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Issues in 2.08 final


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Maybe this has already been discussed in the beta thread, but I haven't followed that closely and while updating my UP for 2.08 I noticed:

- The lockpick working overlay starts off yellow now instead of green, is this intended?

- If you successfully pick a lock, I think I hear the failed sound with the successful one.

- Clearing the downloaded missions is still broken, like if you download a mission it

  will still be shown in the list and if you download all new missions, you get an ugly

  overlay of mission names over "No new mission packages available for download".

Edited by wesp5
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Small update:

- The yellow lockpick overlay must have been connected to the mission that I played. It was gone today...

- The fail lockpicking sound is played at the end of any lockpicking attempt, so if you fail you hear it twice!

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2 hours ago, stgatilov said:

Regarding highlight of lockpicking: something nondeterministic happens to it.

It looks different to every player: some people have it non-transparent, some have it huge, now you see it yellow.

I reported the ultra bright lockpick highlight, but the last beta seems to have fixed it for me. So maybe, the bug evolved into something else.
Better be carefull when exploring the darker corners of that engine...

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5 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Weird! Yesterday it was fine again though in another mission.

I think this problem will return to you, to all of you 😫


Any hint on where to look for the duplicate lockpicking fail sound?

If you are willing to look at the code, it is most likely in BinaryFrobMover.cpp.

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49 minutes ago, stgatilov said:

I think this problem will return to you, to all of you 😫

If you are willing to look at the code, it is most likely in BinaryFrobMover.cpp.

As for the lockpick highlight, you were right. It returned in a much more ugly yellow blob with no different colors!

As for the double lockpick sound, I'm no coder. If this needs compiling and stuff, somebody else needs to do it ;)...

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I don't know if this is a 2.08 feature, or specific to the mission, but I'm playing through A Good Neighbour and I'm finding the water surface reflections to be like brightly polished glass.  I'm in the water section (a huge underground cistern) and it's hard to tell what's underwater and what's reflection, it's like walking on a mirror.  Shouldn't there be some opacity in the the reflections, it's very unsettling?

I don't remember having this problem before (though I don't remember as brightly lit an area of water elsewhere), and I imagine the water is just standard water, so either I need to set some configuration options, or something is wrong!

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30 minutes ago, Araneidae said:

I don't know if this is a 2.08 feature, or specific to the mission, but I'm playing through A Good Neighbour and I'm finding the water surface reflections to be like brightly polished glass.

It is mission-specific. The water always was mirror-like there.

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2 hours ago, Abusimplea said:

It is mission-specific. The water always was mirror-like there.

Seconded. This is something that was present in 2.07 and something I intend on tweaking when I release an update for this FM (soonish).

Edited by Amadeus
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Hi all,

Just updated my linux version of TDM to 2.08 & tried a new mission for 'Air Pocket"

First thing I noticed was things were darker than I normally have them set so I tweaked the gamma & brightness & that's fine

But as soon as I go underwater visibility drops to almost zero, I resorted to turning brightness & gamma to the max & even used the lamp but even then I could only just make out my surroundings, object highlight is barely visible and as soon as I stick my head out of water everything is waaaaaay too bright

Is there any setting in the cfg file I can tweak to change this, I could see OK underwater OK when I used 2.07

System info Zorin OS 15.2 64 bit (Ubuntu variant), 7.7Gb Ram, Intel® Core™ i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 8, Quadro K600/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics

TDM is the 64 bit linux distro

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Now brightness and gamma are postprocessing effects.

So maybe there's some unexpected interactions with the underwater context 😐

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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37 minutes ago, esme said:

Hi all,

Just updated my linux version of TDM to 2.08 & tried a new mission for 'Air Pocket"

First thing I noticed was things were darker than I normally have them set so I tweaked the gamma & brightness & that's fine

But as soon as I go underwater visibility drops to almost zero, I resorted to turning brightness & gamma to the max & even used the lamp but even then I could only just make out my surroundings, object highlight is barely visible and as soon as I stick my head out of water everything is waaaaaay too bright

Is there any setting in the cfg file I can tweak to change this, I could see OK underwater OK when I used 2.07

System info Zorin OS 15.2 64 bit (Ubuntu variant), 7.7Gb Ram, Intel® Core™ i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 8, Quadro K600/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics

TDM is the 64 bit linux distro

Do you have SSAO enabled?

Try setting r_ambientGamma higher in the console or Darkmod.cfg

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Hi, these are my SSAO settings from the cfg file

seta r_ssao_edgesharpness "1"
seta r_ssao_base "0.1"
seta r_ssao_intensity "1.0"
seta r_ssao_bias "0.05"
seta r_ssao_radius "32"
seta r_ssao "0"

I'm guessing the last one means SSAO isn't enabled

I set r_ambientGamma to 1.5 which improved things, so I upped it to 2.0, now underwater is murky but I can see

I can play with this, thanks for the help

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On 7/9/2020 at 9:09 PM, esme said:

First thing I noticed was things were darker than I normally have them set so I tweaked the gamma & brightness & that's fine

But as soon as I go underwater visibility drops to almost zero, I resorted to turning brightness & gamma to the max & even used the lamp but even then I could only just make out my surroundings, object highlight is barely visible and as soon as I stick my head out of water everything is waaaaaay too bright

Perhaps we should change something.
It is expected that gamma/brightness looks different, but this sounds like a problem.

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On 7/9/2020 at 4:09 PM, esme said:

Hi all,

Just updated my linux version of TDM to 2.08 & tried a new mission for 'Air Pocket"

First thing I noticed was things were darker than I normally have them set so I tweaked the gamma & brightness & that's fine

But as soon as I go underwater visibility drops to almost zero, I resorted to turning brightness & gamma to the max & even used the lamp but even then I could only just make out my surroundings, object highlight is barely visible and as soon as I stick my head out of water everything is waaaaaay too bright

Is there any setting in the cfg file I can tweak to change this, I could see OK underwater OK when I used 2.07

System info Zorin OS 15.2 64 bit (Ubuntu variant), 7.7Gb Ram, Intel® Core™ i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 8, Quadro K600/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics

TDM is the 64 bit linux distro

I have exactly the same problem. It's darker, and even if I adjust the gamma, then all the light in the game it's unbalanced. Never seen this problem with the 2.07.

System Info: Kubuntu 18.04 64bit (I don't think it's an HW problem)

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I'm seeing some weirdness in the 2.08 final regarding reflections. I've seen it in two different missions that I'm beta testing. Here is an example in HHTLC, in 2.07 it looks like this, a nice mild reflection (the plant pot):


But in 2.08 the reflection is wonky:


Same graphic settings. I deleted the darkmod.cfg, just to see if that made a difference - nope. I saw this problem in another FM too.

Is anyone else seeing this?

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On 7/13/2020 at 7:23 PM, joebarnin said:

I'm seeing some weirdness in the 2.08 final regarding reflections. I've seen it in two different missions that I'm beta testing. Here is an example in HHTLC, in 2.07 it looks like this, a nice mild reflection (the plant pot):


But in 2.08 the reflection is wonky:


Same graphic settings. I deleted the darkmod.cfg, just to see if that made a difference - nope. I saw this problem in another FM too.

Is anyone else seeing this?


This looks like what happens if you enable RGTC. Is image_useNormalCompression set to 1 ?

(RGTC is fixed in SVN \ 2.09 )

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3 hours ago, nbohr1more said:


This looks like what happens if you enable RGTC. Is image_useNormalCompression set to 1 ?

(RGTC is fixed in SVN \ 2.09 )

That one?

Revision: 8686
Author: duzenko
Date: понедельник, 27 апреля 2020 г. 11:12:31
Normal maps are now always RG - shader fixes
Modified : /trunk/glprogs/HeatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.fs
Modified : /trunk/glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.fs
Modified : /trunk/glprogs/heatHaze.fs
Modified : /trunk/glprogs/heatHazeWithAlphaDepth.fs
Modified : /trunk/glprogs/heatHazeWithDepth.fs
Modified : /trunk/glprogs/heatHazeWithMask.fs
Modified : /trunk/glprogs/heatHazeWithMaskAndBlur.fs

Too bad it was not merged :(

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VSync problem (on AMD, must test on nVidia)

FM: A New Job - Location: the alley before the tavern main door

Please look at the frametime graph (thanks RTSS)


No VSync - OK:



Fullscreen+Sync - oscillating between 16.6 and 33 ms is expected, but the constant oscillation is really heavy and it seems that Triple Buffering forcing does not mitigate the behaviour



Borderless/Windowed+Sync - that's simply something (totally) wrong in this case


Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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10 hours ago, nbohr1more said:


This looks like what happens if you enable RGTC. Is image_useNormalCompression set to 1 ?

(RGTC is fixed in SVN \ 2.09 )

image_useNormalCompression is set to 1 (I am running 2.08). If I change it to 2, the reflections look good.

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58 minutes ago, joebarnin said:

image_useNormalCompression is set to 1 (I am running 2.08). If I change it to 2, the reflections look good.

Hmm.. do you have "The Dark Mod VR" or any other add-on packs installed?

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35 minutes ago, joebarnin said:

Nope. It’s a clean 2.08 release, as far as I can recall. 

Please delete your tdm_base01.pk4, any glprogs folders, and your darkmod executable then run tdm_update.


Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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