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Things that could be improved


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Well, whenever I go deer hunting, almost all the time my arrow(s) are unusable after I retrieve my deer. But having them all just disappear is just as unrealistic, so having the one sticking out is probably a good compromise.


I do like the idea of a barking guard dog. That's similar to the role of the lantern bot in TDM 1.02 (which listens to sound only). A guard dog would require some AI tweaking, but maybe I can look into whether it can be done outside of the C++ code.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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I was thinking more of a wandering mutt that's common in cities. I mean.. what city do you know that don't have it's share of strays. But I suppose both could be done.. a mutt and a guard dog.


Actually the guard dog would be cool for use in warehouse type areas when the place is supposed to be closed at night... places the Citywatch would not normally be.


Uh.. I suppose if they had dogs, there should be raw steaks with knock out drugs, or some other politically correct way to shut them up.. it may not look good to go around killing dogs.. but then, that would be another good tool a thief may have to find to use.. knock out steaks.

Edited by Dark Phoenix
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Is it just me or was there two post here above this one that were removed.. one by me and another person snickering about Stumpy's foxes comment? I could swear I posted a comment last night.. Unless my cat walked across the keyboard and it didn't post...


Actually.. Now that I look at it.. it seems there were several posts removed.. either that or I'm losing it or my browser is screwing up...

Edited by Dark Phoenix
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If I made models in Blender could I export them?


I believe this thread has relevant to your question, but yes Blender export is possible:


ASE Export Thread

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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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In a way I'm undermining myself by bringing this up, because I'm almost reflexively crouching at all times... but... rather than lose speed in the crouch maybe I could get an increase in speed standing:


It seems to me that if I am shouldering a body I can move faster while crouching? Is it just me? Is it by some strange design?

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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But wouldn't that effect hold true to when I'm not shouldering bodies? Because this incongruity doesn't appear to me when I'm not holding a body. If I'm standing up and running without a body, it, as it should, comes across that I'm moving fast. If I'm crouching and "running" it does not appear to be anywhere near as fast as the standing run...

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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Don't know how to add to bugtracker (or if I'm authorized to do so), but here's a map... which also has, because I randomly chose not because I was trying to point out more problems, a ragdoll, "atdm:env_ragdoll_noble_man", that appears to be one of those that has a bit of a disembodied head problem. I did try and apply the "atdm:ai_head_rev_spirit" head to this body to see if that fixed it (plus for kicks); but no, it does the same dis-embodied thing.


ETA: Okay, registered and all that as bugtracker reporter. And submitted "tweak" bug.


ETA2: I think, Komag, that you are correct in that the speed may be the same (or pretty close), but I still think it inconsistent with the way crouched vs standing speeds otherwise operate.

Edited by aidakeeley

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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should be even slower


Ack! I knew I might be inviting more sluggishnessosity. :laugh:


I was hoping, rather, to get the standing speed ranked up! I'm a master-thief, strong and swift like Daredevil, Batman, an acrobat*!



*rant inspired by the coming FM contest.

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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Yeah that's what I meant, that's it's actually the same, and I see what you mean that it should be even slower crouched with a body.


The body carrying code just puts a hard limit on the speed you can go, and crouch-walking is below that limit, so it is unaffected. I agree a percentage reduction would probably be nicer but it's a pretty trivial issue.

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I was thinking more of a wandering mutt that's common in cities. I mean.. what city do you know that don't have it's share of strays. But I suppose both could be done.. a mutt and a guard dog.


Actually the guard dog would be cool for use in warehouse type areas when the place is supposed to be closed at night... places the Citywatch would not normally be.


Uh.. I suppose if they had dogs, there should be raw steaks with knock out drugs, or some other politically correct way to shut them up.. it may not look good to go around killing dogs.. but then, that would be another good tool a thief may have to find to use.. knock out steaks.


I'd be happy to create some ultra realistic "wandering casually" dog walkcycles. I can probably make the rig in Maya now as well, despite being trained in Max. Theres quite a big downside though, which is the unrealistic turning, like the cat in T3, but even bigger. Not sure how that could be worked around, but it sure would be cool to see.

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Theres quite a big downside though, which is the unrealistic turning, like the cat in T3, but even bigger. Not sure how that could be worked around, but it sure would be cool to see.


Surely a decent animation rig should allow you to animate a realistic turn that involves the whole body of the dog bending as it would in real life?


Not that I know the first thing about animation it should be said.

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You would need to do something special for cramped spaces (eg. dead-end alleys {as these damedable animals always seem to get caught up eventually (see: rats)})... but that could be implemented, no?

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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