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So, what are you working on right now?


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 Tels, didn't you notice already?


Over time, I start to confuse people here because I only have their nick and a small (often changing) avatar image, no real face or person to connect to. :)


Anyway, I think it's great that German speaking folks are contributing so much to TDM (or are at least loitering around the forums), because it shows that our creativity and the will to create something that hasn't been done a hundread times before hasn't completely vanished. If you look at TV or - even worse - the way companies are led, you could get that impression.

yep :)


Anyway, I moved into my new house and am proud to call myself an Eigenheimbesitzer!   :laugh:  I know I didn't post much in the last few months, but I'm really working on changing that. LEGION, you hear me? Start with extracting the readables for 'Crown of Penitence' already!   ;)


Grats and looking forward to your contributions.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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There is no puke smiley like in Skype. That would be very fitting here, I think. Anyway, if you don't hear anything from me then it's because I'm sick in bed - my kids have gotten me the flu. I feel like shit, but I have this one thing that I need to show Tels in the First Computer thread, just so he knows mine is bigger.


Anyway, once the translation for Crown is finished, I'll release it together with Nielsen's updated 'Too Late'. 



My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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Yeah, kids, I never wanted (and hopefully) not got any, now I know why. ;) I hope you get well soon, I´ll send you a PM tomorrow, I got some trouble with the xdata-stuff...


Hey, although we´re contributing for the german TDM-society only, we still are Contributors, well I´m you inferior assistant, but still could that be my ticket to the internal porn forum, I´ve suffered enough... :D

Edited by LEGION

-> Crisis of Capitalism

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Don´t worry, I have ways around that, hell, I would emigrate just to see the holy grail of porn!! :wub:

First I thought you all were joking with me, but you would´ve used smiley´s in that case, wouldn´t you? :mellow:


edit: Hah, now there is Yahoo watching this thread, I wonder what lead Yahoo here... :laugh:

Edited by LEGION

-> Crisis of Capitalism

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All this talk about German pr0n makes me remember the Southpark movie. There was this "German sheize movie" Cartman's mum played a role in. I actually did look for any German Scheisse movies on the internet - with no avail. I was ready to chalk this thing off as being made up, but then "2 Girls 1 Cup/Hungry Bitches" was released. God this is so sick. Let's change the topic. 

My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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Haha, german thread hijacking. :D


It's really funny though (considering how many germans are around these forums) that there's only been one thread until now in which we actually spoke German. I think that's good though. I always hate it when people start speaking in a language nobody can understand. ;)

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All this talk about German pr0n makes me remember the Southpark movie. There was this "German sheize movie" Cartman's mum played a role in. I actually did look for any German Scheisse movies on the internet - with no avail. I was ready to chalk this thing off as being made up, but then "2 Girls 1 Cup/Hungry Bitches" was released. God this is so sick. Let's change the topic.


Ha, thank you so much, 7upMan, that´s exactly what I needed!! Though, I only saw a 1-minute version, I could only watch it 1 and 1/2 times. Now I can go back to common internet porn. :)


Funny once more, some weeks ago I saw this MTV Germany Show (yeah, Germany has everything!!), this 'my House', I don´t know, sth with 'House', ah, it´s called 'MTV Home', I never watch this, but as I zapped in they have shown their hot female assistant this video, but they only said '2 Girls, 1 cup', and their´s a lot of crap on YouTube called this, so I gave up on searching. Until now...


Okay, I´m sure this is far enough hi-jacking of this important thread, let´s go on with this in the main topic in the internal forums...

-> Crisis of Capitalism

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To try and change this post back to "what are you working on", rather than "who are you working on", I'll post a few screenshots:


Storeage room:



After the party?






And one more of the church, this time with showtris on:


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To try and change this post back to "what are you working on", rather than "who are you working on",


Finally! Thank you!



I'll post a few screenshots:


Lookin' good!


I love the details on the church-shot, I hope it performs nicely.

Keep up the good work!


-The mapper's best friend.

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Good news of sorts, I am on-track to relase my next mission for haloween! Just did a quick run through just now and only minor cosmetics were found. Performance is mostly good all round, all though there are a few spots of the low 20s - but these are only where there are long views etc. I'm too tired to post any screenshots just now, but will do some tomoz.


This mission will have a bit of everything, streets, thief's highway, gardens, sewers, caves, smugglers, builders, monsters and few secrets for good mesure... Like all my missions this one dosent buck the trend for the most part - closed in, cramped, nooks & crannies.... but then there will be some big vistas that will blow you away..


I'm just waiting for my master story teller and plot guru to come up with some readables and the like.. So come next week I'm gonna be need some bets testers etc..


Also is there anyone who would like to do a briefing movie, it can either be a text fading based or text/vocals based...

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Well that may be the devil, you may need to apply the same 64bit\4GB hack to your Doom 3 as Biker did.


Or install Linux.


If you only have 32bit windows then maybe you could still apply the 4GB hack and enable PAE?


Worse case scenario...


Biker has to dmap for you and keep passing you new compiled map files for every read-able change :wacko:.

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already been done. 4gb patch applied to doom3.exe and tdmlauncher.exe, and biker packaged up everything in his map folder and sent it to me. details forthcoming in tech support thread.


edit: also, dmap actually did work so i can compile my own version, but i got errors on the 'map' portion. same error when bd sent me all of his compiled files, so i dont know whats goin on.

Edited by ungoliant
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Also is there anyone who would like to do a briefing movie, it can either be a text fading based or text/vocals based...


I'd do it if I had time, but my free time is pretty slim at the moment, and I'm trying to get the new vocals from BA ready so we can start planning the 1.03 release.

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Well that may be the devil, you may need to apply the same 64bit\4GB hack to your Doom 3 as Biker did.

I did some quick googling but I couldn't find this, so could you link it for me?I could only find patch v1.3.1 but it doesn't sound like that's what you're referring to.

Edited by Nosslak
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