, ummmmm, something happened? Didn't think AMD's drivers could get any worse.....
  16. The TDM script reference on the wiki page seems to be pasted twice over. It's already a long enough page as it is... 🥵

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nbohr1more


      It looks like someone tried to make it "easier" by having all the commands listed sorted by spawn class. If that is needed, it should probably be on it's own wiki page. Do you have wiki editing rights?

    3. Spooks


      I don't but then again that double listing has been around forever iirc (subsection 1.1 v 1.2). There was a whole section 2 that was basically a repeat of 1. It's good that stgatilov regenerated it though, not only did it make that go away but the last update was from Dec. 2021.

    4. datiswous


      Styling of that page is quite minimal. I added some styling myself (with Stylus plugin), to make it better readable:

      h2 {
          font-size: 180%;
          margin: 2em 0;
      h3 {
          color: blue;
          margin-bottom: 0.5em;
      h4 {
          margin: 2em 0 0.5em 1em;
      dl {
          margin: 0 0 1em 0.5em;




      This does make the page much longer.

  17. Hi folks Sorry if I am wasting your time. Would love to play TDM but it's just not working for me I've downloaded the latest 2.10 However my machine is an IBM Lenovo laptop Windows 7 Graphics is just the on-board Intel Graphics 4600 CPU is Intel Core i5-4200M CPU @ 2.5 GHz 2501 MHz, 2 Cores, 4 Logical Processors All the menus run just fine. When I click "Start Mission" it goes through the "mission loading" and then crashes saying "The Dark Mod has stopped working" => Check online for a solution and close the program => Close the program => Debug program If I expand the "View problem details" it shows the following: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: TheDarkModx64.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 6210d5eb Fault Module Name: ig75icd64.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 51dc4268 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000000000007b4da OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2057 Additional Information 1: e7f6 Additional Information 2: e7f66ca627e0d1de7d19adffc2b4363b Additional Information 3: 4c0d Additional Information 4: 4c0decc3bdaf732a7dfec0268eb4fb61 Any ideas would be appreciated but I'm assuming this is due to lack of a dedicated graphics card like NVidia or Radeon Cheers in advance
  18. I never figured out how to multi quote here, so I numbered your answers and will refer to them below: 1) Adding the female player assets to the core mod will be a lot of work then that could only be done by core members. 2) I don't believe that. Who is throwing food instead of junk? With your permission I would like to add this to my patch. 3) The latter is out of the question, do you think Obsttorte could fix the script to handle the issues? Should I ask him :)? 4) I basically agree with you, would this be easy to add to the core game or at least my patch? To make it consistent... 5) But why should there be a water arrow tip in some bathroom? At least some shafts should be added as suggested. 6) So how did you and Obsttorte like the new Thief 4? Because the animation and the sound are obviously similar ;)!
  19. I don't care much for ghosting at all since my style in playing a mission is basically leaving no one standing. I prefer clearing an area first if possible then doing a careful search. If I can't knock someone out I'll take them down with an arrow. No apologies there. Anyway, I've noticed that in the few TDM missions I've played so far my broadhead arrows have little effect really. Is this by design? It seems people recover quickly from an arrow instead of dropping.
  20. And boy is it great. My only question, especially for Thief, is whether there is a way to hide the HUD so that I don't burn the screen. It would be cool if there was a key to press that would show the light gem, where most of the time it is hidden. The OLED I am using, is this one. https://www.amazon.com/INNOCN-Portable-Monitor-DCI-P3-100000/dp/B09L12DGW5/ref=sr_1_4?crid=25OE5W8BWGEF2&keywords=oled+monitor&qid=1646784514&sprefix=oled+monit%2Caps%2C222&sr=8-4 Finally an affordable panel! PS, to the manufacturer of this thing, if you could make a version that is 27 inch for $600-$650, I would absolutely love you! I don't even care about 4K, that's just an excuse to sell people the same content all over again. All I want is the same (or better) monitor black-levels that I had in 1999.
  21. After all the research I've done so far and comparisons, including reading the history of the development of TDM. It seems TDM would be the best engine possible for DOOM 3. Any thoughts, or avenues to pursue on this from anyone constructive would be much appreciated.
  22. TDM has come a long way since its standalone release, and I've been enjoying 2.10 quite a bit on my legacy machine, which finally is no longer prey to slow loading times! Because of all technical achievements in the past 3 or so releases I wonder if perhaps it could be a good time for the team to show some love to some more outwardly aspects of TDM. This is because I still think the TDM default package is a bit too bare-bones to incentivize new players to invest time into it, and there are some simple yet significant changes that I believe that could change that. I will try to make a short list of suggestions in no particular order for your consideration and for community discussion. Finish St. Lucia campaign - I think that one of the most disappointing aspects of the core TDM package is the lack of a full official campaign. I remember Springheel mentioning many aspects for the 3rd final mission were underway but left incomplete, and that these resources could be ceded to any interested FM creator who was interested in finishing the mission. Why not taking the initiative and do a public announcement? A better training mission - The current TDM training mission is a strange sandbox that doesn't blend too well with the rest of the package. I think something similar to Goldwell's Thief training mission remake would be a more suitable and shorter solution to teach the basics of the game while keeping it within the narrative. It could even be included in the St. Lucia campaign as Mission 0. Better, clearer main menu - even with the most recent changes, I still feel the TDM menu needs a redesign. I'm not quite sure what would be the best approach, so the only suggestion I have at the moment is to have the Mission Downloader available straight from the main menu, instead of being somewhat hidden on the corner of the New Mission section. This is mainly because the game focuses heavily on downloadable, content and thus should immediately point new players towards it. Two-mission community FM sample - one easy way to make the TDM package more complete is by adding a sample of two FMs to the main package - one short, and one long - so that new players can enjoy a small curated selection of what the game offers without having to browse the forums for mission descriptions. These missions could be selected by community vote and then tweaked before inclusion in the package, with the consent of their authors of course. A better intro sequence - The old glowing TDM logo video is really starting to show its age. I wonder if it could be replaced with a better hi-res version, or even with a simple logo texture with an after effect applied, discarding the need for an FMV sequence. Let me know what are your thoughts. I would like also ask the TDM team members if anything similar to these suggestions is already in development.
  23. I've tried to update to 2.10 from 2.09 with the TDM updater v0.76 but fails to update saying my installation is up to date, in the log entries 'Didn't find executable name tdm_update.exe in download queue.' I downloaded the new installer v1.10 to install a new copy and fails every time at the same place while trying to install tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 with the error message 'missing end chunk...' etc. Also the link to install TDM using Freyk’s Unofficial Installer doesn't seem to be working Any help or workaround most appreciated. Thanks.
  24. I've tried to update to 2.10 from 2.09 with the TDM updater but fails to update saying my installation is up to date, first time this has happened in many years of using the updater. So I guess I need to install a fresh new version which is unfortunate because of all the in game settings which will be lost with a new installation. There is a keybinds config file which I'll backup but don't know which files to back up for other in game settings

    1. Dragofer


      We've introduced a new installer with 2.09, tdm_installer.exe, and dropped support for the old installer with 2.10, tdm_update.exe. You can download the new installer from the Downloads page of www.thedarkmod.com if you dont have the new installer yet.

    2. freyk


      Please post your tech problems in ipur tech support forum. Config files are just textfiles. So just copy and paste parts for the keybinds.

    3. bogside


      Thanks for the reply and apologies for posting in the wrong place

  25. IMPORTANT It is highly recommended that you play with shadow maps turned on to get full use of the new volumetric lights in 2.10. Go into Settings -> Video -> Advanced -> "Shadows Implementation" set to "Maps". Additionally it is recommended that you play with EFX and HRTF turned on. Go into Settings -> Audio -> Turn "OpenAL EFX" & "OpenAL HRTF" set both to "On". Author note Noble Affairs features a brand new female protagonist named Clara who comes with a new female voice set. Originally this mission was meant for the connection contest which is why you will notice a lot of references to Kingsal's Volta universe. Due to time constraints this mission was not entered into the contest and instead I decided to release this as a standalone mission. This mission takes place after the events of Volta 1: The Stone but before the events of Shadows of Northdale Act 1. This mission is dedicated to Grayman, may he rest in peace! - Goldwell. A big thank you first up to Epifire for his very helpful advice and putting in some really hard effort and creating some amazing custom models! Please check out his art station page: https://www.artstation.com/epifire I wanted to thank Amadeus, Dragofer, Epifire, Kingsal & Skacky for helping out by providing custom models, readable/text improvements and also general mapping advice. You guys have been incredibly helpful, thank you! I also want to thank my A-Star beta team who helped to squash many bugs: Amadeus, Epifire, Kingsal, Moonbo, Nbohr1more, Random_Taffer & Skacky. And I wanted to thank the fantastic vocal cast: Clara - Joy Hayward Shop keeper - Andrew Bartmess Produce Merchant - Epifire Citywatch guard - Random_Taffer I wanted to thank someone who often doesn't get enough love and that's Greebo who works very hard to create the tools that myself and all other mappers use. Dark Radiant is a fantastic application which is always finding new ways to innovate and improve the mapping experience. Without the work you put in Greebo there would be a lot less missions made, so thank you! Thank you to the Cryo Chamber label for granting permission to use their music throughout the mission. Please check them out at: https://cryochamber.bandcamp.com Thank you to Michael Ghelfi for his audio ambient tracks. You can find more of his work at: https://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelGhelfi And if you wish to support him he also has a patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi And finally thank you to you, the player for playing my missions and providing all the wonderful support and feedback over the years! DOWNLOAD HERE (Requires 2.10) Version 1.2 File Size: 465mb
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