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Another sample of grungemanship what might possibly be of use for summink: -


TDM-format files uploaded to http://minus.com/mKQmdKEUQ/ as whitegrunge01.


Still pretty basic stuff but if anyone does find a use for it, do let me know :smile: .


I would also like to state that I feel my level of architectural design compares very favourably with the recent offerings from fllood and Shadowhide.


*Laughs hysterically for five minutes then collapses on floor sobbing.

Edited by simplen00b
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I'm just worried these will disappear if no one puts them on SVN. Anyone want to sign up for that job?

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TDM-format files uploaded to http://minus.com/mKQmdKEUQ/ as whitegrunge01.Still pretty basic stuff but if anyone does find a use for it, do let me know.
I'm just worried these will disappear if no one puts them on SVN. Anyone want to sign up for that job?

I'll do it, and @SN if you have any more just drop me a PM and Ill add them to the SVN. But can you do me a favour and packagethem in a single archive @Springs or is that what i need to do..?


Tried to download the images from minus.com as an archive and all I got was a corrupt file.

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Wasn't he talking about the lighttexture from Sotha?


Regardless, I don't want to step on anybody's toes but I do think simplenoobs textures are not yet ready for inclusion (sorry fella). The whitegrunge normalmap looks pretty off to me. There are deep structure in the stone which are in no way represented in the normalmap. The normalmap also has a really weird color tint. Almost as if it has been created just through altering the colorchannels, rather than extracting actual depth from the diffuse image using an application like njob. That one definitely needs fruther tweaking.


The normalmaps of the gold textures are not that important as there are only very high frequency structures presented, however, there does seem to be a bit too much noise on the mouldygold normal. Both gold textures are also missing a specular map. After all, gold is supposed to be shiny. The mouldygold does look more like rusty metal to me though, so specularity should only be very subtle.

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Regardless, I don't want to step on anybody's toes but I do think simplenoobs textures are not yet ready for inclusion (sorry fella).

No apology necessary - the only way my initial efforts were going to be good enough for the SVN was by huge amounts of beginner's luck.


Really appreciate the fact that you've taken the time to look at my normalmaps, STiFU - unfortunately, I'm still at the stage where most of your comments about them make my brain go :huh: (if not :wacko:).


I'll get there, I'll get there..... :P

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Noob's Progress, or, What A Difference A Normalmap Makes

Just playing around with Njob; the following all use exactly the same basic tga texture with different normalmaps:




Erk. Easily the most striking texture I've got from njob so far, but looks too polished and synthetic for my taste...


...bit too blurry perhaps...


....I think this is my fave so far; quite similar to 03, but slightly darker.


(On the off-chance anyone's interested, the odd filenames are my way of keeping track what settings I've used in Njob. dh=diffuse to height filter settings: fmcs=fine/mid/coarse/scale; hn=height to normal filter settings: t=traditional (Normal estimation - haven't used the crispy bacon or double layer settings yet),b=blur radius, s=scale. 0=far left of slider scale, 100=far right. Mostly using extreme settings at the mo to try and get a handle on how each setting affects the image. Still very early days though.)

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The first one looks pretty decent as a base layer to get the low frequency structures (meaning the coarse structures) right. I'd go ahead now and modulate some estimated high frequency structures (details) over it in a subtle way...

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Finished the highpoly of my first model, a stalagmite. I'm not sure if the detail is too extreme for the AO, because i've never tried before. Excuse the EXTREMELY poor lighting, i haven't figured that out yet in Blender.



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Finished the highpoly of my first model, a stalagmite. I'm not sure if the detail is too extreme for the AO, because i've never tried before. Excuse the EXTREMELY poor lighting, i haven't figured that out yet in Blender.



Try importing it into this testscene that I made for SimpleNoob. That should give you a lot better lighting.


I do see that this is your first model but I still feel like it could use a lot of work. I really feel that it needs some bigger shapes. First of all if possible one should always use some kind of reference images, if you look at that and think about how a stalagmite is made (water full of minerals dripping for thousands of years on the same spot) there really should be a lot more vertical strokes in the form. I think it needs to be pointier and thinner at the top too. Your texture just looks like some procedural textures overlaid on each other right now as they do not form any major shapes or have any colors (I know that'll change). I can also recommend xNormal for baking your textures as it's free and IMO gives better results that Blender (especially if you use cages on more mechanical models).

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thank you for the critique. I figured there was more room for improvement, but always good to hear it from someone who knows what they're doing


stalags can have some pretty fantastic shapes, but can also be blandly shaped as well, and the textures range from smooth to crazy. I was going for a similar texture to this one. Its still pretty off, but I don't think its totally out of line. I'll keep working on it ^_^


Edited by ungoliant
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The more cave furniture the better! =D

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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I think it looks pretty good. Like you said there are a million varieties. Depends on the water flow, limestone content, etc...


Still, I think we need some stalagtites to match ;) They are just pointier.


Would be great to have groupings of various sizes/numbers too.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Still, I think we need some stalagtites to match ;) They are just pointier.


sorry couldn't resist :laugh:

Would be great to have groupings of various sizes/numbers too.

once i'm comfortable with the full procedure getting the first 1 into d3, i'm definitely planning on banging out a few more models for variety, smooth and rough types.

Edited by ungoliant
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