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The Adventures of Thomas: Lucy's Quest


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I need a little push here. I have Aeden's walking stick and made it out of the Builders Hall safely but where exactly do I take it?  I've read his note and have Aeden's map and assume the green line/arrow is my goal. BTW, none of the maps have a compass which would me help a lot.

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1 hour ago, bobber1 said:

I have Aeden's walking stick and made it out of the Builders Hall safely but where exactly do I take it? 

You must've gone through Aeden's hut to get the key to the Hall.  There's a drop box right next to the hut.  Can't miss it.  That's not Aeden's stick, it's Airmid's that you picked up in the hall.

Edited by geegee
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19 hours ago, geegee said:
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That's Alchemist Gray's key that you used to get out through the vents.  


Ah, I found another way


You know the blocked grate with the beam leaning against it ? if you angle just right you can move the beam & access the rest of the vents, oh well I need to find this alchemist I guess


Nevermind, I'm being dopey, I found something I'd missed 🤦‍♀️

In my defence this thing is huge

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The link is broken, and it's not available in the In Game Downloader. I've downloaded all missions, and

the downloader is completely empty and your mission is not among them. 

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14 minutes ago, NeonsStyle said:

The link is broken, and it's not available in the In Game Downloader. I've downloaded all missions, and

the downloader is completely empty and your mission is not among them. 

It's been taken down due to some issues with T-posing AIs and performance. A potential fix is ready, but geegee's away from home for a couple days right now.

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  • geegee changed the title to The Adventures of Thomas: Lucy's Quest (2022-06-20)
On 6/17/2022 at 6:10 AM, NeonsStyle said:

The link is broken

The FM had some problems so I asked that it be deleted from the database.  The problems don't occur on my machine so I needed considerable outside help to address them.  The fix is done.  There's a new link in the OP that should work.

My apologies to everyone.

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I have been enjoying this mission very much but one thing has caused me to temporarily stop playing. As been noted earlier by another player after going back to the Builders Hall everyone has been respawned.  I had earlier KO'd or gassed everyone but now it seems I have to do it all again? I understand the idea of shift changes but this really bugged me. Anyhow, I've enjoyed playing as far as I have and found it challenging but doing this part all over is tedious. My 2 cents.

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I really wanted to like this. Such a nice big map, well made and designed. The story was great. However the gameplay

was horrible. An endless key hunt! What's the point of having lock picks if they are never used? Then there's the 

constant breaking of the 4th wall with tips, and names of keys. Might's well had a floating nav marker. Really annoying.
Just because you can do something, sometimes you have to ask should you. The endless key hunt for every damn door
bar about 3 was a total pain in the butt. In the end I just gave up on it. Another door, another key! Sorry, but I have to give
the execution very good job, but the gameplay is a fail! :(

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31 minutes ago, geegee said:

Sorry for offending y'all with my POS attempt at an FM.

geegee has left the building.

Something to realise is that when you put out any kind of artistic work, you'll inevitably receive both positive and negative feedback. Every mapper that's been at it for a while will have received copious amounts of both, and some of the criticism will have felt totally unjustified to them. At the end it's just an opinion, and if they had let the criticism discourage them we wouldn't have any mappers left. It's the satisfaction of expressing yourself artistically (as well as seeing people enjoy your work, as is the case here) that makes it all worth it.

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1 hour ago, geegee said:

Sorry for offending y'all with my POS attempt at an FM.

geegee has left the building.

Don't let critical opinions discourage you. NeonStyle ( in particular ) is rather harsh about missions made by other FM authors and probably shouldn't be used as a measure of how a typical player will experience the mission. This was a very ambitiously designed mission so it is more likely to elicit strong opinions than a small heist mission made with prefabs.

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Helping with the beta for this mod, I can personally tell everyone that geegee worked damn pretty hard to get it in its final form.  Our back and forths prove it. The original beta was a shell of the release version, and there should be no discouragement for a first mapper with vision and who tries hard. Does it have a lot of keys, sure, but that's the style that some creators take, while others leave generous amounts of loot around, others have tons of readable notes with puzzles in them, some do ghouls, some do pagans, some hammers, some mages, some mechanists, some keepers, etc. There's something for everybody. If you don't like the hunting for many keys type of mission, just play it anyway because new TDM missions only come around every few months. It's nice to just work with the free product we get and encourage the creator's work positively so you will get more free products in the future. Who's with me?

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4 hours ago, geegee said:

Sorry for offending y'all with my POS attempt at an FM.

geegee has left the building.

Oh my. Please understand that my comments were not meant to make you feel at all bad.  I really am in awe at folks like you who can create these marvelous missions for people like me.  I'm very appreciative. I will finish this mission for sure and look forward to your future work.

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I do apologise for my harsh criticism. I was in a foul mood last night due to some bad news. Although the endless key hunt was annoying. 

@nbohr1moreI am never harsh with other FM makers. I've always been supportive and positive. I don't know where you

got that from. I certainly don't want that out there. In my entire 13 odd years on this forum, I've always been supportive
of everyone involved. This is the first time I've been harsh and I have to say nbohr1more I'm really surprised you to say
this. It's flatly wrong. Go back through my posts and show me where I've been harsh to other FM makers! 

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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The link in the first post no longer works, and I don't see v1.1 in the Downloadable Missions list ingame. The Mission Details page of the TDM site appears to have v1 only.  Is the new version of the mission now completely unavailable?

OK, I've just done a download from the Mission Details page.  It does have links to v1.1, it's just that it describes it as being version 1. 

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3 hours ago, Marbrien said:

The link in the first post no longer works, and I don't see v1.1 in the Downloadable Missions list ingame. The Mission Details page of the TDM site appears to have v1 only.  Is the new version of the mission now completely unavailable?

OK, I've just done a download from the Mission Details page.  It does have links to v1.1, it's just that it describes it as being version 1. 

Can confirm the mission downloader offers the correct version with the fix, just seems that there's a discrepancy between the version numbers stored in the mission downloader and in the FM files.

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16 hours ago, NeonsStyle said:

I do apologise for my harsh criticism. I was in a foul mood last night due to some bad news. Although the endless key hunt was annoying. 

@nbohr1moreI am never harsh with other FM makers. I've always been supportive and positive. I don't know where you

got that from. I certainly don't want that out there. In my entire 13 odd years on this forum, I've always been supportive
of everyone involved. This is the first time I've been harsh and I have to say nbohr1more I'm really surprised you to say
this. It's flatly wrong. Go back through my posts and show me where I've been harsh to other FM makers! 

I am not out to single you out for bad behavior.

Harsh criticism isn't necessarily "wrong" in general and anyone who makes a mission should expect that there would be some responses that are not positive. If you wanna see REALLY harsh reviews, look at what Sotha has posted in a few FM threads.

That said, I will go on record to say things like:

were a bit harsh and if you are a new FM author, you should consider whether reactions like this are really reflective of most players or whether this is someone who has a little less patience for perceived FM short-comings.

I should point out that it took awhile to find a post like this so it seems that most of your recent posts are positive even for new mission authors.

Again, there is nothing wrong with being harsh or brutally honest other than when the criticism isn't constructive.

In this case, there was a little bit of a pile-on from a few unsatisfied customers so your additional criticism simply pushed things a little too far.

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@nbohr1more lol Fair cop! For me, this usually happens when I'm tired or in a bad mood for some reason or other. Being disabled does that. Though out of my hundreds of posts, there was only the two where I was harsh! So I think you were a bit off claiming me as always harsh. lol Forgotten. :)


I always try to be very supportive of new mappers, cause I know how hard is, and how long it takes to make a map. As I said, @geegeeI apologise for my harsh words. It just seemed to me, to be a thief who can pick locks, and not be able to a bit silly. However the level was very well done. 

Edited by NeonsStyle

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Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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1 hour ago, NeonsStyle said:

It just seemed to me, to be a thief who can pick locks, and not be able to a bit silly.

It just seems to me, that your repeating this for the third time is overdoing it.

As was your criticism.

I used the info notices "needs x key" as a means of orienting the player in a large "level".  I did this amongst other things to aid orientation in response to the FM beta testers suggestions - although to be sure the ugly implementation owes entirely to me.

Regarding the keys, all keys needed to complete the obligatory objectives are handed to the player on a platter and are even indicated in the objective descriptions.  The other keys are associated with optional objectives.  The player can complete the optional objectives in any order - and at the end the whole map is opened up including short cuts to ... orient the player and deal with the real tedium that would exist without them.  Even so, I wish I could've done a better job of it.  The lockpicks are used on one door, but otherwise they're reserved for trunks and loot.  Perhaps a purist or idealist who believes that all "thieves" can open all doors with lockpicks is right about that, but that's irrelevant to my FM since Thomas isn't a thief.  

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