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  1. No need to edit maps as there now is a mod for that: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21267-mod-save-at-will/#comment-469781
  2. I don't think there's a link to thedarkmod.com on forums.thedarkmod.com ...

    1. datiswous


      Yeah and the wiki and moddb. It should have those links in the footer I think. Probably easy to add by an admin.

      Edit: And a link to the bugtracker. I'm always searching for a post in the forum that links to that because I can't remember the url.

    2. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      I drew attention to this several times in the last few years. No one payed it any attention, so I just gave up.

    3. duzenko


      Reluctance to improve the forums is matched by reluctance to allow more people to work on it. Talk about trust and power.

  3. The spoiler tags aren't for you, it's for the rest of us reading this thread so WE don't get spoiled. Thanks for spoiling the frobbable book on a shelf for the rest of us. EDIT: I'll be unsubscribing to this thread to avoid further spoilers. Maybe I'll check back after I've finished the mission Amadeus
  4. I'm pretty sure the dark outline was 6 when I last used it, unless I mistook it when I wrote that: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21196-frob-outline-poll/page/3/#comments
  5. On the wiki, I'm working on a set of pages with the title-preface and broad theme "The Parts and Whole". This looks at the hows and whys of map objects being formed into collections. The hub of this is The Parts and Whole: Overview Within the hub, so far, the section "Techniques that Affect DR Only" is built out with comparison tables and child pages. This covers these techniques: Hide/Show, Region, Layer, Filter, Group, Selection Set. I'd appreciate any eyeballs on the work so far. Please suggest or edit-in improvements. In particular, are there links to videos or other wiki or forum pages that you think most apt and should be added, e.g., to the "See Also" section? "The Parts and Whole" effort is mostly intended for newbies and so is not afraid to state the obvious at times. In some cases, it covers ground also handled by the necessarily-concise DarkRadiant User Guide, but with more depth and context. In other cases, the info was only found buried in forums. Because I'm trying to cover a fair amount of ground, the pages are text-only. Some of the child pages could benefit from screenshots some day.
  6. I agree. Whenever I have questions about a game and cannot find a quick answer via google, my first instinct is to search for a Discord server. You usually get an answer in no time. Being able to interact with the devs and give feedback is also way more common via Discord than via some forums.
  7. Sorry, I don't have it in Darkmod.cfg! I don't have autoexec/commands cfgs either. I've kept a darkmod.cfg backup from 2.09 but it's not there either. Stgatilov may just be right, because I saw this mentioned at some point on the forums and played around with it, a couple of years ago. I have a second, fresh install of 2.03, let me update it to 2.09 then and see if there's the command in there... Well okay, that's weird. In both 2.09b and 2.10 beta4 r_newfog doesn't show up in the main menu but it does show up once you have loaded and are inside a map. Whatever that means, I don't know, but there it is.
  8. Hey all, I just noticed on the TTLG forums that Xorax released a large (1600+) set of textures for public use. I browsed through them and they match well with TDM. While they don't have normal maps, I'd still recommend giving them a once-over. Here's the TTLG thread: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151606
  9. jaxa

    Free games

    You should bookmark https://www.gog.com/giveaway/claim and just open it once every day while you are logged in. Then you'll get free games on accident occasionally. You can also bookmark this link to fast forward to the end of this thread: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20087-free-games/&do=getNewComment
  10. Congrats on the release Sotha! Just finished playing it, clocked in at 12 minutes on expert for me. Got all of the loot too and had a blast playing it. I think there's really something special to just a short and sweet straight forward bite sized mission like this. Good to see a familiar face around on these forums again too
  11. YOU TAFFERS! Happy new year! Deadeye is a small/tiny assassination mission recommended for TDM newcomers and veterans alike. Briefing: Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWslTAC3Ai9kkl1VCvJb14ZlVxWMmkUj/view?usp=sharing Enjoy! EDIT: I promised to someone to write something about the design of the map. This is in spoiler tags below. Possibly useful to new mappers or players interested in developer commentary.
  12. This will sound weird in TDM forums, but I just finished Thief 2 for the first time. Took me a long time because there were some elements that I didn't enjoy that much and I got a bit tired of it in the second half, so there were pauses between play sessions, often playing new TDM missions instead when I was feeling sneaky. Tried to find what I actually had issues with, and I think it was mostly the cameras and automatic guns. The First City Bank and Trust was the first mission where around 2/3 in I thought "well, this is just starting to be a drag". I had to be too careful, too slow, and avoiding the cameras didn't feel rewarding like avoiding people did. With robots it was a bit similar, although not as bad with a few exceptions where they seemed to have inhuman dark vision. I appreciate the work put into the setting and the overall polish and slightly better graphics, plus some of the missions were amazing of course, but I realized that overall I simply prefer the atmosphere and themes of Thief Gold (Gold mainly for the opera mission, if only for the amazing soundscapes and the singing hermit). There's just something about the spooky atmosphere of Bonehoard, Cragscleft or the Haunted Cathedral that worked really well for me and I didn't mind the end missions either. Whereas Sabotage at Soulforge was a bit of a pain and the outro video a disappointment. It's great how both games still hold up though. Must have been revolutionary at the time of release. And after playing them I realize why Deadly Shadows was a disappointment. I still think it's a really good game (after removing the riddiculous in-level loading screens), but it was nowhere near as innovative.
  13. I'd say the Tech Support forums are the correct place for rendering issues like this. The DarkRadiant forums are for development and feedback on DR, while the Newbie DarkRadiant Questions thread in the Editing Guild is for general mapping questions. Regarding the silver platter, if I'm not mistaken it contains a reflective stage in its material, which might be conflicting with your mirror. It's not a very noticeable reflection imo, so could derive a new material without that stage and apply it via a skin as a workaround (if nothing else works).
  14. DarkRadiant 2.14.0 is ready for download. This release focused on DarkRadiant's texturing abilities, the Texture Tool and some of the Surface Inspector algorithms have been completely rewritten. A new model importer UI has been added with the ability to convert FBX models into a format compatible to the game (it can also convert LWO, ASE and OBJ models). The EntityInspector can now deal with more than one selected entities, showing the shared key values in the list. Copy/Paste Textures across angled faces: Texture Tool Rotate Tool (use "R" hotkey to switch) Surface Inspector Harmonise Scale / Linked Scaling Surface Inspector Normalise EntityInspector Multi-Selection Support For more things that have changed or fixed, see the list below. Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/2.14.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.13.0 Feature: Texture Tool Improvements Feature: Texture Tool: Add Manipulation Panel to shift/scale/rotate selection Feature: Show shared keyvalues when multiple entities are selected Feature: Texture Browser Filter: match multiple words (using 'AND' logic) Feature: Skin Chooser shows materials of the model Feature: Surface Inspector: Add buttons to harmonise Horizontal and Vertical scale values Feature: Improved pasting textures to angled faces sharing an edge Feature: XY view zoom is centered at cursor Feature: Texture Tool: Constrain operations to axes by holding down Shift Feature: Texture Tools: rotate function Feature: Texture Tool: UI contrast Feature: Model Conversion UI Feature: Add FBX model importer Feature: add IQM format support into lib/picomodel Feature: Spawnarg type icon not shown for inherited properties Improvement: New Game Connection GUI Improvement: "Replace Selection with exported Model" preserves spawnargs Improvement: automatically reload exported models Improvement: Search function: don't start searching while still typing Improvement: MediaBrowser toolbar: clear filter text when texture is selected through MMB or Texture Browser Improvement: Merge "Create player start" and "Move player start" options Improvement: Patch Texture Rotation should take aspect ratio into account Improvement: Texture Tool: use aspect ratio of material Improvement: Step-rotating textures through the Surface Inspector should be using the center as pivot Improvement: Surface Inspector: Option to change horizontal and vertical scale values proportionally Improvement: Apply textures to surfaces using "normalized" scaling. Improvement: Normalise button brings texture coordinates closer to 0,0 Improvement: Prevent Texture Tool "face jump" on rescaling textures Improvement: Move modifier hints out of the status bar Improvement: Flip Texture: Prevent huge face UV coordinate translations Improvement: Double click on list elements should auto-close dialogs Improvement: Texture Tool: Select items by clicking the UV space they cover Improvement: Texture Tool: Grid lines are getting too dense when zooming out a lot Improvement: Texture Tool: intercept keystrokes for grid resizing & snap to grid Improvement: Model Exporter: warn if Output Format and extension in File Path don't match Improvement: Change Quake3 map exporter to write "legacy" brush syntax Fixed: Q3 Legacy BrushDef parser sometime produce some wrong texture rotation Fixed: "Replace Selection with exported Model" assigns result to Default layer Fixed: All scene graphs connect to the same undo system, causing interference Fixed: Remove Floating Layout Fixed: EntityInspector allows to set an entity's name to an empty value Fixed: modelDefs folder starts expanded after changing selection Fixed: Particle Editor: wireframe does not render Fixed: Drag-select while in texture tool window gets stuck. Fixed: Some brushes change shape or disappear when rotated or duplicated Fixed: Texture Tool: drag operation doesn't capture the mouse Fixed: Ctrl-S does not work when focus is on inputs Fixed: Autosave filename unhelpfully overwrites 'save copy as' filename Fixed: Merge Maps: can't hide changed entities/primitives Fixed: Merge Maps: can't center orthoview/camera on changed entities Fixed: Merge Maps UI remains if DR is closed while a merge is in progress Fixed: Merge Maps: "Details" text doesn't use full width of window Fixed: Brushes colour schemes not saving Fixed: Fit Texture fields do not allow values below 1.0 Fixed: PatchDefExporter: do not write trailing white space after shader name Fixed: LWO2 Model Exporter doesn't write vertex colours Fixed: Objective components not correctly renumbered after removing a component Fixed: Applying a skin to a model entity no longer works under 2.14pre1 Fixed: Spawnarg types and tooltips not reliably inherited in entityDefs Fixed: Crash when saving map or prefab without a file extension Fixed: Texture Tool crashes when creating a new brush Fixed: "Texture tool" grid cannot decrease under 1 Fixed: Texture Tool: dragged vertices snap to grid even though it's switched off Fixed: Sound chooser not pre-selecting the inherited value of snd_* keys of an entity Fixed: User Guide (Local) doesn't work Fixed: Restore GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR texture filtering Fixed: Objective components not correctly renumbered after removing a component Tweak: Surface Inspector vertical shift / vertical scale arrows Tweak: Surface Inspector's minimum width is too large The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  15. Made 2.09b the default version. I hope at least a few people have installed and played it I'll finish the release process tomorrow (tags, source, pdb, etc.)
  16. @Dragofer, I'm wondering what template tags to give to this page, besides the usual "Editing". I'm tempted to add "Physics", but are force fields really considered part of the physics engine?
  17. Perfectly sensible approach to describe it on the forums first, to clarify whether it's an actual bug or not. It can still be converted to an actual issue later.
  18. Welcome to the forums! It's always a nice surprise to see a new mapper emerge from the shadows Regarding voice acting, definitely look at the TDM wiki entry and the TTLG voice actors list. Regarding your map, I can see quite a few nice ideas there, but my feedback going by those screenshots is that those areas are quite wide open and it's therefore difficult to light them up adequately. How about looking at ways to divide them up, i.e. with pillars and maybe some dividing wall pieces inbetween? That way your lights illuminate a bigger portion of the walkable space, you have more points to attach lights where necessary and the player has more cover he can work with. One mission that does this very well is Full Moon Fever.
  19. Hello Aosys! I just happened to run past your thread here as I've returned recently to the forums myself. I might be able to help you here with your Substance Painter setup, as I use it exclusively now. You wont get a one to one render preview in Painter, akin to that of the properties you'll see in-game. However you can get pretty close. I do use the non-pbr mode but once you've got the settings and layers optioned correctly, it'll work. Firstly, are you using current versions? This is important as shaders and various versions of Painter have broke in the past (especially since Adobe bought them). I normally bake my Ambient Occlusion into my diffuse texture. Until (or really if ever) we get PBR in game, this shouldn't be changing; however baking the AO really helps if you're wanting dramatic lighting for cheap. If you can, try to multiply the AO over the diffuse texture in Photoshop and then save that to DDS. Personally I don't much like how powerful (and plastic like) specular effects are in TDM, so I usually will just end up with a final diffuse and normal texture. The only time I'd recommend blending the AO via mtr file is if you needed to preserve the UV's for the diffuse but had to multiply that over a tiling texture independently. Otherwise we can just cut down on the file consumption and go without the mask. Also, Greebo just made a file converter to take FBX to LWO. I use MayaLT now, so if you have to pull anything in from FBX; that can now be handled directly. It also handles vertex paints and smoothing options! This was a big requested feature from me and I'm really excited to start using it here myself. Greebo made it to work with his Dark Radiant upgrade project but it's also directly accessible via a batch file! So what this means is we'll be able to just save FBX to a mirrored directory and then run the batch file and it'll convert/copy the new LWO files to your chosen models destination. If you want, I can show you how I've got my Substance Painter setup for TDM too. I could probably best do that via screenshare over Discord, so lemme know if you'd like to do that at some point.
  20. So I got back to my desktop and installed the dark mod 2.09a, but when I start it I get a gray screen for a couple of seconds then a black screen. I can hear the music and the menu sounds when I move my mouse but I can't see anything. I tried some things from what I could see in the forums but nothing worked. I have a pretty old GPU but it should run it no problem I believe (a Radeon hd 4850). Things i tried: -Downloading the latest dev build -Downloading the build test15973-8787 -changing glcore from 2 to 1 and to 0 -changing the resolution to 800x600 -starting it in compatibility mode windows 7 -changing glsl -changing shadow to 0 - downloading an executable posted by stgatilov in a post about the same problem (I can't find it anymore) None of this worked and the log file doesn't show any issues. Any idea how to fix this or if I need an older version, because I believe the GPU should be able to launch the game properly at least?
  21. OK Guys i thought id installed OK but at the end i got a compatability error and when i tryed to launch i got a black screen ! I then tryed to reinstall with compatability settings and the installer said i had installed successfully ! Tryed to launch and got the black screen again. I did a little search on the forums and it's looking like this might be a known problem. Is it a compatability issue with radeon drivers or am i missunderstanding the thread i read ? I have an Asus R9 270 which I hope is still good enough to run this game ! I used to be !! I alreao read about a hotfix but dont wish to do anything untill i get advice. Thanks got your help in advance.
  22. Wow, I'm impressed seeing so many fellow metal heads on the forums! Moonsorrow was mentioned by several members, definitely in my top 10 bands. Though I would probably classify them as black metal (with folk and progressive influences). Shout out to Devin Townsend too, I mostly know him from listening to Strapping Young Lad, but an excellent musician in general. In general I'm an equal fan of death metal and black metal, and mainly Nordic bands, but there is good stuff from all over the world. I'm particularly a fan of the early Swedish death metal scene with bands like Entombed, Dismember, Grave, Grotesque etc, and the later Gothenburg scene of Melodic Death Metal like Dark Tranquillity, In Flames and others (both of which I've hung out with at concerts, Gothenburg is a small town ^^) For Black Metal it's mainly Norwegian and some Swedish and Finnish bands like Darkthrone, Immortal, Gorgoroth, Lord Belial, Bathory, Dissection, Moonsorrow, Impaled Nazarene and many more. But when it comes to mapping in DR I tend to go for something that's a bit more chill and puts me in the zone. I usually listen to some kind of Dungeon Synth or similar, for example:
  23. https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton/tags <- directx 12 wrapper for dxvk https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/tags <- directx to vulkan wrappers D3D 9 to 11 eg. dxvk if you want to try it with horizon zero dawn you need to copy out dxcompiler.dll from Tools\ShaderCompiler\PC\1.0.2595\x64 and bink2w64.dll from Tools\bin and place them next to HorizonZeroDawn.exe. then copy over dxgi.dll from dxvk and d3d12.dll from vkd3d and place them next to it to. now fire up the game and let the shaders recompile -> profit.
  24. I think I first noticed it here https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20169-the-history-of-bloom/&do=findComment&comment=446309 It looks rather cool, mostly because he's a no-nonsense person and his formatting kinda underscores that in my mind
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