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  1. @stgatilov, you said, RE string comparisons: I'm unclear if you are referring just to changes you made in 2.11. I think equality testing of two strings (one of which is "text") was working and is a good and expected capability, and should be supported. Including against an empty string. I noticed in your bug activities that you did remove some comparisons with ... == "". I see you also removed string concatenation with "\". No problem, but does that mean multiline macros are no longer a thing? (If so, I'll need to change some examples) BTW, the series so far hasn't really tried to cover the 2.11 changes, since I figured it's a work in progress. But since you did a great deal of GUI work in July, perhaps it's stable enough to try to consider it. I see the logs listed in bugtracker, but don't have access to the private forum threads mentioned there: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20526-gui-refactoring/&do=findComment&comment=477179 https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21535-order-of-evaluation-in-expressions-materials-and-gui/ (Nor do I have SVN currently set up on my newer machine, for changelogs from there.) Any place else I should look?
  2. After reading some quips about Thief HD Mod, I looked at its moddb page. By coincidence, there's an animated grass demo for Thief. Dropping a video here for those interested. https://www.moddb.com/mods/thief-gold-hd-texture-mod/news/wind-simulated-vegetation-natural-water-mod
  3. I'm using the version from kcghost. I just tested and I can't see any difference inside the inventory. On the stats itself it doesn't show the different loot types (still seen in the inventory), but instead gives more info on stealth score. Edit: I see Dragofer made an updated version of his script. I have to check that out. Edit2: That version works: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=21272&key=02755164a3bed10498683771fe9a0453
  4. The Black Parade is coming! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146501 Woo-hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. demagogue


      I suppose making a campaign as an individual and building for Thief Gold go hand & hand. You need to be pretty obsessed to do either. XD

    3. Epifire


      I'm just very happy to see how much work still goes on with the original Thief games. Good mods = long life after release!

    4. lowenz
  5. I looked but didn't see this video posted in these forums. It's pretty cool.
  6. well turned out i had enough parts to make an ok third pc also. ASUS P9X79LE board with an older lga 2011 xeon 4 core (no hyperthreading on this cpu). 4 gb samsung ddr3 ram (bit on the low side but it actually runs better than i imagined). asus strix 970 gtx OC gfx card. intel 256 gb ssd + 2 mechanical harddrives one 1tb and one 500gb. dvd burner for those who still need that. cpu cooler was an older scythe model forgot which but pretty big, fan replaced by a noctua fan (allmost completely silent). case is an older coolermaster in good condition from back when pc cases still had both dvd and floppy cartridges (easy mount system with snap locks color is black). im selling it cheap cause i dont really need another pc at this time and it is a good starting point for someone who wants to tinker with upgrading parts in it. It can take the same 1680v2 xeon my other pc uses which is the most powerfull cpu you can upgrade to with the X79 chipset anyway (it is also unlocked so can be overclocked quite a bit and the 1680v2 has hyperthreading). The board can take a max of 128gb ddr3 ram. despite its age it works really well with a 1080ti might even be ok for one of the lower 2000 rtx models like the 2060 but above that i suspect you will hit some bottlenecks. one downside to this board is that it is not really geared toward an nvme ssd build though you can use a pcie riser card you cannot boot from it as the factory bios has no boot block for nvme, there are bios modifications out there to enable that if you feel comfortable with a thirdparty doing it (some even have bifurcation mods to allow multiple bootable nvme cards). the built in realtek soundcard is quite ok and delivers 7.1 channel sourund sound. the board sadly only has 2 usb3 headers so if you use a lot of gear needing high usb speeds get a pcie usb 3.1 riser card or a hub. the board has quite a few usb2 headers and also E-SATA outlets, it is also one of the few boards that still supports both ps/2 keyboard and mice, most only support one or the other. EDIT: the cpu cooler was the grand kama 2 from scythe it is actually quite good for a budget cpu cooler, only downside is that the copper heatpipes are not plated so they tend to get a dull look after a while.
  7. Announcing the Release of 'Requiem' for The Dark Mod! Download Download the latest version of the Dark Mod here: http://www.thedarkmo...wnload-the-mod/ Download the mission here: Mediafire: http://www.mediafire...u89/requiem.pk4 Southquarter: http://www.southquar...ons/requiem.pk4 Fidcal.com: http://www.fidcal.co...ons/requiem.pk4 Create a folder in your Dark Mod install with the path "darkmod/fms/requiem" and place the downloaded .pk4 file inside. When you load up The Dark Mod, the mission will appear on the "New Mission" page. Requiem can also be found directly using the in-game loader. Gameplay Notes While this mission is playable in TDM 1.8, for an optimal experience please download and play in TDM 2.0 (or higher). Most inventory items in the game can be dropped, so no need to carry them around after they are no longer of any use. Note that If you use noclip or other console commands while playing, there is a good chance that you will break the intended flow of gameplay. Credits Mapping and Readables: Gelo R. Fleisher Voice Acting: Goldwell Additional scripting: Obsttorte Additional textures and assets: Flanders, Sotha, Grayman, Springheel, Bikerdude, Obsttorte Additional map optimizations: Bikerdude Testers: Bikerdude, Obsttorte, Gnartsch, AluminumHaste, Baal, nbohr1more, PPoe Custom Soundtrack: Leonardo Badinella - http://leonardobadinella.com/ Additional Music: Lee Rosevere - http://freemusicarch...c/Lee_Rosevere/ Marianne Lihannah - http://www.funeralsinger.net/ Vox Vulgaris - http://www.last.fm/music/Vox+Vulgaris/ A note from the author Hi all. While I've been involved in indie game development for a while now, I'm first and foremost a writer. My most recent project has been a novella that tries to capture the visual feel and tone of the Thief series (you can find the link below). As I was writing, I found myself playing a lot of Thief and Dark Mod fan missions, and got to thinking that maybe I wanted to make one myself, as a companion piece to the book. When I finished up writing, I had a bit of down time and decided to take the plunge. Having never done any serious mapping before, my plan was to make a small mission that I could bang out in a month or two and call it a day. Well, as sometimes happens, the project got a little bit bigger than I had planned. Ten months, and lots of elbow grease later, Requiem is finally ready for you to play. I'd like to thank everyone who helped pitch in to help make Requiem come alive, from those who took the time to answer my many questions on the forums to those who actively contributed to the FM. I especially want to thank Bikerdude who served as my mapping mentor, and Obsttorte whose clever scripts really turned what was in my head into the game that you are playing. Above all, I want to thank you for downloading and playing Requiem; I hope you enjoy it. Links of Interest Author's Blog: http://gfleisher.blogspot.com/ Companion Novella (Amazon): http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/B00BYEW02M Companion Novella (Smashwords): http://www.smashword...oks/view/298956
  8. I think there's something funky going on with my system. I deleted Dark Mod entirely, reinstalled, and re-downloaded 2.11.04 beta, so all my config files and such are vanilla and I'm no longer using any mods. I'm still getting the weird candle bugs and, on top of that, many missions that use an in-game map (for example Builder's Influence) show the map for Hidden Hands: Initiation instead. I haven't even re-downloaded that mission yet. So clearly there's some junk still lying around on my Linux system where Darkmod looks for it but I can't find it. I really have no idea what's going on. edit: 2.10 release is unaffected for me, both the map and candle bugs.
    1. SeriousToni


      What? The mysterious saviour is back to make our Thief lives happier again after such a long absence? I can't believe it's true! Wow thanks so much!

    2. demagogue


      He's like our own Game of Thones mystery crow that leads us to secret treasures.

    3. SeriousToni


      Or to an old tree with lots of zombies around.. xD

  9. I tried Output on SVN and latest beta, on Easy and Hard difficulties, the candle always looks properly extinguished. This is the "StaffQuarterCandle" entity at 1165 147.5 -178.25. The only thing that I noticed is that if I immediately teleport to it after the game starts, I see smoke going from it for some time. I guess because it gets extinguished on game start. I doubt player can see it. If you have this issue: specify which beta version it is (remove mods), delete FM directory and download fresh FM, try to reproduce it from clean start, post your screenshot and darkmod.cfg.
  10. It wasn't a "sacrifice", it was a deliberate decision. People wanted the game to be as close as possible to the original, including pixelated graphics. If you ask me, the former version based on the Unity engine looked and felt better. But, hey... I guess I'm not the right person to judge that, as I never played the original, and always found that the art style of System Shock 2 is much better anyway. This also illustrates the issue with community funded games: Too many cooks spoil the broth. In game design, you need freedom, not thousands of people who want you to do this and this and that. Just take a look at the Steam forums and see how all those wimps complain again about everything. Hopeless.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. nbohr1more


      The votes from each thread will be calculated at the conclusion of the contest and the highest rated entrant will win. We have yet to have a contest where the entries are voted on directly though that would be an interesting thing to compare.

    3. Obsttorte


      Why not opening a thread for a vote for this missions. Maybe two votes, like first and second place, and than calculate it from there (by weighting the first place times two or so).

    4. nbohr1more


      Melan specified the terms and all the entrants agreed to them so we would need a consensus about that change from all entrants. Not that I object, we would just need approval from the mappers. I can open an unofficial vote thread though.

  11. What I understood is that the idea of TDM was born from that it was unclear if T3 would get a level editor at the time. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20050218173856/http://evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268
  12. A response by the developer to this question: "As far as I know, OpenGothic is a reimplementation of ZenGin engine. All mods that use any form of reverse enginnering won't work with OpenGothic, ReGoth and other projects. Probably there are plans to make it compatible somehow with some mods but I don't think our mod will be compatible as it features too many new changes to the engine code. Anyway, if any help is required to make it compatible, we will of course discuss it with OpenGothic developers!"
  13. I have returned to TheDarkMod after a few years (I played it a lot around 2015-16, even tried making a map, it did not go anywhere so I donated those few assets). The missions are great. In this one in particular, the navigation is awesome. The city is very good. I have noticed a trend though: the puzzles are more complicated; a lever may open something *somewhere*. Do you think that large TDM missions are suffering from "puzzle creep", that the veteran and in-community players do not notice? [/spoiler] So you have to go *all the way back* to use the crystal key on the teleporter thingy? And I don't know how to deal with the burning crystals either. I ended up killing nearly all enemies in the mages' place, with sword and holy water, because, yeah, I need to figure things out and I can't be bothered to stealth from one place to another anymore, lol. I will try checking the readables and environment with a bit more patience and see. [spoiler] The old format for spoiler tags does not work, not does changing the '/'. Wow, what a way to advertise "I am dumb" XD IMO the best way is to place gradual spoilers in the forum thread. I know it's a bit of a burden on the authors but answering 20 questions disjointly from different users is one as well.
  14. Personally I think Moonbo's Requiem FM is about as good as one could wish for in terms of a spiritual successor to the Thief trilogy. The story hits all the important notes, and the level design is uniformly top notch across all the expected axes of stealth gameplay. And there is even a sequel that trailblazes entirely new territory from its predecessor in gameplay, story, and tone. That's just icing on the cake. Indeed there several FMs for TDM that I believe equal or even surpass the quality of the original games' levels. The trouble is how do you discover them in that giant downloader list? Are there other great missions in there that I have yet to find? That is undoubtedly the greatest current weakness of this project. The ability to sort FMs in the game client (i.e. both the downloader and the mission launcher) by date, size, and author would be a great help. Search by keywords or tags and support for grouping missions into collections would also be very useful.
  15. This one is really essential: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138607 Should work fine with the GOG version.
  16. Want to take a peek? Are you up for some door hunting? Preferably players familiar with mods. Limited number of seats. Sing up here or privately.
  17. OK, I'll try to rearrange to that directory layout. I'll have to lookup how to do that without screwing up Tortoise. I'm not on that machine at the moment, so I can't check your BTW. I don't remember about "branches", but I do remember a local "tags" directory... don't know if it was populated.
  18. Ideally, you should have checked out "trunk" directory only, so that its contents get into "tdm11dev/darkmod_src" instead of "tdm11dev/darkmod_src/trunk". Do you BTW have all the "branches" and "tags" directories near "trunk" ? Maybe not, because they are still closed for public for some weird reason...
  19. I would welcome a minimal impact of movement on the light gem too. But we already have the footstep sounds and therefore it is just a nice-to-have which will likely not be implemented soon except if someone not working on the core game mods it in (if that is possible). If someone would try implementing it, they would probably calculate the lightgem brightness bonus from the silhuette (crauched, standing, wielding a weapon, carrying things or a corpse), the movement speed and the unmodified lightgem brightness (as currently calculated by the game). newBrightness = movementSpeedFactor * stanceFactor * carriedItemOrCorpseFactor * unmodifiedBrightness
  20. I'm wondering if anyone ever checks new posts in the Fan Missions Forums? I've posted 4 questions asking for help for 4 different missions that I can't finish because I"m stuck, and I don't get any help. I posted a question this morning so I don't expect an answer right away for that one. Its frustrating because I would like to finish them. I've read through the posts for each mission and I'm not getting anything from them. If there's someone who could help me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks I guess I'm spoiled from the TTLG forums.
  21. Is it just me or does the TDM Forums favicon look whack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Yes I was annoyed by that, too!

    3. Epifire


      Glad I wasn't the only one noticing that.

    4. Bikerdude


      Will drop Taaaki a message.

  22. I've had zero issues like that. Hm... You did use Skyrim SE and the SE Version of Enderal, didn't you? Furthermore, there is a mod called "Enderal SE- Bug Fixes" that is also mandatory. If you have further troubles running the game, you can go to the SureAI discord and ask for help. The start is confusing and surreal, yes. That is by design, as the story is based on that. But clumsy and muddled? Here are some further essential mods I recommend, excluding high-quality-mods (except for the NPC-faces and hair mod) Additionally to these, I recommend to install "Alternate Conversation Camera", which gives you a nice oblivion-like camera view in conversations, and some ENB, preferably the pretty but berformance intense Steamin ENB.
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