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Well, I've put hundreds of models/textures in the mod compared to literally single digits of other people, so if that's funny laugh away. I've seen tons of speculation and claims made but I know better than to accept them as truths until I see proof.


Multiply might mean it SHOULD be the same across platforms, but that doesn't mean results will be equal.

I haven't used it as a blending filter in Doom 3 so I admit that I might be wrong. I just don't see why iD would change the meaning of multiply from what it means in every other program, when it is such a simple command to execute codewise and would be so useful as a blendfilter. I don't think they would've called it multiply if they had changed the behavior. However it is true that you have more experience than me with the engine, so if you say it works differently I will respect that as I haven't tried it myself.


Don't fuck with Nosslack, he is greater then you and I mean it. :angry:

Relax, we're all friends here.

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Yeah, Badcog constantly misreads things, has some silly reaction, and then just repeats the very thing he has misread... as if he was the one saying it. While Aluminum Haste is never hasty; rather he comes following along as soon as he sees an opportunity to be second or third in line at the let-me-be-angry-too stall.


Nosslak can speak for himself, Aluminum Haste. And likewise Badcog can misspeak for himself.


I was laughing at the idea that "it should be the same in all applications". It should be, but it is very, very unlikely that it will be. That's all.


So, yeah, just relax, hero.

Edited by BlueSkyBullet
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Nosslak can speak for himself, Aluminum Haste. And likewise Badcog can misspeak for himself.


I was laughing at the idea that "it should be the same in all applications". It should be, but it is very, very unlikely that it will be. That's all.



Sounds good. I don't mind being called on my bullshit, if no one does I may not realize I'm being a moron. :) Carry on.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Take a deep breath, everyone. There's few things as easy as misinterpreting remarks on the internet, especially when they come in emoticon form.

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Yeah, Badcog constantly misreads things, has some silly reaction, and then just repeats the very thing he has misread... as if he was the one saying it. While Aluminum Haste is never hasty; rather he comes following along as soon as he sees an opportunity to be second or third in line at the let-me-be-angry-too stall.


Nosslak can speak for himself, Aluminum Haste. And likewise Badcog can misspeak for himself.


I was laughing at the idea that "it should be the same in all applications". It should be, but it is very, very unlikely that it will be. That's all.


So, yeah, just relax, hero.


Wow, you've got amazing insight for someone with 31 posts BlueSky (Shadowhide?).

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Wow, you've got amazing insight for someone with 31 posts BlueSky (Shadowhide?).


Aprilsister is more likely.

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Impressive imagery you're posting here! :) I feel I'll have to post some images on my progress after work...

Hmm, noclipped around in my level but couldn't find anything that would impress... -_-


Oh come on Sir! Making us hot and then throw us in cold water isn't appropriate. :P

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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It's not that what I've made is crap, but I've got a habit of not finishing what I've started so I've worked on lots of parts in the mission and it's occuring to me that there is very few places that is totally complete.


It's mostly city sections but I lack the skills to make these unregular shapes and ramshackle look I'm going for. Like when you stand in an ally and look up you're supposed to see lots of pipes, cloth lines, boards and shutters and junk that paints nice silhouettes against the sky and it's a mekka for the rope arrow armed thief :)

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