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For someone who doesn't want to copy Thief, this seems exactly like a copy of Thief.

That said, I think it looks pretty cool.  The lock-picking overlay looks great.  And I like the way the readables move towards the player and open/unfurl.  I'd like to see something like that in TDM. 

Not a fan of the voice-acting, personally.




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For all the people that wanted a TDM like experience on UE4? Here it is.

Now you just need to show if the AI is any good the way to make user missions is not hard and you have a bunch of assets for users to play with and you have a start of a TDM rival in your hands, like or not is a fact.   

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Das ist gut Filizitas! Did you do all of this on your own for this project?

Edited by Anderson
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"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."...

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.


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1 hour ago, Springheel said:

For someone who doesn't want to copy Thief, this seems exactly like a copy of Thief.


And, as it is, it's lovely. Bit rough around the edges (voice acting isn't very good, the lantern shines more like a flashlight, some animations missing, sounds seem a tad "standard"), but, really nice. Hope you continue your work.

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A lof of work has been done here, but it's undermined by the presentation. It's very nervous, almost as if you were ashamed of it or something. Slower pacing and concentration on actually showing your work to someone who has never seen it before, rather than rushing through it since you know all this stuff already – that would work wonders here. Maybe use the controller for smooth looking around and let some testers play it, so you can put the best parts with some creative editing?

Edited by peter_spy
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I actually forgot to show the credits in the video.

I am using tdm music currently with thief OG music. That is all temporal.

For the Fan Mission part, well its certainly possible yes but i have to focus on making a great game for now!
The game is coded in a very modular way in preperation for modding.

I hope in the future to use more ressources on asset creation and sounds but those arent important.
Thief looks really bad and is aged alot but we still heavily enjoy it.

Its all in the gameplay which matters to me the most :)

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I agree that it looks quite interesting, although it was a bit rushed in the video. It would be nice if you would allow your viewers some time to actually read stuff you pick up without them having to pause. Regarding voice acting, I did not find it too bad, but a bit strange that the internal voice is suddenly heard from one side at some point. The lockpicking system from (modern) Bethesda games is fine, although I personally prefer the ones from Oblivion or Splinter Cell (not sure which part), where you actually see what happens inside the lcok. But this is personal taste... Anyway, great job! I would absolutely play it, when there is something to play.

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So, are you planning to produce an actual campaign or is this just a fun-project for you? Don't get me wrong, it is definitely an interesting project, but considering how many people have worked on TDM for more than a decade, I can't imagine someone creating a fully fledged game of this caliber all by themself.

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I agree with the comments that you should probably invest a bit more time in a carefully edited video if you want to promote and show your work to a wider audience.

But congratulations on your accomplishment! As someone who has some idea about the amount of work that goes into something like this, I think this looks really good already! Better than many early access titles on Steam, for sure. And 11 months is almost no time at all :)

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I like the look and feel of it. Good luck with your project! 😃

We're not ones to tell anyone they can't do what they like. TDM actually got a lot of hate from the original Thief crowd at TTLG for being inauthentic, kind of bewildering to some of us at the time, but in the end most people realize there's room for different projects and visions and life is too short not to do what you want.

It seems like every year or two, someone is presenting their own vision of this genre and will post a video here, which is cool. They often have new ideas or cool takes on different things, and this one is better than a lot of others. And if you're making a game the way you like it, chances are there will be others that like those things too.

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What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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This looks fantastic! How many of those assets are part of the UE4 package?


I think we historically had sour grapes about Unreal Engine based attempts at a Thief clone since many players have repeatedly asked

"Why didn't you wait for UE3?" or "When are you going to migrate to UE3?" etc.


In hindsight it's quite clear why these questions are even more absurd than they were back in 2009...

It wasn't until 2015 when UE4 source code was made available to the community (UE3 never released the source during it's tenure),

so nobody could have made a lightgem system or any of the advanced AI systems needed until then.


Did players in 2009 want to wait until at least 2018 to have a playable game in Unreal Engine?,

...or was it better that by 2018 we had TDM 2.06 64-bit with real-time soft-shadows, EFX audio, and over 120 missions

including monster sized missions like Behind Closed Doors, commercial quality missions like the William Steele series, Shadow Cursed series,

and Volta series... etc. (Eg. We had the banquet on the table already.)


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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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UE3 source code was never released, because it consisted of too many third-party subsystems. It was a licensing mess, unfortunately.

It's amazing though, that now you can whip up a high quality prototype in a few months all by yourself.

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1 hour ago, Filizitas said:

Rose Cottage

Uhhh, that one was soo amazing back in the days!

Good luck with you endeavour. Didn't mean to be so negative before. Just don't be disappointed, if it doesn't work out as you planned...

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13 hours ago, Destined said:

The lockpicking system from (modern) Bethesda games is fine, although I personally prefer the ones from Oblivion or Splinter Cell (not sure which part), where you actually see what happens inside the lcok. 

I absolutely hated the lockpicking in Oblivion TBH. :D Almost became desperate sometimes when another lock pick broke because I couldn't hit the extremely narrow time window to pick. IMO, the Skyrim and Fallout system is much superior.

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I studied alot of lockpicking systems and decided that even with all my skill it would be better to take a simple one from the Marketplace and enhance it.

I took a bethesda inspired one and added bolt levels to it and removed the pin breaking.

I have some basic issues with it but the overall result is: It has to be simple. This feature is a core feature so you dont want to make it a large complicated effort.

I just hate the system in thief 1 and 2. They are just clunky and horrible. Thief 3 was super fast and had levels... That was properly done.

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Yeah, breakable lockpciks would be really annoying in a game like this. The TDS system was also quite nice. Personally, I prefer a system, where you can do something yourself, so it not only depends on choosing the right lockpick and holding down a button (i.e. the TDP and TMA style). The current bethesda ones are fine, but still not my favourite. Then again: it is you game, so you choose what you think is best 😉

34 minutes ago, chakkman said:

I absolutely hated the lockpicking in Oblivion TBH. :D Almost became desperate sometimes when another lock pick broke because I couldn't hit the extremely narrow time window to pick. IMO, the Skyrim and Fallout system is much superior.

I understand the frustration people had with the system, but I liked that it quite realistically showed what happens, when picking a lock. And if you got some expereince with it, you could pick locks that were far above your current level (still used quicksave spamming a lot). I imagine that this system without breakable lockpicks and no time limit could be fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello friends and critics!

I want to post my last update for 2020.
I changed quite alot since the video came out and i am still reading into all your messages.
I updated yoanas flat a bit more and heavily changed the code and fixed bugs.

This is the tweet: https://twitter.com/yrdenwatch/status/1341724458164363272?s=20

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Can we have more scary Zombie Horror maps?

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