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Add usability/accessibility settings to the main menu

Daft Mugi

Choose which menu settings that you agree/disagree be added  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose any (multiple) settings that you AGREE be added to the main menu

    • Yes, rename "Always Run" to "Run Mode" with options "None, Always, Toggle"
    • Yes, add "Show Blackjack Helper"
    • Yes, add slider for "View: Head Bob"
    • Yes, add slider for "View: Mantle Roll"
    • Yes, add "Auto-Search Bodies"
    • (No answer)
  2. 2. Choose any (multiple) settings that you DISAGREE be added to the main menu

    • No, don't rename "Always Run" to "Run Mode" with options "None, Always, Toggle"
    • No, don't add "Show Blackjack Helper"
    • No, don't add slider for "View: Head Bob"
    • No, don't add slider for "View: Mantle Roll"
    • No, don't add "Auto-Search Bodies"
    • (No answer)

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IMO the three settings for running are a good idea.

I don't care about mantling roll and head-bob either way.

I dislike auto-search so, if there's going to be an option for it, my preference would be for it to default to "off".

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I'm all for giving the players more options, but you wrote that you edited most of these into the GUI already. So could you please fix the stupid GUI bug that has been annoying me for years too? It's the one when after downloading all available missions, the names of the very same missions are still visible in the download window overlayed with the text "No new missions to download" afterwards.

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I'm pretty indifferent to most of these settings, but I would actually really like to see the blackjack helper as a setting so that players can choose to turn it on/off

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I think more accessibility and customization options should be exposed in the main menu. Even as a new player when you’ve gotten to the point you understand what a cvar even is, looking them up often when you aren’t sure what you are looking for is even available is not a good experience. Given just how much discussion and disagreement there has been about the blackjack over the years, offering the new feature (which again I like btw) but making it something you can easily disable if you prefer in the game menu is a no brainer imo. 

I also don’t like the idea that things which can give players motion sickness, such as camera animations, are not directly adjustable and accessible in the game menu.

So I don’t really see a reason why any of these should not be included, given there is real estate available in menu.

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-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =

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4 minutes ago, Wellingtoncrab said:

I think more accessibility and customization options should be exposed in the main menu. Even as a new player when you’ve gotten to the point you understand what a cvar even is, looking them up often when you aren’t sure what you are looking for is even available is not a good experience. Given just how much discussion and disagreement there has been about the blackjack over the years, offering the new feature (which again I like btw) but making it something you can easily disable if you prefer in the game menu is a no brainer imo. 

I also don’t like the idea that things which can give players motion sickness, such as camera animations, are not directly adjustable and accessible in the game menu.

So I don’t really see a reason why any of these should not be included, given there is real estate available in menu.

Agreed, except to say that a new player shouldn't have to even know or care what the hell a cvar is.

Time for things to move on a bit...

  • Thanks 2

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I don't think it is a good idea to bombard new players with advanced settings "Mantle Roll" etc., but it does look like the Gameplay settings could be divided up into "General" and "Advanced" and "Difficulty" categories. You could have all the normal core gameplay settings in the General tab, then all of the more nuanced stuff like "Head bob" "Mantle Roll" in the Advanced tab

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All those options look good to me. I suppose with these things there is always a worry about making the menu overcrowded, but this still seems pretty reasonable. Compare with the number of graphics, gameplay, and accessibility options that have become industry standard on high profile PC releases and this actually seems restrained to me. Plus, this is the kind of community that will appreciate having options more than they will be put off by needing to hunt through a long menu. So my vote is full steam ahead on all items.

The one piece of useful critique I can give is that "none" is a bit hard to interpret as an option for run mode without more of a tooltip. I'm having a hard time thinking of a better alternative though (other than "default", which still has the same problem).😑

Anyway, thanks for including my head bob request. It would be nice not to fiddle with cvars to get that adjusted should I find myself playing with an audience again, or just want a little extra comfort when taking on one of the big FMs.

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I prefer to have one setting like "Motion Sickness" (some better name should be chosen), which simply disables both mantle roll and headbob (and does any future adjustments for the same reason).

Most people play OK with default settings, changing these only matters for the minority which feels uneasy with them. At which point it is easier to just disable all the stuff: it does not have any gameplay significance anyway.

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21 hours ago, stgatilov said:

I prefer to have one setting like "Motion Sickness" (some better name should be chosen), which simply disables both mantle roll and headbob (and does any future adjustments for the same reason).

Currently the absurd animation first does sortof a drop before actually mantling up. Just removing the drop part would make it much better already.

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/23/2023 at 7:39 PM, ChronA said:

The one piece of useful critique I can give is that "none" is a bit hard to interpret as an option for run mode without more of a tooltip. I'm having a hard time thinking of a better alternative though (other than "default", which still has the same problem).😑

Yeah, I agree with you. I couldn't come up with a better term than "none" at the time for
"Run Mode" with options: "None", "Always", and "Toggle".

Perhaps the following instead?
"Default Speed" with options: "Walk", "Run", and "Toggle".

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On 3/24/2023 at 5:00 AM, datiswous said:

I don't understand the term mantle roll.

"Mantle roll" refers to the player's view rolling or tilting during a mantle. The "mantle roll" option sets the amount of roll/tilt applied to the player's view.

You can try it out yourself in 2.11 (or later) using the "pm_mantle_roll_mod" cvar. Set it to "0" for no roll, "1" for 100% (or regular) roll. Personally, I set it to "0.1" for 10% of the regular roll animation.

I chose "mantle roll" to match the term for the head bob setting "bob roll" (pm_bob_roll).

Any suggestion for a better term than "mantle roll"?

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  • 2 months later...

These usability/accessibility changes have been committed as code rev 10446.

As a bonus, the "Show Frob Helper" setting now has presets -- committed as code rev 10447.

The presets are:

Always  = show crosshair dot at all times
Hover   = instantly show dot on highlight
Fade In = gradually show dot on highlight
No      = never show dot
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