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In the january issue of Gamestar (German PC game magazine) TDM is on the DVD. There is a short article on the very first page as well praising it. :)


They have articles on their website as well (all in german of course):











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It's amusing sometimes to hear people who are convinced that the game recognizes something it actually doesn't:


If you want the hardcore Thief experience in a more updated format, you can try out The Dark Mod, which is a free-to-play mod of Doom 3 that recreated the Thief world and gameplay while adding new elements to make it even more stealth-oriented. For instance, just turning your head while in front of an enemy can get you detected, even if you’re hiding in the dark.

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Anybody here good at tracking online persona's?


I want to see if this mod:




was intentionally created to obscure search results for The Dark Mod.


Ever since it was released in February it has obscured search results for TDM...


I don't think this is a real project.


Nor do any of the other "mods" from this author look real...

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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Anybody here good at tracking online persona's?

I want to see if this mod:


was intentionally created to obscure search results for The Dark Mod.

Ever since it was released in February it has obscured search results for TDM...

I don't think this is a real project.

Nor do any of the other "mods" from this author look real...

Try searching in advanced search for results from the last week or last month.

Were you thinking that gamers looking to play something new are searching only one week of google? I thought new gamers search everything after they hear of a name like the dark mod in a magazine or forum, and maybe later might limit their search if they like the game more.


I see what you mean by just searching for one week; that horror game showed up lower in the results but does not look as prominent because the dark mod has a lot more press and downloads to bump results? Search the whole year and that horror game never shows up.

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To be fair to us, The Dark Mod isn't really the game. The game is the FMs, which have their own names. We're just the toolkit. ;) Then it doesn't sound like such a bad name. It's descriptive of what it is.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I actually never made the connection that "The Dark Mod" is an hommage to the title "The Dark Project", although Thief here in Germany wasn't called "Thief - The Dark Project" but just "The Dark Project". :D

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To be fair to us, The Dark Mod isn't really the game. The game is the FMs, which have their own names. We're just the toolkit. ;) Then it doesn't sound like such a bad name. It's descriptive of what it is.

The Dark Toolkit (Darkit :ph34r: )

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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To be fair to us, The Dark Mod isn't really the game. The game is the FMs, which have their own names. We're just the toolkit.


Not sure if you're being tongue in cheek, but I really think we should scrub this "we're just a toolkit" from our messaging. That's like saying Dungeons & Dragons is "just a toolkit" and that only the modules are games. Or that Counter-strike isn't a game; only the maps are.



To be fair "The Dark Project" was a subtitle, but I forgive you. Kids make mistakes.

although Thief here in Germany wasn't called "Thief - The Dark Project" but just "The Dark Project"


Checkmate, gramps. :P

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Heh, "Horror in the Dark Mod" is not too far off from "Fear of the Dark", one of my favorite Iron Maiden tunes:




that said, the search terms "The" "Dark" "Mod" are all pretty generic and we are lucky that this site is the top

result when they aren't quoted in Google as one search string "The Dark Mod". I just saw that someone made

a Minecraft mod called The Dark Mod in some random forum... (seemed to be just a reskin to darker colors) so

it just highlights the need to remain vigilant with promotion. If someone makes a "dark mod" for Skyrim we might end-up

2 or 3 pages in for search results... I hope no detractors get any ideas from that.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Not sure if you're being tongue in cheek, but I really think we should scrub this "we're just a toolkit" from our messaging. That's like saying Dungeons & Dragons is "just a toolkit" and that only the modules are games. Or that Counter-strike isn't a game; only the maps are.


Well of course I was being a bit tongue in cheek because I had a winky. But my point was just to counter Rich poking at "mod" being in the name, and I was just saying in the context TDM came about, having "mod" in the name made sense. It's true you wouldn't name a campaign that, but you'd name a system that, and toolkit was part of the early branding. I was just speaking of history as a way of explanation, not about today or whether it was a good idea or not.


And in fact I totally agree with you at this point our branding should be as a full game, or like D&D that's actually a good analogy, and going standalone just reinforces that. I'm actually taking your side against Rich's suggestion that "mod" makes it sound like it's not a full game when it is. The point is the branding "TDM" as its own game has overtaken the original meaning of the name, so "mod" doesn't suggest what it used to, and we can still keep the name without having to project ourselves as just a toolkit for exactly the reasons you just said.


Edit: And for the record I like the logo upgrade too. B)

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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The point is the branding "TDM" as its own game has overtaken the original meaning of the name, so "mod" doesn't suggest what it used to, and we can still keep the name without having to project ourselves as just a toolkit for exactly the reasons you just said.


My first idea after reading that TDM has become a standalon game was that you should rename it to "The Dark Project"! That way everyone would know what's it about and mod really doesn't fit anymore. It also reminds me of "The Babylon Project" which is another fantastic free standalone former mod game like yours :).

Edited by wesp5
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