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Pick your Top 5 TDM Missions


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I can't think to pick out a definitive top 5, but for what it's worth - I rank Flakebridge Monastery as my no.1 by a long way!

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

In no particular order:-

Glenham Tower ( really loved that one , all those haunts and stuff! )

Knighton Manor ( loved the biggggg opening bit ! )

Tears of st Lucia ( great gameplay )

St Albans Cathedral ( really enjoyed exploring the sewers / big city feel )

House of Theo ( because I really love castle plots. That's what hooked me on Thief originally )

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  • 2 months later...

I've just replayed The Alchemist again , forgotten what a great mission that was. Am i allowed to cheat and add that to my list? :D

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  • 5 months later...

1) Glenham Tower *

2) The North *

3) Return to City

4) The Heart of the Lone Salvation

5) Tears of St.Lucia


It's very difficult to decide 1th or 2th place of this ranking.


I think The North it's the best mission so far, pure classic Thief, a joy to play and re-play, but the idea and the creativity in Sotha's mission, it's a pure gem too.

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  • 5 months later...

Well this is March 25 2013 and I'm a late comer to TDM having only downloaded it a few days ago I have played about 7 missions and they are all great or good in different ways.


The last I just completed is Alchemist - which was thrilling from beginning to end. I had to wimp out and ASK for help in the forum for a clue - but I eventually completed before I went back to forum and read it

(thanks raymeld). So far it's my top choice but on the other hand...


Any fan-made thief mission (that doesn't crash) makes me happy because the really easy ones like Closemouth Shadows (which I don't think will ever make your top 5) give me hope that I too can make a mod and the really hard ones

are a great challenge and give me hours of Thiefy fun.


But in ABC order: ...of the 7 I've completed so far...

  • Alchemist - by Sotha and Fidcal
  • Crystal Grave v2.0 - by ERH+ and Bikerdude
  • Fiasco at Fauchard Street - by Melan
  • Tears of St Lucia - by all
  • Trapped! - by RailGun
  • WS1.In The North - by Grayman

...I have enjoyed them all enormously - including the very short Closemouth Shadows.


So really my vote is no good yet because I've only just started with TDM but am excited to add my two cents worth.

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  • 6 months later...

What about a new poll??


... Now with two years past, many new fine FM's released and lot new players chiming in alongside 2.0:


And to help new players:


What about making the results of the top missions available in TDM?


I do not think about something complicated to be implemented in the downloader. A simple text list with the "top recommened missions of the Community" accessable somewhere from the menu would do to help new players and people who do not like dig through forum posts. Technically the displayed list could simply taken from a flat file (like darkmod.txt for the maps) which content could be easily adjusted in update builds if needed.

"To rush is without doubt the most important enemy of joy" ~ Thieves Saying

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi I'm newbie to TDM as well, but quite a veteran to Thief series. So far I've completed about 10 missions, but comparing even to Thief series' missions I guess my top3 of TDM are:


-Business as usual

-Fiasco at Fauchard Street

-Tears of Saint Lucia


P.S. I'll probably update this post sometime soon if come arcoss other truly-brilliant missions for me.

How we speak depends on how we keep silent.

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Fab thread. ~Thanks.

I have played very few TDM fan missions, so this thread is really useful to see which missions I should download first.

Now I just have to decide which ONE I ought to start with. Hmmm. Decisions.... decisions. :D

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I haven't played even a quarter of the available FMs yet, so I'll just list my top 3 so far, in no particular order:

  • Return to the City v2 (the open and vertical city area was wonderful, and the contrast going from that to the Builder compound made for a full package)
  • In the North (A very atmospheric, open-ended and pleasing mission to play. Everywhere there are little touches and polish that make it feel like a real, inhabited place)
  • Knighton Manor (A fun, classic-feeling mansion heist with lots to explore. Also, I had an unhealthy amount of fun tossing blackjack victims into the privy)

I haven't yet played the two recent recommendations of Requiem or Lords & Legacy, so those will be next on my list to check out!

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Oooh, well I am rather partial to a good City mission. I think I'll go with Return to the City.

Thank you for this suggestion, Bikderdude and Krypt. x





EDIT. Hmm, not sure if it was v2 on the download list or not?....but when I tried to install I received an error message.

I shall try again tomorrow.

Edited by Viktoria
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Hi Victoria, what error are you getting?


I didn't note it down.... but I think it began with the letter m. "mannon error"? Or something like that, sorry.

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