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  1. That sort of tone doesn't fly in our forums.
  2. I have a few questions regarding the license of TDM assets in relation to using 3rd party roalty free models and textures (either as is or for derived works). I understand that TDM assets use the CC-BY-NC-SA license. This trivally means that for creating these assets we can use anything licensed under the same license, CC-BY-NC-SA, or anything under CC0. What about other CC licenses? From this page in the CC FAQ I understand that we can also use CC-BY and CC-BY-NC, as those can be relicensed under CC-BY-NC-SA. So far so good. I have noticed, though, that most asset libraries today (free or paid) use some form of "roalty-free license" or "asset license" which allow any type of usage without attribution, even commercial, except redistributing them in their original form. This includes some of the asset libraries that have been link around this forum as usable. This licensing is most prevalent with models, but for example textures.com also uses a similar license. This is from their terms of use: While textures.com explicitly allow using their textures in games in general, this section seems to be incompatible with CC-BY-NC-SA as CC in my understanding explicitly allows redistribution. But while trying to research this licensing issue I noticed that textures.com was used for assets at least in the past. So how does this work? Are there exceptions where TDM assets can use a different license? Or is textures.com a relic of the past from when licensing wasn't enforced? If it's the first case, there would be other potential sources of assets that could be adapted for TDM. For example I'm a paid subscriber to blenderkit.com, a library with almost 2000 models which can be used under a license that doesn't allow redistribution and some of them probably could be used in TDM's setting. They're mostly hipoly with PBR materials, so retopology and some material work would have to be done, but that's less work than creating models from scratch and I want to try to do it anyway. So what's the situation?
  3. Terrific! The beta test thread is up: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22238-beta-testing-the-spider-and-the-finch/
  4. This is the same scheme the most radical voices in this debate have been asking for from the start. (Myself among them.) I thought it was settled that having extinguish on short click created a back-compatibility risk for a small subset of old FMs. I think the concern was putting out candles that are needed as a light source to progress, and then not having flint to relight them. That's why the current (mechanically and cognitively sub-optimal) compromise was selected. Am I remembering right? If so, let's just all reread the thread history rather than rehash this argument over again.
  5. This is what you said: 1) That while playing you found you could not extinguish moveable lights 2) This was because of the need to use the hold frob and did not remember this I know you wouldn’t make a misleading statement about the implementation of the hold frob mechanic as a pretext to bring up your issues with the consistency with the controls, so I assume you forgot the original controls of the game or your custom keybinding for “use inv item” reset when you updated the game or something. At this point in the thread I am not going to recommend to you that you use an optional mechanic that you don’t like. There is a version of the training mission in development which tutorializes the hold frob mechanic - though eventually it would be good to develop a tutorial mission that is less freeeform than the training mission.
  6. Of course, it is one of the reasons for the decline of online forums, since the advent of mobile phones. Forums on a mobile are a pain in the ass, but on the other hand, for certain things there are no real alternatives to forums, social networks cannot be with their sequential threads, where it is almost impossible to retrieve answers to a question that is asked. has done days ago. For devs for internal communication, the only thing offered is a collaborative app, such as System D (not to be confused with systemd). FOSS, free and anonymous registration, access further members only by invitation, full encrypted and private. https://www.system-d.org
  7. I would use this massive list for any fan missions, it includes campaigns too: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148090 There are a lot of Fan Missions for the picking, I myself go for the lesser known ones and the short variety, because sometimes they hide a gem or two. Just like jaxa, I'm a bit outdated after the temporal retirement, but I do remember some amazing campaigns like "The Black Frog". If you intend to play The Black Frog, you should play the first two of the L'Arsene series missions, it's how I did it myself. Also, yes, L'Arsene are a fantastic series. The first mission of L'Arsene is a "rough draft", author was a bit new to Thief level making, but still great either way, after the 3rd you will see how his skill increased by a massive amount.
  8. I think we can use this script (mod) to extract all textures with specular maps, and if possible, create a map for testing. Unfortunately, I'm not yet familiar with the editor to help with this. I came here because I plan to work on textures more thoroughly, and I'm currently reading the wiki on texturing issues. In general, I'm interested in this topic. Maybe I'm not competent at all, but is it possible to make a texture have a constant reflection (yes/no) and a variable with a setting in the editor/accompanying document (?) that controls the intensity? For example, the same object/texture can behave differently on different maps.
  9. Those assets don't look good against stock TDM assets, they're like from another world. You'd need a complete package or a whole mission made out of these exclusively, to get a coherent style. That's years of work, unfortunately. Second reason is something I saw mentioned a few times in Discord discussions – TDM assets got stolen and repurposed on more than several occasions. I know that there's no way to stop asset flippers from getting those, even from modern games, if they're desperate enough. But since pk4 is basically an open door for such people, it made me reluctant to go on with this initiative. I put way too much work over the years to get to this level of craft (which is still not super pro, but quite decent, I think). From time to time, I still do single models, as requested from FM authors; but over the last few years, all my TDM-related modelling work has been sporadic, and mostly for my own amusement. I lost access to my dropbox folders. I reuploaded those in one zip package and updated the first post.
  10. In the current user addons system, only one addon could ever be installed at a time. This was because every addon would try to overwrite tdm_user_addons.script, and only the one in the alphabetically latest .pk4 would win. Merging addons was not a practical solution for most since this required a similar level of proficiency as actually creating the addons. Coming to the next dev build for 2.12, this limitation has been lifted by automatically including or calling all script files or functions that start with a specific prefix. Addon creators will need to choose unique names, however, which could for example include one's username. For now, backwards compatibility with the old style of addons will be maintained so they will still work, but they will need to be updated before several can be installed at once. Note to creators: as this may result in a surge of popularity of user addons to "mod the mod", it feels like some remarks are necessary: it's important to communicate to players downloading the addons that these are to be used at one's own risk and there's no certain way to ensure that no mission will break. releasing a stable mission with the default TDM package is hard enough. Addons create another layer of complexity that is out of the authors' hands. So while it's okay to ask, please respect the authors' decision not to support addons. savegames will only work with the exact combination and version of addons that they were created with. Updated instructions for creating addons can be found here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=A_to_Z_Scripting:_Script_addons_for_players
  11. Unfortunately, TDM forum deletes the separator between the numbers. So I have to guess where one number ends and the next starts Also, user can rename screenshot manually, or push it through something that would rename it automatically. Thenwe won't see coordinates on screenshot address on forums.
  12. tdm_show_viewpos cvar and screenshot_viewpos command: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22310-212-viewpos-on-player-hud-and-screenshots/
  13. It’s my first FM I’ve ever created for any game. I’ve essentially finished the map but I’d like to have some feedback. I’m still open to changing things depending on feedback, so it hasn’t officially hit the beta stage yet. The mission is quite different than the standard thief/dark mod mission (more story driven and atmospheric) so I’ve got no idea how well it will be received. Due to the nature of the mission it will have lower replayability so keep that in mind if you wanted to test it before its official release. When there’s a few people interested I will post it in the beta testing forum. Thanks. Type of mission: Mansion/Estate/Horror Some screenshots attached.
  14. After having trouble dragging the body where he wanted, the player said, "No. Noooo." (29:09) Player said, "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to look up there. It's just very awkward to drag bodies." (30:08) What I see is a player having trouble being stealthy while playing a stealth game, so this video just adds evidence in support of making shouldering the primary action over dragging. I never saw that he figured out how to shoulder a body. I think we are wanting to optimize for two different scenarios: One is to optimize for a stealth experience, and the other is to optimize for a "comical" experience. If I'm understanding you correctly, you have a strong fascination with body manipulation. Earlier in this thread, you stated: What you find as "comical", I see as the player suffering with the gameplay and struggling with the controls. Players have written their frustration with the pre-2.12 controls and stopped playing TDM all together. I've already seen players write about their interest in trying 2.12 based on the recent changes, which is huge. They're willing to give it another go, and that's great for our community. I am interested in watching playthrough videos and reading player experiences with the 2.12 version once released. Then, we'll be able to get more feedback about the 2.12 controls. Body manipulation is still available, and I find that it's even easier to do with the 2.12 controls. @STiFU commented something similar: @snatcher, given that body manipulation is so important to you, then I suggest creating a group and creating content about body manipulation. This could be similar to the groups that ghost or ironman the game. For example, Rule #1: Bodies must be dragged. Shouldering bodies is not allowed.
  15. So giving it none of those tags, but making the AI invisible, silent, non-solid, and on a team neutral to everyone would not work? Oh well, it was a horrible inelegant idea anyway.
  16. I'm definitely interested in this. In the past it used to worry and upset me that some of the assets are CC-BY-SA-NC: Not because I'd care to sell them in any conceivable format, but because it made the project seem less libre and FOSS and Linux friendly. I remember my only disagreement was with some developers being against FM authors taking donations for their own work on their personal maps and stories, I think that's more problematic but ultimately accepted and respected it since to me that's secondary and I'm just happy TDM and DarkRadiant exist for us all to create worlds with. As stated before, many of the existing assets would need replacements that look the same way. Since the authors of old FM's can't be expected to re-texture all of their maps, those replacements would need the same names or an automatic conversion script, and have to look in such a way that they fit the old textures just right at any transformation. This isn't impossible but something I find unlikely as few people willing to do the effort may find it useful enough to work on one. Such a transition could perhaps be considered if we ever switch to high-res textures: Many of the images could be upgraded with replacements someday... maybe this time we can avoid going for semi-libre assets and use fully FOSS compatible ones. I've also been dreaming of a cyberpunk conversion for years, to have a TDM that's less Thief and more DeusEx taking place in a futuristic environment... also unlikely to happen but the hope in my attempt was to ween off of the stricter assets.
  17. Relax @Näkki, it's great to hear you enjoyed the game. My personal expectations were just a bit different when I read the Steam page, although the various trailers should have been a warning that stealth maybe wasn't the biggest priority of the devs. From the Steam page: "Weird west legends meet eldritch horror in BLOOD WEST, an immersive stealth FPS." Also "Blood West is a stealth FPS inspired by the genre classics such as the Thief series (whose fans will be happy to hear the voice of Stephen Russell, the actor voicing the master-thief Garrett, returning here as the protagonist), S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, or - from the contemporary catalog - Hunt: Showdown. The gameplay rewards the careful approach: scouting the area, stalking your enemies, and striking from the shadows. Can you figure out a way to clear a fort full of ghouls and monsters without raising an alarm?" From my personal experience I think the game is predominantly Hunt: Showdown, a bit of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and a very small portion Thief. Stealth is very unforgiving and makes it almost impossible early game when there are various enemies around, but hey maybe I just suck at it. I don't see Deus Ex in it, unless the skill leveling is the Deus Ex part for you and then I have to disagree with you, as that seems like the trait system in Hunt: Showdown. Edit: What I also understood from the Steam forums is that the original VA was dropped close before the release of the full version and replaced by Russell with no real explanation from the devs why this was done.
  18. Finished this up yesterday and for the most part, found it enjoyable. The puzzles weren't too hard as your clues were good for them. Thank you for all your hard work and I look forward to more missions from you.
  19. I get the feeling antialiasing does not wish to work for me, even when I use the 4x or 16x option in the main menu. I remember getting the impression that it worked sometimes in the past, but yesterday I looked at the edges of some objects and could clearly see the jagged edges of the geometry. I wonder if this is specific to the Linux version: I have an AMD card and use the free amdgpu driver... there was talk about Mesa having issues handling AA properly depending on how the engine calls it. What do you suggest I check?
  20. jaxa

    2016+ CPU/GPU News

    I think they have extremely different attitudes towards upscaling and frame generation, particularly Nvidia. Clearly their marketing department has gone wild for it, often with claims of "3X... NO, 4X THE PERFORMANCE!". They want upscaling and frame generation to be an automatically applied solution that gamers use without thinking much about it, making unplayable scenarios work, particularly heavy raytracing. It will get used often for 4K, and 8K if that takes off, since there's already a lot of detail to work with at the higher resolutions. Upscaling 540p to 1080p could be a disaster, upscaling 1440p to 4K or 4K to 8K probably isn't. Frame generation can be used to fill out 1080p/480Hz or 4K/240Hz without feeling too laggy. Nvidia will not stand still on either approach, there will be a "DLSS 4", "DLSS5"... and even a "DLSS10"? At the lower end, some people are very satisfied that DLSS2 can help low-end cards like a 3050 Ti (mobile) hit higher frame rates, or hold at a 60 FPS cap with reduced heat and power consumption. Quality loss not apparent, except for maybe Ultra Performance mode. Your pick anyway. EDIT: NVIDIA Intros The GeForce RTX 3050 6 GB GPU At $169 – Designed For 1080p Budget Gaming, No Power Plug Required There's that magic 4X again!
  21. Re: "Heather" As I recall, Kingsal was gonna work on a replacement but he hasn't had a chance to work on it yet. We would gladly accept any offers of a replacement asset. I believe the story is that the asset was on an open free model site credited to a personal account. Sadly, this is a risk for any asset we don't create in house.
  22. revelator


    The KDE warnings are because the composer component is broken in the current KDE version, setting numlock to on at system start does not work currently because of this (configs still use the earlier format which are wrong for this version, the value for on is now 0 and 1 is off, the old values just used On/Off which do not work anymore since it was changed to an enumerator type instead.) there are also a few other bugs because of this which will hopefully be fixed with the upcomming update.
  23. Well, I don't know about adding new difficulties, that seems like a lot of work. A hack way of getting the same effect, and which I use, is to create a simple .cfg file with the required changes and then execute it in-game (e.g. a text file called brutal.cfg then, in-game "exec brutal"). You could redefine the modifiers for, say, the hardcore difficulty, which are usually tdm_ai_hearing_hardcore "1.5" & tdm_ai_vision_hardcore "1.005" to something higher, although I don't know if they are capped or how to interpret those values. There are other cvars that might be useful, but I have never tried them. tdm_ai_sndvol seems useful. You'd have to test the changes in-game, probably in the Sound & Blackjacking map. For this, there are some very useful commands to see the sound direction, propagation, and values, but I can't remember them right now. There's an important caveat here, and why messing around with this stuff should be done at your own risk. I have found that some cvars go back to their default values as soon as you load or die, while others seem to stick around. Modifiers to the player's height (like pm_normalviewheight), revert to default if you load, but modifiers to the player's speed (pm_walkspeed) don't. And I know this because I have a .cfg file named halfling.cfg, and you can imagine what it does. To avoid this, I have a "default" cfg to restore the game to the normal values if (or when) something goes wrong (it's basically a copy of the Darkmod.cfg, but with a different name, and I only use it for this purpose.)
  24. Shouldn't it already work in the training mission?
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