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Thief 4 is trash.


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You're supposed to disregard the content of the posts themselves - they'll just be deleted at some point anyway. It's his signature that he wants you to see. Didn't you notice all the colorful and fancy fonts?

One of the nice features of this forum software is the ability to permanently ignore another member's signature if you find it too large, intrusive, garish or otherwise in poor taste.

I want your brain... to make his heart... beat faster.

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Why don't you go back to TTLG, instead of ruining this community too?

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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this game is the problem. it's a divisive and polarized topic. However, everybody can agree TDM is the best thing since sliced bread, so for the most part there's not a lot of drama or heated 'discussion' in the rest of the forums. At least, the public ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

too many lights not enough shadows, stupid swoop system for cheating, bloody dogs and birds that see in the dark and by line of sight for upto 200 yards/meters, explains why most birds are facing the wall, boss battles that you can't sneak to win specially that last one. I was undetected in all maps except the ones with boss battles. runs on rails, very linear in so many parts, too many lights. Buggy AI that didn't follow there patrol route's and got stuck. load in a section AI in diferent position but they never moved to that position while in that map, so how they get into other position.

Edited by stumpy
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However, everybody can agree TDM is the best thing since sliced bread

Damn right. I've been playing so many fan missions in the last few weeks and it feels very odd that TDM is of such a high quality and yet totally free (and properly free, no strings attached). I'd donate if they took financial donations (which I know they don't, which is fine), but I'm no mapper, so the best I can do is post here occasionally and advocate the mod whenever I can elsewhere. :)

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Baby, do you understand me now

Sometimes I feel a little mad

But don't you know that no one alive

Can always be an angel

When things go wrong I seem to be bad

But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood


Baby, sometimes I'm so carefree

With a joy that's hard to hide

And sometimes it seems that all I have do is worry

Then you're bound to see my other side

But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood


If I seem edgy I want you to know

That I never mean to take it out on you

Life has it's problems and I get my share

And that's one thing I never meant to do

Because I love you

Oh, Oh baby don't you know I'm human

Have thoughts like any other one

Sometimes I find myself long regretting

Some foolish thing some little simple thing I've done

But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Yes, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Yes, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

A skunk was badgered--the results were strong.

I hope that something better comes along.

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I just finished all of the side quests in Thief 4 and I have to say that they were my favorite parts of the game. In regards to the main storyline I really enjoyed the first mission (the rain was very atmospheric and great) however I felt like it was a downward dive in the story after that. But when I decided to start doing the Basso quests and Vittori quests I had a blast, the quests had comedy with interesting stories, puzzles and overall were just fun... Oh and most houses you broke into actually had people in them instead of just being empty like most other apartments you discover in the city.


Although this game has been a let down for many (mostly because the potential is there but the delivery isn't) I feel like I got my moneys worth just from the side quests alone.


Also I found a gif which summaries my experience the best whilst traversing the city



Edited by Goldwell
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You remember how Deadly Shadows was compromised for the sake of body awareness? How swimming and rope arrows were not implemented, obviously because they would have required entire separate animation libraries for movement? Well, NuThief managed to perfect that mentality to an art-form, ruining every single game mechanic and the slightest amount of control smoothness and freedom, for the sake of incompetent animators being able to decorate those actions with zero effort. A real AAA studio is able to animate the player character without interfering with the gameplay or control, and just a decent developer without a lot of resources understands that it's better to have perfect control than half-assed animations, so they ignore the animations completely.


Eidos Montréal's fanatical devotion to animating things without the skills to do so runs so deep in NuThief that it actually manages to impact the game's performance in very high-end PCs. If you have an SSD, loading only takes a moment. And NuThief is absolutely filled with loading screens. Too bad that 99% of those also have an animation, so it doesn't matter how fast your machine is. You will wait. You will watch as your character makes the same moves outside your control, over and over, and not only that. You also need to mash a button while doing that.


It's also not entirely true that the climbing spots in the game are all pre-determined. The truth is much worse than that. The game actually does have a system that analyzes the level geometry to determine which spots can be climbed, on the fly. But the level designers have scripted out each position where they don't want the player to go. Though they have missed a couple of spots. You'd think that it would be impossible to do anything in areas where the player isn't supposed to go, but the jumping and climbing controls work in them just fine. How can it be pre-determined when those pre-determined spots exist outside the official level structure? Well, the answer to that is that the developer was so crazy about the precision of their animations, that they wanted to manually cross out any anomalous possibility that could have produced non-perfect execution of animations in some player-determined circumstances. So instead of making a good system that looks decent every time, they went out of their way to remove as many variables as possible in the form of player freedom, so that their amateurishly simple system could still achieve their idea of visual perfection. The whole game is just a shortcut past all things that actually matter, towards visual quality.

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Good shot sir! (Or did you use 'Press X to Takedown with Ear Piercing'?)


On a different note, another video review which is pretty much on the money IMO (apart from him saying how easy it is to take guards down)(maybe one on his own, but two or more - no chance). Review starts 40 seconds in (but those first 40 secs are quite funny).

Caution - very bad language:

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This is a great review! The accent adds a lot to it. :laugh:

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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This will be the first Thief game I will never finish and that is a very sad thing.

At least in Thief 3 I was able to put up with the broken mechanics because I loved the characters and story. I cared about Garrett, hell I even cared about Oren, right up to the end I didn't know if he was part of it or just a dupe.


This game though? I can't give a crap about Garrett or anyone in the game.

I'm at the baron's vault and the second part where you have to sneak over to enter the second series of codes. However in ANY thief game including Dark Mod, I would examine my surroundings, then choose the best path. I would mantle onto the railing, jump over and mantle onto the railing where the codes are and boom, done.


But nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, not in Teeftanic. I can't mantle on anything cause Garrett is a moron, and can only mantle on jizzy white surfaces, so I have to sneak around the guard patrol routes and am actually forced to enter a lighted area. See the AI is so dumb that you are forced into a situation you normally would never put yourself in, just to give the AI a chance against the player. Pathetic.


This game is broken, it's story is absolute tripe, the characters are awfully written, the voice acting is wooden and never fits the scene they're vocalized in.


Goodbye thief franchise, congratulations EM, you've destroyed one of the best IPs in the world, and it was all avoidable if you'd have just listened to the fans in the first place.

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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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congratulations EM, you've destroyed one of the best IPs in the world


No way to destroy an IP, really, since anybody can pick it up and do what they want with it. Less of the doom or gloom, more "oh well!". If they insistently cling onto the trademark then anybody can make a spiritual successor provided it has a different name *cough*.

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I don't know about you, but after the ridiculous prequels I can't enjoy the original Star Wars the same way anymore. Maybe other people are better at compartmentalizing, but it's quite possible for successive installments to ruin the original for some people.

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Yeah, I have to say I just disregard the prequels with regards to watching them and acknowledge there are 3 awful and 3 great Star Wars movies. Maybe it depends on how invested you are in the series, or maybe it's just different attitudes like you said.

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Well, I played Thief for about a week after receiving it from Gamefly, and I couldn't finish it it.

It didn't interest me. By the time I hit the four hour mark, I just didn't care. The levels weren't anything imaginitive or worth exploring (even if you tried to venture off the beaten path, you would hardly be able too), the story and characters are dull, the City no longer feels as real as it once did, and the whole of the game feels... boring.


After I sent it back to Gamefly, I booted up my computer and started playing The Dark Mod. Needless to say, I actually had fun with The Dark Mod!

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Well, I've just managed to finish the main story missions, and my thumbnail(ish) review is:


80% of the game is somewhere between 'Not too bad' and 'Actually, this is pretty good'. (Feel free to quote me, EM Marketing Dept.) It was never as good as the originals/TDM (the borked audio alone put paid to that), but the more I played it, the more often it felt, well, fine. It's a different game to them, and that was a real obstacle at first. But as I learned/accepted how it worked, I got better at sneaking around, and had some lengthy spells of gameplay where I had a good Thief-like experience (yes, even with the fact that I couldn't jump up onto anything I liked. Seriously, about halfway through it just stopped bothering me)(mostly). :smile:


18% is bad on a "yeah, whatever, follow-the-railroad-and-get-it-over-with EYEROLL" level of bad. You know the sort of thing. AC-style climbing sequences. Scripted escape sequences. 'Exciting action' cutscenes that look like they were directed by a student with ADHD and a Tony Scott fixation. Howlingly bad dialogue. Thief-Taker General. Etc. Etc. Etc.


2% is bad on a "reduced me to an inarticulate, hate-filled, aneurysm-inducing, soul-crushing miasma of murderous rage and inadequacy that has shortened my life expectancy by at least four years" level of bad. And yes, burning bridge sequence and final boss fight, I'm looking at you in particular. Never, ever, ever again.


I've still got most of the side missions left to play (I did two during the main game and really enjoyed them), but I have to wait for my soul to heal from the memory of that final boss fight first. post-9265-0-19062300-1396120039.gif


tl;dr: When the game's good, it's pretty good; when it's bad, it's a life-sapping train-wreck of epic proportions.

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so true :huh:, but I would go a lot further than 2, try 25.

I'm probably being too lenient (and over-analytical), but I was trying to be honest about how much of the game reduced me to an incoherent rage rather than just feeling exasperated/impatient. Steam says I've played for 50 hours - it may have felt like it took forever to get across that wretched burning bridge, but it was probably only about 15-20 mins. Likewise the final boss fight - probably took about 30 minutes to finally manage it without getting killed by

being too close to an exploding Erin clone or falling through the floorboards.

And if I had gone into it with more health packs, I'd probably have been done in 5. :angry:


Add in the early game pains like getting clobbered because I was trapped by a knee-high empty wicker basket, and I think 2% is about right. And yeah, that 2% plus the 18% really undermines the other 80%. Don't think I've ever felt so constantly disconnected from my character in a Thief/TDM game. But there's some good stuff among the dreck. (EM, feel free to quote etc etc.)


@Melan: Yeah. Not the cleverest bit of dialogue to give him. (Along with most of the dialogue given to most of the 'characters' in the game.)

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