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Dishonored 2

Cambridge Spy

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Apparently they have also changed the "blink" ability for this "darkness grappling hook" thing (don't know how else to describe it). The thing I aks myself is: Can people see you move, while you use it or not. It would change the gameplay compared to part one, since you would no longer be able to blink from cover to cover...

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Apparently they have also changed the "blink" ability for this "darkness grappling hook" thing (don't know how else to describe it). The thing I aks myself is: Can people see you move, while you use it or not. It would change the gameplay compared to part one, since you would no longer be able to blink from cover to cover...

They called it Far Reach in the post-announcement interview.

You can call me Phi, Numbers, Digits, Ratio, 16, 1618, or whatever really, as long as it's not Phil.

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Looks about right. This is now the game I am looking forward to most outside Cleve Blakemore's Grimoire. And I have been waiting 16 years for Grimoire.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Corvo's appearance in Dishonored 2 has been unveiled:

This looks like another clone/copy, as the first thing I thought of was Joel from "The Last of us" -


- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=the+last+of+us&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAmoVChMIqoibk-aWxgIVBArbCh1WkgD1&biw=1680&bih=906


Which is ironic as they(Naughty Dog) got caught multiple times for CR infringment, not least of which copying the lickness of the femal actress Ellen Page

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I sent a message to Harvey Smith on Twitter and he said they would be talking tech soon. I don't know why everything has to be a marketing gimic...a big reveal, especially the game engine.


It's gotta be like that nowadays. A big audio application revealed it's 3rd version 2 months ago or so, and they literally didn't let the slightest news about it leak out before short before the release, and the people were like "Hmm... has development ceased?... Do they even work on a new version?... Do they specialize on their hardware products rather than on their software products now?..." creating lots of rumours and talk, and dozens of threads on the respective forums (don't even wanna know about Twitter and Facebook) until it finally was released then. And when they released it on a tech show, it was announced as "Something big is coming" without really specifiying even what they're about to release, so some even speculated that it was only some tech tips about version 2. :laugh: Bottom line is, with that kind of marketing behavior, they created a huge attention, even announcing nothing at all. It's all marketing and hype, and numerous ways to seek attention, and to get people "hot". It's a really big topic nowadays.

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It's gotta be like that nowadays. A big audio application revealed it's 3rd version 2 months ago or so, and they literally didn't let the slightest news about it leak out before short before the release, and the people were like "Hmm... has development ceased?... Do they even work on a new version?... Do they specialize on their hardware products rather than on their software products now?..." creating lots of rumours and talk, and dozens of threads on the respective forums (don't even wanna know about Twitter and Facebook) until it finally was released then. And when they released it on a tech show, it was announced as "Something big is coming" without really specifiying even what they're about to release, so some even speculated that it was only some tech tips about version 2. :laugh: Bottom line is, with that kind of marketing behavior, they created a huge attention, even announcing nothing at all. It's all marketing and hype, and numerous ways to seek attention, and to get people "hot". It's a really big topic nowadays.

I'm so sick of this though. The hype is what leads people to pre-order. Pre-orders are what lead gaming companies to get away with shipping half-baked products.

Personally I don't judge a game until I've actually played it. "This looks neat", sure, but I'm not going to pre-order.

You can call me Phi, Numbers, Digits, Ratio, 16, 1618, or whatever really, as long as it's not Phil.

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Void Engine Is a New Id Tech Powered Title from ZeniMax
The project does not currently have an attached developer

Video game publisher ZeniMax Media has filed a trademark for a new project called Void Engine, which is apparently powered by the Id Tech 5 engine that was created by Id Software for RAGE.

The company has not offered any sort of details on it, but an official reveal might take place before the end of the year, says AllGamesBeta.

It’s unclear which developers will work on Void Engine, given that Id Software is occupied with other titles for the foreseeable future.

It will probably be created for the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4, the PC and current-gen devices.

ZeniMax has traditionally been unwilling to take risks on new games and has focused on proven franchises, like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.

A new site and a European trademark have recently suggested that developer Bethesda and ZeniMax Online are also getting ready to officially reveal Fallout 4.




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I'm so sick of this though. The hype is what leads people to pre-order. Pre-orders are what lead gaming companies to get away with shipping half-baked products.

Personally I don't judge a game until I've actually played it. "This looks neat", sure, but I'm not going to pre-order.


On the other hand people obviously like to get hyped. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to lay out the bait, and people take it up with pleasure. If the horde of people wouldn't be begging on their knees to be able to have early access, stuff like that wouldn't exist. Can't really say Dishonored 1 was a rushed release though in this case. I don't think i had one crash or problem with the game. Admittedly, i don't know how many patches were there before i picked up the game for 15 € (i think).

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Void Engine would be a sensible name for a Dishonored engine. With the Outsider, the Void and all that.

Zenimax also shows up on the title screen for Dishonored somewhere IIRC.



On the other hand people obviously like to get hyped. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to lay out the bait, and people take it up with pleasure. If the horde of people wouldn't be begging on their knees to be able to have early access, stuff like that wouldn't exist. Can't really say Dishonored 1 was a rushed release though in this case. I don't think i had one crash or problem with the game. Admittedly, i don't know how many patches were there before i picked up the game for 15 € (i think).

It's always been a solid game in my experience. The most annoying thing is framerate drops on load and save.

You can call me Phi, Numbers, Digits, Ratio, 16, 1618, or whatever really, as long as it's not Phil.

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Otherwise you wouldn't be able to lay out the bait, and people take it up with pleasure. If the horde of people wouldn't be begging on their knees to be able to have early access, stuff like that wouldn't exist.



That argument works just as well for cigarettes and slimming pills.


So I think you gotta be careful because 'hyped' is synonymous with anxiety and the pleasure is maybe not always so much happy pleasure but temporary (until the next thing on the hype train comes along) relief from the anxiety the hype induces. To be sure, when a games company or a slimming pills company invests in creating a 'group' or a 'community' (or any other form of marketing) what they're actually doing is investing in a mechanism that first creates, and then leverages social anxiety into purchasing decisions. It's fear that you'll be excluded from something that others in the group will be doing that drives your purchasing decision - not that getting the game a day early is somehow better for you.


Because people buy stuff, doesn't mean you're doing good works. The whole point of marketing is to distort markets - and marketing does that by twisting the way people make choices. So the argument that 'people choose to do something ergo it's good' is at least partly bogus and shouldn't entirely abdicate anyone from behaving in a way that is vaguely moral. It's not obvious to me that trying to get someone excited enough to part with $60 before the opportunity to make an informed decision about said purchasing decision even exists is entirely moral.

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I never said it's "good". But it applies to people's desires. If there weren't any, you couldn't apply to them. I don't have to smoke or take slim pills, just because i'm baited with marketing bogus to do so. Or because there are social constraints to do so or something.

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People's desire to pay $60 early?


Err, no.


The desire of which you speak is not what you think it is. Whether or not you're conscious of it, the motivation behind 90% of your purchasing decisions boils down to anxiety avoidance, and the job of sales persons and marketing departments is to engineer anxiety. Calling it 'desire' is sticking lipstick on a pig. Desirable products are those that you're anxious to possess.


So no, that a transaction happens is not sufficient to say the transaction was good in and of itself. The transaction should also need to be basically fair. The fairness of pre-orders is decidedly questionable.

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The desire to have early access is because "I GOT TO HAVE IT!!! NOW!!!" and not much else really. Of course, there are social components about that too. Otherwise people wouldn't queue up at 3 o'clock in the morning in front of an Apple store go get the new iPhone. So, this is more like serving those desires, not causing them. Imagine a kid on christmas day, and it can't wait for gift giving. Santa Claus to blame?

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  • 1 month later...

Just saw a video, in which they state, that you start off the game as Emily and after a short while can choose to play as Corvo or her. After that you have to stick to the character until the end of the game.

hmm, would like to jump from one character to the other, as it would prolong gameplay, assuming they would branch off and do different things.

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