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That proves it, we Germans have good taste!! :D


This goes in line with the fact that we have a massive influx of new clearly German forum members. I guess this is mostly due to the coverage of Gamestar. This is the biggest gaming site in Germany, after all. Also, Chip.de is a fairly frequented site, so those two heavyweights alone should generate a lot of traffic.

My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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Well, Germany -- You won this one ;)


Country, downloads, total population, downloads per million persons in that country


Germany, 2514, 80.4M, 31.3

Finland 361, 5.4M, 66.9



If the amount of downloads correlates with playing activity, the population of Finland is over twice active TDM players than the population of Germany! ;)


-The mapper's best friend.

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Sotha, that's just because it's so cold that nobody goes outside in Finland resulting in more overall gaming activity. ;-D


I'd like to add that it is not only cold, but dark, too. That spawns a lot of stealth gamers: people feel like home in the dark gloominess... ;)

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-The mapper's best friend.

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Things have changed. It looks like the call of Slashdotia has been heeded. But hey, at least you once again showed those pesky Frenchmen.

This is using a geoip2, which has a slightly newer db than the one I was using earlier. No more silly names whee.


Total Resolved:  13159
Total Countries: 110

pos] Country                    | IPs   | %tot
1  ] United States              | 2833  | 21.53%
2  ] Germany                    | 2828  | 21.49%
3  ] United Kingdom             | 1195  | 9.08%
4  ] Poland                     | 703   | 5.34%
5  ] Russia                     | 474   | 3.60%
6  ] Canada                     | 458   | 3.48%
7  ] Finland                    | 392   | 2.98%
8  ] France                     | 373   | 2.83%
9  ] Australia                  | 353   | 2.68%
10 ] Hungary                    | 292   | 2.22%
11 ] Sweden                     | 221   | 1.68%
12 ] Czechia                    | 221   | 1.68%
13 ] Austria                    | 212   | 1.61%
14 ] Spain                      | 168   | 1.28%
15 ] Italy                      | 168   | 1.28%
16 ] Brazil                     | 162   | 1.23%
17 ] Denmark                    | 150   | 1.14%
18 ] Netherlands                | 149   | 1.13%
19 ] Ukraine                    | 109   | 0.83%
20 ] Norway                     | 103   | 0.78%
21 ] Romania                    | 95    | 0.72%
22 ] Ireland                    | 83    | 0.63%
23 ] Belgium                    | 80    | 0.61%
24 ] Portugal                   | 74    | 0.56%
25 ] Switzerland                | 74    | 0.56%
26 ] New Zealand                | 72    | 0.55%
27 ] Slovakia                   | 68    | 0.52%
28 ] Croatia                    | 67    | 0.51%
29 ] Greece                     | 65    | 0.49%
30 ] Japan                      | 63    | 0.48%
31 ] Turkey                     | 58    | 0.44%
32 ] Singapore                  | 58    | 0.44%
33 ] Argentina                  | 56    | 0.43%
34 ] Israel                     | 49    | 0.37%
35 ] South Africa               | 46    | 0.35%
36 ] South Korea                | 37    | 0.28%
37 ] Serbia                     | 34    | 0.26%
38 ] India                      | 33    | 0.25%
39 ] Slovenia                   | 26    | 0.20%
40 ] Philippines                | 26    | 0.20%
41 ] Estonia                    | 25    | 0.19%
42 ] Belarus                    | 25    | 0.19%
43 ] Lithuania                  | 24    | 0.18%
44 ] China                      | 24    | 0.18%
45 ] Mexico                     | 24    | 0.18%
46 ] Bulgaria                   | 23    | 0.17%
47 ] Malaysia                   | 23    | 0.17%
48 ] Venezuela                  | 22    | 0.17%
49 ] Pakistan                   | 17    | 0.13%
50 ] Taiwan                     | 16    | 0.12%
51 ] Indonesia                  | 14    | 0.11%
52 ] Chile                      | 13    | 0.10%
53 ] Latvia                     | 12    | 0.09%
54 ] Uruguay                    | 11    | 0.08%
55 ] Kazakhstan                 | 11    | 0.08%
56 ] United Arab Emirates       | 8     | 0.06%
57 ] Costa Rica                 | 7     | 0.05%
58 ] Iceland                    | 7     | 0.05%
59 ] Vietnam                    | 6     | 0.05%
60 ] Hong Kong                  | 6     | 0.05%
61 ] Bosnia and Herzegovina     | 5     | 0.04%
62 ] Honduras                   | 5     | 0.04%
63 ] Bolivia                    | 4     | 0.03%
64 ] Saudi Arabia               | 4     | 0.03%
65 ] French Guiana              | 4     | 0.03%
66 ] Peru                       | 4     | 0.03%
67 ] Dominican Republic         | 4     | 0.03%
68 ] Iran                       | 4     | 0.03%
69 ] Colombia                   | 4     | 0.03%
70 ] Cyprus                     | 4     | 0.03%
71 ] Monaco                     | 3     | 0.02%
72 ] Albania                    | 3     | 0.02%
73 ] Kenya                      | 3     | 0.02%
74 ] French Polynesia           | 3     | 0.02%
75 ] Thailand                   | 3     | 0.02%
76 ] Moldova                    | 3     | 0.02%
77 ] Malta                      | 3     | 0.02%
78 ] Macedonia (FYR)            | 3     | 0.02%
79 ] Egypt                      | 3     | 0.02%
80 ] Jersey                     | 2     | 0.02%
81 ] Guam                       | 2     | 0.02%
82 ] Kosovo                     | 2     | 0.02%
83 ] Azerbaijan                 | 2     | 0.02%
84 ] Réunion                    | 2     | 0.02%
85 ] Uganda                     | 2     | 0.02%
86 ] Faroe Islands              | 2     | 0.02%
87 ] Luxembourg                 | 2     | 0.02%
88 ] Ecuador                    | 2     | 0.02%
89 ] Algeria                    | 2     | 0.02%
90 ] Isle of Man                | 2     | 0.02%
91 ] Trinidad and Tobago        | 2     | 0.02%
92 ] Guadeloupe                 | 2     | 0.02%
93 ] Bahrain                    | 1     | 0.01%
94 ] Tanzania                   | 1     | 0.01%
95 ] Jamaica                    | 1     | 0.01%
96 ] Bangladesh                 | 1     | 0.01%
97 ] San Marino                 | 1     | 0.01%
98 ] Montenegro                 | 1     | 0.01%
99 ] Liechtenstein              | 1     | 0.01%
100] Kuwait                     | 1     | 0.01%
101] Panama                     | 1     | 0.01%
102] Gibraltar                  | 1     | 0.01%
103] Syria                      | 1     | 0.01%
104] Brunei                     | 1     | 0.01%
105] Puerto Rico                | 1     | 0.01%
106] Iraq                       | 1     | 0.01%
107] Tunisia                    | 1     | 0.01%
108] Barbados                   | 1     | 0.01%
109] Nepal                      | 1     | 0.01%
110] Namibia                    | 1     | 0.01%

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Are those unique IPs? I thought I was the only Taffer on the Isle of Man. :ph34r:

Yup - Uniques who have done at least 100mb off the mirror.


Top 100 cities for fun. Accuracy no doubt goes errrrr.



Total Resolved:  8579
Total Cities:    3746
Rnk] ========= City ========== |  Num  |  % 
1  ] Berlin                    | 161   | 1.88%
2  ] Warzachewka Polska        | 107   | 1.25%
3  ] London                    | 81    | 0.94%
4  ] Budapest                  | 75    | 0.87%
5  ] Warsaw                    | 72    | 0.84%
6  ] Munich                    | 71    | 0.83%
7  ] Moscow                    | 62    | 0.72%
8  ] Hamburg                   | 59    | 0.69%
9  ] Singapore                 | 57    | 0.66%
10 ] Vienna                    | 55    | 0.64%
11 ] Prague                    | 40    | 0.47%
12 ] Leipzig                   | 38    | 0.44%
13 ] Helsinki                  | 38    | 0.44%
14 ] Tokyo                     | 35    | 0.41%
15 ] Poznan                    | 34    | 0.40%
16 ] Cologne                   | 34    | 0.40%
17 ] Melbourne                 | 33    | 0.38%
18 ] Adelaide                  | 33    | 0.38%
19 ] Dresden                   | 33    | 0.38%
20 ] Paris                     | 32    | 0.37%
21 ] Montreal                  | 32    | 0.37%
22 ] Nuremberg                 | 32    | 0.37%
23 ] Brisbane                  | 32    | 0.37%
24 ] Sydney                    | 31    | 0.36%
25 ] Tampere                   | 30    | 0.35%
26 ] Stuttgart                 | 29    | 0.34%
27 ] Toronto                   | 29    | 0.34%
28 ] Istanbul                  | 28    | 0.33%
29 ] Saint-Petersburg          | 26    | 0.30%
30 ] Hanover                   | 26    | 0.30%
31 ] Austin                    | 26    | 0.30%
32 ] Bremen                    | 25    | 0.29%
33 ] Bucharest                 | 25    | 0.29%
34 ] Braunschweig              | 24    | 0.28%
35 ] Zagreb                    | 22    | 0.26%
36 ] Belgrade                  | 22    | 0.26%
37 ] Oulu                      | 22    | 0.26%
38 ] Buenos Aires              | 22    | 0.26%
39 ] Portland                  | 21    | 0.24%
40 ] Bochum                    | 21    | 0.24%
41 ] Oslo                      | 21    | 0.24%
42 ] Seattle                   | 21    | 0.24%
43 ] Brooklyn                  | 21    | 0.24%
44 ] Perth                     | 20    | 0.23%
45 ] Duisburg                  | 20    | 0.23%
46 ] Chicago                   | 19    | 0.22%
47 ] Bratislava                | 19    | 0.22%
48 ] Dublin                    | 19    | 0.22%
49 ] Barquisimeto              | 19    | 0.22%
50 ] Auckland                  | 19    | 0.22%
51 ] Ceska                     | 19    | 0.22%
52 ] Birmingham                | 18    | 0.21%
53 ] Copenhagen                | 17    | 0.20%
54 ] Ottawa                    | 17    | 0.20%
55 ] Szczecin                  | 16    | 0.19%
56 ] Cambridge                 | 16    | 0.19%
57 ] San Antonio               | 16    | 0.19%
58 ] Athens                    | 16    | 0.19%
59 ] Glasgow                   | 16    | 0.19%
60 ] Islamabad                 | 16    | 0.19%
61 ] Wiesbaden                 | 16    | 0.19%
62 ] Los Angeles               | 16    | 0.19%
63 ] Madrid                    | 15    | 0.17%
64 ] Dortmund                  | 15    | 0.17%
65 ] Bonn                      | 15    | 0.17%
66 ] Espoo                     | 15    | 0.17%
67 ] Manchester                | 15    | 0.17%
68 ] San Francisco             | 15    | 0.17%
69 ] Stockholm                 | 15    | 0.17%
70 ] Lublin                    | 15    | 0.17%
71 ] Salt Lake City            | 15    | 0.17%
72 ] Houston                   | 15    | 0.17%
73 ] Kiel                      | 14    | 0.16%
74 ] Karlsruhe                 | 14    | 0.16%
75 ] Graz                      | 14    | 0.16%
76 ] Taipei                    | 14    | 0.16%
77 ] Frankfurt am Main         | 14    | 0.16%
78 ] New York                  | 14    | 0.16%
79 ] Vancouver                 | 14    | 0.16%
80 ] Canberra                  | 13    | 0.15%
81 ] Chemnitz                  | 13    | 0.15%
82 ] Potsdam                   | 13    | 0.15%
83 ] Erfurt                    | 13    | 0.15%
84 ] Hamilton                  | 13    | 0.15%
85 ] Aurora                    | 13    | 0.15%
86 ] Gothenburg                | 13    | 0.15%
87 ] San Jose                  | 12    | 0.14%
88 ] Mannheim                  | 12    | 0.14%
89 ] Richmond                  | 12    | 0.14%
90 ] Rochester                 | 12    | 0.14%
91 ] San Diego                 | 12    | 0.14%
92 ] Freiburg                  | 12    | 0.14%
93 ] Rostock                   | 11    | 0.13%
94 ] Milan                     | 11    | 0.13%
95 ] Wuppertal                 | 11    | 0.13%
96 ] Santiago                  | 11    | 0.13%
97 ] Rio de Janeiro            | 11    | 0.13%
98 ] Barcelona                 | 11    | 0.13%
99 ] Brno                      | 11    | 0.13%
100] Denver                    | 11    | 0.13%



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33 Taffers in Dresden, wohoo \o/. (I just guess that the german Dresden is meant here ;) )

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FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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I was about to say too, I bet at least half the Tokyo number are friends of mine that picked it up off my FB announcement.


Interesting that the first US city is waay down the list, Austin (my former univ & hometown yay! And definitely not surprising). Goes to show how spread out US players are to still be the first country. They're all out in suburbs all across the whole country.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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A few comments from the PC gamer article worth posting:



The only Thief game I played is Thief 3, which wasn't terrible, but wasn't very good either. The whole time I was playing it, I could tell (even without having played the other two games) that it was inferior to the others. I just knew, somehow, that I was getting a watered down version of a different experience. The Dark Mod is what Thief 3 should've been, and what Thief 4 should be. I can see now why so many people complained that Thief 3 didn't have rope arrows; they are literally my favorite part of the whole game. I really like the way The Dark Mod can be scary, empowering, disempowering, and challenging all in one mission. Sometimes all at once! I'm happy knowing that I technically never have to stop playing this game, what with all the community content that will surely be produced in the future.



I've been playing this non-stop since it went 2.0 (and a little before that) and I'll have to say that this is seriously good. For those of you who loved the Thief series I would highly recommend to play this! (I've still yet to complete Thief 2 & 3 myself)

I've been playing through the missions (on expert mode, naturally) as they have been released (http://www.thedarkmod.com/missions/?sort=releasedate) and you can really see that the authors have put some serious work into their maps.

I completed the first part of "No Honor Among Thieves" last night and I was completely knocked out by the level of detail and lighting! Some of these fan missions can structurally rival maps from the Thief games, the architecture, the ambiance and even the dialogue is passable!

("Can't blame that one on me, wasn't even theeeeere!" ~ A Darkmod Guard)

If anyone loved the Thief series, they are going to get on well with this. Yes there are a few quirks that might need to be ironed out, but getting all this out of the Doom 3 engine is a massive achievement and well... I'm loading it back up now for some Sunday morning Taffing about!

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Another download spike is going to hit us soon, I guess. The German gaming magazine Gamestar just posted a big special on The Dark Mod:



I know we had Gamestar already, but this is a new article. I especially like the last sentence in the conclusion, which I'll translate for you.

My collegeau is excited about Thief 4, but I'll stick to this beautiful fan project.
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That's an accurate and thorough review, showing the reviewer has played the mod and can evaluate it on more than a glimpse. That's respectable.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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      Was checking out old translation packs and decided to fire up TDM 1.07. Rightful Property with sub-20 FPS areas yay! ( same areas run at 180FPS with cranked eye candy on 2.12 )
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      Turns out my 15th anniversary mission idea has already been done once or twice before! I've been beaten to the punch once again, but I suppose that's to be expected when there's over 170 FMs out there, eh? I'm not complaining though, I love learning new tricks and taking inspiration from past FMs. Best of luck on your own fan missions!
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