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How does the "ignore user" function work?


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I wouldn't normally do it, but I put a member on my ignore list because the posts were upsetting.  Very upsetting. 

I enjoy TDM and DR and enjoy the forum, except for the one person.  Usually I check the forum out as 'guest' but will auto sign-in so there's no trace of the ignored person's post, mentions, and all of it.  But it doesn't work.  And I'm outa here if I have to suffer any more of that.

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I think ignoring just means that this person can't send private messages to you.

Which person do you mean? If the posts are upsetting and violating the community guidelines then it can be banned I guess.

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"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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Then ignore is too limited.  I've just had it.  I'm not going to name names. 

I'm fairly new here, and I guess my stay is more or less finished except maybe if I complete my FM or run into a totally intractable problem 

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I personally think it's just best to accept that some people have different views, no matter how extreme these might be and take them with a big pinch of salt. It might not always be easy but in life you'll always encounter people with different views (some more extreme than others) and learning to accept that will make everything a lot more bearable. They might even think the same about you, as ones view on things doesn't automatically make it the 'correct' view. We all receive information from different parts and there are so many other factors that decide how we view certain topics.

If they're really offending of course, you can always report them, but most of the time a senior member of this forum will soon tell them to calm down if they are.

Edited by Carnage
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Ignore user means you don't receive DMs from them, and their posts will be collapsed to a single line "This user is ignored, click here to view the post".

I'm not sure if it affects the Unread Content page; if you're using this as your main forum view then perhaps it appears that the ignore function doesn't work. But it definitely works in normal threads.

I just checked in Unread Content and it does work there too. You get a line saying "You've chosen to ignore <user>; click here for options" instead of the post.

Note that when you ignore someone you need to click on the four checkboxes controlling what to ignore: Messages, Posts, Signature etc. If you don't click on any of these then presumably the ignore does nothing.

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Ignore doesn't seem to function on mobile, at least I can't find the settings for this neither on the profile page of the user nor at a post. There's only report user

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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geegee, IMO (even thou I sometimes fail at that) the best way to not reach this stage, is to ignore threads that touch subjects where you have a strong opinion on, is a sure way for you to find people that totally disagree with you or to read posts from others that you may find very offensive, my advice stick to the threads about the game that are mostly on topic.

Personally I've add very few instances were I've add to totally ignore someone in a forum and on this forum even less, imo is the most mature mod community I ever seen.

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I believe you can still see topics started by a user you have on your ignore list, which is different to other forums I participate in where the whole topic is invisible. The first post will be invisible, but you can see all the replies.

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                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                                                                                  A House Call

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Well, geegee, I'd say I'm sorry if bringing up the problems of the real world in the Off-Topic section whose description reads "You Can Talk about Anything here", where people are allowed to discuss modern politics and world events without the ridiculous amount of one-sided censorship sites like Twitter and Facebook employ, but to be honest, when you post it here saying "I'm not going to name names" and basically saying "Either he goes or I goes oh teh noes", I gotta say you basically slapped the sympathy I had for you out of my hands like a it was a plate of some slightly overcooked Chicken Tendies being slapped by a 600 Pound Neckbeard Neet from his Mammy's hands with a bellowing cry of "IT'S FOOKIN' RAW". So, no; I'm not sorry for "triggering" you with the real world, especially as the world burns around us and more people focus nowadays on hiding deeper into unreality than facing reality and talking about how we could fix these things ALONGSIDE talking about games. I get it, video games are fun. But if you're a fan of the Dark Mod, you're probably a fan of Thief. And Thief came out so long ago, you're probably an adult, especially if you both managed to sign on to the site on your own. So instead of being a sly little rat and trying to go "He's triggering me, ban'em, BAN'EM!" like some potbelly landwhale UBERTriggered Trigglypuff, maybe instead you could act your age and GROW THE HELL UP?

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Now I'll admit: I could word things I bring up in a less hasty or panicked matter. I'll admit, I get anxious when I read about the various terrible things reality serves up like a heaping platter of "nope" almost daily. I'm a bit coarse in my language. But one of the things that attracted me to this forum is that not only does it focus on The Dark Mod, which is inspired by the original Thief Trilogy, which I adored growing up but could never get because I was too young at the time, and also because Springheel is rather pro-free-speech, something many forums don't allow or severely limit nowadays in fear of being "CANCELLED". I'll admit I used to be far left, and pro-cancelling whatever offended me. But over the years my literally autistic self matured (mostly) and learned that screeching at people to shut up because you don't like their opinion on how to stop legitimately bad things in the world when ssometimes, freedom does, indeed, need to be defended with force. And, as such, I gradually became more center left. I still consider myself a liberal in the classic sense, a strong supporter of secularism, and a violent opposed of authoritarianism and theocracy and the normalization of ties with theocracies and authoritarian states. I'm very thankful that Springheel allows for his platform to allow us to discuss and theorize about the news of the world, withoutbeing moderated by ban-happy mods. So, when you come here and start acting shifty and saying basically either I go and the forums start shutting up about what you don't like, or else you, as a Fan Mission creator (something I wish I could do but for multiple reasons can't) will leave the forums, especially when you could just ignore any threads I start, makes me dislike you as being a childish, weaselly suckup who takes advantage of The Dark Mod's low amount of developers to try and unspokenly blackmail the forums into censoring itself when you could just not participate in my threads.

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20 hours ago, SeriousToni said:

Ignore doesn't seem to function on mobile, at least I can't find the settings for this neither on the profile page of the user nor at a post. There's only report user

Ah no it also seems to work on mobile if you go to the main menu > account settings > ignored users. There you can search for a name and then put the check marks what to ignore. Then posts of this person will collapse and you have to open them manually. That's a pretty comfortable feature!

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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14 minutes ago, SeriousToni said:

go to the main menu > account settings > ignored users. There you can search for a name and then put the check marks what to ignore. Then posts of this person will collapse and you have to open them manually. That's a pretty comfortable feature!

Yes, that works.   Good!

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7 hours ago, Kurshok said:

Read his comment. The post implies he wants me kicked. He says "It's him or me". I dislike disingenuous assertions.

No he doesn't. He says he wants the ignore function to work, and might leave if it he can't get it to work correctly. At no point does he mention you specifically, give any details of which person he wants to ignore, or imply that he wants anyone kicked off the forum.

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On 8/19/2021 at 9:27 AM, Kurshok said:

In that case, I apologize for that.

That isn't how this works.


You don't get to explore all avenues of possible acrimony and outrage and then if you finally violate rules by reaching the limits of this behavior

you retract and regroup for another round of bad but not prohibited behavior.


You are on notice now.


While I don't personally need any forum moderators to tone down or restrict personal insults hurled at "me", the TDM community is generally in agreement

that we do not want our forums to be a playground for those who seek to insult other members. If you need that type of interaction, go to a scoundrel forum like

quake3world where it is encouraged (and results in quake death matches between members).


Otherwise if you wish to traffic in political controversies, be prepared to offer logically defended statements and adhere to forum rules.

For example, you already have many threads about your personal concerns about Islam. Rather than opening a new thread about Afghanistan to air

these same thoughts, add the Afghanistan issue to an existing thread rather than "spamming the forums" with the same content.


All this said, I doubt very much that you are actually interested in engaging with these topics in a meaningful way.


I am inclined to believe that you are trying to find hot topics that can polarize members of the forum and try make TDM less comfortable for those who are centrists.

There are several political troll factories who engage with this behavior in the wider interwebs.


( If this applies to you. ) Tell your employer; whether they be Russian propagandists, Chinese propagandists, Saudi propagandists, Cambridge Analytica, Share Blue, Media Matters for America, Republicans, Democrats, CIA, or any other national intelligence agency that the majority of the clear thinking members of this forum do not care about your partisan rhetoric and will not divide into a "forum civil war" over your intentional acrimony.

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Shit, Kurshok, I'm almost sorry for you now

You clearly can't control yourself, it's now matter of time when you commit that suicide-by-moderator

It's like watching a propane can in fire

I wish I could say something to trigger you and end the pain

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3 hours ago, nbohr1more said:

That isn't how this works.


You don't get to explore all avenues of possible acrimony and outrage and then if you finally violate rules by reaching the limits of this behavior

you retract and regroup for another round of bad but not prohibited behavior.


You are on notice now.


While I don't personally need any forum moderators to tone down or restrict personal insults hurled at "me", the TDM community is generally in agreement

that we do not want our forums to be a playground for those who seek to insult other members. If you need that type of interaction, go to a scoundrel forum like

quake3world where it is encouraged (and results in quake death matches between members).


Otherwise if you wish to traffic in political controversies, be prepared to offer logically defended statements and adhere to forum rules.

For example, you already have many threads about your personal concerns about Islam. Rather than opening a new thread about Afghanistan to air

these same thoughts, add the Afghanistan issue to an existing thread rather than "spamming the forums" with the same content.


All this said, I doubt very much that you are actually interesting in engaging with these topics in a meaningful way.


I am inclined to believe that you are trying to find hot topics that can polarize members of the forum and try make TDM less comfortable for those who are centrists.

There are several political troll factories who engage with this behavior in the wider interwebs.


( If this applies to you. ) Tell your employer; whether they be Russian propagandists, Chinese propagandists, Saudi propagandists, Cambridge Analytica, Share Blue, Media Matters for America, Republicans, Democrats, CIA, or any other national intelligence agency that the majority of the clear thinking members of this forum do not care about your partisan rhetoric and will not divide into a "forum civil war" over your intentional acrimony.

I'm not a Russian troll farmer. I just have my own opinions. But fine. If you don't want to hear my political beliefs, I'll tone it down.

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2 hours ago, duzenko said:

Shit, Kurshok, I'm almost sorry for you now

You clearly can't control yourself, it's now matter of time when you commit that suicide-by-moderator

It's like watching a propane can in fire

I wish I could say something to trigger you and end the pain

I wish I could say something to trigger you to end the pain, too, bud.

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That said, the way the ignore function works is kinda weird. I ignore some people because they're giant time and space wasters to me, so I really don't need any info on their actions, whether in threads or in other views. E.g. I really don't want to know or see that they posted a new topic or reacted to a post somewhere, or posted in a thread. That thing with having an option to unhide every blocked post in a thread is unnecessary. And, I can see whenever they're quoted in other posts, so hiding that would be awesome too.

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