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The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim


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Stephen Russell voices Mercer Frey, Clavicus Vile and Barbas.


I knew many of the voices seemed familiar :).

After playing the game for a while, it actually looks like he is voicing every 3rd important character.

Not that this would be a bad thing, he's an amazing voice actor.

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I have done a high res scan of the "burlap" map I got for buying at midnight on launch day, then stitched together. It's frickin' huge, 43 megapixels, 7781x5613!


JPG version (27MB):



PNG version (119MB):






PS - here are some 1/4 size versions (3890x2807)


JPG version (8MB):



PNG version (22MB):


shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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Couple of questions about the Ustengrove quest if anyone's done it.


Down in the deep Ustengrove there is an undead throne in a corner. Almost above that to one side there is a room you reach by going up some steps past a fire trap and along a corridor. But the room is blocked by rubble. Through it you can see a chest and a dead body. I could find no way into that room.


I got the 'become ethereal' shout and have activated it but it has no effect. Is this to do with not having got the horn?

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Not sure if I did that quest, but have seen stuff like that somewhere. Look around the walls pretty good, there might be a chain with a ring to pull.


There are some rock walls that slide in and down controlled by levers, and are pretty well concealed.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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I got the 'become ethereal' shout and have activated it but it has no effect. Is this to do with not having got the horn?


I don't even have the game, but i've seen quite a few videos. The ethereal shout actually makes you invincible, but not able to pass through walls. Probably the most unbalanced skill in the game unless it has like a 1h cooldown or something. You can jump off a cliff, or take a lava bath with that shout and take 0 damage.

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I don't even have the game, but i've seen quite a few videos. The ethereal shout actually makes you invincible, but not able to pass through walls. Probably the most unbalanced skill in the game unless it has like a 1h cooldown or something. You can jump off a cliff, or take a lava bath with that shout and take 0 damage.


You can't damage others while ethereal.

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The thing about the etheral is that it does not show anything happening. What I mean is, I have three shouts set as favourites: unrelenting(?) force, super sprint, ethereal. The first two show a prolonged blue flash and swoosh sound, the first blasts and staggers an enemy so giving you time to regroup and attack, the sprint gives you super forward boost for I guess 200-300 paces in one second. Apart from boosting your speed while running through country or away from an enemy you can also use it to get through rapid auto-closing doors before they close. But the ethereal, if I press the same control there is no sign of any effect, no blue flash, no sound, nothing. If anyone else gets that let me know if you get it to work. I might do a google on that one. It took the whole ustengrav quest to get it.


The inaccessible room in ustengrav - I should say it is blocked by rubble so no chain or switch to open it. There may be some other access but it's hard to see from what direction because every side of it is not reachable.


That reminds me, on the way cross-country from Whiterun I found a strange low tower hollow with barred doors on about 4 sides. Inside you can see a lever. No way in. I'm guessing it's a way out from somewhere but there is no sign inside of any door or any room for a door - just no room except the lever in the middle of the floor.


Oh yeah - another one. Blessing of Mara. I think I had this in Oblvion too. But in Skyrim I can't see where it is stored in the menus. I think it gives healing or something but I can't find it under magic or the general inventory or anywhere. The message definitely said Blessing of Mara added.


Oh yeah - another one. Sometimes a character gives you something. This is really poor because easy to miss. No animation, no sign of the object, not even a text message like xyz added. So if you miss what the character says you might not even know he's given you something or what it is. A bandit gave me something but no idea what.


Tip with Lydia: If you tell her to wait remember where and get back to her or she won't return to Dragonreach. So long as you 've not told her to wait then if you get separated then she'll eventually go back to the banquet hall in Dragonreach and you can command her again. (This might possibly happen anyway when you teleport.) I wonder if is this is Wonderwoman (Lynda Carter?) voice again. I think she did the one in Shivering Isles. Handy to help you in fights and also to carry your loot for you and keep you warm on those cold nights in the mountains. ;)

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If I'm thinking of the correct dungeon there were some tall pillars with stone walkways bridging them. Just look up and you should see what I'm talking about. There is a path up there that leads to the room behind the rubble. You'll need to jump a few small gaps and use the whirlwind shout to cross larger gaps.

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the towers with levers inside are dwelmer (dwarf), although the mechanical beasts inside can one shot you.


if you have problem looking up on the pc turn off vibration and 360 controller in the settings menu (set on by default), this seams to fix the looking up bug. if you're not playing via the 360 controller.


somewhere in the middle of the map, west of Morthal, you can get a pet dog, it sits at the side of a road and looks like a wolf from a distance.


the red 'X' on the map with the game box are shrine's.

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If I'm thinking of the correct dungeon there were some tall pillars with stone walkways bridging them. Just look up and you should see what I'm talking about. There is a path up there that leads to the room behind the rubble. You'll need to jump a few small gaps and use the whirlwind shout to cross larger gaps.

Ah yes - I did see that route but failed to jump the gaps. I didn't actually see that it led to that room but I did see the possibility of jumping. I'm not sure I had the whirlwind sprint at that time or if I would have the nerve to use it! You have no control of it - it just thrusts you forward. Anyway, I've long since left that dungeon but I've kept one or two saves in there so I might go back.


Back on the accomplice thing. Although I like the idea very much I don't think Bethesda have improved it at all since Oblivion. What would make it better would be more commands:


Sneak but don't attack unless you are attacked. Although they crouch when you do (and hopefully they are then less visible) they still will attack any target no matter how hopeless or how much better it would be to use stealth. I had to reload an early save while sneaking up on a giants camp because she just got locked into attacking them then getting winded and repeating that loop endlessly.


Come when I whistle. If you leave them to wait and can't find them again then you've lost them for good I think. I usually advance into dungeones etc and leave the accomplice to wait behind unless I think I need help. So a whistle would be good.


Go back and wait for me in Whiterun (or goto marker.)


Let me equip you. This when you give her weapons and armour she does not necessarily use the ideal.


Speak more intelligently. This would add interest if there were 100 more speeches like 'watch out' or 'well done' or 'I've seen an enemy' etc.


Don't keep repeating the banal responses. These get tedious after the first 100 time.


Ask for confirmation when dismissed. "Are you sure My Thane?"



More intelligent response if they can't reach you. In Oblivion I had situations where they ran a mile around a mountain because I was ten steps out of reach.


Locate bodies for you. After a wide-spread running fight there might 4 or 5 bodies to search in the long grass. It can be near impossible to find them all sometimes.



Regarding the Shouts: I now see you have to activate them with a dragon soul. I've got 3 souls but 4 shouts so I enabled 'disarm' which sounds more useful than ephemeral.


Those giants are tough! Even sprinting away and using Whirwind sprint I could only just get a little ahead. Soon as I stop and turn I can rarely get in a shot with an arrow. And one hit by them almost finished me. I'll go back when I'm stronger.

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With the giants you need to get at a rocky area. I have beat several of them by using my fire breath shout and magic, but by running behind trees, around rocks. You gotta block their paths and get the jump on them.


The Sprint shout really isn't good for distance, since you pause after it, so it basically negates any speed increase. It's good for getting through gates, jumping gaps.


To see the Mara (and other magics from temples) open your menu>magic>passive abilities or something. Bottom of the list. That should also list the ephemeral when it's activated. I haven't got that yet, I have 4 shouts and 3 dragon souls, but haven't found anymore words yet so can't use the souls :(


When a character gives you something it should show up in the top left corner. I think last night I got one thing that didn't appear. There may be a bug, but usually they've all shown up for me. Oh yeah, last night I was supposed to recieve some gold from an ai, not sure if I did or not. he said 'here's some gold' but it didn't show.


I bet that tower has a way to drop into it somehow. I have found a few spots like that. Hard to say though, there are so many locations and I think they mixed things up much better in this game. Morrowind tended to be a lot more copy/paste. But from what I've heard they had one guy making all the dungeons in Morrowind and a team doing them for Skyrim.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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With my character I just use archery+sneak combo to kill giants from a distance. It's also a good idea to move out of the way if they don't detect you immediately. Poisons can also be applied to arrows.


Sneak but don't attack unless you are attacked.


I was concerned about this before traveling with Lydia but when I gave her a trial run I sneaked a lot and didn't notice her attacking unless I did or we (probably just her) had been seen. You sure?


Go back and wait for me in Whiterun (or goto marker.)


For Lydia, picking the dismiss option (the last one) should send her back to the Jarl in Whiterun or straight to your home in Whiterun, Breezerun. I was hesitant when I picked that option because it sounded like I was firing her. I'm pretty sure all of the optional (post-quest) followers in the game will travel with you and return to their starting locations as needed like this.


Let me equip you. This when you give her weapons and armour she does not necessarily use the ideal.


She starts out with steel right? Maybe you tried to give her light armor or the wrong kind of weapons? I tested this out just now and observed that she wasn't wearing the Elven Armor (strong light armor) I gave her but happily equipped the Dragonplate Shield. If the equipment you give her isn't better, she won't use it, apparently skill choice affects that as well. This brings up a question I have. Do followers get stronger in terms of skills and stats by fighting with you?


Speak more intelligently. This would add interest if there were 100 more speeches like 'watch out' or 'well done' or 'I've seen an enemy' etc.



Don't keep repeating the banal responses. These get tedious after the first 100 time.


This will always be a problem. Even with the increase from 6 -> 70 voice actors from Oblivion to Skyrim. Even TDM can't get enough vocal responses and sets. I still think the ultimate solution will end up being real time vocaloid style speech synthesis. At that point, maybe we'll decry that the vocal scripts are still tens of thousands of responses short, and we'll need to invent AI. After you play TES X for 24 hours you'll find that the real world completely changed!


More intelligent response if they can't reach you. In Oblivion I had situations where they ran a mile around a mountain because I was ten steps out of reach.


In Oblivion I remember followers kind of mimicking your movement paths, going where you go and jumping at around the same times. In Skyrim it looks like they decide their own path to where you are, but with predictably bad jumping logic. Obviously this becomes a problem if you like to "climb" up mountains in order to get a nice point of entry into some location. Your follower will eventually catch up with you though, and I didn't have much of a problem with it since I spent most of the game self-sufficient sans follower. If you want your follower behind you all the time, look for the easier slopes, take circular routes around mountains to find the actual paths, and mill around once in a while to pick up alchemy ingredients or something.


Efforts to making Skyrim's world feel hand-crafted extended to the team abandoning the use of generated landscapes as they had done in Oblivion. While one team member was charged with designing dungeons in Oblivion, Skyrim's 150 dungeons were designed by a small team of eight people.


Haven't heard about the Morrowind team but I guess it was a similar story to Oblivion.

Edited by jaxa
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My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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Anyone know the official info about sleeping? Because you can select to level up instead of sleeping my view was that all it did was restore health etc same as 'wait' plus unlocks special guilds like dark brotherhood, vampires maybe. So I've left it alone until some future time when I've exhausted other things and I'm ready. But I just read that sleeping speeds up levelling up. But since that's just somebody posting on a forum I don't know if it's true or somebody's assumption. I just went to the offical website but the search help is crap. Nothing in the printed manual of course - first place I looked.

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It would be logical, but noting like that is mentioned in manual.. Dont know what to thing about that. in fact I never sleeped in Skyrim yet=)


Skyrim is great game, I cant stop playing.. I have nearly 30 hours, doing just quests in cities and started with quests for mage guild. Not so far in main line..

Dont you know how to be a companion without acepting the lycantrophy? Because only quest Ive got from them is to go to the forge and become a warewolf..

He was sneeking silently in the night, moonlight was his enemy.

(Im not a native speaker, sorry for all miscleanous caused by my english..)

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