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Animation Master List


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This is a list of all Animations (human, 3rd person) needed for TDM. It provides both a list of what we would ideally like to have for TDM 1.0, as well as a guideline to future animations after release.


Currently I'm only tracking the animations used with our default skeleton, as all our humanoid AI should eventually use that skeleton, and therefore the same list of animations (some characters, like zombies, would be an exception).


The first number indicates how many animations already exist and have been exported to the proguard and similar models. The second number indicates how many versions of the animation we would like to have for the 1.0 release. Obviously it's better to have at least one version for each animation before working on alternative versions.


***NOTE: This list should now be up to date for our new skeleton as of May 01, 2009***


** entries with stars beside them are not essential for 1.0, and should wait until after release.


Entries that are essentially completed are crossed off.



Animations Master List




Walk, generic (1/2) (a serious patrol walk and casual civilian stroll)


**Walk, female (0/1)

Walk, torch (0/1) (holding object in left hand with closed fist)

**Walk, drunk (0/1)


Walk, blind (0/1) (for AI blinded by flashbombs, or possibly in pitch darkness)

Walk, alert (0/1) (patrolling with weapon in right hand, ready for trouble; like T2 walks)

Walk, alert, torch (0/1) (weapon in one hand, torch in the other)?

Walk, suspicious (1/1) (walking slowly towards stimulus, alert 2)

**Walk, carry (0/1) (holding a tray or other two-handed thing out in front)

**Walk, wading (0/1) (AI wading through water or deep snow)

Walk, frightened (0/1) http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=108009


Run, generic (1/1)


**Run, female (0/1)

Run, torch (0/1)

Run, defensive charge (0/1) (AI raises left arm to shield face, weapon drawn)

Run, panic (0/2) (fleeing, no items carried)


Search, active (1/2) (AI walks around cautiously looking for the player, weapon drawn)

Search, active, torch (0/1) (same as above but AI holds up light to illuminate their way)



**Land from fall (0/1) (AI lands after falling, use knees to cushion fall)







Idle, generic (0/3) (just standing there doing nothing)


Idle, drunk (0/1) (swaying back and forth; poor balance)

Idle, torch (0/1) (holding torch in left hand)

Idle, sit (1/1) (sitting down on chair; hands in lap?)

Idle, sleep (0/1) (lying down, breathing)

Idle, waiting (0/1) (hands behind back)

**Idle, crossbow (0/1) (Holding crossbow in both hands, casually)


Idle, turn 90 degrees (0/2) (left and right)

Idle, turn 180 degrees (0/2) (left and right)


Idle, cough (0/1)

Idle, minor movement (0/5) (shifting weight, turning slightly, tapping foot etc)

Idle, stretching (0/3) (stretching arms forward, arching back, yawning, etc)

Idle, scratch (0/3) (scratching chin, hands, butt, etc)

Idle, drink/eat (0/2) (reach out at table level and bring hand to mouth)

Idle, spit (0/1) (turn head and spit on the floor)





Pain, generic (0/3) (AI flinches in pain--must be very quick animation)


**Pain, leftarm (0/1)

**Pain, rightarm (0/1)

**Pain, head (0/1)

**Pain, gassed (0/1) (AI clutches throat)

Pain, failed KO (0/3) (AI just took blow to head; perhaps stumbles; but shakes it off)


Draw, weapon side (1/1) (draw weapon from left hip, like sword)

Draw, weapon back (0/1) (draws weapon from over right shoulder, like hammer)

Sheath, weapon side (1/1)

Sheath, weapon back (0/1)


Combat idle (1/3) (AI stands ready to attack; eventually different animations for different weapons)


Attack, bow (0/1) (includes drawing an arrow over right shoulder, then aiming and firing--code will pause during aiming)

**Attack, crossbow (0/1) (raise crossbow, aim and fire (no drawing quarrels))

Attack, right slash (1/3) (eventually different animations for different weapons)

Attack, left slash (1/3) (eventually different animations for different weapons)

Attack, overhead slash (0/3) (eventually different animations for different weapons)

Attack, quick thrust (0/2) (eventually different animations for different weapons)

**Attack, spell (0/2) (mage/priest does some magical gesture then throws a spell effect)

Attack, throw (0/1) (throws a bottle/shoe/dagger)


Parry, high (0/1)

Parry, left (0/1)

Parry, right (1/1)

Parry, thrust (0/1)


**Death, drowning (0/1) (AI struggles to swim for a moment but sinks)

Cower (0/2) (panic state, hiding or cringing)


**Surprise (0/2) (jumps back, startled)






Conversation, generic (0/4) (generic mild hand gestures people make while talking)


**Conversation, angry (0/2) (shaking fist, gesturing wildly)

**Conversation, shrugging (0/1) (an "I don't know" shrug)

**Conversation, shout (0/1) (one or two hands up to mouth to call/shout loudly)

**Conversation, salute (0/1) (roman military salute; fist to chest and then hand out straight: http://www.romanempire.net/romepage/images...001/salute.jpg)

**Conversation, affirmative (0/1) (nod head)

**Conversation, negative (0/1) (shake head)

**Conversation, blessing (0/1) (raises two fingers and makes sign of the hammer in the air; like the sign of the cross but only two strokes)






Sit down (1/1)

Stand up from sitting (1/1)

Lie down on bed (0/2) (left and right)

Get up from bed(0/2) (left and right)


Search, give up (0/2) (suspicious look around yields nothing; hands on hips, looking aroung perplexed:


Search, kneel (0/1) (kneel down on one knee to check out blood/body, etc --assume weapon in right hand)

**Search, look under (0/1) (bend over to check under bed, table, etc)


Interact, grab (0/2) (generic reach out for something--high, med)

**Interact, turn page (0/1) (reach out and move hand horizontal as if turning page)

**Interact, grab low (0/1) (bend over and pick something up)

**Interact, pound (0/1) (pounding on a door to get someone's attention)

Interact, warm hands (0/1) (hold out hands towards heat source to warm them; perhaps rub them together)

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  • 9 years later...

I would love in my map the following ai animation.


A gondalier, ie using the oar on a gondola

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I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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That's some pretty impressive thread necromancy.


I don't expect to be making any more animations myself. Arcturus is the only other active animator who comes to mind.

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What we really need is for AI to have the ability to climb and mantle.

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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Arcturus is the only other active animator who comes to mind.

Sotha has also demonstrated proficiency in animation. Also, iirc Destined has been learning for animating the werebeast.

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Yes, I have. Although I would still count myself as an early beginner. But Arcturus' Blender rig is pretty self explanatory. I can try to make an oaring animation, but will have to look for examples first as I am not sure how gondoliers hold the oar and how exactly they row the gondola. If I remember correctly the movement is pretty subtle and should not be too difficult. At least as long as the animation is only used for "decorative" purposes. If you want the AI to transition between rowing and other tasks it will be a lot more work...

I have also tried to make a mantling and a ladder climbing animation. The main problem here is that you have to define specific heights in the animation, which looks wrong if this height is not used. Additionally, this will need coding support so the AI knows where it can go and this would be a lot of work to implement. Ladder climbing is even more difficult as the AI could be attacked while climbing, which would require a whole lot more coding and animations.

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Having AI animations for climbing means third person animations for NPC's if I read it correctly?


Atm there's still a pressing concern regarding http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=3979

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."...

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.


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What we really need is for AI to have the ability to climb and mantle.

This is not only a matter of animation, it would also require some coding.


In addition, we would have to used standardized ladders so the animation meats the ladder.


A huge load of work if you ask me if mappers can just use stairs instead ;)

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Correct if I am wrong, but can climbing be faked with animations?


Consider two AAS areas. Area A is on the ground and Area B is 128 units (1 floor) higher. Like this when viewed from the side:

   X $ A
What happens if AI moves to position $ and plays an animation where the AI moves upwards (with origin) and then towards B and lands on AREA B. When the anim ends, is the AI now in B?


If so, then we can give the AI the ability to climb. But they can only do it on patrol (path_anim) or conversation (play anim.) And also climbing would be height specific. You could have clinbing for 128 tall walls in this example.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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Arcturus is the only other active animator who comes to mind.


Unfortunately Arcturus isn't active anymore, I messaged him a few months ago asking for a custom animation and he said that he is no longer doing animation work for the dark mod.


Hopefully someone else can step up should we need animation work done.

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I know having the AI go where the player would go would make level design more difficult, that's what I wanted. I like

realism, and I always find when an AI can't do what I can do, it breaks immersion. That doesn't mean though that

an AI should have the same tools the player has of course, which gives the player the advantage.


I think Sotha has it, it's not that hard. It's just move the AI up while playing an animation. However I know nothing

about the code side of TDM, so don't know if you could move it up within a level, or have to code it. I'm sure

a script could do it though. The problem is the animation.

Edited by NeonsStyle

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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Correct if I am wrong, but can climbing be faked with animations?


Consider two AAS areas. Area A is on the ground and Area B is 128 units (1 floor) higher. Like this when viewed from the side:

   X $ A
What happens if AI moves to position $ and plays an animation where the AI moves upwards (with origin) and then towards B and lands on AREA B. When the anim ends, is the AI now in B?


If so, then we can give the AI the ability to climb. But they can only do it on patrol (path_anim) or conversation (play anim.) And also climbing would be height specific. You could have clinbing for 128 tall walls in this example.

How does the AI know that area A and B are connected like that, and how does the AI know where they are?

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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How does the AI know that area A and B are connected like that, and how does the AI know where they are?

Does the AI need to know these things? If there are AAS areas in both A and B, the mapper can teleport AI from A to B with no problem.


What I am unsure of is: can the mapper make an AI fly from A to B using a special animation where the AI origin moves with the AI. If so, one could make a climbing animation to replace the flying. This would serve as a way to make scripted AI climbing. I.e. the AI cannot REALLY climb at will, but the mapper could fake it for some story purposes. Like how Alyx climbs that apartment building in Half-Life 2.


-The mapper's best friend.

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